Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty-two, little clay figures in the field (four thousand)

After some communication.

Sayu finally understood the story about the past of the three people.

Under her generous response, Uchiyama Kenta also let go of his nervousness and gradually became talkative.

The overall context of the story does not deviate from the previous conjecture, but there are still many unknown details.

Because it was about someone's relationship, the girl listened with great interest. Occasionally she would interject and ask questions when she encountered something of interest.

I don’t know if she woke me up or something.

Although his face showed that he was troubled, Uchiyama Kenta still answered her questions one by one.

The atmosphere is not as tit-for-tat as it was just now.

Time passed bit by bit.

Until the sun sets in the west, the original blue sky is dyed with a hint of vermilion.

Sayu suddenly reacted.

"Ah, no, I should go back, anyway, that's it, Kenta-kun.

Although I don’t know if it will be fruitful, I will help ask Yusuke about that girl and let you know if there is anything else. "

Take out your mobile phone and open the Line app.

The last message I saw from someone was still the "on the road" message sent an hour ago, and there were no missed calls.

I just felt relieved.

Then he put the phone back into the pocket of his denim shorts, got up and walked towards the trolley that was standing aside.


Click, click, click.

The cart was pushed out from under the awning onto the road.

"Goodbye then, Kenta-kun." The girl smiled politely and waved.


Uchiyama Kenta nodded to her, then looked at the cart again, scratched the back of his head and stood up from his seat.

" means that I have nothing to do anyway, um, let me push it for you."


"And my home is over there, so just take it as a thank you."

"Thank you...? I don't think I have done anything worthy of being thanked." Sayu tilted her head in confusion.

Uchiyama Kenta did not answer this, but first threw the empty bottle on the table into the recycling box in front of the store, and then said to the old woman inside, "I'm going back, mother-in-law."

Then he walked over with one hand in his pocket and one hand scratching his hair. He looked around and said, "That's right... didn't you say you would help me find out about Xiao Yin? Thank you."

After finishing speaking, he pushed Sayu aside with an impatient expression and started pushing the cart.


Click, click, click.

The loaded cart moved forward.

Looking back at the girl who was still standing there, Uchiyama Kenta asked again: "Aren't you leaving?"

"That's not the case..." Sayu shook his head, pointed at himself and said, "But I work in a convenience store, so I can still do this."

He was stunned for a moment.

"Oh... then you can push it yourself." After hearing this, Kenta Uchiyama stepped aside and put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah." Sayu smiled and stepped forward to take back his position.

Then he moved on.

Tap, tap, tap, boom, boom, boom.

Light and heavy footsteps stepped on the concrete pavement in the countryside.

One walked quickly with a serious look on his face, while the other followed silently.

The former did not speak as he was thinking about time and what would happen later.

The latter, while looking down at the road, would also use his peripheral vision to secretly look at the girl next to him from time to time.

When Sayu looks at it, he will immediately turn his face away, pretending to be nonchalant. When the other person turns back, he will glance over there again, seemingly inadvertently.

Although he was just dropping by, Uchiyama Kenta, who was walking next to the girl, felt nervous for no reason.

It was as if there was something stuck in my throat, but I didn't know how to express it.

Even his mind was constantly recalling the other person's smiles, making him hesitate.

And he had experienced the same emotion with another person many years ago.

It was like two figures gradually overlapped in my mind, but what finally emerged was an annoying face.

It makes me feel extremely depressed.


Kenta Uchiyama couldn't help but clicked his tongue, then lifted up his right foot and kicked forward.

Boom, clang clang clang.

The empty can that was kicked away rolled far away on the ground.


Sayu, who was thinking about what to prepare for the evening, was startled and looked over in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...!" Kenta Uchiyama responded in a muffled voice, his face wrinkled together.

Before the other party can turn around...


He suddenly asked again: "You mean that... no, what is it about Kato that is so attractive? It makes you both like this."


"Yes, you and Xiaoyin."

"Huh? Even if you say so... I don't know what that girl named Xiao Yin is thinking. And why do you suddenly ask this question?"

"Just ask...can't you?"

"That's not impossible." Sayu put her finger on one cheek, thought for a while and said, "——Well, if you want to say it, gentleness must come first."



"It's that simple??"

"Of course it's more than that, but it seems like it will turn into showing off if you keep talking about it, so let's leave it like that." The girl said with a smile and a very excited tone.

