Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 213: The young man began to worry

Regarding what Sayu said about thinking about the future, both the girl herself and Kato Yusuke actually had a clear understanding in their hearts.

That means that one day, this cohabitation life spanning from Hokkaido to Tokyo will come to an end.

After all, both he and Sayu are still high school students. Putting aside the carefree Yusuke Kato, it is really hard to imagine that the girl's parents would allow her to continue dropping out of school.

From that day on, there seemed to be an invisible countdown above their heads.

If they don't want to be forcibly separated when time reaches zero, then they...or Kato Yusuke must have a certain degree of leverage before then, otherwise he will not even be qualified to negotiate at the table.

When it comes to chips, the first thing Kato Yusuke thinks of is having certain financial strength. Regardless of whether he is pragmatic or material, money is always the factor that can most directly change a person's social status.

Fortunately, he is not useless in this area.

After all, there is still a miracle in his body that can achieve a leap from zero to something, although its presence has been a bit low recently...

After all, in fact, Kato Yusuke currently still has two unfinished tasks. They are:

1.【Mr. Nakamura’s Hope·Part 3 (0/1)】

(Instructions: Please achieve a score within the top three in the class in the final test of this semester.)

(Task reward: 5,000 points.)

2.【Shopping trip to Liutianma (0/1)】

(Instructions: Accept this invitation and successfully increase or gain the favorability value of one of the members of the opposite sex.)

(Task reward: 10,000 points.)

If interpreted literally, the latter should have automatically failed at the moment he refused, but for some reason it still exists in the taskbar.

However, Kato Yusuke didn't go into details. He didn't intend to do that task anyway, so his current main energy was focused on the former.

'System, exchange for 1 point of intelligence. ';

'Ding, discount props have been detected, do you want to use them? ';

'yes. ';

'The redemption is successful, 10,000 points have been deducted, and the intelligence discount coupon*1. ';

The whole process lasted five minutes.

It's like the whole brain is immersed in warm water, wrapped in a soft force and washed gently. Gives people a relaxing and comfortable feeling.

The neurons were extremely active, as if they were stimulated by electric current.

When it was all over, Kato Yusuke opened his eyes again and felt that his brain had become very clear. It was like the fatigue of the day was lifted off in an instant.

'System, open the panel. ';

He thought silently in his mind.

A transparent blue surface is reflected on the retina.

[Character: Yusuke Kato]

[Age: 15 years old]

[Stamina: 7]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Charm: 7]

[Item: USB flash drive]

[Skill: Painting (Mastery Level)]

(Note: When in a state of concentration, there will be a certain chance that the audience will have an empathic experience.)

[Points: 880]

【Money: 428,000 yen】

Kato Yusuke nodded and opened the store again.

[Products: Dried fish (10 points), USB flash drive (100 points), tracker (1000 points), beauty cream (1500 points)]

(Note: A new purchasable item is added every month.)

[Money: Each point can be redeemed for 100 yen]

(Note: Only one-way redemption is supported, and there is no upper limit on the amount that can be redeemed.)

[Stamina: 1 point/5000 points]

[Charm: 1 point/50,000 points]

[Intelligence: 1 point/100000 points]

(For all attributes, the points required for each point increase exponentially after exceeding 10 points.)

[Skills: Entry-level programming (100 points), proficient-level shogi (1,000 points), proficient-level driving (10,000 points), master-level fighting (100,000 points)]

(Note: Automatically refreshed at the end of every month.)

So far, that’s all the gains from this period of time.

In order to ensure that the mission can be completed without any surprises, Kato Yusuke also exchanged the rewards obtained from the student union mission for attribute points, and his attribute values ​​​​are also as balanced as the winning numbers of ***.

After thinking silently for a moment, he reached out and erased the interface in front of him.

At this moment, the sound of flushing water came from the direction of the bathroom.

Not long after, a slender, swaying figure walked in the darkness, climbed onto the bed and got under the quilt.


Looking at the girl who was murmuring in confusion, Kato Yusuke showed a gentle smile on his face, and then reached out to hug the curled up girl into his arms.

Naturally, he held the pair of cold catkins and let the pair of cold feet under the quilt stick to his legs to give the other person warmth.

Perhaps feeling the warm feeling, Sayu's slightly frowned brows gradually relaxed, his expression slowly softened, and a comfortable arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then she instinctively leaned towards him, trying to absorb more warmth, and even groped for his arm pillow.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think: 'Maybe it's time to buy a double bed at home. ';

He wanted to think about it, but he still opened his arms in cooperation.

The girl who got the gap immediately squeezed in, resting her head on his arm and leaning her forehead against his chest, making the two of them close together.

Her hands unconsciously slipped under the clothes of the person next to her and caressed her well-defined abdomen, rubbing it back and forth.

This is an unconscious behavior. Girls occasionally do this when they are in a dazed state, and Kato Yusuke has never stopped her.

In Maslow's hierarchy of self-actualization, physiological needs are on the first level, social needs are on the second level, and above that are cultural and intellectual needs, as well as the pursuit of beauty. People will have higher pursuits only after their primary needs are met.

In other words, true love is initially a physical attraction, and finally because of this physical attraction, there is a higher emotional pursuit, we have a common pursuit, and then we discuss more things.

In the end, we are attracted to each other not because of the "male" and "female" parts of us, but because of the "human" parts of us.

Maybe a person who is interested in your body may not necessarily love you, but a person who is not interested in your body has a high probability that he does not love you.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, then lowered his head and pressed a kiss on the girl's forehead.


The long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Perhaps disturbed by this movement, Sayu suddenly opened his eyes and looked up.

Their eyes met in the darkness.

" warm..."

The girl murmured something like emotion.

The voice is soft and sweet, but also a bit charming, making it look particularly cute.

He just stared at Kato Yusuke for a few seconds.

Thinking that the girl had woken up, he moved his mouth and was about to say something...

"Jiu Mi..."

The next second, his mouth was blocked by a pair of soft lips.

"Huh... good night, good night..."

Sayu, who had just tasted it, yawned, and then fell asleep again.

His mouth was slightly opened to a perfect size and he soon began to breathe evenly, as if what he just did was just sleepwalking.

The soft little rabbit was about to come out from the collar of his shirt and clung to his chest.

Look at this defenseless look.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think in his mind: 'Am I eating? Or eat it? Or eat it? ';


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