


“Be concerned about…”

The deep voice echoed in the room, Kato Yusuke sat leaning against the bed, holding the English textbook in his hand, reciting the vocabulary word by word.



The heat of the grease rises from the pan.

His long brown hair was tied back into a ball, and his delicate ears were exposed. Sayu, who was wearing an apron, was busy in the kitchen.

Teenagers read, and girls cook.

The atmosphere inside the house is peaceful and peaceful, everything seems so beautiful.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning spreads out, like the silk-like sunshine, passing through the morning light, filling it with clear and moving light.

It is now 7:30 am Tokyo time.

Kato Yusuke closed the book, closed his eyes and recalled the vocabulary he had written down before, and kept reciting it in his mouth.

One of the straight legs is bent and the other is straight, the head is leaning on the bed at a 45-degree angle, the elbows are placed on the edge of the bed, and the English textbook is pinched between the index and middle fingers of the right hand.

He looks lazy and casual, but his expression is very serious.

Two diametrically opposed temperaments appeared on him at the same time, which made him more attractive.

"it is good."

Kato Yusuke exhaled lightly, then opened his eyes suddenly, and ticked off the schedule for today.

"Article 2 established matters are completed."

He stood up and started packing.

Textbooks, notebooks, question bank books, stationery.

He put the things that the school needed today into his schoolbag one by one, and then he turned his head, looked at the kitchen, and said after thinking about it.

"I'm sorry, because of me, you didn't have a good rest. You don't have to prepare breakfast tomorrow, and there are also lunch boxes. There is also a cafeteria in the school, so don't be too hard..."

He was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"That won't work."

Sayu said in a gentle but firm tone, and walked out from behind the kitchen counter, carrying a bento box wrapped in black flannel.

"Here, bento~"

The protracted sentence sounded very cute, just like the girl herself.

"Have a good meal."

Sayu instructed and said, with his hands behind his back, and looked at Kato Yusuke with a smile.


Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, put the lunch box in his schoolbag, then picked up the schoolbag and walked towards the entrance, while Sayu followed closely behind.

"Speaking of which, I received last month's wages yesterday."

Kato Yusuke said while changing his shoes.


Sayu looked at Kato Yusuke with some doubts, not knowing why he suddenly mentioned this.

But this question will soon be answered.

I saw Kato Yusuke stand up, knock the leather shoes on his feet lightly on the ground, and say in a casual tone.

"...In the envelope on the table is the 30,000 yen I took out yesterday. Put that away."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and continued without waiting for Sayu to speak.

"This money is at your disposal to buy the ingredients you need every day, because I will probably be busy until next month and may not be able to set aside time for this."

"You can use the rest as pocket money."

(Actually, I originally wanted to count it as pocket money, but she would definitely refuse it, so let’s start with this little by little.)

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think so.



Sayu's face showed confusion.

"No need, I'll buy the ingredients back, even if it's pocket money."

She waved her hands again and again.

Kato Yusuke sighed inwardly.

"But you don't have any money, do you? In such an empty home, it's hard to live without entertainment every day, isn't it?"

"It's enough that you're willing to let me live."

Sayu said politely.

"Is that so." Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, then said thoughtfully, "Then save the change, and we can go out to eat once in a while."


Sayu was stunned for a moment, looked at Kato Yusuke and said with some trouble, "Is this okay...?"

It was mixed with a little excitement and anticipation, but more of it was apprehensive, a very fresh feeling.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help laughing, staring at Sayu with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Is it okay? You are obviously very happy."

There was a slight sarcasm in his tone.

Sayu's face blushed, pursed her lips tightly, and said with a little twist.

"If Yusuke could do it..."

After speaking, without waiting for Kato Yusuke to say anything, Sayu kept urging on his lips while putting his hands on Kato Yusuke's shoulders.

"Alright, alright, Yusuke, hurry up and go out, or you'll be late for school."

Then Kato Yusuke was pushed out of the room by her.

Although the temperature in April has begun to warm up, it is still a little cool in the morning.

At this moment, a cold wind was blowing, and Kato Yusuke, who was standing outside the door, couldn't help but shiver.

He tightened the collar of his clothes, raised his hand and knocked on the door.


Sayu's voice came from the other side, but she didn't open the door.

(This should be my home, right?)

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think silently, but he still patiently warned him.

"...Nothing, remember to pay attention to safety when you go out, and..."

he added.

"I am leaving."

Then he walked downstairs to the apartment, and the sound of footsteps drifted away.

inside the door.

Sayu, who had his back against the door of the room, sat down slowly, with a smile that seemed to be relieved at the corners of his mouth, put his hands on his chest, and responded gently.

"Be careful on the road..."



After a morning of hard study, it was finally time for a lunch break.

The students left the classroom one after another, gathered in groups of three or five, or went to the cafeteria or the commissary to prepare for lunch.

Of course, there are also many people who choose to stay in the classroom to eat bento, and Kato Yusuke is one of them.

"...I don't like natto."

This was the first sentence he said after opening the bento box.

"If that's the case, let me help you solve it. As a reward, please give me two, no, a piece of fried chicken!"

"Ah—! I want to do that too!"

It's still a familiar recipe, it's still a familiar taste, and... it's still a familiar sand sculpture duo.

Yamaguchi Takashi and Takei Ichiro.

The two of them snickered and stared at the person in front of Yusuke Kato - fried chicken + rice ball + fried vegetable bento.

Holding the chopsticks that came out of nowhere in his hand, he was gradually approaching the food box facing Kato Yusuke.

But he was flexibly avoided.

Kato Yusuke held the bento with one hand, looked at Yamaguchi and Takei thoughtfully, and asked.

"...you want to eat?"

Ushered in a frantic nod from the two, with a deep desire called appetite in their eyes.


Kato Yusuke nodded, put the lunch box on the table, took a deep breath, and said sternly.

"But I refuse!"

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