Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 305: This time I'm going to shoot two!

   Chapter 305 There will be two films this time!

   "Anyway, probably, let's make a movie."

  Iwata Takeshi has been really busy recently. The establishment of the Yamamoto Group is definitely not as simple as talking.

   Moreover, the filming of the film "Extreme Evil" has been completed, although the original goal has been achieved, which is to affect many Yakuza team leaders and cadres.

   But it doesn't make sense if it is not released.

   In addition, he also has business in the United States.

  You must know that the big riot in Los Angeles is already the key to the impending movement.

   I didn't think so. After Xiao Ren came over, she actually gave him a problem for this uncle.

   Nakayama Shinobi's future development direction?

you still need to ask?

   Of course, I waited two years to shoot "Heroes of the Spirit", and then...

  Wait a minute, it seems that there are indeed some problems with the development of Xiaonin.

The idea of ​​  Iwata Takeshi is naturally based on the star path of Nakayama Shinobi in the original time and space.

   Actually, as far as we Chinese movie fans are concerned, it is indeed the "Heroes of Jingwu" who know more about her.

  It must be said that Xiao Ren really left a deep impression on everyone in that movie.

   But really, when it comes to acting...that is, it is limited to the level of winking.

   However, a martial arts action movie.

   It's enough to play beautifully, as for the other...

   Pretty enough, right?

   In fact, some situations are mainly different between China and Japan.

   Our Chinese entertainment industry is quite different from the Japanese entertainment industry.

   To put it bluntly, the later internal entertainment capital gave too much.

  From an economic point of view, Japan is currently in a bubble economy, and there is indeed a problem. However, even if there was no problem before, it did not give so much.

   In short, Japanese capitalists are more ruthless.

   In other words, they know how to sustainably dry up the pond and fish.

   Let's just say that the Kyoto Machiko mentioned by Shinobi this time, this is a legendary actress, and she is indeed very powerful.

   However, the female star who was born in 1924 is still fighting hard in the entertainment industry.

  According to our Chinese entertainment circle, at this age, and there are so many classic works, it is also an old artist.

   In terms of treatment, even if it is not rich, at least a national first-class actor, there are also a lot of allowances, and he must have a good life.

   In Japan, Kyomachiko can also make cameo appearances everywhere.

  Iwata Takeshi remembers that this one really lived a long life and passed away in 2019.

   In fact, it's not just Kyo Machiko, it is said that the current legendary actress Beishang Chieko, as long as she can act, she will act.

   Moreover, it is really difficult for a female star to stay popular for a long time.

  Thinking of Shura Xueji, Kaji Meiko was really a big hit in the 1970s, but what about now?

   can only play some tricks, playing roles like mother or mother-sang.

   Even when he was traveling through, Meiko Kaji was still acting.

   Thinking about Japan in the future, anyone who comes to travel will be surprised. Why are there so many white-haired people who are still working here?

   Seriously, if you can roll it, who wants to roll it?

   Can you 996, who wants 996?

   Japanese capitalists can be considered to have played with the sustainable development of dry water.

   So, Shinobu's future really has to be thought about.

  Iwata Takeshi's method is also simple, what else can he do?

   Make a movie.

   It’s just that this movie was shot differently.

  Toho this time is planning to make the movie they are good at, which is the monster movie.

  Godzilla is the IP of Dongbao.

  Recall what I know, this "Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla" later had that Skull Island pretty boy teaming up with Godzilla to work with this Mechanic Godzilla together.

  To tell the truth, that movie was well done, no matter what the plot was, at least in terms of special effects, as well as fighting monsters, they were all very good.

   And for now…

  Dongbao definitely gave this movie the most abundant resources, not only Xiao Ren, but also the 2nd Cinderella Xiao Gao Huimei.

   As for the supervision, Takeshi Iwata remembered that this was not taken by Teacher Shishoji either. Maybe he was not satisfied with Toho enough.

   In short, although the investment is very large, the effect of the film, at least in terms of special effects, is still not very good.

   It can be said that there is no good way.

  In today's world, Hollywood's special effects level is really ahead of other movies on this planet, just say last year's "Terminator 2".

  This film is not out of date even if you watch it 20 years later.

   This is also about special effects.

  Oscar gave this film almost all the technical awards it could give, and there really is nothing wrong with it.

   Therefore, Dongbao's big monster movie is very ambitious, but if you really want to say it is a success, it is not very successful.

  Iwata Takeshi can't remember it very clearly. Probably the box office must have entered the top ten of the year, and he is still a long way from the championship. As for the investment, it must be not small.

   is a loss of money to make a shout.

   Otherwise, Dongbao will not sell Godzilla's IP to Hollywood.

  So, after thinking about this, what exactly should Takeshi Iwata shoot?

   Akina and Shinobu, the two sisters, were talking about themselves.

