
The election campaign has officially started.

As time goes by, the speeches of the recommenders and candidates are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

"The above is the Nanami-senpai's support club——it's a mistake, it's a recommendation speech."

The girl stuck her tongue out while beating her head, and her cute expression attracted a knowing smile from the audience and applauded gently.

Behind the scenes on the edge of the stage.


The girl was staring at the manuscript in her hand without saying a word, with a rare expression of concentration.

Seeing this, Yusuke Kato, who was beside him, handed over a bottle of drink, "I bought coffee, do you want to drink it?"

"Well, thank you." Hui nodded slightly, but still did not look away from the manuscript.

Even Ling Yusuke doubted whether the other party heard him clearly, or whether he just responded instinctively.

Sighing slightly, he simply shot directly from the physical level.

First, he pulled the manuscript out of the girl's hand, and then stuffed some warm coffee into the other's hand.


Facing the questioning gaze from him, Kato Yusuke said in a soft tone: "Anyway, let's have a drink and relax, there's no need to be so nervous."

The girl glanced at him, but did not speak.

But Yusuke still clearly caught a little bit of dissatisfaction from the other party's eyes, and there was a vague taste of anger.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Kato Yusuke opened the pull tab of the coffee in his hand and touched the other party's coffee lightly.


Accompanied by the crisp metal collision, the gentle voice of the young man entered his ears.

So Hui's expression returned to normal, and a pair of jet-black eyes stared at him quietly, and then said something.

"...I don't know what Kato-kun is thinking, but waiting for the speech to be given will affect the final result. Is it really okay to be so relaxed?"

Kato Yusuke replied: "Well,

no problem. Rather, if it was Kato-san, I would trust you. "

The girl's eyes fluctuated slightly, and then she opened the coffee in her hand with a "pop", and lowered her head to take a sip.

I don't know if she really believed what the other party said, and the girl didn't insist on asking for the manuscript that she had taken away.

Instead, he turned his eyes toward the stage while drinking warm coffee.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke also looked over with her.

The speaker was Nanami-senpai from the track and field club. The voice from the loudspeaker was full of enthusiasm and energy, and the interspersed jokes made the atmosphere off the field very lively, and the gym was covered with laughter.

"It's amazing." The girl breathed softly, and a touch of Bai Lian slowly disappeared, revealing her slightly rosy cheeks.

"It's very interesting." The young man nodded slightly, and then changed his words: "But we just need to be ourselves."

"...I said it's not that easy anymore."

"It doesn't matter, after all, even if we fail, we have nothing to lose, don't we?"

"It's not like that..."

Megumi let out a sigh.

Kato Yusuke smiled.

"That's it. It should be said that this is obviously my business, but it has added a lot of work to you, sorry."

The girl shook her head slightly.

"I was very happy before... I was happier than I thought about participating in activities with Kato-kun."


"I always feel that it is happier than when I used to play with ordinary friends, and I feel happier..."



The two fell silent at the same time.

It is warm outside, here is quiet as snow.

There seems to be a barrier invisible to the naked eye dividing the world in two.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

After a long while, the girl suddenly asked.

"Hey... Kato-kun, let me ask you. Why do you trust me so much?"

The voice was soft and gentle, but with a somewhat exploratory taste, it echoed in front of him along with the aroma of coffee.

Kato Yusuke paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Because you said we were companions, right? Isn't it natural to trust each other?"

The coffee in my hand is getting cold.

Hui nodded slowly, the bright sunlight reflected in his eyes dimmed slightly.

At this moment……

"Then next is the president's recommendation, a speech from first-year student Kato. Please come to the stage."

The voice of the election host came from outside.

"Then, I'll go up first, Kato-san."

Saying that, the girl put down the coffee and walked towards the stage with her feet raised.

The slender ponytail hanging behind her swayed lightly with gravity, drawing a graceful arc.

The warm and fair long jade legs climbed up the steps.

Just as Megumi was about to step onto the stage, Kato Yusuke stopped her abruptly.



Facing the suspicious gaze of the other party, Yusuke smiled and nodded: "If you feel nervous, remember to follow the method we discussed yesterday."

"Yesterday's method...?" The girl tilted her head slightly, but time did not allow her to stop any longer, so she continued to walk forward.

Walking out from behind the curtain, the eyes of the audience gathered together.

I couldn't help but recall what the boy said yesterday.

- "If you're nervous, just look at me when you speak tomorrow."

Megumin muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "...Even if you say that, it's not strange that you don't face the audience when you speak."

Just when she thought so, she suddenly felt a figure in the peripheral vision above her field of vision.

Looking around, I saw that on the second floor opposite the ceremony platform, the young man climbed up unexpectedly.

At this moment, he waved his hand here and gave Yamaguchi a high-five beside him.

It's just that compared to the natural face of the former, the latter is sneaky and afraid of being discovered.

‘Ah, is this against the school rules? ’ Megumi, who was standing in front of the ceremony platform, thought subconsciously.

It was a little stunned at first, then...

Like cherry blossoms blooming, the corners of the girl's mouth raised slightly, showing a beautiful arc.

Is there anything I can do for you...?

An inexplicable emotion gradually rose in my heart.

It made her feel both happy and joyful, as if there was an indescribable sense of pride and a quiet high-spirited mood.

The girl moved her palms to her chest, took a small breath, and at a certain moment seemed to have finally made up her mind.


With a low, inaudible breathing sound, she stretched her hand to the back of her head.

As a result, the attention of the venue was also attracted to the past, and people subconsciously followed the action with their eyes.

Slim fingers hook the rubber band at the root of the hair, and then gently pull it out.

In the rustling sound, the silk-like waterfall of blue silk is brushed out, and it flows gently with the wind.

The long black hair broke into the eyes of everyone like this, swaying like a life.


The gymnasium of Nuoda suddenly became audible, and people held their breaths involuntarily, as if they were afraid of disturbing the scene in front of them.

"Well, good morning everyone."

In the silent gap caused by the audience condensing their thoughts at this moment, the beautiful and vibrant voice of the girl is deeply infiltrated.

"One year E class, Megumi Kato. I'm really grateful for the opportunity to speak like this today."

Slightly, with slow movements, bowing your head in a salute.

The one-person speech has begun.

"About this student council..."

The soft sound sounded from the stage, and slowly spread through the speakers, gently entering everyone's ears.

In the stands on the second floor, Kato Yusuke watched this scene silently.

The girl's figure was reflected in his eyes, and the girl's words echoed in his ears.

He was vague about what the girl on the podium said later, but the only thing he remembered was the long black hair that seemed to be alive.

And...that slender figure that amazed everyone.


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