Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and sixty-four, far away in Tokyo

Here in Tokyo.

"Yinglili, are you up already? It's so early today."

"Ah, mom...good morning"

On the morning of the holiday before the new semester begins.

Although the warm weather makes it easy for people to stay in bed, Yinglili is already sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching the TV.

"Oh, Yinglili, good morning!"

"Good morning, too, Dad."

In this spacious and luxurious living room, a maid wearing a black and white dress was passing through. Leonard Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura, who rarely rested at home, greeted their daughters happily.

Naturally take out the handle from the drawer of the coffee table, curl up into the soft velvet fabric sofa, and then press the round protruding button in the center of the handle.


A blue light flashed on the oversized TV screen, and there were three options for logging in.

Ignoring the other two users "Leonard" and "Sawamura Sayuri", Eirili easily entered the user with the golden twin-tailed Q-version avatar.

Thump~ thump thump.

A gentle melody emanates from the home theater speakers, shaking the eardrums.

While picking up the remote control and turning down the volume, he opened a certain beautiful girl game with a gorgeous cover.

——"Amber Concerto"

"Oh! Dad, I have the original version of this game on PC." Leonard said after seeing the game screen his daughter was operating.

"Yeah, I know, I also borrowed it to play with." Yingli nodded and responded.

If it were an ordinary parent-child conversation, the topic would probably have been 'What are you doing? ''play games. ''Yeah. ’ It will be over after that.

But this obviously does not happen in this elite Japanese-British international family.

Even the outstanding diplomat was inspired by this and his voice suddenly became louder.

"Eh!? This version actually doesn't even have a bonus eroge scene in the PC version? Is this an additional version where the student sister becomes a target for capture!?"

Sayuri Sawamura on the side raised her kimono sleeves to her mouth and reminded: "But dear, since it is a circulation version, it means that all the eroge scenes have been cut out? No matter how good the additional plot is, like Doesn’t the charm of a work like the Amber Concerto, where the story and eroge plot are closely combined, be halved?”

"Uh, but I still care about it... After all, in the PC eroge version, my sister always hates the male protagonist. How can we develop it so that it can be conquered and people will care about it a lot." He spoke in pure Japanese. Leonard Spencer scratched the back of his head in distress.

As the person involved, Ying Lili frowned and said: "...Let me tell you, because you don't know all the characters, you can't enter the additional plot. Even if you want to watch it now, I can't help it."

In general, despite their conspicuous appearance and prominent status, this family is the kind of hopeless otakus.

Bright and lively music is performed on the screen together with brightly colored CG images.

"Huh? Yinglili, the options here seem to be particularly important, right?"

"I know, Dad, I've played it many times."

"Do you know which one to choose? In other words, do you want to take the academy route!? The essence of "Amber Concerto" should be the heroines of the mansion route, right!?"

"You are the only one who can make that kind of comment. The big house route and so on are just bad works with erotic scripts but empty heroines. I really don't think it will be interesting in the consumer version." Sayuri Sawamura said bluntly .

"...Listen carefully, whether it's Eiriri or Sayuri, if you don't know what the king is, you won't be able to produce good works, right?"

"Well, what dad said about the royal way is a little off track. They are all maids, maid costumes, waiters and the like." Ying Lili couldn't help complaining.

"First, let's talk it over first! The maid I'm interested in is only a two-dimensional one!? After all, there are three-dimensional maids working in our house, so we can't make it clear!"

A family of three with distinct hobbies and attributes were discussing the transplanted version of the eroge animatedly, and the harmonious atmosphere filled the air with flowers.

But although she has a good relationship with her family, her circle of friends outside of this is so narrow that it makes people sigh. Even his parents were vaguely aware of this.

"Speaking of which, Yinglili."

Sayuri Sawamura gently pinched her chin and said, "I remember, isn't this first-run limited edition the ultra-rare item that was sold out instantly as soon as the reservation started, and now the average online auction price has reached 50,000 yen?"

"Huh? Well..."

"Because Yinglili is a good kid who doesn't know how to touch Yahoo auctions. How did you get it?"

"So it was lent to me by my friend, friend, that..." Yinglili responded hesitantly.

But this sentence, which sounded very common to outsiders, made her parents stunned at the same time.


