Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-eight, a sudden invitation

After such an unpleasant incident, time finally entered the summer vacation in August.

In order to welcome the upcoming summer, Kato Yusuke devoted almost all his energy to improving his works, including but not limited to the improvement of "Early Summer Time" and "Love Metronome Sayukamoto", as well as the improvement of "Love Metronome Sayukamoto". The creation of "Urge? Guidance".

Even to the point of being a bit crazy, sometimes just because a certain storyboard doesn't look round enough, I will redraw several versions until I choose the one I am most satisfied with.

For this reason, not only was a certain blond lady constantly harassed by him, but even the work-related invitations from senior Shiyu were temporarily turned down by him.

It can be said that Kato Yusuke now only wants to make money, not only for himself, but also to have a certain say when facing Sayu's family in the future.

The days passed with a sense of urgency.

As for the matter of Shinjoka, the little green tea, he put it in the corner of his mind and decided to wait until the new semester started before handling it according to the situation.

Just like this, he lived a closed-door life without leaving the house. During this period, except for a few words with Asami, who occasionally came to the house with Sayu to have a meal and do homework, Kato Yusuke basically didn't meet anyone again.

Until about a week or so before the show.

Because he was too immersed in work, Kato Yusuke missed a text message that Sayu sent before going home at one point, and failed to put away the drawings in advance.

The consequence of this was that Mami accidentally saw a lot of content that she shouldn't have seen that day.

It is a large-scale picture outlined by countless ink lines, and just one look at it can make people's blood rush instantly.

It was as if the taboo door that only existed in imagination was suddenly opened, which made this little hottie who seemed passionate and unrestrained on the surface, but actually extremely conservative in her heart, received a strong stimulation that shocked her three views.

After a period of time where her brain was shut down for an unknown amount of time, Asami, whose face was so red that she was almost bleeding, put her friend's shoulder with her trembling hands, and started to talk to him with a confused and wry smile on his face. It was a long questioning whether it was an interrogation or a criticism.

Kato Yusuke, who was annoyed by this, came to the balcony alone under Sayu's persuasion, ready to wait for the twists and turns to subside.

This situation of being avoided even in his own apartment made him feel a little critical of Asami, but he didn't say much.

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Probably because of his close relationship with Xia Yi, his recent mood has not been very stable. Even though he knew that the books he prepared were all proven works in his previous life, but until he really succeeded... to be more straightforward It is said that before the work sells well, he will still have some doubts about it.

Thinking about defeat before thinking about victory is often his consistent style when facing some important things. From a good point of view, this can be said to be his advantage, but from a bad point of view, it is not his shortcoming.

Especially after he asked Ying Lili how much order he should place at the printing factory, and the other party gave the number "Let's just make 2,000 copies each" very lightly, the pressure on him suddenly became even greater. .

According to the quotation given by the printing house that the other party is familiar with, even at the lowest price, the printing fee for each 24-page work is 100 yen, so the cost of 6,000 copies is 600,000 yen.

And this number is close to half of the sales of some big-name works at fan exhibitions.

However, this was not because the other party was deliberately trying to trick him, but because doujinshi had higher requirements on paper pages, so the printer's asking price was slightly more expensive than other publications.

For this reason, in addition to setting aside some funds for emergencies, he not only invested all his money in it, but also owed a certain blond lady 300,000 yen, and the other party was very happy to help advance the payment. .

Regarding this matter, Kato Yusuke chose to keep it secret from Sayu.

If you include the money that needs to be paid back to the villagers, his current foreign debt has reached 2.3 million yen.

Thinking of this, he secretly laughed at himself that the debt was too much to bear, and at the same time, he felt a bit of fighting spirit in his heart.

Seeing that there was nothing to do for a while, Kato Yusuke started to put away the clothes hanging on the balcony. own.

Stand collar own.

The white shirt...well, although Sayu often wears it after taking a shower, it's still her own after all.

The maid outfit... Sayu's.

The bow tie... Sayu's.

The gray plaid skirt... Sayu's.

Cute tattooed breasts with fragrance... Sayu's.

Then there are black socks, calf socks, stockings, knee socks, garters...except for the first one that belongs to me, the others all belong to Sayu. valley

At this point, Kato Yusuke stopped for some reason.

"Hmm... Speaking of which, I haven't seen this pair before. Did you buy it to match the maid outfit?" Kato Yusuke muttered to himself as he looked at the pair of white garters with cute bows in his hands.

Certain images began to replay in my mind involuntarily.

"Master...I have always admired you!"

"I will be by your side and waiting for you!"

"No matter what happens, please tell me as much as possible, Master~"

"Anything is okay?"

"This... this... because... I am the master's maid, and I am ready to wake up (trembling sound + flushed face and hot ears)."

"Well... maybe it's time for her to see less weird things." Yusuke Kato said as he rubbed his nose.

While he was thinking about these profound questions, the phone in his pocket rang at an inappropriate time.

Picking it up smoothly, a clear voice sounded from the other side, skipping the initial greeting.

"...Do you have time recently?"

After taking a look at the contact person displayed on the caller, it turned out to be his current new creditor—Sawamura Spencer Eiri.

So he put the phone to his ear again: "If you want to say it, I have been perfecting my work recently, but what's wrong?"


A small sound, like a sigh of relief, came from the receiver.

"Well... I actually encountered a little problem here. It's not that I have to ask you to help. I just think that as a creator, you will probably encounter the same problem in the future. Plus, this problem is quite interesting. That’s why I came to ask you…”

After spending more than ten seconds in meaningless events, the girl just heard hesitantly say: "...I mean you, do you want to come to my house?"

"So is there something you need my help with?"


The tone became slightly higher by three degrees than before: "I have made it very clear just now. Although I can solve it myself, considering that you are now a member of the club, I thought of asking you to come over and study together. of.

You know this is a rare learning opportunity? Not everyone is qualified to be invited by me... Do you understand? "

After speaking, there was a period of silence, and only the sound of small breathing continued to come from the receiver.

The image of the girl proudly raising her head and chest, and then carefully holding her mobile phone appeared in front of her eyes.

Considering the other party's current identity and the many times he had harassed him in the front-end, Yusuke Kato finally swallowed the complaints that he almost blurted out.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "...I understand, then I'll clean up and go over."

"Oh, oh...! That's great...heh, I mean, that's pretty much it."

The girl who cleared her throat said: "In addition, considering the complexity of the matter, it will probably take a lot of time, so you'd better bring your unfinished work and a change of clothes."

"Change of clothes?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this: "What does this mean??"

"That is to say! After calculation, even if the two of us come together, it will probably take 2 to 3 days. Considering this, we can only stay overnight, right?"

Yinglili's words echoed in her ears.

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