From "Ueno" Station, take the "Tokiwa Line" limited express train towards "Mito" and it will take about an hour to arrive at "Ibaraki".

In a first-class seat in a car.

"Hey, so why are you in such a hurry to get back to Ibaraki? Kyou."

A woman dressed as an urban beauty said to the lover beside her, "It's clear that the moving company will come tomorrow, can't you wait another day?"

Following her gaze, a man who was staring at the scenery outside the window slowly turned his head.

With brown hair and brown eyes, his facial features are straight, and even though his complexion is slightly pale, he can still be regarded as a handsome guy.

It was Yaguchi Kyoya whose life was hanging by a thread last night.

In the face of his girlfriend's question, Yaguchi Kyoya responded with a forced smile and said, "...Anyway, you have already done almost everything in your workplace, and I have also entrusted the management to the apartment, so just take it as It’s okay to get used to the new environment earlier, and it’s okay to go back to Ibaraki earlier, right?”


The woman pouted a little glumly, "Even so, they haven't told you to play around with you, obviously they planned to go to Disneyland..."

His eyes looked around.

Because I bought the morning ticket, there were not many people in the carriage. Even if they were included, there were only five people in total.

The other three are: the OL sitting in the front position, the man in the suit in the front left position, and the baseball cap boy in the row next to the aisle.

Among them, the OL is working on a computer, the man in the suit is reading, and the baseball boy is playing a game of marbles.

Everyone was busy on their own, and no one paid attention to them.

The train moved smoothly.

The bright sun shines in from the window, making people feel warm.

The atmosphere seemed peaceful and peaceful, as if everything last night was just a dream.

It gave Yaguchi Kyouya a feeling of being out of the world.

Involuntarily, he rubbed his abdomen, where there seemed to be some phantom pain, and the air he breathed into his nose also had a faint smell of sea water.

There was a look of memory in his eyes.

Since breaking into Sayu's house, Yaguchi Kyoya has fled back to his girlfriend's apartment and hid to observe the situation.

Even if he said that he didn't care, but when he thought that if the police really came to the door, he inevitably had a kind of fear.

Especially when it was smashed by that hot girl on the spot.

According to his guess, even if Sayu didn't call the police, Mami's character would definitely call the police at that time.

But after hiding in the apartment for a night, he was surprised to find that this did not happen.

But when the next day was safe and sound, Yaguchi Kyouya was finally convinced that the other party really did not seem to call the police.

Although I don't understand the reason for this, it is a good thing for him.

After having the courage to accompany his girlfriend to a nearby clinic to treat the wound, Yaguchi Kyouya's hanging heart finally let go.

until last night.

Because his girlfriend was going to spend the night at his best friend's house, he was left alone in the apartment.

With a subtle mentality, Yaguchi Kyoya, who had dressed up in disguise, went to the convenience store where Mami and the others worked, and bought two cans of beer.

Because it was already evening, it was a matter of course that he did not see the two girls, but he got the news from the night shift staff that the girl was on leave due to illness.

Then came the next thing. At that time, he never thought that the horror movie-like unfolding would follow.

Originally, I just stared blankly at home watching TV and drinking beer.

As a result, he was attracted by a strange noise coming from outside the balcony. It was a sound like a pulley rubbing against the ground.

"Gulu Gulu..."

Looking at the empty room, Yaguchi Kyouya, who felt strange, got up from the living room and came to the living room with the dark lights.

The cold wind blew in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and swayed the curtains.

Tightening his clothes, he walked to the window and opened the curtains.

What I saw in front of me was a large black suitcase.

Immediately after—

"Yaguchi Kyouya?"

Accompanied by a soft inquiry sounded from behind, a hand covered with black gloves suddenly placed on his shoulder.

In an instant, a tingling coolness rose from under his feet and quickly swept his body.

Looking back sharply.

Bare face, raised eyebrows, proboscis.

A hideous face wrapped under a black hood slammed into his eyes so defenselessly.

Immediately afterwards, his world went dark.

A feeling of palpitations arises spontaneously.

While thinking about this, his face became paler.

As for the reason why that person let go of him later, Yaguchi Kyouya didn't understand, and he didn't want to go into it.

He had only one thought left in his mind who had been fortunate enough to taste the waters of Tokyo Bay - that was to escape from this place quickly.

As for the others, he believed that he would have time to investigate slowly in the days to come.


"Little Gong...?"

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, the woman couldn't help but asked aloud with some doubts: "What's the matter all of a sudden... By the way, your face looks so bad, is it because you are not feeling well?"


Returning from the state of wandering, he licked his dry lips.

Facing the woman's question, Yaguchi Kyouya rubbed his face and said, "...Sorry, I just happened to be thinking about something. I probably didn't rest well last night, so I was a little dizzy."


"That's why I said you don't have to leave in such a hurry."

The woman first said something resentful, and then took his hand very considerately.

"But it's time to eat something sweet like this. It means that I just bought a muffin before getting in the car. Let's eat it together~~?"