The two said in unison.

"Is it Kato-chan?"

"Is it Kato-kun?"

Yinglili shook her head hesitantly, her expression seemed a little tangled.

"Isn't it...?" - Leonard Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help but look at each other and conveyed this meaning with their eyes.

What followed was a burst of surprise, which was the joy that his daughter finally began to expand her narrow circle of friends.

Sayuri Sawamura: "Yes, is that so...Eiri finally made friends with whom we can enjoy galgame together!"

Leonard Spencer: "Bring it home, you must bring it home! Let's play games all night long!"

"Um, um, um... if there is a chance." Yinglili said vaguely.

But this statement obviously could not satisfy the curiosity of the two people. After all, it had been a long time since they heard the word "friend" from their daughter since Kato Yusuke, so they asked further.

Sayuri Sawamura: "Then, what kind of child is he? A classmate? A friend in the club? Or a senior or junior?"

Leonard Spencer: "Or maybe we met at an offline party? No, maybe she is the kind of mysterious hidden heroine who only communicates online...?"

"That, that..."

"Yes, by the way, how about going to that friend's house tomorrow to say hello?"

"Yes, that's right! Although there will be a gathering with diplomats tomorrow, but just put that kind of thing aside..."

"Wait, wait! Don't you two be so excited!?"

Unable to bear this excessive love for her daughter, Eiri hurriedly stopped and took another deep breath.

"Besides, besides, it's not someone that mom and dad don't know... There's no need. Let's go say hello now..."

"...A child we know?"

"But, even if you say so, we have no clue..."

"Enough, enough! This kind of thing... let's continue and play games."

Sayuri Sawamura: "...?"

Leonard Spencer: "...?"

The couple turned their heads sideways and looked intently at their daughter sitting in the middle. Ying Lili's reaction changed dramatically.

The hand holding the handle began to tremble, and she gradually lowered her head, but her face that was red to the ears completely betrayed her expression.



The two of them spoke at the same time as if they had realized something.

"Is it... Mr. Lun?"

"Is it Lunya!?"


"Well..." Yinglili buried her head lower.

Hit the bullseye.

"Well, then Yinglili." Leonard Spencer asked tentatively: "Have you finally reconciled with Lunya?"

"No la!"

"You said there was no reconciliation...then wasn't it Lunya who gave you this game?"

Yinglili shook her head, "No... I paid properly."

"What? It is indeed Mr. Lun."

"No~ There is no such thing~"

"Really, I miss you so much, Toniya-kun." Sawamura Sayuri's face flashed with nostalgia as she recalled: "I obviously used to come to my house to play when I was in elementary school, but I don't know when I stopped coming at all. …”

"That, that's...! You see, weren't we assigned to different classes in the fourth grade, so the topic gradually became unavailable..." Yingli defended vaguely.

Even though she had a good relationship with her parents since childhood, she still had things in her heart that she couldn't confess to them no matter what.

That was the reason why the childhood sweetheart with whom she had an extraordinary relationship would later break up with her.

And the reason for this is not that the interests and hobbies have gradually become different as she said, but rather the tragic conflict caused by the same interests.

"So, why are they suddenly reconciled now?"

Facing the inquiry from her diplomat father, Yinglili carefully chose her words and said, "Yeah, it's not... it was very sudden. It's just that he suddenly stuffed BD animations into my shoe cabinet a while ago, so gradually... …”

"Gradually?" Sayuri raised her eyebrows after hearing this, "Does it mean that the relationship is slowly deepening? Like getting back together first, then returning to being home friends, and finally becoming home friends..."




""Let him take responsibility~! ""

"No, no, no! No, that's what happened~!" The golden twin tails were waving in the air.

After that, Yinglili spent a lot of effort to finally resolve this ridiculous misunderstanding with her parents.

"... So and so, in short, that guy seems to be secretly planning something recently. He probably brought this rare product to me to ask for help. He is basically treating others as chess pieces... Very Too much, right?”

The girl, who was obviously talking to herself but felt depressed for no apparent reason, confessed her suspicions to her parents.

So this meaningless argument about childhood sweethearts finally came to an end.

