Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 145 The connection between reference objects and paintings (four thousand chapters)

"Ah... um..."

Lips parted.

The girl's lips were full of a touch of luster, which looked even more delicate in the sunlight.

Sayu tilted his head slightly and muttered.

"Um... Yusuke is delicious~"

After speaking, he laughed, his shoulders shaking.

The loose white shirt on his body slid down his shoulders, revealing snow-white and delicate rounded shoulders, with a slight rosy tinge.

Two slender white and tender thighs extended from the hem of the shirt, at this time maintaining the girl's kneeling posture.

The petite feet look white and translucent, like condensed white jade, as if one hand can wrap them.

Showing a beautiful scenery.

Looking at the smiling girl in front of him, Kato Yusuke pointed to the top of his head.

Said: "The hair here is up in sleep, Sayu."


The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Really~ I need to tell people about this kind of thing earlier, I'm going to wash up!"

The girl pressed her hand to her hair and responded in a panic, and after saying that, she quickly ran into the bathroom with a "deng deng deng-".

Brings a burst of orange-flavored fragrance, which is also mixed with a little milk shower gel.

The sound of running water soon came from the bathroom.

In this voice, Kato Yusuke shook his head with a smile.

Immediately got up and went to the kitchen, poured the hot milk into the mug. Fu returned to his seat with the cup and resumed his homework.

After about 30 minutes, Sayu walked out of the bathroom after washing up.

Yusuke looked up subconsciously, and saw that the girl's image was completely new.

The fluffy brown hair is fluttering lightly around the ears, looking fresh and natural.

The beautiful face is full of youthful vitality.

The white shirt originally worn by Yusuke Kato was also replaced by more comfortable home clothes.

The girl walked up to him and sat down, and asked earnestly, "How do I look?"

Yusuke couldn't help but want to laugh at the inexplicably charming appearance, so he touched the other's head.

"Well, that's fine."

A slightly silly smile appeared on Sayu's face.

"You can praise me a little more." The girl said.

Kato Yusuke shook his head with a smile, and withdrew his hand.

"This cup is for you, the temperature should be just right now."

He handed the mug with milk to the other, and the girl took it subconsciously.

The black body of the cup forms a sharp contrast with the color of the milk, and it also has a touch of warmth when you start it.

Slightly stunned, Shayou said involuntarily.

"Hey... isn't this Yusuke's cup?"

Kato Yusuke, who continued to do science exercises, responded without raising his head.

"Anyway, you like it better."

There is a subtle indulgence in the calm tone of voice.

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she nodded heavily and said in a stressed tone.

"Hmm! Super~~ like it!"

As he spoke, he drank it in small sips, but his eyes refused to leave the young man's face.

The happiness in my heart overflowed from the corner of my mouth.

Although I didn't look at it, Yusuke Kato could imagine that expression.

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, he added.

"There's still baked bread on the kitchen counter, take it yourself if you want to eat it."


Sayu pulled a long tone and said in a joking tone.

"I always feel that if this continues, I will be spoiled by Yusuke."

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke looked up at Sayu.

"You don't like it?"

"'s not like that."

Sayu blinked.

"That's okay."

Kato Yusuke said casually.

As if a warmth flowed into her heart, the girl's eyes lit up.

As the other party's words fell, her eyes bent into the shape of a crescent moon.

"Sure enough, it's really good for me to meet Yusuke..."

The girl whispered while holding the cup, and moved her body against the boy.

"do not move."

Kato Yusuke said suddenly.


Sayu was slightly taken aback.

Facing the suspicious gaze of the other party, Yusuke slowly stretched out a hand and stroked the girl's cheek lightly.

A finger rubbed lightly on Sayu's lips, and the nipple beard around his mouth touched the boy's thumb.

"All right."

Showing the milk beard on it to the other party, Kato Yusuke put his thumb to his mouth and ate the milk stain with a calm expression.

Seeing this scene, Sayu's heart skipped a beat.

Delicate toes clenched together.

Are you tempting me...?

Are you tempting me...?

"Hey, Yusuke."

Her clear eyes glowed with water, and she couldn't help asking, "Are you seducing——"

Not finished yet...

"Boom--" All of a sudden, she was hit on the forehead by the boy.

"it hurts……!"

A red mark quickly appeared on the smooth forehead, and then it was the other party's words.

"Nothing like that, idiot."

The tone is very natural.


Sayu's cheeks bulged slightly, but his eyes were a little aggrieved.


She lowered her head and took a bite on the boy's shoulder, leaving a small circle of teeth marks.

"I'm going to clean up."

The girl said angrily, and then came to the kitchen with a mug.

Put the toasted bread on a plate, add a small piece of butter, and fill it with milk.