Feeling the temperature in his hands, Yaguchi Kyoya's face couldn't help but feel much better.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but a strange voice suddenly came from the next door of the aisle.

"Gulu Gulu Gulu..."

When the sound came to my ears.

His pupils dilated instantly, and he looked over there suddenly.

I saw the boy in the baseball cap bent over and picked up a marble from the ground, as if he had accidentally dropped it during play.

When the other party raised his head, a handsome and handsome face was reflected in Yaguchi Kyouya's eyes.

Probably felt that the noise caused by himself disturbed others.

Facing his horrified gaze, the young man nodded apologetically, then put away the marbles and walked outside.

'Did I think too much? ’

He couldn't help pinching his eyebrows. Feeling a little headache, he said to the woman, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom. You can eat the muffins first."

After he finished speaking, he walked directly towards the connection of the carriage.

Both unexpected and reasonable.

When he came to the bathroom, he saw that the young man just walked out with his head lowered.

Probably didn't see his relationship.


The two bodies collided inadvertently.

Looking up at him, the young man smiled apologetically, and then walked away.

"Isn't this person capable of apologizing?" Yaguchi Kyouya murmured in a low voice, but didn't think much of it.

In about five minutes.

When he returned to the carriage, the boy had already played marbles on the table again, and his girlfriend had prepared muffins, sprinkled with snow-white frosting sugar and golden honey, looking very of appetite.

"Ah, it looks delicious, thank you Yumiko." Yaguchi Kyouya said.

The woman known as Yumiko stood up from her seat with her head lowered, allowing her boyfriend to sit.

"You even have tableware prepared. You are really considerate."

After sighing with emotion, he lowered his head and enjoyed it.

"Hey, Kyoumi..."

His girlfriend suddenly called his name and said, "This time back in Ibaraki, will you marry me?"

Yaguchi Kyoya, who was eating muffins, raised his head in confusion, "You said marriage...? Why did you suddenly bring up this issue?"

A brief silence.

The woman took a breath and said, "That's because I want to marry you!"

The sudden increase in the tone not only shocked Yaguchi Kyoya, but even the other passengers looked sideways slightly.

"Uh, you mean your voice is too loud, Yumiko."

Yaguchi swallowed the muffin in his mouth and said, "Anyway, why don't you sit down and discuss this issue?"

However, the other party shook his head, and then placed something in his hand on the table with a "snack" sound.

"This, is Xiao Gong's phone?"

In a low, trembling voice, he said, "I see it! Are you dating other people besides me!?"

The woman raised her head sharply, and was greeted with an angry and sad face.

Looking down the chat software interface on the phone, Yaguchi Kyouya suddenly changed color.

Touching his pocket subconsciously, he asked in a deep voice, "Why is my phone with you..."

"answer me--!"

The woman interrupted him directly, and said in a suppressed voice, "So...what are you going to do after that?"

As if he was also puzzled by the other party's question, Yaguchi Kyoya opened his mouth and responded, "What to do... I plan to love everyone from now on..."

"What are you talking about? You are an idiot!"

The woman asked angrily, with a look of confusion and regret on her face at the same time, "It's crazy to be with seven people at the same time! How do you want to deal with the problem of marriage?"

Seeing that things had come to this point, Yaguchi Kyouya simply stopped hiding it.

First, he lowered his head and took another bite of the muffin, and then said to the other party with a non-self-interested attitude: "You don't need to get married. It's okay to have love, right?"

The woman's expression froze on her face.

A little quiet for a few seconds.

Then, tears involuntarily fell from his eyes.

With a long inhalation sound, the woman gripped the muffin knife tightly with trembling hands.

"This is... your punishment for playing with me." The woman with tears in her eyes said.

With some kind of determination, she stabbed the man in front of her without hesitation.

The metal blade gleamed dazzlingly white in the sunlight.

When the other party stretched out his hand to the muffin knife, Yaguchi Kyoya, who had a premonition that it was not good, stood up from his seat in advance and tried to dodge.

According to his original expectation, even if there is no escape space behind him, the knife will only stab him in the chest at most.



There seemed to be some kind of small sound coming from the opposite position, and then a piercing pain came from the calf.

Unable to control himself, he bent down.



The sound of the blade entering the body rang in the ear, and the throat subconsciously cooled.

Some kind of warm liquid burst out from the neck and splashed onto the woman's face.

Yaguchi Kyouya's vision also began to gradually darken.

"Gulu Gulu Gulu..."

A strange sound came to his ears.

Surprisingly, he looked towards the position across the aisle.

A handsome face with no joy and no sorrow came into view, a pair of dark pupils were looking at him quietly, and gradually overlapped with the eyes under the Tengu mask in his mind.

"Ah, so that's what it is..."

As this thought rose in his heart, Yaguchi Kyouya's world also plunged into boundless darkness.


As the body fell heavily into the pool of blood, there was a shrill scream in the carriage.

Pressing the baseball cap on his head, the teenager stared out the window and said something softly.

“Life is like a fuckin comedy.”


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