Since   Iwata Takeshi took over this job, he had to write the script by himself.

   It's just that the paper and pen are lying quietly on the table, and none of them are active at all.

  The night is quiet and suitable for creation.

   But what exactly should be written?

   "Fast and Furious" sequel?

   should be made, but Takeshi Iwata feels that this film lacks new ideas, and it is not challenging for him.

   Moreover, Takeshi Iwata came up with an interesting way.

  Since Dongbao is going to shoot a 'blockbuster' this time, it needs a very big investment.

   Well, wouldn't it be great if you could win with a low-budget movie?

   On the one hand, it can help Xiao Ren and highlight her ability to carry the box office.

   On the other hand, you can make a lot of money yourself.

   If there is more, the Yamamoto Group has now been established, and the foundation for many industries has been laid before, but are there only those original businesses?

  Iwata Takeshi wanted to be as wide as that.

   Actually, he had a general direction in his mind.

   That is the cinema.

  The company ATG also had its own theater chain back then. Japan is not the United States, and production companies are not allowed to own theater chains.

   In fact, after the introduction of the law in the United States, Hollywood was also full of complaints.

  Although there are certain drawbacks, from the perspective of developing the film industry, it is advantageous for the production company to have a cinema chain.

   But in Japan, this cinema is not easy.

  Toho's cinema chain is the best, but it wasn't originally.

  Shochiku used to be the boss, especially in terms of the size of the theater, Shochiku really did a great job.

   itself, Shochiku is a veteran theater operator, such as the very well-known Kabukiza, the location of this theater is also very good, just in Ginza, Tokyo.

   can be said to be the core area of ​​the core area.

   When you go there, you will see that there are high-rise buildings all around, just such a very classical Japanese-style building, a small building.

   And speaking of the location advantage, then Toho relies on this surpassing Shochiku.

  Toho is backed by Hankyu Hanshin. This company is mainly engaged in public transportation. Therefore, the cinema chain is all built on its own resources.

   So, the theaters in Shochiku were very good, like Ginza, they have large theaters all over Japan.

   But later, as long as the routes of public transportation are planned to make the original advantage of Shochiku become a disadvantage, then Dongbao will rise up.

   That's what they do, and, with the development of the city, many new bustling neighborhoods and commercial streets that young people like to rise.

   This allowed Dongbao's cinema chain to surpass Shochiku.

   Now, Takeshi Iwata wants to do it, what should I do?

   It seems that it is really difficult. Yamamoto-gumi didn’t use this kind of public transportation originally.

   Oh, I seem to be thinking too much, so let’s come back to find ideas for movies.

   At this moment, Takeshi Iwata's phone rang.


   "Iwata, I'm so scared."

   "Ah? Jennifer, what's wrong?"

   "It's messed up! It's messed up everywhere! I'm so scared!"

   "This, that..."

   "How can you be so calm?"

   "Huh? I heard about Los Angeles, but it's so far away, I really..."

   "You bastard! Woohoo... I feel like I'm in fear every day, every day."

   "It shouldn't be so serious."

   "Iwata! I hate you."

   "Well, it should be much better to vent."


   is really surprising, it was Jennifer who called, this American sweet girl complained.

   What happened?

   Takeshi Iwata understood right away, that should have happened.

   The Los Angeles Riots.

   The root of this incident actually happened in March. It was a man named Rodney King, yes, black.

   He was stopped by the police for drunk driving, and he had a conflict with the police.

   In fact, this is the case, but some media have no lower limit.

   The current governor of California is not a Republican, so the Democratic media has done some "beautification".

   They deleted the image of Rodney King hitting the police, so what the public sees is just this black man being beaten by the police.

   And when we got to the judge, of course the judge acquitted the police.

   But this one was innocent, and there was an uproar immediately, triggering a riot.


  Wait a minute, Takeshi Iwata seems to have thought of something.

   He doesn't care about the bad American media, that is, the insolence of the Fixnews media.

   His attention was 'every day'.

   "Jennifer, I have an idea for a new film, you can come over and shoot."


   Jennifer on the other side of the ocean feels crazy.

   I'm telling you I'm scared, but you're talking about making a movie... oh, it seems like making a movie is not bad.

   But soon, Takeshi Iwata hung up the phone. Is this guy too expensive?

  What Jennifer didn't know was that Takeshi Iwata got out of his hut soon after.

   "I know what movie to make."

   Akina and Xiao Ren looked at each other with bewildered expressions, the excited supervisor.

   "Wouldn't it be fun if a person was trapped on the same day and it was terrifying?"

What is he saying?

   Takeshi Iwata intends to make a co-production between the US and Japan this time, oh no, he is shooting two movies in the US and Japan


  PS: My tooth hurts a bit, the code is slow, I'm sorry.

   (end of this chapter)

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