Then he returned to the living room and put these things next to the boy.

"Because Yusuke just went too far, so one less jam should be okay."

With this thought in mind, after finishing all this, Sayu started cleaning the room.

The young man smiled silently and continued to do his homework.

Occasionally, I will pick up the bread and eat it with milk.

Time passed slowly.

After finishing his homework, Kato Yusuke took out the pen display again.

The brand is the Cintiq series, and the price is more than 500,000 yen, which is almost equal to all the money he currently has.

Open the csp painting software, and the unfinished manuscript will appear in the picture.

Yusuke picked up the digital pen and continued to work.

The left-hand controller can perform operations such as coloring, filling, zooming, and rotating when he is drawing.

After a period of use, he also got used to this way of drawing on the pen display.

It is really convenient, and it can save a lot of paint money.

The content in the picture gradually becomes fuller under Yusuke's pen.

Sayu was folding ironed clothes beside him.

Since I don't have to work part-time today, I have plenty of spare time to do housework.

Just looking at Yusuke, the girl's mood is still not very good.

It seems that he is still a little dissatisfied with what happened just now.

The line of sight is naturally downward, and it falls on the pen display on the table.

The contents of the picture made her face red, and then she walked to the side of the boy and sat down.

"Hey, Yusuke, it doesn't seem right here," Sayu said, pointing to a place in the screen.

"What's wrong?" Kato Yusuke stopped writing and asked.

"What should I say, girls' clothes don't feel like this."

Facing the other party's gaze, the girl lifted the hair from her ear and said something inadvertently.

"I happen to have this one too, or let's check it out, shall we?"


The result is……

Shirts, plaid skirts, bows.

Shayou, who didn't know when to put on his uniform again, reminded kindly, "Then, I'm going to start."

Kato Yusuke looked at her noncommittally.

Seeing this, Sayu laughed.


Taking out the things in her hands, the girl sitting beside the bed gently raised one leg.

As if to absorb the sunlight, the girl deliberately stayed in the air for three seconds, and then began to put on the socks in her hands.

First, the toe part burrowed into it, slid across the white sole, and then over the ankle.

The pure white stockings extended upwards inch by inch along the fair skin of the girl.

The action is silky and fluid.

It stops gradually until the part above the knee.

With the sound of "pop--", the wonderful sound seemed to tug at the heartstrings.

The edge of the sock bounced on the delicate skin, wrapping the thigh tightly.

"……How about it?"

Sayu asked with flickering eyes: "Do you feel... different?"

The digital pen in his hand turned twice at his fingertips, and Kato Yujie shook his head expressionlessly and said, "No."

After looking at the girl for a moment, he went on to say, "It would look weird if you wear it like this at home. If it's all right, I'll continue working."

Then he turned around, ready to continue painting.

Just when he was about to write...

With the sound of the mattress springs behind him, his shoulders suddenly sank.

A fragrance of laundry detergent filled the air, and Kato Yusuke couldn't help turning his face away.

What caught my eye was a small jade foot wrapped in a hazy cloth.

The tender lotus bud-like toes and socks gently rubbed, making a subtle rustling sound.

The girl's soft and long-breathing words came from her ears.

"Hey, Yusuke."

Sayu said softly, "I have washed one... Would you like to help me wear another?"

The toes touched his cheeks, with a frosty touch.

Kato Yusuke's eyes became much deeper.

Pause for about three seconds.

He stretched out a hand to the girl and said something.

"give it to me."

The girl giggled, handed the other stocking to the other, and raised the other foot and placed it on the other's hand.



The soft voice melted into the scorching heat of the palm.

Kato Yusuke put on socks for the other party as if concocted.

What I was thinking about was the English phrase I just recited - "You share rose get fun".

The blushing girl got up from the bed, pinched her skirt and turned it around gently.

He asked again, "Does Yusuke feel any different now?"

The absolute realm formed between the white stockings and the short skirt, bathed in the silk-like sunshine, is constantly exuding alluring charm.

Taking his eyes back from it, Kato Yusuke just said casually, "Probably."

Hearing his words, Sayu secretly laughed.

"In this regard, Yusuke really understands."

Taking two steps forward on purpose, the girl who bent down slightly opened her red lips.

"Then~ it's like what Yusuke is drawing, do you want to write here? It doesn't matter if it's Yusuke."

One leg leans forward slightly.

Sayu, who let his hair flutter in front of the boy's eyes, laughed and said, "How is it? Do you want to try it out, Dad?"

Whether it was full of tempting proposals or the unnecessary long note at the end of the sentence, it made people's heart beat violently.

With the fragrant body in front of his eyes, Kato Yusuke slowly raised his head and said, "If you continue like this, I will invite you to eat pigs and make rapid progress."

