Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 125 Oolong tea is good (merged chapters)

Thursday, today is a cloudy and rainy day.

Year E class during lunch break.

pat pat pat.

The brisk sound of large raindrops hitting the playground continued to sound from the window.

The air in the classroom was a little damp.

The students who stayed in the class for lunch were either alone or in groups.

"You said the gym box suddenly fell down-?!"

The sound that suddenly sounded instantly attracted everyone's attention, and they all focused their attention.


The girl with a short ponytail put down her hands covering her ears and nodded indifferently.

"Also, your voice is too loud, Kako."

After being reminded by the other party, Kako noticed the situation around her. A little embarrassed, he smiled at the surroundings, and then lowered his voice.

"Then what's going on...? And why didn't you tell me yesterday...!"

"...Well, after all, no one was injured, and Kato-san also said that it's okay, so let's just do it."

The girl sucked the pomegranate juice in the box, and the right hand holding the pen was constantly writing graceful words on the paper.

Kako, who felt a little speechless at this attitude, lowered her eyes and let out a long sigh.

"I mean, you couple are too easy-going."

The sound of writing the pen stopped for a moment, and then resumed as before.

"Hey~~ what's that? It always feels disgusting to say, it sucks, it sucks."

Not knowing what they were talking about, the girls gathered by the window at the back of the classroom let out a burst of laughter. One of the voices subconsciously attracted Kako's attention.

Turning his eyes to that side, Jiazi's expression changed suddenly.

"That woman..."

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in his tone.

"Kako? What's wrong?"

When asked by a friend,

The sullen Kako just shook her head, rested her hands on the table with her chin on her shoulders, and said, "It's okay."

On the other side, Shinjoka, who just looked here and took Kako's performance into his eyes, smiled disdainfully.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the short ponytail girl next to the other party, a moment of unnaturalness flashed on her face, and then she changed into a thoughtful look, wondering what she was thinking.

As if feeling a little tired, she sat down directly on the table next to her.

A pair of calves under the skirt swayed gently, and the skin was also very fair.

Although her appearance is not as delicate as Ying Lili's, she is quite cute, coupled with the appearance that can stimulate male protective desire, and the plumpness that can stimulate male instinct.

It is easy to capture the favor of the opposite sex.

"Hey, I remember that this seems to be the seat of that Kato-san, right?"

The girl who looked like a friend kindly reminded: "If you sit like this, be careful that the other party will get angry when he comes back?"

Before Xinjianxiang could respond, another girl smiled and said, "No, no, I won't do it to that extent. After all, Xinjiao is very cute~~"

As he spoke, he looked back at her, "Right~~? Xintiao."

Hearing this, a haze flashed in Xintiaoxiang's eyes, and she waved her hand and said.

"Eh~ there's no such thing."

Several people burst into laughter.

at this time.

"Can you let it go?"

A low male voice from behind interrupted their conversation.

Looking back, I saw Kato Yusuke looking at them calmly... to be precise, looking at his seat.

"I need to pick up something, let's talk somewhere else."

The young man said so.

The tone was neither warm nor cold, more just plain.


Seeing the person coming, the two girls greeted with some excitement, and then turned their attention to Xinjianxiang.

For some reason, in front of his friend's gaze, Xin Tiaoxiang, who was planning to get off the table, changed his mind inexplicably.

"If it goes down like this, will it be looked down upon by others?"

This thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

Thinking about it, she put on a sweet smile, turned her head slightly and said, "Sorry Kato-kun, my legs are a little numb, can you please help me?"

After she finished speaking, she stretched out a hand, as if waiting for the other party to help her.

Looking at the hand in front of him, Kato Yusuke frowned slightly, just as he was about to say something...

There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps from behind.

Before everyone could react, the figure pulled Shinjoka off the table.


The voice that was so cold that it could completely cool down the scene came from the mouth of a girl so beautiful that she couldn't speak.

"You said something very interesting. There should be a little bit of shame."

She has long black hair that is very shiny, and her skin is as white as snowflakes. At this time, her face is full of gloom.

In addition, each part is majestic and has a unique sense of existence, so that her whole body exudes an aura that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

"Hey, that's not..."

"Could it be..."

There was a commotion in the classroom.

"That famous "Snow Girl", Shiyu of Kasumigaoka..."

With the slight sound of swallowing saliva, I don't know who revealed the identity of the person who came.

Shinjoka, who was shrouded in the intimidating popular place, reacted.

"It hurts..."

She showed a somewhat painful expression, looking at her pinched wrist, her eyes were very aggrieved.

In response, Shi Yu just gave her a cold look,

"If you think this little trick is useful, you might as well give up that unrealistic fantasy earlier, junior."

Having said that, Shi Yu still let go, because what he wanted to do had already been achieved.

The girl's gaze swept across the faces of the three women, and as far as her eyes could see, no one could bear the cold warm clothes, and they either avoided or bowed their heads.

"...Well, it's almost time to prepare the textbook for the afternoon..."

One of them spoke up.

"Me, me too~"

Another person immediately followed.

The two pushed the silent Xinjianxiang and left here.

It was as if Shi Yu who had done a trivial thing tossed the long hair on the back of his head and turned around.

As the ice and snow melted, a smile appeared on her face again, and she said to the boy, "This is no problem. Let's go to the library today, Kato-kun."

Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, took out something from the desk, and left with the girl.

After they leave...

"Those two... are they dating...?"

"Eh...? No way?"

"But I've never seen that snow... um, Kasugaoka-senpai is so close to a boy."

"...Well, it does make people care a little bit."

Ban Nai inevitably discussed the relationship between the two.

