Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty-nine, failed night attack (four thousand)

I don’t know if I was stimulated.

After helping to bring the luggage into the house and leaving the key, Kato Yusuke immediately said goodbye and left.

The panicked look made Hasumi Kanoko giggle.

He sat down at the empty dining table and took two sips of the unfinished collagen drink.

Put a hand on your chest and feel the still extremely active heartbeat, as if all the pores in your body have been opened, giving you an incredible sense of youth.

It took a long time before it slowly subsided.

Everything that happened today was played back one by one in front of her eyes like a slideshow, making her smile, shy, angry, and aggrieved.

The complex emotions were intertwined and transformed into the other person's face.

Restrained and gentle.

It's amazing how attractive a mature man is.

Then he thought about the ridiculous behavior he committed today.

"False... atmosphere?"

Ren saw Kanoko murmuring, and suddenly let out a sigh.

Even though we knew we wouldn't be together, we still thought it was good.

With this relaxed and subtly depressed mood, she stretched comfortably, picked up her change of clothes, and walked towards the bathroom, ready to take a bath first.

On the other side, Kato Yusuke also returned home.

"It's been too long since you've been there, right?"

"Is the matter done?"

"Hasumi-sensei come back?"

Yamaguchi, Takei, and Yoshiko asked together.

"I'm back, but I sent the teacher to Aunt Mina, so I was delayed a little bit on the way." Kato Yusuke nodded and said.

"That's it..."

"Very good!"

"As expected of Kato-san~!"

The three of them showed expressions of relief.

Kato Yusuke turned his attention to the kitchen, where Motoyama Mina was talking to Sayu. When he saw him looking over, he smiled and waved.

Then he lifted his feet and walked forward.

"I'll leave the key at your house, Auntie Mina."

"Have you helped others settle?"

"Well, it's settled."

"That's good."

The other party smiled and nodded, then asked in a different direction: "Speaking of which, how will you stay at night? Xiaoyou."

Glancing at Sayu who was silent next to him but secretly looking at him, Kato Yusuke felt something clear in his heart. He touched his nose and said: "Sayu sleeps in my room, the girls sleep in another room, and Yamaguchi and I Let’s sleep in the living room together.”

"That's it." Motoyama Mina agreed, "Since you have thought about it, forget it. I originally thought that if it was too crowded, Sayu could go to my place."

"No, that's fine." Kato Yusuke shook his head and said, "I won't bother you anymore."

"It's no trouble." The other party nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. I'm going back too. Remember to tell me if you have anything."

"Yes, I will take you out."

"Ah, then I'll come too." Sayu stood up and said.

Motoyama Mina did not refuse this, and after saying hello to the others, she allowed the two of them to send her out the door.

He also told someone about issues such as not to give the plum wine in the refrigerator to friends, and to pay attention to safety because the wiring at home is aging.

Kato Yusuke did not tire of it. He listened quietly to the other party talking about these commonplace issues without any impatience on his face.

It wasn't until Motoyama Mina left with satisfaction that Sayu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, hugged his arm, and said fearfully: "It's so dangerous, I almost thought I was going to be taken away by Aunt Mina, but it's okay Yusuke came back in time.”

"What happened after I left?"

"Nothing happened. Yamaguchi-kun and Takei-kun were chatting, Himekawa-kun and Megumi were looking at their phones, but I was called by Aunt Mina."

"Because of accommodation issues?"

"Well! As I said just now, Aunt Mina asked me if I wanted to stay with her tonight, which made me a little overwhelmed."

"Just refuse it directly, just say you want to be with me, Auntie Mina will understand."

"Ho~? Then why did Yusuke just say that he would sleep in the living room tonight?"

Kato Yusuke smiled and explained: "You always have to pay attention to the influence in front of elders."

"Does that mean you will...?" After hearing this, Sayu tilted her head to look at him.


First he flatly denied it, then added: "That would be too obvious."

"Hmm~~~That's it."

The girl's eyes started to roll, she put her feet up and bit her ears and said, "It's really good, but it's such a pity."

After that, she went back to the house with her beautiful and plump F cup.

Only Kato Yusuke was still holding his slightly wet earlobes and was stunned in place, unable to calm down.

I always feel like there is too much excitement today...

With such emotion, he smiled bitterly and walked towards the house.

After that, we played poker for a while at Yamaguchi's suggestion.

Because they were tired all day long, no one among the girls responded to Brother Mangkhut's pillow fight invitation, and they all packed up their things and went to take a shower.

The original order was Sayu, Megumi, and Kako.