Memories in the brain began to emerge before my eyes.

Sha Xianxian was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I hate it, it was Yusuke who seduced me first!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but kissed the boy's lips.

"Really—I like you so much... um."

Words full of affection came out from the entangled lips, as if to convey all her thoughts, the girl kissed each other deeply.

From the eyes, nose, mouth, to a mark on the neck inside the collar of the clothes.

Sha Youcai smiled and said, "Yusuke belongs to me."

With her slender fingers rubbing lightly on the "strawberry", she murmured worriedly, "I'm sorry, will this affect Yusuke's schooling?"

Kato Yusuke glanced down, touched the other's head and said, "It's nothing, I'll pay more attention."

Sayu was relieved.

"Then I'll go take a shower first, and Yusuke will continue to work."

Looking at the other party's wet hair that was clinging to the cheeks, Yusuke smiled and said "Okay".

So the girl walked towards the bathroom.

With the sound of the door closing, Kato Yusuke, who bowed his head, was about to continue painting.

As a result, the bathroom door was opened again.

"Hey, Yusuke~"

Sayou walked back, "This is for you..."

Thinking that the other party had forgotten something, Kato Yusuke raised his head.

The matte cloth was stuffed into his hands, mixed with a little warmth.


Kato Yusuke looked puzzled.

"It would be more convenient to have a physical reference, right?"

The girl said so, and ran back to the bathroom with brisk steps.

Looking at the other person's back, Yusuke shook his head helplessly, put the stockings aside, and started to work.

After about forty minutes.

As Kato Yusuke stopped the pen in his hand, the last original manuscript was also completed the coloring steps.

What catches my eye is a picture of the character of a two-dimensional beautiful girl.

If you ignore the transparency around it and the cloudy white color on the body, this painting looks cute even on its own.

It's just that after adding these elements, the atmosphere of the whole picture is completely different.

The girl in stockings, whose face was full of pain or pleasure, was only full of sensuality.

It is very in line with the consistent style of Kashiwagi Eri.

I don't know if it's really like Sayu said, with reference objects and actual operation experience, the description of some details in the picture looks more realistic.

After finishing the work, Kato Yusuke shook his head and sent an email to Eiri.

On the one hand, it is to inform the other party of the progress of the work on the manuscript, and on the other hand, it is to ask questions about "falling in love with Lu" and "urging guidance".

According to the previous reply speed of Eri, Kato Yusuke put down the mobile phone after the email was sent, and it didn't take long to receive a reply.

[Ying Lili: I have asked other authors, the two names you mentioned do not exist in the world of doujin... Also, mother, she asked me to ask you if you want to come to my house to watch fireworks next month? Let me explain in advance, that's not what I meant... I just don't care if you have to come. 】

Rare tirade, very different from the previous PUA frigid style.

But the tone seems to be his own tone.

[Yusuke Kato: Isn't the fireworks display in our district on the last day of summer comi? And why should I go to your house to watch fireworks? 】

[Eriri: My balcony is a special seat for the fireworks festival, so every year my family and friends gather there to chat and watch the fireworks. 】

An answer full of capitalism.

[Kato Yusuke: In that case, can I bring my girlfriend with me? 】

After three seconds.

[Yingli Li: As you like, my parents said it doesn't matter. 】

[Kato Yusuke: Got it, thank you, I will consider it. 】

[Eriri: ... the original manuscript, it's hard work. 】

At this point, Yusuke did not reply.

And Sayu just walked out of the bathroom at this time, and he called out to the girl.



The girl who wiped her hair stared at him.

Facing the other party's gaze, Kato Yusuke briefly explained what happened just now.

"...That's the way it is, and the other party said it's fine, so do you want to go?"

"Hey... are you going to someone else's house?"

Sayu looked at him and said, "Is this really good?"

The expression on his face was neither willing nor unwilling.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke nodded.

"Understood, in this case you have a second option."

He smiled at the girl and said, "That's the two of us going to the summer festival together. Which one do you choose?"

After hearing his question, Sayu blinked several times, and then looked away from Yusuke.

"Um—this is... summer festival... um."

With her eyes down on the ground, she was at a loss for a while before she said a little coyly.

"You might be surprised...I haven't been to the Summer Festival once since I was in high school."

After a pause, the girl continued.

"So, um... If it's Yusuke, maybe I'll think of the summer festival to see it."

Saying that, Sayu secretly observed Yusuke's expression.

Looking at this scene, all Kato Yusuke did was to gently pull it into his arms, and whispered into the other's ear in a gentle tone.

"Okay, then I'll take you there."

A soft smile appeared on the girl's face.


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