"Hey, Yusuke."

The girl who was lying on her chest again asked softly, "What do you like about me?"

"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

The boy who kept brushing his smooth hair asked back.

Because the force was too gentle, the girl narrowed her eyes comfortably and made a small sound from her nose.

He said lazily, "Well... just wanted to know."

"Is that so?"

The corner of Kato Yusuke's mouth twitched with amusement.

"Looks cute?"


"Soft and fluffy?"


"The legs are nice?"


Seemingly unbearable, the girl grabbed the hand on her head, bit it lightly, and then said sullenly.

"...I will cry, really cry."


Kato Yusuke couldn't help laughing with his shoulders shaking, and even the girl in his arms swayed.


He rubbed the other person's head vigorously, messing up his brown hair, and then said, "Of course it's not just because of that."

"In that case."

Sayu, who was arranging her hair, stared at him: "Then why?"

There is a rare seriousness on the soft and cute little face.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke, who restrained his smile, pondered, thinking seriously about the answer to this question.

The past where the two met was like a revolving lantern, flashing in their minds.

Aside from the above factors,

What really moved him about the girl gradually surfaced.

"Probably...because you felt like you didn't have anything but me at the time."

He didn't say such words, he just flicked his fingers on the other's forehead and said a sentence.

"I'll tell you later."

"W-what... huh-!"

The nibbling on the earlobe stopped the girl's complaint abruptly, and her body softened involuntarily.

"No, it can't be done..."

at this time.


The white mobile phone suddenly vibrated, and both of them paused.

"There is... there is a phone..."

"Leave it alone."

"But, but it keeps ringing..."

Looking at the girl with a pity I could see, Kato Yusuke fell into thought.

According to the plot of the book, it seems that at this time, it should be picked up with the other party. But this is reality after all, so he still let go of the other party.

So Sayu, who was a little messy, got up from the ground, tidied up the bow that was about to fall from his neckline, and ran to the kitchen counter to answer the phone.

"Ah, Mami?"

Then, he chatted with Yuuki Asami, who called for some reason.

About a few minutes passed.

Sayu let out a light whimper, and then turned her head away as if troubled.

Hesitantly said: "Water... Paradise?"

She glanced at Kato Yusuke.

"Well...then I'll call you later..."

After ending the call.

"Mami invited you to play?"

Kato Yusuke, who heard the speech just now, sat up and asked.


The girl nodded first, then shook her head, "It was said to go to the water park... But I don't know if I should agree."

"Water Park? Mami, doesn't she have to work part-time?"

""Because I got the tickets, and it happens to be the same time after get off work tomorrow, let's go together!", the other said. "

"Is that so."

After thinking for a while, Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement.

"Then it's fine, let's go play with Mami."

"But..." Sayu said hesitantly, "I've never been to a place like this before, and I didn't prepare for a swimsuit or anything."

"I see."

Kato Yusuke stood up, "Then get ready, I'll change clothes."

"Hey... what do you mean by preparation?"

In the eyes of the other party's doubts, he responded like this.

"It happens that you are resting today, let's go shopping for swimwear."


By Sunday.

Inside the station where people come and go.

"Yo, father."

As soon as we met, Yuki Mami raised her hand to Kato Yusuke and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing such a name from a young girl's mouth will obviously attract countless attention.

All kinds of eyes gathered, but after seeing that the three of them were students again, they quickly lost interest.

And Kato Yusuke responded with a dead fish-eye: "Don't call me by that name even if it's a joke, and you can ignore me today."

Seeing the helpless look on his face, Mami smiled and turned her elbow towards Sayu's flank.

"That is to say, Kato Tsai is very reluctant, how on earth did you pull him?"

Hearing this, Sayu just showed a charming smile, and glanced at Kato Yusuke gratefully, but did not explain.

Seeing this, Yuuki Mami didn't pursue it either, just snapped her fingers.

"Now that you're ready, let's go."

So the three took the Seibu Ikebukuro Line to the largest water park in Tokyo, Toshimaen Water Park.

It is worth mentioning that when Kato Yusuke was going to buy his ticket, he was told by Mami that his ticket was ready.

"is this okay?"

he asked.

