Tokyo Literature and Art Times

: Ten days on the shelf summary

   Ten days summary

   First of all, I have to thank everyone for your support! sincere gratitude!

  Secondly, I will report to you the current results.

  I ordered 2000 immediately, and it was almost the best result since Black Car wrote the book, so I was really excited.

   But I’m also ashamed. I promised everyone before that the four shifts were guaranteed, and I didn’t finish it well.

  The black car is sorry for everyone.

   It’s not that I don’t want to update everyone, I really gave it my all. In the past ten days, I went downstairs for a black car, and the rest was coding.

   I was the slowest writer in this novel, and it took me about a few hours to write a chapter.

   The first two days, I was really sleepy. Basically, after writing a chapter, my two eyelids were fighting.

   has never been before, so I just slept late.

   It’s been adjusted today, and the amount of updates has also gone up.

  Black car really wants to seize this opportunity, more results will lead to better results, good results will have good recommendations, and there will be more opportunities for exposure.

   Of course, some places may not be written as expected, please point them out, there must be some fallacies and places that are not smooth, please help.

  Thank you very much.

   Also, say something important.

   Next, we will push it down, that is, the book will enter a low-exposure stage, and this stage will definitely be difficult.

   Please support the black car again, just subscribe.

   Sincerely, please subscribe, please help the black car to improve the performance of this book, please.

  If you have votes, you can vote for the black car, thank you.

   This time, the black car will learn a lesson and will not make the previous mistakes, please rest assured.

   That's all, go to bed.

   Finally, please subscribe, subscription is really very important, please.

   (end of this chapter)

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