When people doubt Okita's motives because of Yusuke's words.

Neither chasing, nor vitriol.

Unexpectedly, the young man gently exposed the topic,

"It turns out—"

Kato Yusuke's eyes swept the audience, and all the audience were waiting for his next words.

The audience was silent, but something was quietly brewing.

Some people seem to feel uncomfortable moving their bodies on the seat, their eyes are erratic.

After a short period of time, he spoke slowly.

"Actually, they are neither scary nor special. If the halo of those "seniors" is removed, they are just ordinary people like us. "

The boy's voice was slow and slow, and the speed of his speech was just right.

"If you want to say why, I believe everyone has heard about the events of the past two days. In order to avoid making everyone feel that I am boasting, I will not repeat them here."

As the words fell, someone immediately thought of the baseball matchup on Tuesday.

"Ah, is that what you're talking about?"

"That's it."

"I was there that day, it was so handsome!"


There was a small exclamation from the crowd, and occasionally they understood the matter with the explanations of the surrounding students.

The audience, your words and my words caused a good ripple.

On campus, students who are good at sports are always more popular than others.

And this way of narrating himself as an example also makes the boy's words more realistic.

From this moment on, the wind direction in the field has basically changed.

Okita's face became slightly distorted, and then he retorted loudly: "Stop joking——!"

The voice overwhelmed the whispers in the field for a moment, and attracted the attention.

Like a beast being cornered, he pointed at the teenager on the stage and scolded, "It's just that I won a practice match that wasn't even a game.

How dare you speak arrogantly here. Do you think you can be stronger than the main force of all the sports clubs here? "

"Don't underestimate my seniors! First graders."

As he said that, he looked at the ministers of the various sports clubs, hoping to arouse their common sense of confrontation.

The audience also looked at the past together.


Either avoid, or bow, or turn a blind eye.

These community ministers, who usually have a good relationship with him, avoided his sight one after another.

"One entrance examination broke the best results over the years. Who wants to fight against that kind of monster..."

Someone couldn't help but whispered, and they felt a bit of slander in their hearts for Okita's act of drawing hatred towards them.

Others also followed suit.

"That's right, does he understand what that means?"

"No way, after all, I'm a layman."

"makes sense."

At this time, someone said: "But we heard from our coach that Kato-san may join the club in the future. I always feel that I can look forward to this year's results."

There was a little excitement and pride in his tone.

There was silence for a while, and then someone immediately refuted.

"...No, don't you mean it's just as a foreign aid? And it's the kind of important tournaments."

"Huh? But our coach clearly said that he was entering the department...?" The previous man asked suspiciously.

Another asked, "Who is your coach?"

"Mr. Hirakawa, from the baseball club." The former responded.


"Ah—it's Hirakawa-sensei..."

"It's Hirakawa-sensei..."

Others said something meaningful.

Fortunately, there are still people who enthusiastically answered the doubts.

I saw a boy who didn't know which club head he was, patted the man on the shoulder, and then said something with a smile.

"Haha, with Mr. Hirakawa's character, he must have said that because he couldn't save face. But unfortunately, it's actually foreign aid, and everyone is the same, brother."


Aside from the ministers who suddenly crooked the building and talked about sex, let's not mention it for the time being.

Okita, who heard their words completely in his ears, instantly became like a lightning strike and stood still.

And the eyes of the other students couldn't help but look weird, and they all looked at this "former student council president".

The atmosphere is unusually delicate.

At this moment, the young man's warm and jade-like voice rang from the loudspeaker again, and uttered a word of unknown meaning.

"Watch the cherry blossoms at night in spring, the stars in summer, the full moon in autumn, and the first snow in winter."

The voice became a little long in an instant, but it was full of magnetism. Like the attraction of gravity, people want to get closer to his voice every second.

"Juveniles are teenagers, they don't like the spring breeze, they don't bother with Xia Chan, they don't feel sad when they see the autumn wind, they don't sigh when they see the winter snow, they see the rich and noble, they are lazy, they don't dare to face injustice - just because they are teenagers. "

The tone at the end of the sentence is slightly accentuated, as if to be carved into people's hearts.


"Dostoevsky." The delicate lips opened and closed gently, and the girl whispered.

I saw Shi Yu staring at the figure on the stage for a moment, with a charming brilliance on his face.

' Even if you have a girlfriend, I will never give up. ' she told herself, her eyes focused and determined.

And Kato Yusuke's speech continued.

Taking advantage of the large blank time created by what people said just now, he could only listen to him speak slowly.

"The so-called maturity is actually a self-cultivation to eliminate arrogance internally and eliminate prejudice externally."

"As a high school student and an otaku, I don't think it's bad. On the contrary, I think it's a very good thing to have something you love and be able to work hard for it."

"So don't let those mean people drown out your enthusiasm, and don't pretend to be mature. Do what you love instead of what you should do, don't let others dictate your life, and don't let life have regrets."

"Because... we are teenagers."

The timbre is cadenced, and the wording is appropriate and at the same time very atmospheric, forming a sharp contrast with the previous Okita.

Coupled with that handsome face, many girls couldn't help screaming.

Even the boys looked at the man on stage with admiration, and felt extremely recognized.

Facing the pair of eyes condensed with thought and approval, Kato Yusuke said in a loud voice: "I hope each of us-"

His eyes slowly glanced at the auditorium, and there was no sign of timidity on his face, and he said the second half of the sentence word by word.

"You can live in your love."

Perhaps because the facts revealed in his final words were too unexpected, the venue suddenly became silent.

In the silence, the long-haired beauty wearing a white headband was the first to stand up from her seat and began to applaud softly.

The crisp applause echoed alone in the arena.

A blond girl with a delicate face was biting her lower lip tightly in the team of Class F one year.

"To actually admit that I'm an otaku or something in front of the whole school... I'm like an idiot."

With a vague mumble, the girl rubbed her red eyes,


As if to cheer herself up, the girl took a deep breath, then stood up from her seat and applauded softly.

During this process, her azure blue eyes never left the figure on the stage for a moment, as if following the light.

Applause began to double.

In the corner, An Yilun also looked at the figure with complicated eyes, and he couldn't tell whether it was envy or jealousy, or both.

Behind the curtain, Kei Zheng, who had tied up her long hair at some point, tightly gripped the curtain, her slender fingers turning white from the force.

In the third-year team, Nakano-senpai with short hair also began to applaud softly, with undisguised admiration on her face, but she did not stand up.

And this scene happened to be caught in the eyes of Mr. Yamashiro.

Immediately, he applauded vigorously.

The teachers next to him couldn't help but look at him.

The other students also reacted at this time.

First, it felt like a tick of rain, and crisp applause began to sound from every corner.

Gradually, the light rain turned into a heavy rain, and the heavy rain turned into a thunderstorm.

Accompanied by the whistle of "咻~".

In the gym, there was thunderous applause.

Whether or not the teenager succeeds in the end.

This day will always be remembered by the teachers and students present.

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