Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and thirty-eight, 3 days and 2 nights (Saturday)

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The two discussed how to deal with the maid and the chef's request for leave in the kitchen.

"So - not only lunch, but also dinner, we need to solve it ourselves. By the way, I have already eaten breakfast. Although I bought your share, I couldn't give it to you because you slept for too long. You stayed."

"Buy it?"

"Well, I ordered McDonald's."

"Then why don't you order takeout for lunch? Aren't Matsuya and Yoshinoya stores very convenient? Or just continue eating pizza like the day before yesterday."

Faced with this question, Yinglili glanced at him with some displeasure, "I mean, you, after talking so much here, actually don't believe in my craftsmanship at all, right?"

So Kato Yusuke also said bluntly: "So, do you have any experience in cooking before?"

"Don't worry—"

The girl turned her gaze away and said, "At least I passed the home economics class."

Yusuke responded in a dull tone: "...No, you don't feel at ease at all when you say this, and why should I avoid other people's eyes?"

What he received in exchange was a rather imposing declaration from the other party.

"It's so noisy!"

Ying Lili raised the things in her hands high, "As long as you follow the method of this universal recipe left by your mother, you can definitely make delicious food! Just wait for me! It will definitely make you feel better. I cried out "ohhhh" after eating it——! "

"No, that kind of weird name will never be called again." Kato Yusuke waved his hand and continued to read: "And don't you feel ashamed to say it like this?"

"You can shut up~~~~!"

Accompanied by a fierce march composed of metal products, the time came to one hour later.

"Come on, eat."

"What is this?"


“So it’s not scrambled eggs with squid ink?”


"Then what is this portion?"

"Hamburger meat."



After looking away from the two objects that were so dark that it was difficult to distinguish their true bodies, Kato Yusuke's eyes came to the third object.

"this is--"

"It's rice, rice! What's the problem!?"

"No, I just thought this looked good, so I started it."


"Yinglili...this rice is half-cooked."

"...Creak, creak, creak."

Probably because a certain emotion had reached its limit, the girl slammed the table hard and said loudly: "Ahhhh! I'm just not good at cooking anyway. If you want to laugh, just laugh!"

“Like an ‘oh hoo’ kind of thing? "Kato Yusuke said as he was chewing rice, and then more smoothly aroused the other party's anger.

"You, you, you...!"

Ying Lili's body began to tremble slightly, and her delicate white porcelain cheeks showed some shame and anger and turned bright red, which formed a strong contrast with the small tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth.

It wasn't until he saw that the golden twintails were ready to move that Yusuke, who was reminded of some bad memories, finally said: "Anyway - although I understand that you have worked very hard, I still want to do the rest. Well...if you insist on not ordering takeout."

With that said, he got up from his seat and went to the kitchen cabinet to rummage around.

Soon he found something that could be used, and then he turned his attention to the girl who was still stunned. He raised the thing in his hand and said: "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" ?”


The other party didn't say anything, but just stared at him with his face wrinkled with all his strength, as if to express his resistance.

So Kato Yusuke said to himself: "As you can see, the good news is that I found instant noodles in the cabinet. The bad news is that you only have spicy noodles left at home. Although I am not good at cooking like you, But I can still do something of this level, so do you want to eat it?”

Yinglili still didn't speak, just turned her head with a "hum".

"Since you didn't refuse, I will treat you as agreeing." Someone announced, and then went to boil water with a pot.

Instant noodles are a good friend of insomniacs.

When water boils at 100 degrees, the aroma of the noodles will evaporate.

The noodles should be cooked through in three minutes, but will become most chewy when they are barely cooked through.

Perfection only exists in a moment, and numbers can help get infinitely closer to this moment.

So simmer the noodles in hot water heated to about 96 degrees for 2 minutes and 56 seconds, then blanch the water, pour in the seasonings and mix evenly, then pour the hot water into the noodles again and let it sit for three minutes.

tick tick tick

tick tick tick

In this quiet passage of time, an inexplicable serious atmosphere quietly enveloped the room, making a certain girl couldn't help but want to speak to break the silence, but was suppressed by Kato Yusuke's silence gesture.

tick tick tick

Tick ​​Tock Tock Valley

When the second hand was about to reach the 12 mark, Yusuke took the time to put a poached egg in each of the two bowls.

"Okay, eat quickly!"

"Huh? Ah, oh... oh, got it..."

Impressed by his serious aura, Yinglili subconsciously chose to obey, and hurriedly picked up her chopsticks to eat the noodles.

The noodles coated in the soup spread out in your mouth. The texture is chewy and chewy, and the taste is rich and delicious. Even the spiciness slowly spreading from the nose has a long aftertaste, making people feel warm.