In the midst of the numerous discussions, Himekawa Yoshiko glanced cautiously at her friend.

"That, Xiaohui...?"


"is this okay?"

"Is this okay?" What do you mean? "

"Uh, look... it's the relationship between Kato-san and Kasugaoka-senpai."

In the face of the other party's inquiry, the girl named Kato Megumi just quietly did the work she was doing, and there was no flaw in her face.

At this point, Kako, whose full name is observing the girl's expression, can guarantee it.

But it also created a new doubt, that is: are these two people really nothing?

Thinking about it, she felt like an overloaded CPU began to heat up in her head, and finally had to give up thinking about this problem.

and let out a long sigh.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Well, it's done."

The girl who had been busy for almost the entire lunch break nodded and put away the report with the [Impressions on the Sports Conference].

"Hey, Kako." She looked at the other person, "I feel a little thirsty, do you want to buy something to drink together?"

"Hmm... eh? I'm fine, but didn't you just drink juice?"

In response, the girl nodded, "I always feel that the juice is a little sweet, so I want to change it."

"Is that so?" Kako got up from her seat, "Then let's go~~ So what does Xiaohui want to drink?"

After thinking for a while, the girl replied softly.

"Then oolong tea is good."


In the afternoon after school, after a day of rain, it finally cleared up.

Sunshine floods the classroom.

Because he stopped participating in club activities recently, Kato Yusuke also rarely resumed the life of school after 3 o'clock.

After reading the report in his hand, he nodded lightly to the girl in front of him.

"Well, no problem, it would be better to say that if it were me, I would never be able to write to this level."

The clean voice has a bit of warmth, which is completely different from the indifference during the lunch break.

"Thank you for your hard work, Kato-san."

A slight smile appeared on the boy's face, and the sunlight from outside the window broke into the girl's eyes.

The fingers behind her back unconsciously swiped across the phone screen, and Kato Megumi said softly, "But my writing skills are just average."

Under the light skirt, the slender and straight legs are white and translucent, and the black stockings on the feet decorate the legs very beautifully.

A lazy orange light shone in the clear eyes, just like the tranquility of a girl.

Like a cup of warm tea, although it is not strong, it has a sweet taste in the mouth.

Kato Yusuke laughed and joked: "Thanks to your previous notes, I was able to get the "Ordinary" ranking in the mid-term test. "

He handed the report back to the other party.

"I don't think Kato-kun's grades have much to do with me."

Kato Megumi took the report, thought about it, and said.

"Then, if Kato-kun thinks it's okay, I'll give it up like this."

"Well, then I'll go too."

Kato Yusuke got up from his seat.

"Ah~~ don't worry, I'm enough alone."

The girl said kindly.

"No, it doesn't matter." Kato Yusuke shook his head, "I have nothing to do today, and it's okay to trouble you with everything."

In this way, the two came to the student union room on the third floor of the activity building together.

"excuse me."

After opening the door, in a room half the size of the teacher's office, a student in a white shirt was arranging something with his back to them.

Hearing the movement, the weak-looking boy turned around and asked with some lack of confidence.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Use honorifics.

Glancing at the second-year school badge on the other's neckline, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and finally Megumi Kato spoke.

"Well, we are first-year students, and we are here to submit a report to the sports conference."

As he spoke, he took out the report from the shoulder bag. Through the zipper that was opened, Kato Yusuke accidentally saw something similar to a fashion magazine.

It made him a little surprised, but at the same time, he felt that it seemed reasonable, and he didn't wait for him to think about it.

"Yes, it is so."

Hearing their intentions, the weak boy seemed slightly relieved, and pointed to the table next to the door.

"Please put the report in the box over there."

When he was done, he turned back to work.

Seeing this, the two did not bother any more, and left the place after placing the report in the location designated by the other party.

About 30 minutes passed.

As the door of the student council room was opened again, the weak boy who seemed to be busy with his work also came out, holding the box with Kato Yusuke and the others' report in his hand.

He walked forward in a hurry like this, still thinking about the work to be done next.

Maybe it was because his attention was too distracting that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. until--



When he hit someone, he fell to the ground together with him.

The documents in the carton were also scattered out.

"It should pay attention to the front when you walk!"

The girl who was knocked down said bluntly.

The weak boy immediately apologized in a panic, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Be more sincere and sincere in your attitude, and then rush to pick up the documents that have fallen on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the girl who was a little annoyed felt a little speechless for a while.

Looking at this boy who exudes the breath of the bottom of the food chain, she seems to think that it is meaningless to care about such a person, so she supports the ground and prepares to stand up.

As a result, he just touched a piece of paper.

Subconsciously glanced at the content above, the movement of the girl's hand suddenly stopped.

Glancing at the boy who was still lying on the ground picking up things, she thought about it and said, "Hey, I said, are these things of yours very important?"

"Huh? Yes, yes, that's a very important document." The boy turned his head.

Then this opportunity, the girl also saw the school badge on the other side's neckline.

"It's actually a second grader..."

She grunted softly, then got up from the ground.

"...No way, then I'll help you, senior."

"Huh? Is it really possible?"

"Well, I'm also responsible for this matter anyway."

After a few minutes.

"...Here, this is the last one."

"Thank you! Really helpful!"

The boy thanked him a lot, then picked up the cardboard box and hurried away.

The girl, on the other hand, walked towards the other end of the corridor with a shoulder bag on her back.

She went all the way to the door of a certain activity room before she pushed the door and walked in, and said hello to the people inside.

"good afternoon."

Hearing the movement, the students who had already arrived here in advance responded with a smile.

"Good afternoon~ Xinjo."

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