"That's right..." Leonard Spencer shook his head with regret, "Mingming Lun also told me when he was young that he wanted to create a galgame that would make everyone laugh, be cute, and move. "

"Ah, so Eiriri said something similar at that time." Sayuri Sawamura agreed: "It seems that it was when I was visiting the shrine in the second grade of elementary school. Toruya-kun and the three of us were painting Kamigi Akira... …It’s the heroine who was the hero’s childhood sweetheart in “To Heart” and made a vow together in front of the prayer card.”

"Ha, ha? Why do you have to mention your childhood sweetheart again!?"

"What, don't you remember Yinglili? Just after Tomoya-kun made the vow to "become the president of a game company one day", didn't you also follow suit and say, "I will definitely become the president of Tomoya Game Company" "It's the original painter's" words. "

"Wait a minute, did I really say that!?"

"Ah! If you can't remember, I can look for the photo album. You were wearing a very beautiful kimono at that time... Don't you think about inviting your childhood sweetheart to play at home again? Eiri." Sayuri Sawamura He said with a smile on his face.

This provoked a strong reaction from her daughter.

"What a childhood sweetheart! What a boy with a promise of a future! Isn't he just a nerd! How can you get along well with a guy like that!"

"No, you both are otakus, right?" Leonard Spencer reminded.

"Yes, although Kato-kun is also very good in this aspect, his level of otaku is not deep, right? Speaking of people who can really follow your interests, I think Toruya-kun is the only one like him."

Because of Yinglili's typical tough-tongued look, her parents, who were aroused by their daughter's cuteness, constantly teased her.

"Of course I have friends! Because I made a lot of friends in one fell swoop after entering high school! So my old friends, childhood sweethearts, etc., no longer exist in my history, and I have no interest in them anymore!"

I don't know what she thought of, but the girl suddenly calmed down.

"Speaking of Mom." She turned around while playing a game in her hand and asked, "Have you finished the bookstore consignment matter?"

"Well~ I already placed an expedited order for this matter at Mr. Yamakawa's printing factory yesterday. If nothing else happens, it will probably be delivered to stores like "Toraden" and "Animate" the day after tomorrow. . "

"That's right..." Yinglili nodded, "Thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome. You can tell Kato-kun the news. He will probably be very happy, right?"

The girl couldn't help but frown slightly, "That kind of thing is necessary..."

The words suddenly paused at this point.

The scene at the Comiket venue appeared in his eyes, like a dazzling golden crow rising from the sea, illuminating his blue eyes.

"...I seem to have left my cell phone in the room, so I'll go get it."

Looking at his daughter who dropped the controller and got up from the sofa, Leonard Spencer on the side couldn't help but asked: "Eh? Why don't you wait until the game is finished before you go, Yinglili?"

Snap, snap, snap.

The sound of brisk footsteps leading to the second floor came together with the girl's words: "Anyway, I've finished all the endings. Dad, you can continue playing at my pace."

In order to see the additional cost earlier.

The outstanding diplomat picked up the PS3 controller and continued to play. At the same time, he complained to his wife beside him: "According to Eiriri's preferences, I'm probably going to take Yukie's route again."

Sayuri Sawamura smiled, "After all, it's the route of childhood sweethearts."

The two of them looked at the TV screen together.

The plot here is right at the climax of the academy route.

As the female protagonist, when the male protagonist Shizuru of the Tensei series is grabbing her, she is accidentally bumped into by her childhood sweetheart Yukie, and is forced to make a choice between pursuing Yukie and staying where she is. .

This is an important twist in the game.

Depending on the player's choices, the plot direction and ending will also change.

Just when Leonard Spencer was about to follow his daughter's habit and choose the option of "chasing Yukie"...


He was surprised to find that this option was no longer on the seemed that it had already been selected.

CG switches in the next second.

The departing figure of the childhood sweetheart flashed across the screen, and in the end, the one who stayed with the heroine was Shizuru, the male protagonist of the Skyfall series.


Seeing this scene, Sayuri Sawamura was also surprised and looked at her husband beside her, who also happened to look over.

The couple's eyes met in the air.

"Is this a coincidence...?"

"Have you lost interest in your childhood sweetheart...?"

They read this meaning in each other's eyes, and then looked towards the second floor in unison.

There was an inexplicable sparkle in the two pairs of eyes.


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