Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and sixty-two, the next day


Sparrows were noisy on the telephone pole outside the window.

Early the next morning.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning spreads out. The silk-like sunshine passes through the morning light and diffuses with clear and moving light.



The sound of soft breathing echoed in the bedroom.

There were a few pieces of clothing scattered randomly on the ground, as well as a small 001 brand box that had been dropped at some point, making it look very sloppy.

On the messy single bed, two figures, one slender and one petite, were sleeping in each other's arms. The latter was surrounded by the former from behind, and they were covered with a thin quilt for single use.

The limited area can only cover the torso, while the arms and calves can only be exposed.

Dark cloud-like hair was scattered on the pillow, reflecting a slight luster under the sunlight.

There was a faint blush on the girl's face, and her expression was peaceful and happy, as if she was quietly in some beautiful dream.

Her smoky brows have spring in the corners of her eyes, her skin is as smooth as warm jade, her small cherry mouth is red and delicate, and her two strands of hair beside her cheeks are blowing gently in the wind, adding a bit of alluring charm.

A slender arm passed under her neck and was tightly clasped with her left hand, while the other hand should be around her waist under the quilt.

Although it is difficult to imagine how it feels, judging from the delicate texture of the exposed skin, we can still guess something. It must be like freshly made whipped cream in a bakery, full of the softness unique to girls.


Kato Yusuke woke up from sleep first and instinctively moved his hands and feet.


Subtle sound effects rang faintly in the ears, refreshing the brain from its dazed state.

What followed was the sweet fragrance lingering on the tip of the nose, the soft fragrant flesh, and the fragrant shoulders as white as milk.


A cry came from beside him.

Probably due to the squeeze from an external force, Sayu slowly opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

Kato Yusuke immediately closed his eyes and calmed his breathing, pretending to be still asleep.


The girl let out a soft cry, her body first subconsciously tensed up, and then suddenly lost strength.

"...Hiss, my body is so sore."

After murmuring unconsciously, she became quiet.

Kato Yusuke felt that the other party's fingers were carefully withdrawing from his hand, as if he was very worried about waking him up.



The mattress shook slightly.


The faint breath caressed his face softly.

An invisible sight enveloped him. Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, Kato Yusuke could still clearly feel the soft gaze wandering on his face.

Immediately afterwards——


The slightly cool elastic feeling is instantly felt on the cheeks.


The girl in his arms shook her shoulders twice in excitement, and her slender fingers touched his chest as if caressing him, itching like ants crawling on him.

The fingertips rubbed back and forth along the lines of the muscles, as if they were treating a beloved thing carefully, and the gentle force was full of lingering.

Gradually, it seems that he is not satisfied with this.

Seeing that Kato Yusuke still had no reaction, the girl couldn't help but bring her head closer to him again, and pressed a kiss on his mouth with her delicate lips.


Lips and lips are squeezed together, and the dry surface becomes slightly moist.

Just when Sayu wanted to retreat with a bit of joy and pride——


A pair of strong arms suddenly hugged her tightly, and one of the palms pressed gently on the back of her head.


The hot breath hit his face.

She saw that the young man who was still asleep had quietly opened his eyes at some point and was staring at her with a pair of deep black eyes.

The lips of the two people facing each other were closely connected.

The startled Sayu opened her eyes slightly in reflex, and then slowly relaxed. A pair of clear eyes seemed to become as gentle as water.

No matter active or passive, she could not speak at this time.

She just silently expresses her love with her loving eyes, and tries her best to cater to the other person's kiss.

Yesterday's events are still vivid in my mind.

All kinds of complex emotions were mixed together in her heart, making her a little shy and a little happy, and there was a bit of inexplicable wonder in it.

Everything feels like it was the same as yesterday, but it also seems a little different.

What you see, what you hear, what you hear, what you feel... the world seems to have been given a new meaning, connecting two lonely souls together and making each other dependent.

From the first encounter to the subsequent acquaintance and love.

"I will never forget all this in my lifetime" - Sayu couldn't help but think at this moment.

"...Good morning, did you sleep well last night?" Yusuke Kato said warmly as he pecked her lips, rubbing his fingers back and forth on his round shoulders and smooth back.

The girl also responded to his kiss, rubbing her ears and temples with him and humming softly.

"Bad guy...when did you get up?"

The charming voice is lazy and sweet, caressing the ears gently.

"Probably a little before you."

After saying this, he was immediately bitten on the mouth.

"You are definitely teasing me, right?"... Facing Sayu who conveyed this meaning with his eyes, Kato Yusuke just smiled and stood up from the bed without making any excuse.


Seeing this scene, he sat up, tilted his head and asked, "Where are you going?"

The thin quilt covering his body slipped off his body inch by inch. Yusuke, who was dressed and looking back, suddenly remembered a function problem in his mind, which was a problem he had studied all night.

x=3ylog -(1/36) exp[-(36y-36/e)4]

So he told the other party his thoughts on this function problem.

Sayu, who was so overwhelmed by the complicated function questions that his face turned red, held on to the thin quilt tightly and raised another question after silently lowering his head and thinking for a moment.

(x 2+2y-1)3-x2 y3=1

Another functional graphical expression that makes people both love and fear.

"Let's not discuss these for now."

Kato Yusuke shook his head at this, and then said: "... Anyway, I will make breakfast today, and you can take a rest. After eating, if there is no problem, we will go to the cemetery."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving only Sayu who fell on the bed for some reason and covered his head with a quilt.

After a while, the sound of breaking eggshells and stirring egg liquid came from the kitchen.


The girl, who was almost on the verge of reaching her limit, got her head out of the quilt again.

First he stared blankly at the ceiling for a while, then turned his body sideways.

The black suit neatly placed on the bedside table came into view.

Her pretty face suddenly turned red again.

Then he murmured: "Sure's really good to be prepared to win or lose..."

After saying that, he pulled up the quilt to cover his mouth and laughed.

" alone...hum~~~"

The petite body rolled around on the bed.

Their vacation is still very long.


(There was no text yesterday, only easter eggs. I guess no one doesn’t know about it, right...?)

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