Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 360: Honest people also kill

   Chapter 360 Honest people also kill

"The money…"

"What's wrong?"

   "Something strange."

   " mean the way they pack money?"

   "That's right, it seems to be using plastic bags, it's not quite..."

   "That's how they are, they don't care what money looks like, anyway, it seems like some psychology..."

  Old Bai was really amazing when he saw the news on his brother-in-law.

  In the news, as the boss of the anti-drug team, his brother-in-law is very majestic. While telling his victory, he also showed the stolen goods.

   is the most attractive to the old white, indeed those green dollars.

  Dollars, money, this thing is a good thing, probably not many people in the world don't like it.

   However, those drug dealers seem to be very...indifferent to these dollars.

   Aren't they also for these green bills?

   But why put the money in plastic bags like garbage.

   The brother-in-law of the anti-drug team explained with a smile, "They just like to do it like this. Maybe it's because they have too much money, they don't care."


   Lao Bai was noncommittal.


   "Lung cancer?"


   "Is there any chance?"

   "We will try to make your quality of life a little better for the next few years."

"that's it?"

   "Otherwise? Surgery will cost a lot of money."

   It was already a miserable life, but Lao Bai's bad luck was not over yet.

   Lung cancer.

   has basically declared his death sentence. Although there is still a medical possibility, it is very low.

   Moreover, there must be a lot in terms of cost.

   Someone here will definitely say that the United States has medical insurance.

   Yes, but even if there is insurance, some insurance companies do not care.

   For example, what if you hire a nurse if you are hospitalized?

  Old Bai still has to maintain his family's life. His wife Skyler knows how to buy, buy and buy all day long.

How to do?

How to do?

   What should I do?

   Suddenly one day, Lao Bai found out that one of his students was actually a drug dealer, and he even did it himself.

   Almost instantly, Lao Bai woke up.


   The black man who plays the brother-in-law is Samuel L. Jackson.

   He was really surprised by this "Breaking Bad".

   Takeshi Iwata is such a great director, he is already very well-known, why do you want to make TV dramas?

  Seriously, TV shows are indeed worse than movies.

   But when he came to the crew, especially after reading the script...

   Goose is beautiful!

   This is really great, even he wants to play Lao Bai.

  Even though, he's a black man.

   But fortunately, he played the role of the boss of this anti-drug team... Well, he is really too bossy and carefree on weekdays, making people feel that this guy doesn't look like a policeman, and it's okay to be a gang boss.

   This character is also very good.

   And, as far as the plot is concerned, how interesting it is.

The    brother-in-law is the relationship between the older sister and the younger sister's husband.

  The United States calls this a 'legal brother'.

  cough, probably the literal translation is like this.

   In other words, the two of them are brothers with Lao Bai, one catches a drug dealer and the other is a drug dealer.

   Haha... so interesting!

   Moreover, this process...More interesting!


  A lot of glassware, all kinds of interesting chemical raw materials, Mr. White carefully 'cook' there.

   Hey, the production of this kind of thing is called a cook in the industry.

   And the person who makes this thing is the chef.

   In simple terms, it is to treat 'ice' as food.

   has come to this point, it can be said to be hopeless.


   "cool! This is awesome!"

   When Lao Bai brought the 'dishes' he made, Xiaofan was shocked.

   He has never seen such purity!

there has never been.

  Because it can be seen at a glance, it is a nearly transparent crystal.

   "You're an artist, teacher, really!"

   Looking at the frenzy in this little guy's eyes, Old Bai still remembers the way this guy was running around.

   Now, he considers himself a veteran in the industry.

   "These are just simple basic chemistry."

  It must be said that Lao Bai is also very capable of pretending.

   The 'cook' of two people this time is in a RV, this RV…

   That's right, the beginning of the paragraph is finally here.


  Joaquin Phoenix, originally this kid was a little unreliable.

   He has always lived under the shadow of his brother. Although he has never admitted it, in fact, he is more anxious than anyone else.

  These kids from the Phoenix family seem to be versatile.

   After they came into contact with TV and movies, they showed amazing talents.

   Big brother is really amazing.

   What about yourself?

   Takeshi Iwata is a good Japanese director... he can handle it.

   The TV series "Breaking Bad" even asked him to play the 'little fan'.

  Pinkman, pink means pink.

  So, referred to as Xiaofen, is not bad.

   And this character is very interesting... always like to pretend to be a little adult.

   also likes to brag very much.

   It's like in the whole of California, his little fan is the most awesome.

   Oh yes, the TV series is set in New Mexico.

  It doesn't matter, I'm the coolest.

   But actually…

  Xiaofan is a super coward.

  Fortunately, when playing such a role, Joaquin's sense of decadence comes out.

   He is very young now, but he also gives the impression of a failure.

   It was as if he didn't say anything, but it was written on his face that he was not as good as his brother.

  As such, I held my breath for this character.


  Xiaofan found 'Xiaoba', this Xiaoba is a great guy, but...

   "Fake! You bastard! You sneaked away!"

   "I didn't... whoever said that, I just..."

   "Okay, then you can confront him."

   was chased by the police because of Xiaoba's goods, Xiaofan fled, a complete bastard.

   And now, the guy who was 'sold' by himself appeared.

   "There is something to say, something to say."

