Tokyo Police

Vol 10 Chapter 65: robbery

"Would you like to embezzle the money from the website?"

It seems that this is the only way in front of Ludu.

Sitting in front of the computer, Lu Po kept thinking about this question, but he never made up his mind. Because he knew that once he really used the money of the Black Death website and was discovered by the DPJ, it would be an endless nightmare waiting for him.

What kind of person is a DPJ? Even Green Poison, who had been working for him for many years, couldn't tell what kind of person the other party was. The mysterious DPJ is like a moody tyrant, and you'll never guess what he'll do with you the next second.

He might give you a fancy sports car for your birthday, or he might swear at you when you email a minute late. And more importantly, in order for you to prove yourself at the center of the organization. DPJ will constantly ask you to turn in all kinds of personal information. When Green Poison just became the customer service of the Black Death, DPJ once asked Green Poison to upload a photocopy of his driver's license to DPJ's mailbox. After a while, DPJ wanted to leave the detailed information of Green Poison's mother and wife.

How this information will be used. Green Poison can figure it out even if he doesn't use his brain. This is a method used by DPJ to control him. Once he betrays DPJ, then there will be endless pursuit and killing waiting for him.

"What should we do? Do we really want to miss such a rare opportunity? With the quality of Lanbing, coupled with the current window of supervision, Ludu feels that as long as he devotes himself to it, as long as Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in profit can be made in a very short period of time. This is nothing compared to the current job that requires an average of 80 hours of work a week and is only a few million dollars a year. What’s more important is that as long as there is money, Green Poison will completely get rid of the control of DPJ, and then Green Poison will no longer have to continue living this dreadful life all day long.”

"Maybe it's time to say goodbye to the Black Death. What's going on here is even more sinister than drug trafficking. If you mix with these people, something will happen sooner or later!"

Thinking of this, Green Poison opened the administrator account of the third-party payment system. Seeing a series of numbers displayed on the interface, this is the number of bitcoins currently hosted on the website, with a total of several hundred thousand, Green Poison couldn't help but have an urge to take this wealth as his own.

The numbers here have to be multiplied by 10,000 to roughly equal real-world dollars. Now, as long as 150 to 200 bitcoins are in it, the predicament that Green Poison is currently facing can be reversed.

Is it easy to embezzle bitcoin from escrow platforms? For ordinary users, this is indeed a very difficult thing. But for the Black Death customer service Green Poison, this kind of thing is much easier. All Green Poison needs to do is to forge a few transactions.

Technically not a problem, then the only problem is the DPJ.

Green Poison slowly raised his hand and put it on the keyboard, he pondered for a moment, and then skillfully opened a new login interface on the browser.

With a tap of your fingers on the keyboard. Green Poison opened a new account, and he took a deep breath. He then transferred 200 bitcoins from the tripartite escrow to his new account.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Lu Du felt fear again in his heart, which was different from what he had imagined. In fact, Green Poison never thought of betraying DPJ. But his tormented body can no longer support him in the way he is working now. The work intensity of up to 80 hours a week made Green Poison gradually disgusted. In the bottom of Green Poison's heart, I don't know when it started, and gradually came up with an idea, an idea of ​​wanting to escape from the Black Death and get rid of the control of DPJ. He wants to let go of everything he is now and live a free and unfettered life. Instead of being called as a slave by the DPJ as it is now.

"Calm down, Green Poison! There are hundreds of thousands of bitcoins here, and I just borrowed 200 temporarily here. As long as I get this balance right before DPJ excavates, then I won't cause any trouble. At that time, I can get rid of everything here and live the life I want..."

Green Poison finally decided to follow his heart's wishes. He was not afraid of taking risks, but he had to take risks for things that had to be risky.

After figuring out all of this, Ludu transferred 300 bitcoins from the account. This money is the back road for Ludu to leave for himself. Once the incident happened, Ludu decided to take the last bit of money to escape. DPJ's fury. Now that he has taken this step, Green Poison doesn't mind giving himself another way out.

Green poison sent an email to Gumantong again, and then, after getting a response from Gumantong, Green poison put 200 bitcoins into Gumantong’s account. He is not afraid that Gumantong will run away with the money. Because he believed that Gumantong could realize the value of Lan Bing. As long as the blue ice is successfully produced, then everything you have paid will be worth it.

"This is the last time I have to pay for your mistakes. I don't want our business to have any more problems. During this time, you'd better stay in the factory all the time. Until the blue ice is safely produced. Another thing I want you to keep secret is, don't reveal our business to any outsiders. I will take care of the sales. Because once the DPJ finds out about us, the two of us are really screwed. now..."

Green poison thought of his business partner in a worried way. Although not explicitly stated in the email, Green Poison still vaguely mentioned the DPJ's attitude on this matter.

"Why are you suddenly rich again?"

"Don't worry about this, you just need to take care of our factory and don't make any more troubles..."

"This money can't be moved from DPJ! I know you have a It's great bro!"

Gumantong said in the email excitedly.

"Keep your mouth shut, I haven't done anything, listen, if something goes wrong this time, the matter between us will end here, and then you will wait for the killer sent by the DPJ to come to you. Bar!"

"Okay bro, I won't let you down. In a week at most, you'll see blue ice glittering on our shelves!"

"Better so!"

After Ludu carefully confirmed the situation of the factory with Gumantong, he immediately contacted the website operator named Nero who had talked to him a few days ago. The reason why I found him is because Nero's website is more frenzied than the Black Death, and it has been confirmed through official channels that the FBI has been eyeing this website, but until now, Nero is still living in the black. In terms of death and illness, not only that, but he also generously wanted to brew a **** carnival. Based on the above situation, Green Poison felt that Nero should be a safe and secure partner, even though his communication style and behavior seemed so abnormal. More importantly, Nero also mentioned that he has a huge drug distribution network in his hands.

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