Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 339: Revenge Snow Hate!

  Chapter 339 Revenge!

   To be honest, as far as the profession of director is concerned, there are indeed many wonderful people.

   can't be said to be a black sheep, but many directors have behaviors that are not so different from ordinary people.

   As Montesquieu once said.

   A director who behaves too normal can't make anything funny.

   Moreover, many directors are tyrants on the set, such as Akira Kurosawa. He always swears on the set, and he relishes the words he scolds.

   So, Takeshi Iwata always kills himself in his movies, which is probably quite normal.

   He is a normal director among abnormal directors, so be it.

  If in Japan, or even in Asia, many fans already know this trait of him.

  But right now in North America, in the United States, there are not many directors like him who like to kill themselves.

  Everyone sees it very fresh.

   This guy Ferranzes saw the death of Qiu Mingshan Bike God, and he felt the courage of the director Iwata Takeshi.

   And other fans, some also know that this car **** is the director, some do not know.


   "Good to die! This kind of guy who only plays cool, deserves it!"

   "Hey! He's the director! The director just died like this?"

   "Is he really the director? That's interesting."

   American movie theaters, don’t listen to any well-known articles about this quality.

   Basically talking loudly, eating loudly, laughing all kinds of things...and it's better than an Indian cinema.

  Some people may not know why Indian movies always arrange a song and dance, and there is even an explanation. This is the characteristic of a nation that is good at singing and dancing.

   In fact, the answer is very simple, as long as you go to see a movie in India, you will understand immediately.

  Because the movie sings and dances, the audience offstage also sings and dances along.

  Asan still has a set, watching a movie and exercising by the way.

   Time management guru belongs to yes.

   Of course, Ferranzas does not know the situation in India, but he is familiar with the situation in the United States.

   Looking at it this way, "Fast and Furious 2" is still very popular with movie fans.

   So, are there any fun shots next?

  The Japanese boss killed Qiu Mingshan Chashen, and this guy naturally hired Boss Tang, Brian, and Gao Fei.

  The role of the boss is Sanada Hiroyuki, and his whole temperament gives people a very pompous feeling.

   Yes, he looks like a successful person, this role is really suitable for him, and, with the temperament he speaks, it gives people a very, very hung up feeling and doesn't care about money at all.

   A downright tyrant.

   Even, when the protagonist team needs something, like a large garage…

   "I'll go buy it."

   Sure enough, the guy who can evade tax is such a local tyrant.

   In fact, no one, including Ferranzes, knew that this line originally belonged to Ken Watanabe.

  These details are not important now, the key is how to physically transport things like dollars to their destination.

   Boss Tang, Brian, Gao Fei, and the people around them, sister, Amei, and Qiu Mingshanche Shen's girlfriend, they have to plan something, right?

   Of course, this girlfriend has hatred and is actually away from the organization at the moment.

   And while they were planning, an accident happened.

   "Brian! You're the FBI, that's right!"


   Good guy, before we can start shipping this dollar, this Brian's identity has been revealed? !

   Ferranzes saw a tingling in his scalp, and this change added a lot of tension to the plot.

   But, who discovered Brian's identity?

   That's right, Brian was indeed sent by the FBI in the United States. At first, he completely concealed his identity.

  It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to find out, but the person who exposes his identity is really unusual.

   "I'm Interpol, you can trust me!"


   That's right, Gao Fei's 'girlfriend' is Interpol.

   And Amei's boss is the Japanese international old criminal policeman played by Chiba Shinichi.

   Good guy, the master has caught the apprentice.

   So, this is a false alarm?

   "I hope you Americans don't interfere with the work of our Interpol!"

   "It's impossible. If I can't complete the task, then, do you know what will happen to me in the future?"

   "That's your business."

   "Are you talking too much like that?"

   "But can't you think about the bigger picture? Just for your own sake?"

   "What big picture?"

   "That's how you Americans are. You don't think much about the international community at all. That Boss guy is not only committing crimes in the United States, he also commits many crimes internationally!"

"what do you mean…"

   "I mean you should understand, even if you are an American."

  Amei's words seem very meaningful!

   Even Brian, this American is hard to argue with.

   Yes, from an international perspective, the US has always done some very selfish things.

   Even, their selfish behavior, that is, always put the United States first, regardless of international law, always consider the United States' own laws first, and these behaviors often do not bring any benefits to the United States, but will harm themselves.

   But, they always do!

   The boss played by Sanada Hiroyuki has never given his real name. He is a boss, and this is even a code name.

   Judging from a lot of information from Interpol, this guy is not trying to harm a country like the United States at all, but more of making waves in the international arena.

   But now, the US has dispatched the FBI, and has also dispatched Brian, a guy who was fired from the police before.

   So, is the purpose of the US FBI so simple?

   Now, Brian himself feels that there are definitely a lot of problems here.