The shyness revealed inadvertently made Kenta Uchiyama stunned for a moment, and he felt his heart pounding.

Then he turned around to face the rice field and muttered in a low voice: "... Even so, aren't there many people who are better than him?"


"Just look... anyone can do something like gentleness if they want to, right? It's not difficult at all, and the world is so big, there will definitely be many people better than him.

To put it bluntly, that guy is special only when he is here with us. He would not be so conspicuous outside... or something like that. "

There was sudden silence behind him.

However, Kenta Uchiyama could clearly feel the gaze focused on him, and the fact that the other party did not immediately refute gave him a certain amount of courage.

He clenched his fists that were dripping with cold sweat, and held down his heart that was beating wildly.

After taking a deep breath, he slowly said: "So——! I think..."

The words are not finished yet.

"——What do you think?"

A familiar yet unfamiliar male voice sounded from behind.

Immediately afterwards——



Then there was a force on the butt that was neither light nor heavy, but enough to make people fly into the air.



Use one move to flatten the sand and fall into the wild goose pose.

Just like the empty can he kicked away before.

Kenta Uchiyama flew forward in an instant, drawing a very short arc in mid-air, and plunged into the rice field on the roadside.

The cold and muddy water splashed instantly. Not only did it wet his face and clothes, but also his hair.

Became covered in mud.

He put his hands on the soft soil and straightened his body, then turned his head mechanically.

A fair and handsome face came directly into his eyes, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

Uchiyama Kenta's pupils shrank instantly and his movements stopped.

He saw Kato Yusuke looking at him playfully, with deep meaning in his eyes.

A white T-shirt of the same style that is larger than the girl's, a pair of mountain-style light brown nine-point pants, and a pair of very familiar canvas shoes on her feet.

The simple outfit makes the figure look extra straight.

Coupled with the refreshing short hair that moves in the wind and the bright eyes, she really has a cool and free atmosphere.

Sayu, with half of her body exposed from behind, was looking at the two of them alternately, pulling on the hem of Kato Yusuke's clothes, looking surprised and worried.

"If I throw you a fork now, you can probably cosplay Runtu." The young man who looked at him said in a tone that was incomprehensible.

But this is not the reason that makes Kenta Uchiyama freeze.

And after being stunned for a while...

"——You bastard!! What are you doing!?" He asked loudly in anger.

"Is this what I should ask you?" The young man seemed unfazed by this, "What do you want to do by saying bad things in front of the other person's girlfriend behind his back?"

"...I'm not carrying you! I would have said this even if you were here! It's just that you just happened to be away..." Uchiyama Kenta's face was stern, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

"Really." Kato Yusuke smiled noncommittally and asked, "Then what did you want to say to Sayu just now?"

"This has nothing to do with you!" - Uchiyama Kenta wanted to respond like this, but when he said it, he changed to: "... I just want to ask about the situation in Tokyo. After all, I am going to go next year, can't I? "

After clicking his tongue, he lowered his head and looked sideways.


Sayu, who was watching this scene, leaned into someone's ear and asked in a low voice: "Is it really okay for you to treat him like this?"

Kato Yusuke smiled and turned away, without moving away from her, he just put his mouth next to her ear openly and replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Uchiyama won't care about this kind of thing."

While speaking, he naturally stretched out his hand to stop the girl's slender waist, causing her pretty face to blush, but she looked at him with eyes like water waves, which looked particularly touching.

And although standing in the rice fields.

This scene did not escape Kenta Uchiyama, who was secretly looking at them.

The kissing action made his eyes darken, and a bitterness suddenly welled up in his chest.

However, it seemed that the two of them only said a few words and then separated.

"Speaking of which..." Kato Yusuke turned around, "How long are you going to stay in there?"

The irrelevant tone made Kenta Uchiyama blush all of a sudden and looked at him angrily: "Who do you think caused it!? You bastard!"

"Although I was the one who kicked you down, I didn't expect you to be as childish as before."

"——Are you kidding me, you bastard!!"

As if he was not aware of his terrifying tone, Kato Yusuke continued: "A kid is a kid. If you are dissatisfied, you can come back with revenge. Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, you will probably have to wait until you are admitted to a high school in Tokyo. ”

Then he added: "But judging from your mind, it's really hard to expect."

"I said -" Uchiyama Kenta's face turned cold, "Do you want to fight?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in brats who are still in junior high school."

