Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 198 Things that are not allowed

The student union room during lunch break.

"Please, Kato——! This is my lifelong request, let this plan pass!"

The high-pitched tone echoed in the room, and the decibels were so loud that it was a bit harsh.

Even the pen in his hand was affected by this, drawing an extra curve on the paper.

He raised his head from the pile of papers and looked across the desk.

Looking at the boy who bowed deeply at 90 degrees, the young man couldn't help but frown deeply, and then spoke.

"Although I don't understand your feelings, is it too early to think about holding an animation appreciation party now, Aki. After all, the school festival is in November, can't you wait until then to bring it up?"

"So you agreed!??"

"When did I say no?"

An Yilun also raised his head in surprise, "Oh, to be honest, I was worried that you would leave home after becoming the student council president... But Kato is still the same Kato, and he is indeed the companion I like!"

He said and gave him a thumbs up.

But that unnecessary energy and enthusiasm made Kato Yusuke not even bother to smile, he just rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"Anyway, I already know about the animation appreciation party. I will arrange it for you during the school festival. If there is nothing else, you can go back. I will continue to be busy."

"Uh - it's not like I don't have anything to say..."

"If you want to ask about making games."

Facing Toruya Aki who was hesitant to speak, Yusuke Kato stopped the topic in advance and pointed at the piles of documents on the table.

"You have also seen the situation on my side. In addition to the work of the student union, there are also final exams and Xia Yi's side also needs to prepare, so we can talk about the game later."

With his eyes wandering between the documents on the table and the young man, An Yilun suddenly realized something and brought it up directly.

He looked around the room and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Kato-san recently... Ah, of course, I'm not talking about you Kato, but Megumi--"

Before he could finish speaking, Kato Yusuke interrupted him directly: "Are you familiar with Kato-san?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but An Yilun suddenly felt that the temperature in the room seemed to be a few degrees lower.

Subconsciously, he looked towards the young man behind the table, only to see that the other man was staring at him expressionlessly, as if waiting for his answer.

The moment he looked into those Gujing Fubo eyes, an indescribable feeling surged into his heart, which was so depressing that he was speechless.

But that only happened for a moment, because the young man quickly moved his gaze to the window, and the feeling disappeared along with it.

Looking at the side face between sunlight and shadow, An Yilun took off his glasses and wiped them with some confusion, while thinking to himself.

'It's so strange... I obviously just got the lenses, so why does Kato seem to look different from before. ’

With that in mind, he didn't forget to answer the other party's question.

Just listen to him muttering: "It's not like we are familiar with each other or not. We didn't prepare for the election together before. We should be considered companions, right?"

As if he thought of something, An Yilun's tone suddenly became high-spirited.

"But speaking of it——! Kato-san looks so cute when she lets her hair down! If it were in Galgame, the speech scene would definitely be ranked as one of the best scenes of the year!"

I saw him dancing his arms excitedly and talking to Yusuke Kato enthusiastically.

"To be honest, I was completely amazed by Kato-san's new look that day! Even I couldn't help but add background music to that scene in my head, just like the heroine in the game!"

As Tonya Aki spoke, an irritable mood gradually filled Kato Yusuke's chest.

His long fingers tapped on the table, making a short and dull sound.

Until a certain moment.

"That's right, since Kato you don't have time recently, why don't I ask Kato-san to be my heroine? In this way, I might be able to design a new branch line, and it can be filled in directly by us when the time comes. inside the game."


The moment he finished speaking, the tapping movement on the young man's hand suddenly stopped.

"Don't go and harass Kato-san."

Low and firm words came out of Kato Yusuke's mouth, and were clearly passed into the ears of Aki Roshiya.


As if he didn't hear clearly, An Yilun's expression froze on his face.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke repeated it again.

"I asked you not to harass Kato-san, if you still consider me a friend."


An Yilun also murmured.

"One more thing."

Regardless of the other party's reaction, Kato Yusuke continued to speak: "When facing people you don't know well, please call them by their last names instead of calling them by their first names. Can you do that?"

Although the voice was soft, it contained a certain kind of courage that could not be denied.

An Yilun, who was attracted by that courage, couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said with a forced smile.

"...Huh? Yes, yes, yes, but before that, can you tell me the reason? That is, you are not allowed to let me go to Kato-san."

In this regard, the young man remained silent.

After a long while, he slowly said: "Just think of it as payment for the game and animation appreciation meeting. Is this reason enough?"

"That is to say...are you willing to play games with me!?!?" An Yilun also said.

Even under such circumstances, the expression on his face could not help but show undisguised ecstasy.

Faced with the other party's inquiry, Kato Yusuke replied concisely: "Come to me after the summer vacation."

"Then it's agreed! Anyway! I will come to you on time! So I will leave now."


With the sound of the door closing, the student union room became quiet again.

After a round of eardrum bombing, Kato Yusuke was finally able to continue the work of the student union.

It is worth mentioning that even after a weekend, the shortage of students in the Student Union has not improved.

Until now, its main members are still only the president and vice president. In addition, due to the impact of the last incident, even Kato Yusuke is not sure whether another member will choose to quit.

This is why he is now in a situation where almost everything needs to be done by himself.

But he didn't have any objections to this. On the contrary, only being in such extreme busyness could make him temporarily dilute some of the things in his heart.

As for the reason why he did not choose to recruit new members, on the one hand, he was waiting for a result, and on the other hand, he did not want people to see him now.

In view of Sayuna's extremely sensitive nerves in sensing other people's emotions, Kato Yusuke has always been very careful to hide himself at home in order to prevent others from seeing anything.

In fact, he did a good job, at least neither Asami nor Sayu noticed anything unusual about him.

However, this constant mental state also brought a lot of pressure to him, and this student union room, where almost no one usually came, became a tree hole where he could temporarily rest.

Because no one would come, he didn't have to suppress his emotions all the time, and he didn't have to worry about his occasional trance leading to inquiries from others.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel slightly in a trance.

Until a slight knock on the door woke him up, followed by a sweet and beautiful sound.

"Ah, you are indeed here, Yusuke."

Looking over there subconsciously, a slender silhouette came into view.


Reciting the other person's name in a low voice, the young man's eyes seemed as if they were from another world.

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