Two things happened at the private Toyonozaki Academy on Thursday morning.

One was that a student secretly stuffed prohibited items into other people's shoe cabinets, and the other was that Ishikawa, a talented pitcher from the baseball club, announced his withdrawal from the current student council election.

At first glance, there seems to be little connection between the two.

But under the intentional guidance of some people, the two things are actually related to the same person.

That is the first-year freshman who is currently in the limelight, Kato Yusuke from the [1-E] class.

The reason for this impact is from a baseball matchup two days ago.

Witnessed by more than half of the students in the school, the pitcher named as a genius lost to his opponent in the most proud field in public, so he made up his mind to focus all his energy on training in the future.

The incident was truthfully recorded by the school's news department and posted on the bulletin board in the hallway on the first floor of the school. There are also photos of the wonderful moments of the teenagers in the confrontation provided by the photography department, so that almost every passing student can see them. The soaring popularity even overwhelmed the other two popular candidates for the student council.

The heat in the school is unparalleled for a while.

In the classroom, Yamaguchi Takamasa said enthusiastically to the client: "Hey - Kato, please help me sign here, thank you~~!"

With that said, a black metal bat and a marker were handed over.


Kato Yusuke watched this scene speechlessly, and then asked, "...What are you doing? Don't you feel a little disgusting?"

"What do you say, no, it's just an ordinary sign for you, big star."

"...The meaning is unclear, and because it's too disgusting, can you stop using that term to describe me."

"Then, will you sign for me?"

Yamaguchi said with a smile: "As long as you promise me, I won't bother you anymore."


Faced with this very tempting proposal, the teenager finally reached for the pen and wrote his name on the bat.

In the middle, I couldn't help but ask: "So why do I have to do this kind of thing, do you like people leaving marks on your belongings so much?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Kato?"

Yamaguchi pointed to his bat and said, "You must know that this is a lucky bat that has hit 4 home runs in a row~ and with your current popularity,

What if it will become very valuable in the future? "

The powerful brain circuit made Kato Yusuke speechless, and he complained: "...This is not an exclusive item for professional players, you are too whimsical."

"What does it matter, anyway, who can tell what will happen in the future?"

Yamaguchi put his hands behind his head and said, "Just like Kato, if you really become a professional player in the future, then my delusions are not delusions, right?"

After a pause, he continued: "At that time, as the first bat you used in high school, wouldn't it be super rare~!"

The tone also became high.

In response, Kato Yusuke let out a sigh and started packing.

"It will be sure, Yamaguchi."


"So things in the future will be confirmed. For example, there will be an investigation into the hope of the second year, and the third year will be divided into arts and science classes. Even sports students will decide their future development direction early under the guidance of the coach... Do you forget it?"

"Wow wow wow wow...appeared——!"

Yamaguchi pointed at the boy with an exaggerated gesture and said, "This is definitely not my illusion. I should say, Kato, are you becoming more and more like an uncle recently?"

"No, no matter how you think about it, you are too leisurely. Don't make excuses for Uncle."

At this time, Takei, who had not spoken before, suddenly interjected.


He looked at Yamaguchi suspiciously, "Generally speaking, the first thing people would think of when comparing the word "uncle" should be mature, right? And it's said that it's an uncle... What kind of person is an uncle?"


Yamaguchi couldn't help being stunned, then thought for a moment and said, "Probably the type who would drink a drink after get off work, have a drunk face, and always say things that others don't understand, right?"

"You're talking about a simple drunk, right?" Kato Yusuke said casually.

"Then, Kato, please tell me, what kind of person is an uncle?" Yamaguchi insisted: "If you can't convince me, can you invite me for today's drinks?"

Hearing this, Yusuke glanced at the other party, and then thoughtfully said: "There are more hair falling off the pillow, the sandwich bread that I like to eat has disappeared from the convenience store, and these small despair are piled up, probably It belongs to the uncle."

Because I had an appointment with Shiyu-senpai this afternoon, Yusuke didn't stay in the classroom too much, but just packed up and left after talking to Yamaguchi and the others.

I didn't forget to add a sentence in the middle, don't forget my oolong tea, and then walked out of the classroom under the eyes of the two of them.

After a long interval, Yamaguchi touched Takei's flank with his elbow and asked, "What do you think now? About Kato."

Takei, on the other hand, laughed dryly with an "ahhaha" and didn't answer the question.

Upon seeing this, Yamaguchi didn't take it seriously, but thought about it and said, "Speaking of Zhujing, if you are free recently, would you like to go to the sports store together?"

"Yes, yes, but what do you want to buy?" the latter asked.

"I should buy another training bat, because I plan to use it only for important games, so let's go together? Call Kato together."

Just as Zhujing was about to open his mouth to answer, a voice suddenly interjected.

"Ah~~ it sounds interesting, are you going to buy something? If that's the case, add me too."

Looking up, I saw Himekawa Yoshiko, who seemed to have just returned from the cafeteria, was looking at them with a smile.

The reason why she said that the other party came back from the cafeteria was because the girl was holding a drink that was only sold there.

"I said, Kako."

Yamaguchi said, "We're going to a sporting goods store. There shouldn't be anything you need there, right?"

"Where are you going to the store?"

"Probably near my house."

"Hey~~ Since that's the case, I have a better recommendation, Yamaguchi-san."


Facing Yamaguchi's doubts, Kako continued with a smile: "Yes, right, the Liutianma shopping mall that recently appeared in the magazine's color page, it seems that there will be a good discount at that time, do you want to go together?"

"Six Tianma Shopping Center?"

Yamaguchi and Takei couldn't help but look at each other with a blank look on their faces.

In these respects, boys are always much slower than girls.

Seeing this, Kako explained patiently: "It's a large shopping plaza in Saitama Prefecture. According to reports, there are more than 100 brands from home and abroad, and there are many well-known restaurants and a The complex studio is super interesting to say~~!”

"You said Saitama Prefecture...?"

Yamaguchi asked Zhujing next to him, "I remember it seems to be Kato's hometown there?"

The other party shook his head: "No, although they are all in Saitama Prefecture, but Kato said that he seems to be from a village, I think there is some difference, right?"

"Is that so... Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Yamaguchi thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, it wouldn't be impossible to go over there and take a look. What do you think, Takei?"

The latter nodded: "Well, my words are fine."

"Then it's decided~!"

A happy smile appeared on Jiazi's face, "Then I will create a group, and we will discuss the specific schedule in the group."

After a pause, she continued: "Ah, yes, yes, and Kato-san doesn't seem to have a line, right? Then please tell him Yamaguchi-san and Takei-san."

After saying that, he waved to the two of them, then walked back to his seat and chatted with the girl sitting in front of him.

After a while, Yamaguchi and Takei were pulled into a four-person discussion group.

Among them, there is the name "Megumi".

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