"Gene Era"

"Hiss... so spicy, but delicious." As she said that, she picked up the cloud-shaped poached egg and took a bite.

Then the half-cooked golden egg liquid flowed out from the cute little gap, and blended with the bright red soup, making it even more beautiful.

No one needed to remind her, the girl started eating spontaneously.

As for Kato Yusuke, who showed off his skills in the golden noodle method, he sat across from him with his own portion and started talking while eating.

"Speaking of which, there is one thing I have always been curious about. What is your specific process when creating comics? Can you tell me about it? Yinglili."

Snort, sniff, sniff, sniff.

"Hmm...? Why would I do such a thing?"

Whoosh, whoosh...

"Just think of it as chatting. You're very free now, aren't you?"

After hearing this, Yingli glanced at him.

"...I basically start by conceiving the subject matter. First, I imagine the content and materials I want to draw in my mind, such as "vibrator", "butt slap", etc... I put the theme like this Set it down.

Then, think about the lines and the desired composition in units of 2 to 4 pages. Once everything is decided, I start drawing the manuscript. "

The girl continued to weave her words.

"...Haha...Then comes the storyboard. Usually I will fill in the lines first after dividing the grid. Next, I will start from the storyboard I want to draw and make a draft and add strokes. Ah, if you have a capable assistant, here is The stroke can be omitted.

After the stroke is completed, then complete each subsequent storyboard in order. This will give a more realistic sense of advancing the progress, and then repeat this... hiss... until it is completed... hmm. "

"Drink some water." Kato Yusuke heard this and handed her a glass of water.

"Thank you." After taking the water, she immediately drank it in one gulp, with an expression of "alived alive" and "saved" on her rosy face.

While holding her chin with one hand, she gently rubbed the rim of the cup with her fingers, making it make a subtle "squeaking" sound. This movement was full of the unique softness of a girl.

"And another thing - after all the text is completed, I usually show it to my mother, discuss it to see if there are any lines that need to be modified... and finally check it myself."

Ying Lili said in conclusion: "Well... that's basically it. If it's a color version, there's an additional coloring step. Well - this step can also be left to the assistant."

"That's it. Thank you for your explanation. It's very detailed." Yusuke Kato nodded with something gained.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal..." The girl turned her head unnaturally, her eyes staring at nowhere.

Just listen to Yusuke's words change: "But you sound so organized and draw quickly, why would Mr. Yamakawa complain on the phone that you are always meeting deadlines?"


With the crisp lingering sound echoing in her ears, Yinglili silently retracted her finger from the glass and muttered: "If you want to say it, I spend most of my time writing stories."

"Is that so?"

Kato Yusuke responded as if he understood: "Speaking of the cover of "The Prism of Snow" I put on your table yesterday, which one did you choose in the end?"

"Are you referring to the five pictures of "Haruki vs. Yukina", "Haruki vs. Kazusa", "Haruki vs. Duo", "Huangmao vs. Duo", and "Yukina vs. Kazusa"? "

The girl said in a weird tone: "It's a shame you can draw so many branching routes."

"After all, I don't know which development you will like, so that's all I can do... So what's the result, which one did you send to Mr. Yamakawa?"

"Well, about this...well, I haven't decided yet..."

"What——??" Kato Yusuke suddenly raised his voice.

Ying Lili hurriedly responded: "Ah, but don't worry, I have already contacted Mr. Yamakawa. Although it is a bit difficult, the other party agreed to relax the deadline until before work tomorrow morning, but it must be handed in together with the feature film. "

"...I said you -"

"When will I become more mature?" - Yusuke couldn't help but think this way, but when the words came to his mouth, he changed into another person.

"...No, it's nothing."

He considered his words carefully and said: "So have you come to a conclusion now? Since you have promised others, you must abide by the agreement."

"Well, I know... Although I don't know which version I will choose in the end, at least I will try to think of the lines and the desired composition first... so that... is..."

The girl lowered her head silently, intertwined her hands tightly, and asked in a low voice: "Before that, are you willing to...accompany me for a while...?"

Her voice became softer and quieter, until it was almost inaudible, so even if she didn't get a response, it was her own problem.

The room suddenly fell silent.

In this short period of only ten seconds in reality, it seemed as long as an hour to Yinglili.

Just when she was a little at a loss, Kato Yusuke on the opposite side suddenly said: "Well, after all, that's why I came here in the first place, right?"

The moment the gentle voice reached her ears, the girl couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment, and her body slowly warmed up.

Then he muttered: "...Thank you..."

In exchange, the person on the other side asked: "Thank you, thank you, but what do you mean by kicking someone else's calf?"

"Hmm~~~I don't know."


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