In exchange, Mami responded indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, it's just given to Dad by someone else anyway. Besides, they don't have time, so it's a waste to keep it unused."

Kato Yusuke nodded, thought about it, and said, "Then I will invite you to dinner tonight."

"If you insist on this, then the ranch will be OK," Mami said.

It was still that unique wording and sentence making, which made Kato Yusuke and Sayu couldn't help but laugh.

Then they walked into the park together and parted at the dressing room.


Although it is located in the heart of Tokyo, the park is surrounded by green plants and trees.

There are not only many recreational facilities here, but also facilities outside the park where you can enjoy fishing and hot springs. In spring, you can even enjoy cherry blossoms.

Artificial wave pools, circular lazy rivers, and 5 popular water slides, both adults and children can find their own fun.

is relative—

"Wow! There are so many people."

Mami, who was holding the inflatable ball, widened her eyes: "This way, you can't play water polo!"

"After all, it's summer and weekend, so it's normal, right? Probably..." Sayu comforted.

At this time, the two women were all dressed in swimsuits and their hair was up.

Mami was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, with the top half covering her waist and the bottom half just above her knees, which looked quite satisfactory.

Sayu was wearing a one-piece swimsuit with navy stripes, and the style tended to be conservative, but such a swimsuit accentuated the girl's figure even more concave and convex.

Coupled with that fair and pink skin, it is really hard to take your eyes off.

The men who passed by involuntarily gathered their gazes.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke draped his large bath towel over the girl.

And because of this, his figure was exposed to the air.

Upright posture, strong physique, compact and strong muscles.

The eight-pack abdominal muscles on the lower abdomen are clearly defined, and the mermaid line extending from the boxer swimming trunks is also clearly visible.

Coupled with that handsome face, it attracted the surrounding women to look at him frequently.

Some are daring, and there are even eager expressions on their faces.

As if feeling the gazes around, Sayu, who was wearing a bath towel, moved in front of him without a trace.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Mami looked over suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Kato Yusuke shook his head and said, "Give me the inflatable ball, you guys can play."

"Hey, aren't you going?"

Facing Mami's question, he replied, "Well, I'll wait for you to finish in the rest area."

I originally thought so, but...

"watch out--!"

In the end, Kato Yusuke was forced to be pulled into the water, and under the encouragement of the two...mainly Asami, the three played almost all the amusement facilities.

The laughter full of youthful laughter kept echoing in his ears.

Later, Sayu, who was still a little unaccustomed to the environment, slowly relaxed, and began to play with Mami with great interest.

Seeing that they were having a good time, Kato Yusuke, who felt that the surrounding environment was a bit noisy, swam alone to the area with few people, and unexpectedly found a space isolated by a water curtain.

After swimming in, I found out that this is actually the bottom of the water slide. Although it is not absolutely quiet, it is still much better than the noisy outside.

The depth of the pool was just below his calf, so he simply leaned against the wall and sat down in the water.

With the sound of flowing water, the mood could not help but calm down.

I do not know how long it has been.


The girl who seemed to be following him also walked in through the water curtain.

Contaminated with water droplets, the skin is more delicate and dripping.

The ball head, which was originally wrapped around the back of the head, was also washed away by the water, and it was clinging to the skin, which looked extremely moving.

"What are you doing here?" Sayu, who walked in front of him, leaned over.

Ou, who is about to come out, strongly advocates a sense of existence in front of his eyes.

It's like a string in my heart being gently plucked.

In the slight exclamation, Kato Yusuke pulled the other party and let him fall to his side.

Wen Xiang nephrite bumped into his arms, and the two sat opposite each other.

In the eyes of each other, the world seems to suddenly become quiet.

At the skin that fits, only the temperature keeps rising.


The girl who bit her lower lip with her teeth sat on her knees, a pair of slender hands caressed the boy's cheeks, and pressed her smooth forehead to the other's forehead.

Sweet breath and snort blow out together.

In this narrow space where only the two of them were alone, Sayu said softly, "I'm yours."

The open and closed lips touched gently, obviously not a kiss, but more touching.

"So...you can do whatever you want."

Saying that, she straightened up and took the boy into her arms.

The soft jade ~ the rabbit drowned it.

A melodious soft voice lingered between the square inches.


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