Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighteen, script writer

Time comes when school is over.

More specifically about an hour after school.

In the empty school gymnasium, a slightly higher-pitched, cold voice echoed through the room, making the sultry air feel strangely depressing.

"ready, go."

"Don't pronunciate the lines here...!"



Accompanied by a loud "dong" sound, the girl slammed the paper tube rolled up from the script on the armrest of the seat, and showed off her cold tongue mercilessly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! The rhythm, timing and emotional expression of the speech are all wrong...!"

Contrary to the master's beautiful appearance, the irritability and anger filled in the words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, making the atmosphere seem extremely heavy.

On the stage were a group of ugly-looking young actors.

Under the stage, there is a beautiful script writer with a cold expression.

However, in this unequal confrontation, the situation was always firmly in the hands of the latter, so much so that many people did not even dare to take a breath.

It was under such a situation that a tall figure came from outside and ignored the current atmosphere. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to the aloof girl.

"Please use the condolence gift." The boy said in a calm tone and handed over the can of coffee in his hand.


The temperature was transmitted to her face through the metal, causing the girl's expression to soften slightly. She then raised her hand obediently to take the coffee pressed against her cheek and said thank you softly.

Seeing this scene, the students on the stage were stunned for a moment, and then immediately expressed surprises.


"Chairman Kato...!"



A group of people all greeted him enthusiastically, and the expressions on their faces were as if they had seen something, a savior who could save them from hell.

But then——


There was another clear sound.

"Be quiet! It's still being rehearsed now...!" said the dark beauty who knocked on the script scroll, and everyone was silent again, but invariably turned their praying eyes to the boy next to them.

One of the second-year girls, who seemed to be a minister, couldn't help but stand up and said: "Well... um, Kasumigaoka-san, we have been rehearsing for so long, I think it's better to let everyone take a rest first."

"Well, that's right. After all, it's almost five minutes in terms of performance time. It's indeed quite a long time."

In contrast to this "kind" tone, Shiyu's left leg covered in black stockings was shaking all the time, truly expressing the extent of the negative emotions accumulated so far in the rehearsal.

"Although...even though it is like this."

The girl who heads the drama department already had a cry in her voice: "But we have failed thirty times in this short five-minute play! Everyone's nerves can no longer bear any more pressure." , so please... ugh...!"

A pair of tearful eyes kept looking at Kato Yusuke.

As if it had triggered a chain reaction, the rest of the students also looked concerned.

"Eternal God Emperor"

"...Is this Kasumi Shiko's version of Les Miserables, Shiba-senpai?" Kato Yusuke turned to look at the girl next to him, his tone becoming a little subtle.

Shiyu curled the corners of his mouth, but said nothing. There is quite a bit of playfulness in his expression, showing a unique charm.

He then carefully considered his words and said, "Otherwise, let's let everyone take a break. Senior Shiyu, I happen to have something that I need to confirm with you. Is that convenient?"

The voice was neither loud nor quiet, but just enough to be heard on the stage, so everyone focused their attention on the two of them with nervous expressions.

As if the verdict was announced in a **, the venue suddenly became a little quiet.

Facing all kinds of gazes, the girl calmly lowered her head and took a sip of the coffee in her hand, with an expression on her face as if she was thinking.

Then he slightly agreed to the stage and said: "Okay, let's take a five-minute break... Please use this gap to remember all the key points just said in your mind."

The moment the words were settled...


"Finally, finally saved..."

"Ah, I can't do it anymore, I've reached my limit...!"


As soon as the tense nerves relaxed, the students lowered their shoulders as if a huge burden had been lifted, and gathered together to complain.

At the same time, he did not forget to cast a grateful look at Kato Yusuke, and he calmly shook his head in response.

Then he said to the person next to him: "It's all because the senior sister is too strict. As a result, all the favors have fallen to me now. Is that okay?"

"Haha... wouldn't that be just right? I'm not interested in these things anyway. If they can respect you more because of this, I'd be happy to see it happen."

Shiyu cast her gaze at him, "Still, don't you like this? President." The tone at the end of the sentence rose slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of the girl's mouth.

"I can't tell whether I like it or hate it."

Kato Yusuke said calmly: "I just think this will affect the reputation of the senior sister. If it is just this, I should be considered disgusted."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Especially when this favor was returned to me in the end, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"This sentence means..."

Shiyu's hand movements paused slightly, "Can I understand that you care about me? Kato-kun."

"Well, senior sister is right to understand it this way."

The young man nodded, then picked up the coffee in his hand and took a sip. "After all, Senior Shiyu is my friend, so don't do this kind of thing again next time."

Different from the black coffee he often drank, the coffee in his mouth had a rich milky aroma and sweetness, giving him a novel experience.

When Shiyu heard these words, his eyes moved slightly and he nodded gently, "I know, I won't do this again next time."

"Well, thank you."

A slight smile appeared on Kato Yusuke's lips, and then he changed his words: "But having said that, is it true that you rehearsed NG thirty times? Isn't this too harsh, Shiba-senpai?"


The girl who looked at the stage thought for a moment and said, "I think this level is just average, but the director once cried to me about superficial things like having too many lines and the script being too thick."

In his words, he didn't seem to feel that he had done anything excessive, but was just disappointed with this group of people.


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