Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 362: an unimagined path

  Chapter 362 The Road Not Envisioned

   "Ah? Want to participate in the cinema chain of Shareholders' Treasure?"

   "Probably so."

   "Meaning, are we also bosses?"

   "Ming Cai, we are the boss from the beginning, you have to be conscious of being an old helper."

   "Haha... Then what happened to Toho this time... What about Shinobu?"

"What's up with her?"

   "You also said that the box office of "Godzilla" this time is not higher than that of your movie. Isn't it difficult for her?"

   "Ah, this...isn't it?"

   "Yes, Xiao Ren has done it himself, that girl seems to have grown up, but you must not express it?"

   "Minna, I think you've already expressed a lot, what more should I express?"

   "Ah! Why did you mention me?"

   It can be said that Takeshi Iwata has won in this matter of Toho.

   Yamauchi put forward his conditions, and Takeshi Iwata naturally gave enough responses.

   Money is definitely no problem, the key is the movie, his future movies will be released in Dongbao.

   Moreover, he will also be a consultant, that is, to guide some movies.

   Yamauchi was very happy to hear this.

   Now in the Japanese film circle, as far as live-action movies are concerned, who is the most guaranteed at the box office?

   Takeshi Iwata!

   There is no one else, not really.

   Even Iwata Takeshi's teacher, Akio Shishoji's recent film has turned a little over.

  Fortunately, Shishoji-sensei has been shooting low-budget movies recently.

   is mainly for playing... rope arts, um, I won't go into details.

  What dragon, what kind of armor, good guy.

  Now, animation movies are coming up, everyone can see that Ghibli is too powerful.

   I knew it had been laid out in advance.

   Fortunately, Dongbao is a big company after all, and there is Doraemon.

  But if you look at the box office, last year's 7 Japanese animated films ranked in the top ten, but the overall box office was not very high.

   If I really want to say, a single "Doraemon" movie is not as high as "Godzilla".

   is just an animation movie. Relatively speaking, the investment of one billion yen is already huge.

   At this stage, the cost of animated films is lower than that of live action.

   Japanese painters, in fact, have already entered a state of involution, which is very cheap.

   In this way, both parties are desirable.

   It's just that Shimaya probably has some opinions. After all, he still hopes to build a big IP.

  Iwata Takeshi is of course not afraid. What is his current status and strength?

   Moreover, Takeshi Iwata also has a way to face Shimaya.

  These things, of course, have to be shared with Ming Cai.

   It's just that I didn't expect that the girl from Xiao Ren was also there?

  The relationship between their sisters seems to be very good.

  Iwata Takeshi, of course, didn't know what Akina and Shinobu were doing.


   "Now, there must be a lot of people looking for you to make movies, right?"

   "That...that's right, but a lot of movies are weird."

   "How strange?"

   "Mostly horror movies."

   "Haha...isn't that great?"

   "What's so good! Am I only going to be able to make announcements in the future? Sister Mingcai~"

  Xiao Ren is really worried recently, but coming to Sister Mingcai is a kind of relaxation.

  I don't want to, the uncle's phone just called, wow, Si Guoyi.

   Uncle and Sister Mingcai have gone a step further?

   Even Dongbao can intervene.

  Wait a minute, it seems…

   "Then I will be Sister Mingcai's employee in the future?"

   "Haha... You silly girl, why did you suddenly think of this."

   "It just feels weird."

  Xiao Ren seems to have found something interesting, so of course Akina asked.

   The girl thought about it for a while, and then frowned and said, "It seems that Miho-san is already an employee of the uncle, and then Quanshui-sister did the same. Now, is it my turn?"

   Akina laughed after hearing this, and even Iwata Izumi in her arms couldn't care about it.

  This little guy crawled to Xiaonin's place, and then patted her with his little hand.

   seems to be saying, hey, I am your young master.

   Shinobi wanted to laugh when she saw the little guy's face.

   Such a small baby can even be seen, and it is also a fierce face.

   This is hereditary... However, it can be seen that he will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up, and he is very similar to Sister Mingcai.

   As I was thinking about it, Akina was slowing down.

   "Isn't that bad?"

   "This... just feels weird."

   Akina really didn't think about this issue too much before, but when I think about it now, it's really interesting.

   But, that's okay, isn't it just that my husband's business is getting bigger and bigger.

   This is called a successful career and thriving.

   Ah, when you think about it this way, are you going too far?

   Akina finds herself a little Versailles herself.

   Xiao Ren still said his own thing.

   "It doesn't seem like a good idea to make horror movies all the time, right?"

   "That's true. You were very well-behaved, but as a result, everyone associates you with the word horror, and when they see you, they think of those scary things, haha..."

   "Sister Mingcai, why are you laughing like this?"

   "You, you still think of the big monster Godzilla."

   "Sister Mingcai, why is this!"

   Really don’t say it, the saying of Ming Cai is quite reliable.

  Xiao Ren is actually afraid of being stereotyped right now, and she has also been exposed to some professional performance knowledge.

   If an actor is stereotyped, there will be many problems.

   It’s better to get in touch with more character types, which will have a good impact on yourself and other aspects.

   But there are many counter-examples here in Japan.

   For example, Atsumi Kiyoshi, now everyone has accepted him, he is Torajiro, and Torajiro is him.

