Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and sixty-nine, add someone’s righteousness

About forty minutes later.

The two men holding rackets stood at both ends of the table tennis table.

Compared to Kato Yusuke's complacency, Sayu still looked like he was lacking interest or filled with indignation.

In order to better promote the opponent's motivation, he added some bonuses to this duel.

That is, the losing party will have writing written on its body by the winning party.

The game format adopts 5 balls as one round, with best of three rounds.

The girl who seemed to be interested in the lottery was finally inspired to fight, and her expression became serious.

Looking at Sayu who looked like a layman, Kato Yusuke, who was also a newbie, was thinking about how to make the opponent lose the game happily.

Ping pong, ping pong.

Ping ping pong pong, ping ping pong pong.

The result came earlier than expected...

Someone won this duel without any surprise.

"Have you brought your oil-based pen?" the girl asked, her cheeks a little rosy after exercising.

"No." Kato Yusuke shook his head and looked at the other person, "And this is a water-based pen, right? Oil-based pens will become indelible."

"Hey~~Is that so?"

Sayu smiled and said in an emotionless tone: "What should I do? Do you want to buy it?"

"Hmm...?" Yusuke raised an eyebrow slightly at this.

"As a loser, wouldn't it be a bit too proactive..." - Although he had this doubt in his mind, he still thought about it and said, "I'll go to the front desk and ask first. If not, forget it..."

"——Just go buy it."

The person who was interrupted couldn't help but be slightly startled, while the girl continued.

"Then I will be waiting for Yusuke in the rest area. Please be kind and bring your things back, okay?"


Kato Yusuke then walked away with clattering steps.

After a while.

When he came to the public rest area of ​​the hotel from the front desk, he saw Sayu sitting on a black massage chair.

The two curled eyebrows seemed to be frowning but not frowning, and it was hard to tell whether they felt comfortable or uncomfortable.

So he raised his feet and walked forward, "What's wrong? There is an indescribable expression on his face."

A pair of eyes full of autumn water looked over.

"Ah, welcome back~"

The girl said with some difficulty: "I originally thought this would be very comfortable, but after actually trying it, I found it was a bit painful. It doesn't seem to be suitable for me..."

"Could it be that you turned the gear too high?"

"is that so?"

"Let me take a look." Kato Yusuke leaned down and adjusted the armrest twice.

The buzzing sound immediately became much quieter.

"Try again."

"Ah, it's true, it won't hurt anymore." Sayu did as she was told, slightly opened her mouth in surprise, and said thank you.

Then he asked: "So Yusuke borrowed a pen?"

Kato Yusuke nodded at this and took out a black marker pen from his breast pocket.

The girl suddenly pushed up her knees and stood up from the massage chair, "Okay~ I'm a little shy outside, so let's do the next thing in the room."

After finishing speaking, the other party took his arm and walked towards the room.

Kato Yusuke, who felt something was wrong in his heart, couldn't help but asked: "You mean, why do you feel so happy?"

Sayu, on the other hand, just smiled and strolled forward without explaining much.

This continued until they returned to the room.

"Hey, Yusuke. Can you give me the pen?"

‘Are you planning to attack in reverse…? ’ Someone who felt like he had guessed the truth thought so, but he still handed over the pen, walked to the center of the room and turned on the pull-string lamp.

Bright lights instantly illuminate the room.


The sound of taking off the pen cap sounded behind him, followed by a rustling sound.

"Can you just sit down and turn around?" the girl said.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile, thinking of the other person scribbling on his face when he wasn't paying attention, so he nodded and said hello, sat down cross-legged on the ground, and then slowly turned around.

Just as he expected, the pen stopped a few centimeters in front of his eyes, but it didn't stick to it.

"Thank you, just write here." Sayu returned the pen and said softly.

Her legs were open under the hem of her dark blue yukata.

The five fingers holding the cloth separated one and tapped it on the inner side of his left leg.


Kato Yusuke took the pen with his right hand, thought for a moment, and finally wrote the word "正" on the delicate skin of her inner thigh.

"Speaking of which." The girl touched his hair and said with a chuckle: "This kind of competition feels very interesting. Do you want to have another one?"

"Are you still playing table tennis?"

"Chacha!" Sayu made a small X in front of her face, left a mischievous smile, and walked away with her elastic hemispherical F cup.

The direction you look at is the courtyard leading to the outdoors.

Kato Yusuke nodded thoughtfully, and then smiled.

He lowered his head and took out his phone, opening the Line app.

In the timeline (circle of friends), I posted a photo of the two of them taken together when they were playing table tennis.

The sound of rushing water and the girl's urging words came from outside.

"--quickly come!"

"Yes, I understand."

Then he put down his cell phone and walked outside.

Not long after, there was a sound of playing in the water outside the courtyard.

The screen of the mobile phone lit up several times while it was left on the table.

A list of new message notifications quickly popped up on the lock screen.

Because it is not hidden, you can directly see the sender's ID.

They are all familiar names.

Among them were Yamaguchi and Takei, as well as Eiri and Shiwa-senpai, and even Hasumi-sensei’s name appeared.

Everyone seemed to be surprised by someone who had never posted on Moments before, and sent messages one after another.

But Kato Yusuke couldn't care about this for the time being.

He just kept using his hands to affectionately play a melodious Jiangnan tune on a row of snow-white keys.

The sweet voice kept drifting into the room from outside the courtyard.

It's like a lingering sound lingering in my ears for three days.

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away in Sapporo, something else is happening.

Da, da, da, da.

The crisp sound of high heels echoed in the spacious space.

In a rather large factory.

A slim figure in a gray suit came to a brightly lit office door and raised her hand to knock twice.

"Please come in."

A gentler-sounding male voice came from inside, and the woman holding a folder opened the door and walked in.

"Excuse me, President."

"No, it's okay."

A handsome man sitting behind his desk looked up from his laptop and asked, "What's wrong so late?"

"Yes." The woman nodded in response, then raised her feet to the table, opened the folder in her hand and presented it with both hands.

"It's the matter that was entrusted by the president before. Because a new report came from the office, I brought it to you for review."

"I know, thank you for your hard work."

The young president with sleek medium-long hair nodded, pushed the laptop aside on the table, and began to look at the documents brought by the secretary.

Swish, swish, swish.

The sound of turning pages made a single sound in the quiet office.

The man used his slender fingers to flip through the pages of the report with a large number of pictures in his hand, looking extremely serious.

Just after turning to the last page, he shook his head and said: "Please continue." Please reply to the office like this, and then get off work as soon as possible. "

"Okay, I understand." The woman bowed slightly, then picked up the file and walked outside, but stopped again when she reached the door.

He looked back at the president, who was leaning on the boss's chair and rubbing his eyebrows, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you need to make you a cup of coffee?"

"No, no need..."

The man whispered: "I'm also going back. If there is any new news over there, remember to contact me at any time."

"I understand, then I will help you arrange a car back now."

"Okay, please."

After bowing again, the woman turned and left the room.

As the door was quietly closed.

A somewhat sad sigh sounded in the office.

Momo took out his cell phone and stared at the number in his address book that was destined not to be connected. The man's handsome face was covered with a haze.

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