"...Then, this is my speech, and I ask everyone to cast a fair vote for Kato-san."

The girl finally said that and walked off the stage. The slender back is bathed in various gazes.

"--Kato-kun, thank you very much." The host said in hindsight.

After a short silence, the field turned from static.

"Hey, did you see that? That girl."

"Ah! It's too beautiful."

"Oops, that type happens to be my strike zone!"

"It seems to be the first grade? Are there such beautiful girls in our school?"

The students whispered to each other and looked towards the first-year position.


"Strange, who is that girl?"

"Um... I don't remember it at all, should I say it's really our grade?"

"...Even the name, seems to be Ganahui?"

As they can see, most of the first graders are also confused and thoughtful.

Some people even called the wrong name.

This has deeply stimulated the relatives and friends of the parties involved.

"No, it's Kato Megumi!"

Himekawa Yoshiko recovered from the state of being moved and proud, and then refuted the surroundings: "Kay Fuji Megumi. The plus of the plus and minus, the vine of the vine, and the Megumi of the Hui Fangju, do you know?"

When he said that, the expression on his face was also proud.


"Is there such a person in our class...?"

"That's true..."

"It seems to be Kato Yusuke-san's partner, right? I always feel that there is no sense of existence."

Even the students in the class looked blank, but their attention quickly shifted to other places.

"But it's also great,

She just had long hair, but she turned into that kind of super beautiful girl! "

"Even though I've been in the same class for so long, I haven't found out, what am I usually doing...!?"


Most of the boys are beating their chests and feet and being surprised.

Seeing this scene, Jiazi snorted and glared at them with a slightly smug expression.

Today's Megumi Kato may become a lifetime memory for many boys in the same class.

An Yilun, an otaku who had seen Megumi Kato herself before, also stared blankly at the long-haired version of Megumi Kato who appeared gorgeously on this day. been impacted.

As the girl's figure disappeared behind the curtain, many people let out a sigh in disappointment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the host of the event inserted words at the right time: "Then next is the speech of the president candidate, Yusuke Kato. Please—"

"Wait a minute." Someone said in a condescending tone.

The sudden sound not only interrupted the host's words, but the audience was also stunned, and looked towards the source of the sound.

Soon, they found their target.

I saw a slender figure slowly walking out of the third-year team, and then stepped onto the stage with calm steps.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"It's President Okita."




"Ah, it's the former student council president."


An inappropriate word was suddenly inserted into the greetings of Qi brushing, which made the atmosphere suddenly quiet for a while, and everyone looked around, trying to find out who was so uninteresting.

At this time, Okita has come to the front of the ceremony.

First, he nodded to the host on the side, and then said to the audience: "Sorry for interrupting everyone, before the election activities continue, I want to say a few things here, and make a comment on the work of the student union over the past year. A brief report, please bear with me."

to hear him...

"Chong, President Okita?"

The host on the side was a little surprised and embarrassed and said: "This link does not seem to be within the scope of the plan..."

In response, Okita took a deep look at the other party and asked in a deep voice, "Is there any problem?"

The seriousness in his eyes made the host unconsciously take two steps back, and then shook his head repeatedly to say that there was no problem.

After speaking, he quickly ran off the stage and hid behind the curtain.

So the student council president's speech continued.

Under the stage, in the area where the teachers sit.

Nakamura-sensei frowned slightly, and there was a little bad feeling in his heart.

Teacher Hasumi asked in a low voice, "Okita-san, is he the one who had a conflict with Kato-kun?"

Nakamura Katsu nodded silently.

After hesitating for a while, he said to the old man sitting in front: "Principal, wouldn't this be bad? Would you like to change Okita's speech to the end?"

However, I don't know if I didn't hear it clearly or what, I saw the gray-haired and kind-hearted old man turned his head and made a quiet gesture with his finger to his mouth.

Then he said, "Shh...be quiet at this time, Nakamura-sensei."

The tone was not harsh, but very gentle.

But Katsuya Nakamura had no choice but to nod his head and said sorry.

Seeing that the teachers didn't respond, the students naturally didn't say much.

Even if there are any thoughts, most of them will only be buried in the heart.

Following the flow is an instinctive habit.


Skip some social rhetoric and go straight to the point.

"...In yesterday's personal belongings inspection, members of the student council found some items that were not in compliance with the school rules. Although our school's school spirit is very open and respects everyone's personal interests, the school is a place for us to grow better for the future, So please keep irrelevant items at home and don't affect others."

"The most serious of these is a case discovered by a student member of trying to hide more than one kilogram of video objects in someone else's shoe cabinet... More specifically, the kind of meaningless and full of various An otaku anime CD with female motifs."

"For such misconduct, we have criticized and educated the parties concerned, and will continue to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. We hope that successors will also keep this in mind and abide by the principles."

Okita weaved the words one by one, and gradually guided the atmosphere.

"Also, during our tenure as student council president, we've been working hard to change school life for the better. For example—"

"There's not enough selection in the commissary, the playground is uneven, the ball club wants an electric pump, and the cafeteria wants a system that can hold big bowls of rice, and so on."

"Thanks to everyone's help, several of the problems have indeed been improved. I believe that students in my same class have also seen these."

Having said that, Okita suddenly stopped.

After a brief silence, the second and third grade students also applauded him one after another.

This is an affirmation of his past work.

From this time on, the atmosphere has been completely under Okita's control.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, his eyes glanced behind the scenes inadvertently, and then continued to speak.

"It's not the pursuit of an unrealizable ideal, but a change from a real place. I think that's my responsibility... For example, the problem of no air conditioning in the first-year classroom, our student union has always attached great importance to it and never gave up. work hard on this.”

Hearing his words, there was a little commotion in the first-year team.

The idea of ​​"It turns out that we were not abandoned" gradually emerged from their hearts, which also made them feel a little more favorable towards the man on stage.


Okita suddenly changed his words and said: "As far as I know, some people made similar remarks in order to succeed in the election a while ago, and they also used this method to win a lot of votes."

"As a graduating third-year student, some discoveries made me a little worried. Because the person who kept saying that he wanted to make changes for everyone was also a person who was addicted to otaku works."

Before waiting for everyone to react, he continued: "Not only that, that person seems to be a dangerous person outside the school, and there seems to be a set of greeting ceremony in front of the school gate two days ago, people don't know about it here. It's not a school after all."


Okita said to the audience in a worried tone: "I am very worried about those who bring this bad atmosphere into the school, whether it is for my friends or my juniors, I hope Everyone can vote cautiously in the upcoming elections, above."

After a deep bow.

Taking advantage of the gap between people's thinking, he called back the host who was hiding behind the scenes, and he walked down the stage dashingly.

Not just who to start with.

"President Okita, we will support you!"

"come on!"

Somewhere in the audience, probably a student with whom he had a good relationship, uttered a voice of approval.

Then, with that voice as an opportunity, the atmosphere began to spread and overwhelm everyone.

Seeing the bad situation, the host hurriedly invited the next speaker.

In such a situation, a tall figure slowly walked out from behind the scenes.


(I'll fix it later)

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