Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 203: Yinglili wants to change

The next day's school, Class F, first year.

"Ah, Sawamura-san~! Everyone is planning to go to the atrium for lunch. If you don't mind, would you like to come with us, Sawamura-san? Ayumi has prepared black tea for this."

Standing in a bustling classroom.

Facing the girls who invited her, Yinglili smiled and shook her head and said, "Sorry, thank you for the invitation, but I have something to do next, so no need."

The expression on his face is very natural.

Without paying too much attention to the looks of the girls, the beautiful blond girl took out a drawing book from the table and simply left the classroom.

The steps appear cheerful and active.

Staring at her leaving figure blankly, the girl from before said with some confusion: "Hey, I always feel that the recent Sawamura classmate seems a little different from before..."

"Yeah! It's true."

Another girl next to her nodded her head with the same feeling, and then changed her words: "How should I put it, although she was rejected, don't you think she is more natural like this than before?"


"Yes, that's what I thought too!"


As the girls said, it is indeed the case.

As the most famous eldest daughter of the private Toyosaki Academy, Eri Sawamura has indeed changed. And this change is so obvious that everyone is more or less aware of it.

The most obvious one is that she no longer wears the golden mask that is kind to everyone, but is too noble and difficult to get close to.

He will look bored when listening to useless gossip, but he will smile sincerely when talking about interesting topics.

Like this, the girl slowly began to reveal her true nature.

If anyone takes a closer look, they will find that these changes only started after the last student union election speech.

Yes, Yinglili plans to put aside the pretense.

And when it comes to reasons...

In front of the first-year class E.

"Excuse me, is Kato Yusuke-san here?"

"If you're looking for Kato-kun, I think he's probably in the library right now."

"That's right, thank you..."

Facing the girl who was helping her guide her, Eiri thought for a moment and said, "Um, Kato...classmate?"

"Hmm~~So you know me, Sawamura, Eiri-san." The girl with a long ponytail nodded gently, with a slight smile on her face.

"Well, after all, you and, ahem... I mean the girl who became the vice-president of the student union in the first grade. Everyone knows this kind of thing." Yingli cleared her throat, her expression slightly unnatural. .

"Eh~~Nothing either."

Hui waved his hand and said, "Speaking of which, when you came to Kato-kun, did you have some student union issues?"

In response, Yinglili shook her head and denied: "No, I just have some art questions to ask him. After all, he is also a member of the art department."

Then he added: "Anyway, thank you for informing me, Megumi Kato, I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Ying Lili waved her hand and turned around.

The golden twin ponytails shine in the sunlight and look particularly beautiful.

"The Art Department...what?"

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Hui stood there and murmured thoughtfully: "I don't think I have told her my name."


the other side.

"Let "Love Metronome"... enter the school library?"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar books on the bookshelf, Shiyu's eyes flickered slightly, and she asked the boy beside her: "So what exactly did you do? Kato-kun."

When asked, Kato Yusuke responded calmly: "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to take advantage of the release of the third volume of "Love Metronome" to make up for my senior sister's gift."

The moment he finished speaking, a pair of dark red eyes looked over.

"You mean a gift?"

Shiyu looked puzzled: "But didn't you already give me a doujinshi last time?"

"That's how it should be."

Kato Yusuke shook his head helplessly, "But didn't my senior forcefully pay for it later? And it was an exaggerated price that far exceeded the content of the book, so I -"

"So you put the album in the school library?"

Shiyu said first, and then changed his words.

"However, I am also very curious about the reason you used to convince the school, so can you please tell me in detail? Kato-kun~~"

The mischievous tone was filled with the usual strength.

Kato Yusuke then explained: "I just briefly mentioned to the teacher that this book has a high probability of being selected for this year's Naoki Award, and then it became like this."

"...that is to say."

The girl couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and said in a long voice: "Is someone carrying out strong publicity on this matter?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, "No, in fact the negotiation process between Director Yamashiro and I was quite harmonious, so it can't be considered tough."

Turning his eyes on Shiyu, he continued: "And the reason why things can go so smoothly is essentially because Senior Shiyu's works are well written and can withstand all doubts. What I did was just a little push." Let’s go through the process.”


Kato Yusuke said in conclusion: "Congratulations, Kasumigaoka Shiha-senpai."


As the gentle voice reached my ears, a warmth slowly enveloped me.

Facing the other party's praise, Shiyu turned her head away in embarrassment.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, that pretty fair face turned as red as a peach blossom.

"You're always like's impossible to tell whether you're telling the truth or trying to make me happy. You're so cunning." The girl murmured, her expression looking shy and touching.

Looking at this rare scene, Kato Yusuke's eyes were slightly stunned.

The thought "So Shiyu-senpai can also show such an expression" came to his mind, which made his originally silent eyes have a smile.

And with such a smile, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

As if feeling the change in Kato Yusuke, Shiyu turned her head again, with cunning colors flashing in her eyes.

Then he took two steps forward slightly and walked to him.

Put your hands on each other's shoulders, straighten your legs together, and then stand on tiptoes.

With a certain warmth, the girl whispered in his ear: "Thank you, I like this gift very much... Phew."

He took the opportunity to send a burst of hot breath into the other person's ears, and then quickly distanced himself. There was a proud and meaningful smile on the corner of Shiyu's mouth.

"Although I think you think too much, but if it's for me, that's a different story." She bit her lower lip and said with a smile.

Her beautiful figure shines in the sunshine, graceful and charming.

Rubbing the ear, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown slightly, then shook his head helplessly, as if he said something.

And in front of the library.

When this scene burst into my eyes unpreparedly.


The drawing book slipped quietly from my arms and fell to the ground.

The page moves with the wind, revealing a short-haired girl outlined with ink lines.

There is a line of small words next to it.

——"The True Love Metronome (Eri Kashiwagi)"


Staring blankly at the two people in the corner, the girl's originally bright blue eyes suddenly darkened.

"What...this person."

The slender fingers unconsciously clenched into fists.

With a bit of anger and a bit of grievance.

Eiri-ri picked up the drawing book from the ground and turned around silently.


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