   Even, he can completely abandon the original Atsumi Kiyoshi name, and it is not bad to be Tora Jiro directly.

   But Shinobu really doesn't want to be Atsumi Kiyoshi, she doesn't have this ability, and she really doesn't want to.

  Probably, Mr. Tora Jiro, who has done so many episodes, and Mr. Atsumi Kiyoshi would like to be himself again.

  Xiao Ren's thinking like this also shows her kindness.

   "Let's just do it." Ming Cai suggested directly, "I'll make a movie with your uncle in the future. He will definitely make a lot of different movies."

  Seriously, let’s put it this way, Ming Cai is also a little guilty.

   It seems that my husband makes movies, most of which are gangster movies.

   But, Xiao Ren actually thought of something else.

   "It's not good either, people will say that I always rely on the uncle."

   Akina smiled, "Let them talk, remember, they are actually jealous of you when they talk like this."

   Sri country one!

  Xiao Ren only found out that Sister Mingcai is the woman who has insight into human nature.

   But in fact, Shinobu wanted to know about that movie.

   "I saw Ryoko and Takayuki before. Uncle is going to make a different movie this time, right?"

   That's right, this is what Xiao Ren wanted to ask.

   She is very curious, but, however, she is also very clear.

   This time, the uncle didn't mention anything to her at all. Probably this time "Nobody Knows" will not ask her to play.

   Akina actually doesn't know much about this, but she made an important point.



   "In other words, it's like a documentary, but it's not a documentary, in other words, it's a normal movie."


  It's so complicated, I can't figure it out.

   In this era, the genre of pseudo-documentary has not yet caught on.

   It should be said that the film "Blair Witch" made the pseudo-documentary truly enter the field of vision of many people.

   "Nobody Knows" that Takeshi Iwata wants to create this time is a standard pseudo-documentary.

   Based on real events, but not so real.


   Akina quickly came to mind.

   "So, you want to star in this movie?"

   "No no no."

  Xiao Ren really knows this, the uncle didn't look for her, but... who can refuse to appear in Iwata Takeshi's movie?

   "It's okay, I'll go talk to Ah Wu."

   "Muli Muli."

   "Red bean puree?"

   "Red Beans!"

  Xiao Ren is still thin-skinned, but Mingcai wrote it down.


Los Angeles.

   Takeshi Iwata went to a place the day after talking to Akina, where he had to meet the two brothers.

   After all, the line has been put long enough to start the pole now.

  The Weinstein brothers, they specially found the best Japanese food in Los Angeles to entertain Takeshi Iwata.

   This sincerity is not bad.

   It’s just that Takeshi Iwata came to the place and said a sentence in Chinese.

   "Is this dish authentic?"

   "Don't worry, the boss is very authentic."

  Good guy, sure enough, many of the Japanese food stores are Chinese-owned.

   Such and such, the Weinstein brothers made a big blush.

   The two of them also understand some Chinese, and they understand it as soon as they hear it.


   Anyway, people say it, it's quite authentic.

  Then this food...

   "Iwata-san still satisfied?"

   "Satisfied, really satisfied."

   After hearing this, the Weinstein brothers were relieved.

   But, you can't just eat it.

  Iwata Takeshi then said that.

   "In cooking, it depends on the person, not the nationality of the person. This is the case with many things."

What does it mean?

  The Weinstein brothers are smart people, they can definitely hear it, this is a word in words.

  Harvey, the big brother, can tell.

   "Mr. Iwata, I believe, you must understand what we mean, this..."

"Yes, I understand."

   "So...what about your bid?"

   "Sell your 'monopoly' VCD?"


   Brother Weinstein did not expect that Takeshi Iwata was so easy to talk.

   But then, I heard Takeshi Iwata say:



  The Weinstein brothers were so angry they were going to explode.

  Iwata Takeshi laughed.

   "Mr. Iwata, what exactly do you mean?" Harvey was still a bit shrewd, and he felt that Iwata Takeshi was not playing tricks on the two of them.

   Takeshi Iwata had a mouthful of tuna potbelly, which was really good.

   Then he said, "I have a way to start your business, but the condition is that I want 50% of your future profits."

   So cruel!

   "If you don't get a penny, you have to say that..." Bob's younger brother is about to explode.

   Takeshi Iwata smiled and said, "Yeah, I don't get a penny, but your brother should have noticed it."

   Bob looked at Harvey, who nodded.

   "Mr. Iwata means that when you make money, you will be divided."


  It turned out to be so.

   It is losing money now, but if you make money in the future...

   Although there was some pain in the flesh, Bob couldn't say anything.

   After all, they are still losing money, and they both have to get through this difficult time.

   Those bank loans, and Disney's urging, made them unbearable.

   "What's that?" Harvey wondered, and so did Bob.

  Iwata Takeshi said directly: "We can even reach a cooperation now, right?"


   "Okay, I'll help you operate."


   "Then the direction is..."


  The Weinstein brothers are all stunned, does this thing have to tell the direction?

  Iwata Takeshi picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, which meant he had finished eating.

   "The direction is to develop in mainland China, and we will cooperate with distributors and manufacturers there."

Chinese mainland?

   The Weinstein brothers were stunned that it really was a path the two of them hadn't envisioned.


  PS: Thank you for your support! Ask for a subscription, ask for a ticket.

   (end of this chapter)

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