"Don't yell at me like a brat over there. You're just one grade above me. Next year I'll be just like you!"

"Isn't he still a junior high school student?"

"Nonsense, you bastard!! Sure enough, you're still as annoying as before!"

As if angry.

After saying this, Kenta ran out of the mud and rushed towards him regardless of the mess on his body.

Kato Yusuke also greeted him with a smile.

As for Sayu, she looked at this scene dumbfounded, looking inexplicably coquettish.

It's basically just a matter of seconds.

Facing Uchiyama Kenta who was raising his fist, Yusuke just raised his hands high and low, blocking them in front of his face and lower abdomen respectively.

Accompanied by two dull sounds of "pop".

"Do you know that you smell like a rag that has been wiped with milk?" Yusuke Kato said, holding the opponent's fists in his hands.

"Lusuo! Let me go!!"





There was another sound of falling water.

Kenta Uchiyama was pushed out by a moderate force and sat down in the mud again.

The young man who was the initiator stood calmly, wiping the mud on his hands, and said two words calmly: "That's it?"

A surge of anger instantly rose from the soles of his feet and went straight to his forehead.

Uchiyama Kenta stood up from the ground again and rushed towards Kato Yusuke.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

I don’t know how many times...


After being thrown in various positions, Uchiyama Black Panther Kenta was finally lying on his back in the rice field, breathing heavily, and punched the ground hard.



A piece of muddy water splashed up, but it didn't affect him who was covered in mud.

A deep sense of unwillingness and powerlessness enveloped him.

At this moment--

"Get up when you're almost done lying down."

Along with that still extremely annoying voice, a hand that was also covered in mud appeared in his eyes.


Kenta Uchiyama remained silent.

Look slightly downward.

He saw Kato Yusuke, with only a few stains on his clothes, leaning over and standing at the edge of the field, ready to pull him up.

And a little further away.

The girl, who looked like she was covered with a layer of gauze under the setting sun, looked at the two of them with a wry smile.

Although most of them were focused on the person in front of them, they also looked at themselves once or twice.

But that look was like looking at a child.

Then he looked back numbly.


"Leave me alone." He said as he raised his hand and opened Kato Yusuke's palm.

"You ignorant brat."

"It's up to you."

"Aren't you going to fight? Isn't this okay?"

"What a shame...! I'm just taking a rest."

"Can't you get up?"

"I can't afford it!"

"Is that so?"

Kato Yusuke suddenly chuckled: "Don't say I didn't warn you, if you don't get up in five seconds, I will take you to the street in a stroller."

Without waiting for his reaction, he started counting down: "Five..."

Uchiyama Kenta's ears twitched.


Uchiyama Kenta's mouth opened.


Uchiyama Kenta's body twisted.

Seeing this, the young man suddenly sneered: "One."

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed it on the ground.

"You're cheating!"

Uchiyama Kenta, who rolled over to avoid the blow, immediately got up from the ground and asked: "Where did Er go!?"

Kato Yusuke did not argue with him, but simply asked: "Are you going by yourself, or should I push you?"

The expression that seemed to have convinced him made Kenta angry again, and his face suddenly turned from red to blue, and then from green to red again.

But because his face was covered in mud, he couldn't see it.

He stared at the other person angrily for a long time, looking at the clean clothes that were completely different from his own.

Even though he knew it was impossible to succeed, he was extremely unhappy and still raised his hand and hit Yusuke in the abdomen.


The dirty fist left a clear mark on the clean white T-shirt.

The unexpected result made Uchiyama Kenta's eyes widen in surprise.

"Are you satisfied?" Kato Yusuke asked.

After being silent for a while, he clicked his tongue and said, "Hey, I really still hate you...!"

After saying that, he walked towards the road alone. Although this battle was very embarrassing, there was an inexplicable feeling of joy in my heart.

"...You win this time, Brother Yu. I'm going back."

Kato Yusuke silently raised the corners of his mouth and turned around.

"Wait a moment."

"...What are you doing?" Uchiyama Kenta stopped silently but did not look back.

"There is a party at my house tonight. Remember to come over after you go home and take a shower."


Seeing him, he neither said a word nor left.

Kato Yusuke then spoke again: "Don't you want to be admitted to a high school in Tokyo? My friends are here too, there's no harm in chatting with them, right?"


There was a silence that was longer than before.


A vague word came out of Uchiyama Kenta's mouth, and then he left silently without looking back.

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