   As a result, Ferranzes suddenly discovered the plot of this movie, which is really amazing!

   Yes, this is the reality of America, America is like that.

   In fact, the real sane people will hate the United States, this country is simply too annoying.

   And, if you think about it, is this boss so simple?

   Just because of tax evasion, so the FBI came to ask him for trouble.

   Obviously, there must be something deeper!

I don't know what    is, but right now, it will definitely arouse everyone's interest.

   And in the movie…

   "Fake FBI!"

   "Those **** should go to hell!"

   "Brian, you are so handsome, don't be a lackey for the FBI!"

   Well, it seems that the American people are also very dissatisfied with the existence of the FBI.

   Maybe because of the previous LA riots, anyway… who knows.

   Anyway, the current plot of this movie is really interesting.

   Hurry up, hurry up and develop!

   In the end, Amei did not fully convince Brian, and Amei did not fully reveal his identity.

   Naturally, Goofy must have known

   Then, what about Boss Tang?

  Before the real action, Mr. Tang said a very meaningful thing.

   "You kid won't come undercover again, right?"

   This frightened Brian enough, but he still touched his nose and passed.

   The action of transporting the green and beautiful knives of the boss started immediately.

  When that wall was opened to reveal the inside…


   "Gift Crab!"

   "Fake! Really **** hide it!"

   American fans must say that they have seen many classic scenes.

   For now, Hollywood is indeed the strongest movie production base on the planet.

   So, these fans are definitely experienced, they have seen too many thrilling scenes.


   This one, full of money, still brought them a huge visual impact.

   This shot... um, Takeshi Iwata is of course borrowed from the TV series "In the Name of the People".

   I didn't dare to spend a Zhao Dehan.

  Really, this shot was very successful.

   Moreover, some viewers may not know that this is actually a real scene, which is not what the screenwriter and director imagined.

   But before, no one really took pictures like this.

   That was more than 20 years later, and now, Takeshi Iwata shot it directly.

   is absolutely shocking.

  Many people probably don’t know much about the purchasing power of the dollar in this era. That is to say, there was a movie that sold his wife for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

   In that movie, Hong Kong also made a high-quality imitation, but...the high-quality imitation is not a high-quality imitation, and Shuzhen is enough to show off.

   These days, 10,000 dollars is a lot, and many Americans may never have seen so much money in their lives.

   Purchasing power is really amazing, although, the Bretton Woods system has collapsed, not as good as before.

   used to be a hard exchange of $35 for an ounce of gold.

   Although it’s not good now, it’s really amazing.

   Ever since, the green picture of this wall full of dollars appeared.

  The whole climax in the cinema.

   Next, of course, is a wonderful drag racing show.

   This drag racing is divided into several parts.

  In the beginning, of course, three cars acted together, and soon they were surrounded and suppressed by the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI.

   And soon, they came to a warehouse.

   The warehouse bought by that guy from the previous boss.



  A lot of cars are scattered from this warehouse!

   is like a method like a goddess scatters flowers, and this scene is really big enough.

   Never seen it before!

   Yes, even American audiences have never seen such a big scene before.

   So many cars, all of them are modified cars, and even luxury cars.

   is so visually striking.

   Next, the three cars split up.

   What is the final result?

   "Aah! Help me!"

   Good guy, Boss Tang's sister was **** by the boss!

  Brian and Boss Tang have no way out.

   After the continuous and extremely exciting drag racing drama, Boss Tang, Brian, and Gao Fei were all injured.

   However, they managed to control that boss.

   But he didn't want to, the boss actually had an ace in his hand.

  Jennifer, the sweet American girl, shouted hoarse on the big screen.

   vividly interprets what is called a top vase.

   But what to do?

   At this critical moment, Interpol, Japan Metropolitan Police Agency, FBI.

   All are here!

   Good guy, it turned out to be a gathering of heroes!

   "What should you do? Don't you understand?" The boss smiled.

   Next, Boss Tang, Brian, and Gao Fei had no choice but to engage with Interpol, the Metropolitan Police, and the FBI again!

   Drag racing and gunfights!

   The shots are so fierce!

   The blood of the person who sees it is full.


   Is this boss about to escape?

   In short, he ran away with his sister and those green bills, driving a yacht.

   laughed very exaggerated, very villain.

   Boss Tang, Brian, and Gao Fei fought **** battles, but in the end they could only divert those chasing soldiers.

  Boss is going to win?

  The villain wins?

   Just when this boss was arrogant to the extreme, a car flew out from the land not far away and smashed directly onto the yacht.

  Boss was crushed under the car, and he didn't believe who was in the car he saw until he died.

  The girlfriend of the famous autumn mountain bike god.


  PS: The ending is "Vegetable Chicken 2", which has been slightly changed.

   (end of this chapter)

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