  Xiaofan is here to sell goods this time. Mr. White, an artist, is very good.

  These transparent crystals, Xiaoba will definitely like them madly.

as predicted.

  Although Xiaoba was angry, and his teammates who had been sold before also punched him twice, Xiaofan still brought them to Mr. White.

   At this moment…

   Mr. White was wearing an apron and only one pants, standing in the desert.


   Hua Jin swore, he almost burst out laughing.

  Fortunately, the camera was not facing him at the time.

   Who thought of this?

   Needless to say, it must be the Japanese director Iwata Takeshi.


  Xiaofen, or White or whoever, no one in this crew would have imagined that when Iwata was dressed like this when he was in Japan...

  The famous supervisor must emphasize that this dress really comes from the original "Breaking Bad"!


The scene at the beginning of    appeared.

  Old Bai is a very bad guy, but also very smart.

   Xiaoba wanted to know how to make this kind of product, that is, to get the formula, and Lao Bai directly took it.

  The poisonous gas emitted after the explosion of the chemical agent made Xiaoba lie directly with the attendant.

   But then, a siren was heard.

  Old Bai was in despair, he left those videos, in fact, he planned to turn himself in.

   He even wanted to shoot the sky.

   He even planned to shoot himself.

   As a result, it got stuck.

not dead!

   So, the police are here, he's finished?

   turned out to be a firetruck!

Before   , Xiaoba's attendant threw a cigarette butt, causing a wildfire in the desert.

   So it is!


   That little eight is not dead.


   "The next scene is very critical, can you do it?"

   "You came to ask me at this time?"

   "You're a pivotal shift."

   "You don't need to say that."

   "You have to grasp..."

   "I can definitely hold it!"


  Before the shooting of the scene of "Destroy the Dead", Takeshi Iwata chatted with Gary Oldman a lot.

   Because this scene is really difficult.

  The drug dealer Xiao Ba didn't die, but he couldn't let him go easily, so he was locked in the basement.

   This house is a fan. This guy seems to have a good family, but now there is no one.

   But what?

  Xiao Ba is not dead, his sidekick is dead.

   Laobai and Xiaofen used chemicals to melt the valet.

   Not even the dregs left.

   But Xiaoba is still not dead.

   What to do with him?

  Lao Bai has done a chemical 'experiment' so far.

   Even for him, it was very simple, just some 'ice'.

   Moreover, these things have not been sold, and even a lot of them were eaten by Xiaofan himself.

   That is to say, Lao Bai has not really committed a crime so far.

   It all seemed like a farce.

   So, this time we will face Xiaoba.

  Xiaofen was not there, so Lao Bai took some food, but his lungs coughed violently, and he fell and fainted.

   When Lao Bai woke up, he saw Xiao Ba, everything was what it was before he fell.

   "Can we chat?"


   Unexpectedly, Xiao Ba and Lao Bai have a lot in common.

   Although he is young, he knows many things.

   The two talked about a lot of things from the past, old things.

   In the end, Lao Bai made up his mind.

   He planned to let Xiaoba go.

   He went to get the keys, but all of a sudden…

   When he delivered food before, he used a plate, which was made of porcelain and broke.

   And he glanced at the garbage bag inadvertently, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  The plate was put together again, and Lao Bai found that the sharpest piece was missing.

   "Let it go, don't worry, everything seems to have never happened."

   "Thank you so much."

   "A good person like you will not kill."

   Hachi's attitude is very sincere.

  Old Bai also took out the key, and then, Xiaoba got up, his neck was locked on the pillar, and he walked around and asked Old Bai to unlock the lock.

   And when Lao Bai grabbed the U-shaped lock...

   "Why are you doing this?"


   "You want me to open the lock and then kill me with the fragments of that plate?"


   Plan failed!

  Old Bai pulled the U-shaped lock desperately from behind, with anger on his face, killing intent, helplessness and fear.

   He has never done anything illegal before, even this cook.

   But this time, he has no choice, really has no choice.

   The drug dealer, Xiaoba, is not the kind of person who will be grateful if you let him go.

  What he wanted was to kill Lao Bai.

   As for Xiaofen, it is just a gift.

  Now, Lao Bai is going to kill him!

  According to this situation, it should be easy, but Lao Bai still overestimated his strength.

  Xiaoba took out a piece of porcelain to stab at the back.

   seems to be almost every time, but it is very thrilling.

   Lao Bai strangled his neck, but couldn't let Xiao Ba die all at once.


   looks so hideous!

   Lao Bai is like a devil at the moment.

   He stomped on the pillar with one foot and exerted strength all over his body.


The    porcelain piece pierced into Old Bai's thigh, but his face was even more distorted.

   exert force, exert force, do not care about pain!

  In the end, Hachi couldn't move anymore.

  Lao Bai has gone from being confused before, to bewilderment, to anger, to now... His whole person seems to be empty.

   A body without a soul.

   And the next second.

"you are great!"

  Xiaofan came back, and when he saw this scene, he was deeply shocked by his teacher.

  Old Bai for a moment, when his face turned around, it was pale but absolutely fierce!


  PS: In the original version, I feel that the acting is a little simpler, and the expression is almost a little bit. I will add a little something here. Thank you for your support.

   (end of this chapter)

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