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The twilight is getting thicker, and the school can't feel the movement of others at all, and the corridor is filled with a breath that seems to be inhaling people into the dark depths.

Eiri stopped abruptly in the middle of the corridor, then desperately squinted her highly short-sighted eyes, and looked into the depths of the darkened school building.

She is the highly anticipated ace in the art club, the No. 1 beautiful girl in the classroom, and the eldest lady of a high-paying sponsor in the teacher's office.

However, in the girl's current appearance, she did not have the confidence or character of the usual daughter of a daughter, and she seemed a little scared.

"...It should be...no one is there."

Inexplicably remembered the bad joke someone made to her just now.

"...The thirteenth ladder or something... It's just a lie."

Eri, who was muttering like this, finally began to adjust her eyes to the dark environment.

Taking slow steps, as if confirming the existence of the floor, she moved forward step by step.

The wind blowing outside the window rattled the glass.

In the quiet corridor, only light footsteps and weak breathing sounded in the girl's ears.

The corridor, which was not long in normal times, suddenly became unfamiliar at this time.

Rounding the corner, Eiri started to climb down the stairs.

One, two, three... Eleven, twelve, they came to the middle area between the second and third floors.

"...What, what am I caring about?"

The girl who caressed her chest involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to walk down, her footsteps gradually brisk.

One, two, three... eleven, twelve... thirteen?

With a slap, Eiri's body froze after landing smoothly.

How many did I just count?

This question emerged uncontrollably in my mind.

What followed was a burst of coldness.

Cold sweat slowly dripped down his graceful cheeks.

In the darkness, there seemed to be countless malicious sights condensed.

Gotta get out of here...!

He clearly thought so, but his legs were as heavy as lead, and a feeling of helplessness invaded. Right at this moment-

tah... tah... tah... tah.

Slow footsteps came from behind... or from the direction of the third floor.


There's obviously no one there...!

His heart was pounding, and his thoughts began to stop.

Time seemed to slow down suddenly, but still could not stop the approaching footsteps.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Four steps, five steps, six steps...

After that, I can't remember where I counted.

Finally, the footsteps stopped behind him.

A cool breeze blew on his neck, causing countless tiny particles to appear on the skin instantly.

"no, do not want……!"

Yingri said in a trembling voice, unable to hold back her legs, and fell to her knees on the ground.

Even with the cover of over-the-knee socks, it couldn't prevent the cold threads from the ground from penetrating into the skin.

But what terrified her more than that was the existence behind her who didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost.

When the weird campus talk that I thought was ridiculous before actually happened at this moment, all that was left was fear.

Is it a monster? Will it be a monster?

Just when she thought so, a familiar voice rang in the back of her head.

"What are you doing here?"

There was some doubt in his calm tone.

"Yeah... eh...?"

Looking back suddenly, what caught my eye was a clean and handsome face.

Eri Ri's expression froze on her face.

After a while of silence.

Kato Yusuke could clearly see that the other party's expression changed from dull, to stunned, to anger.


West? West what?

"Huh? Did you say something...?"

He took a step forward without hearing it. Then--

The girl opened her mouth and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, the crisp and bright sweet voice of a woman made it easy for the stairwell to resound.

"Why are you rushing out all of a sudden~~~~~~!!!"

The decibels were so sharp that they seemed to break through the eardrums, so Kato Yusuke couldn't help covering his ears.

after a while

When the girl finally calmed down, he rubbed his ears and said.

"...Didn't I tell you to take you to the station? As a result, when I went downstairs, I saw you standing still here."

"Then, why didn't I see you just now!" the girl asked.

"Huh?" Kato Yusuke frowned, "Because I returned the keys in the office at the time, from the art room."

He stretched out a hand to Eiri, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Isn't it cold on the ground? It's almost time to get up..."

"Don't worry about it! I can stand up by myself!"

The girl said arrogantly, patted his hand away, and stood up by herself.

It just seems to be because he has been on the ground for too long, and getting up is a little too violent.


Before Yingri could stand up, her body swayed and fell forward due to the dual effects of numbness in her feet and blackening in front of her eyes.

Then he was supported by the shoulders.

"Are you OK?"


Seeing that the girl did not look unwell, Kato Yusuke asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Ying Lili frowned and shook her head: "...Such a trivial matter, I'm fine."

The vertigo of the brain made the girl's tone sound a little weak, and Kato Yusuke didn't understand the reason, so out of prudence, the boy made a decision directly.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital."

"... Doctor... eh?"

Before Ying Riri could react, she was carried on her back by the squatting opponent.

The weightlessness on her body made her subconsciously hug the other person's neck.

A good smell of mint diffused out, and the girl finally realized what happened.

Suddenly, her face turned red.

The shyness and panic that followed became the driving force for the struggle.

"Wait...! You, you, you, what are you doing!?"

"Take you to the hospital." Kato Yusuke was unmoved, and while carrying her down the stairs quickly, he said, "It will be there soon. Do you want to contact your parents before that?"

"Who is going to that kind of place! But you should put me down quickly!" said the red-faced Ying Lili.

This kind of intimate contact with someone of the opposite sex other than her father for the first time since she grew up had a stronger impact on the girl's heart than she had imagined.

Especially the pair of hands that hugged his knees and hips, always felt that the temperature coming from made his body very uncomfortable.

"You don't have to force yourself, since I promised your parents, I will take care of you."

"It's said that you misunderstood! I'm just a little dizzy, not to the point where I need to go to the hospital!"

In the face of the girl's defense, Kato Yusuke just responded calmly.

"Whether you need it, wait until you see a doctor."

This kind of intention of not listening to her at all made Yingri Li go crazy for a while.

She wanted to jump down, but her legs were tightly bound, and her fear of being hurt made her a little afraid to do it.

After all, Yusuke Kato is really fast now.

From the rustling wind in my ears and the scenery that keeps going backwards, I can tell that if I really want to fall, I will definitely feel bad.

In this case.

The girl who couldn't express her complicated emotions in her heart let out a long complaint.

"Really~~~! I don't care what happens after that~~!!!"

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