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Steaming atrium.

Even the scenery in his eyes is a bit illusory.

As if to add a fire to this temperature, An Yi Lun continued to give a speech with enthusiasm.

"How about it? I even got Kato's share of the number ticket that was distributed within 30 minutes after it was released! I got it too!"

"That's why! As partners who have fought for this work together, we have to gather at the station before the first bus on Saturday morning!"

Hide your body in the shadow of the promenade.

Facing the loud consumer glasses house, Kato Yusuke said slowly: "That is to say, your important thing is to call me outside and talk about it in an environment of more than 30 degrees... that's it, right? ."

"You're here again! It's said that we should be more excited here-"

"I mean... Anyi."

Kato Yusuke interrupted him: "You know I haven't finished my lunch yet?"

Obviously it was a flat and straightforward tone, but it didn't make people feel a chill.

"K... Kato?"

An Yilun's emotional intelligence finally began to recover, and he said with a forced smile: "No...Look, that, then you can see Teacher Xia Shizi himself."

Kato Yusuke was noncommittal, "Is that the only last words?"


An Yi Lun also trembled. immediately--

"...I'm so sorry! I'm a little too excited!"

Immediately it was a deep bow.

The attitude is to be as correct as possible, the tone is to be sincere and sincere, as for the expression... oh, I can't see it because of the lowered head.

Kato Yusuke said speechlessly: "Instead of apologizing, you might as well try to correct the problem of excess self-awareness?"

"Uh... this,

I will pay attention. An Yilun also straightened up, "So Kato, you will go, right?" Signing session. "

"How many people can use that number ticket?"

"Hey, of course it's one for one person."

"Is that so... But there is no limit to the specific users, right?"

"I don't think so, but why ask?"

An Yilun also tilted his head and asked tentatively, "That... Kato, don't you want to give this away?"

Kato Yusuke first nodded, then shook his head, thought for a while and said, "Actually, my girlfriend really likes Teacher Xia's work, so I want to take her with me, and I will wait for you outside the venue. "


After finishing speaking, An Yilun was also slightly startled, and then pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"Yes, yes, but in this case, Kato, you won't be able to see Kasumi Shiko-sensei, is it alright?"

In this regard, Kato Yusuke smiled and made an OK gesture.

"Ah, no problem, I'll leave it to you then."

"No, you don't have to be so polite."

An Yilun also waved his hand and said, "Is Kato-kun's girlfriend... Then let's gather on Saturday morning as planned."

"it is good."

Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, "Then, I'll go back to the classroom first."

After he finished speaking, he picked up his oolong tea and the drinks he bought for Yamaguchi and Takei, and walked towards the school building.

Looking at the back of the young man leaving, An Yi Lun, who still had a question in his heart, looked a little hesitant, and finally couldn't help but stop the other party.

"That, Kato-san!"

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Hearing his words, Kato Yusuke stopped and looked back.

Facing the doubtful eyes of the young man, An Yilun pursed his lips for a while, and there were thousands of thoughts in his heart.

"You and Kashiwagi Eri... No, do you know Eri?"

"What kind of relationship do you have...?"

Such questions were not spoken.

A gust of wind blew past, rustling the leaves on the trees.

Before the other party became suspicious, An Yi Lun also took a deep breath and put on a deliberate smile.

"I'll send you the meeting time on Saturday, so don't be late!"

The expression was extremely unnatural, and Kato Yusuke couldn't help frowning.

Just when he was asking about something, he saw that An Yilun had also changed back to his usual appearance, and he walked up and said quickly.

"Then, let's go back to the classroom together."

At the moment of passing by, Kato Yusuke still saw the fleeting indifference and hatred on An Yi's face.


Wait until after school.

Just like the 996 social animal clocking in, Kato Yusuke came to the art classroom as usual.

Then walked into the second art preparation room.

Under this subtle sense of absurdity, he took out the drawing book from his shoulder bag and handed it to the "doll girl" who arrived here a little earlier - Sawamura Spencer Eiri.

I took it over with a nonchalant expression, and opened the drawing book.

The slender white fingers flicked between the pages one by one.

From the very beginning, those with many problems can only be called 'Humble Works' to practice hands; to those that have been improved through her guidance, and have improved versions in the storyboards and pictures; The N further drawn are already considered to be the commercial version of 'qualified goods'.

Her expression also gradually changed in the process.

From casual indifference at the beginning, to a little seriousness in the middle, to a slight pause in the back like approval.

Turn to the latest version, which is the final version Kato Yusuke drew last night.

The moment the picture came into view, the girl's beautiful blue eyes suddenly widened.

"Liar... how is this possible..."

Her expression froze for a moment, and then she couldn't help sitting up straight, putting her head close to the drawing book, and observing it carefully, inch by inch.

He looked solemn and serious.

Vivid pen power comes out through the paper.

The scene processing is smooth, the details are delicately portrayed, and even the close-ups of the characters' faces are lifelike.

Aside from the content, the effect shown by the picture alone is infinitely close to a work of art.

"Even stronger than myself"

This thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

Ying Riri couldn't help clenching her silver teeth, and with a mentality of not admitting defeat, she continued to read the follow-up content with a critical eye.

Time passed little by little.

In the quiet room, only the sound of turning pages and the sound of breathing gradually could be heard.

The twenty-four pages of "Early Summer Time" were quickly read.


The girl closed the drawing book and handed it back to Kato Yusuke.

"Okay, that's it."

His tone of speech was flat and unfamiliar, and his eyes looking out of the window were also slightly cold.

Looking at her expression, Kato Yusuke, who took the picture book, frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, is there any problem?"


Still the same tone as before.

So Kato Yusuke frowned deeper.

"Aren't you going to comment this time?"

In the face of his question, Ying Riri maintained the posture of looking into the distance with one hand on her cheek, but responded in a mild manner.

"Nothing to mention."

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