ding dong dong dong-

The melodious bell rang in the broadcast, as if to remind people that today's class time is over.

"Then, get out of class."

The teacher who closed the textbook announced and walked out of the classroom.

"Today's birthday, don't forget to clean up."

The responsible squad leader kindly reminded.

The pale yellow sunlight filled the classroom, and the atmosphere in the class suddenly became noisy.

The southeast wind suddenly picked up, the curtains that were originally quiet and low suddenly swelled like sails, and the rustling of leaves outside the window was like rain.

The hydrangeas in summer have replaced the cherry blossoms in spring and continue to adorn the scenery in the eyes of everyone.

Make time seem quiet and beautiful.

Shutting through the youthful and energetic students, Kato Yusuke, carrying a schoolbag, walked steadily towards the art room.

Since joining the baseball club, Takashi Yamaguchi and Ichiro Takei have stopped calling him home or where to play as soon as school is over.

For whatever reason.

Everyone is changing and everyone is growing.

It's like Kato Yusuke will still go to the club activities even if he knows that Yingri is taking leave today.

Some things are either not done, and if you do, do your best.

It's just like this, he can't draw a book, after all, he doesn't have the key to the second art preparation room.

And painting this kind of thing in front of other members is easy to cause problems.

"But...just be careful."

Thinking about what happened today, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

beep~ beep~ beep~

After a long wait.

It seemed that at the last second before the disconnection, the phone finally dialed.

"...for what?"

A sweet, unpleasant voice came from the receiver.

His tone was very impolite, completely different from the friendly attitude he usually showed in front of others.

Kato Yusuke didn't take it seriously, but directly explained his purpose.

"Thank you for the Twitter thing."

"Huh? What are you saying inexplicably." The girl's doubtful words were vaguely mixed with subtle rustles.

Kato Yusuke recognized that it was the sound of the refill swiping across the paper, indicating that the other party was working now.

"No, I just want to express my gratitude. Because of your help, my paintings seem to be popular on the Internet." He said succinctly.

After speaking, the voice on the other side paused for a while, and then the girl continued.

"...I didn't do that kind of superfluous things, but my mother seemed to have made some arrangements in the circle without authorization, probably for that reason."

"Yeah, then I said to your mother—"

"Tell me about that kind of thing yourself, I'm very busy!" The girl interrupted him rudely.

I thought about the diplomat's wife, who was almost the same as Inri except for the color of her hair and eyes.

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's do this for now, I won't bother."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the other side, looking at the call that ended immediately, Eiri couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What...that's rude." The girl complained.

Then put the phone aside and resume work.


Moon and stars are sparse in the evening.

Inside an apartment in a district of Tokyo.

With the sound of water sucking in the bathtub, Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked out of the misty bathroom.

On his long black hair that was dried, he still wore the white headband that looked like a logo. The sensual body is wearing a sexy suspender nightdress, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin is exposed to the air.

Crisp ~ breasts, waist, buttocks, round and beautiful slender thighs, from top to bottom exudes temptation.

The dress on the chest is tied with a cute bow, which not only tightens the girl's waist, but also makes the presence of certain places stronger.

A pair of slippers were stepped on the white and tender jade feet, but only the usual black pantyhose was missing.

Contrary to the appearance of a quiet lady, if you use one word to describe the feeling of a girl.

That is - charming and boneless three points!

And she wore a shawl like this, pulled her slippers to her room, and sat down at the table.

The furnishings in the room are very simple.

A bed, a chest of drawers, a long table, and a bookcase full of books.

The style is monotonous and simple, and you can't even see the kind of small accessories with a girly atmosphere, and there are no dolls at all.

Compared to a girl's boudoir, this place is more like a study.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu let out a light breath, then turned on the desk lamp and laptop.

Bright yellow lights illuminate the area in front of him.

With a brisk melody and animation, the computer starts up as usual.

The slender fingers tapped lightly on the touchpad, and the picture on the screen was reflected in the girl's eyes.

【Love Metronome Volume 2 (Kasumi Shiko)】

Move the cursor to the previous ending, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka starts writing.




The crisp and flat tapping sound came from her fingertips, one after another.

As if there was no need to think, the girl's eyes full of indifference and indifference focused on the screen.

Looking at the story composed of icy words, it goes to the end of the 'predetermination' bit by bit.

Enthusiasm is the driving force behind the creation of excellent works, but now she lacks these things.

"You have talent but no enthusiasm. Maybe readers have seen it through?"

Shi Yu murmured to herself, and couldn't help simulating in her mind the reader's reaction after seeing this volume.

"It's boring", "The award-winning work is just like that", "It's just that the hero and heroine are tired and crooked? Is this different from other works?", "The author's outlook on life is too shallow"...

Obviously...it's not like that!

An unwilling but powerless emotion permeated, causing her to grit her teeth unconsciously.

In such a state, Kasumigaoka Shiyu knocked down the last symbol of the text.


The cold words in the picture seemed to be mocking her, flashing a pale light.

And reflected a very beautiful, but incomparably empty face.

"That's called talent..."

The girl's self-deprecating words spit out from those delicate lips.

"It's hilarious..."

The look of bowing his head and bowing his head is inexplicably distressing.

I do not know how long it has been……

She slowly got up from the chair, walked to the bed, and let her body fall down like a free fall.


The light body sank into the soft mattress.

The lotus root-like jade arm covered her upper face, and the ideals about the future were also wiped out at this moment between the lips.

"Goodbye Sa Yujia..."

"Goodbye Xia Shizi..."

The moonlight flowed quietly like water, covering the girl with a veil like a dream.

The spirit is dead, the body is alive.

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