However, due to Kako's persistence, she ended up with Megumi.

The boys lined up behind the girls and continued to play poker while waiting.

It wasn't until Sayu, who had taken a shower and changed into pajamas, came out first and joined the game again, was when Kei and Kako were also preparing to take their belongings into the bathroom to take a shower.

Kato Yusuke said a reminder: "Remember to turn the lock on the bathroom twice, otherwise it won't lock."

"——What? Did you suddenly say that because you wanted to take a peek? That's bad." Kako said with a wary look on her chest.

As soon as these words came out, even Hui couldn't help but look over.

Although I don’t know how the former, who has barely a C cup, has the confidence to say such things in front of his girlfriend, Kato Yusuke still responded speechlessly:

"...Have you ever thought that if I really have this idea, is it necessary to remind you of this issue?"

"Yeah - that's right~" Kako nodded and joked: "Thank you for the reminder, Kato-san."

After saying that, he picked up Hui and left with clattering steps.

The two figures quickly disappeared around the corner.

So Kato Yusuke continued to play cards.

A few people were playing blackjack.

He glanced at the three cards A, 2, and 5 in his hand.


Feeling unsafe, he chose to continue bidding.


Sayu, who was the dealer, gave him a card.

"Stand." Takei, who also held three cards, chose to stand. He seemed to be satisfied with the existing points and unwilling to take any more risks.

"Have you exploded? Kato." Yamaguchi asked with some expectation, obviously hoping that the points in someone's hand would directly exceed 21 and thus explode.

"No." Kato Yusuke responded expressionlessly: "Since Takei didn't call, it's your turn."

"Damn it...are the four cards all small cards?" Yamaguchi scratched his hair irritably, extremely confused.

"Ahh! Never mind, Hit!"


"Here you go." Sayu pushed a card in front of him.

"Oh God, please don't be any of J, Q, and K, please!" In a praying gesture of clasping his hands together and rubbing them, Yamaguchi took the card back into his hand and squinted one eye to look at it.

"Okay-! Oh hoo!"

The excited look aroused the disgust of Kato Yusuke, "Do you know that you are like a dancing gorilla now? Maybe I should record this."

"Ah haha, that must be interesting, but Xiao must have got some good cards." Takei on the side said with a wry smile: "It seems like I am in danger."

"You can also choose to continue adding." Kato Yusuke said, and chose to suspend trading in this round.

"I'll also stop trading." Yamaguchi followed with a smile.

So it was Takei's turn again.

After looking at the two of them separately, he sighed and weakly called a card and took the card back from his hand.


His face suddenly turned miserable.

"I exploded." Takei said so and threw down the cards. The total number of points in his hand already reached 26.

"It's all your fault for not praying like me, idiot."

"You bother the gods with such things, I really hope you won't be punished."

Finally came to the Imperial City PK between Yusuke and Yamaguchi.

"Then what do you say now? Kato."

"If you don't want to bid, just open the cards."

"OK, then one, two, three."

Both parties show their cards together.

On the Yamaguchi side are Q (counted as 10), 5, 3, 2, with a total of 20 points.

Yusuke, this is A (counting as 1 or 10), 8, 7, 5, the total number of points is 21.

Sayu: "Ah~ Yusuke won."

Takei: "Really."

Yamaguchi looked like he couldn't accept it, "Is it true? It's just a little bit worse!?"

"Then I'll leave you with the drinks for the week after school starts." Kato Yusuke announced calmly, then looked at Takei, "If you want, just treat me to two ramen meals, Takei."

"Okay." The other party nodded with a wry smile, and together with Yamaguchi, he wrote down another defeat against the Demon King in his notebook.

At this moment--

Zizzi, cluck.

The light above the head flickered twice and then suddenly went dark.


Kako's exclamation came from the bathroom, "What's wrong? What's wrong-?"

There was also the faint sound of swishing water and Hui's soft soothing voice.

"It's probably tripped. Please wait a moment. I'll go outside and take a look." Kato Yusuke shouted towards the bathroom and stood up from the sofa.

"Ah, then I'll go too." After hearing this, Sayu also stood up with him.

Yusuke didn't refuse, he just asked her to wear one more piece of clothing.

He stopped the Mangkhut brothers who wanted to follow him, and they came outside the hospital together.

Opening the electrical box next to the utility room, I saw that the main switch had indeed tripped as expected, so I pushed it up.

The light returned to the house.

Then he closed the electrical box and returned to the room.

"Is the bathroom ready? Kako." Kato Yusuke asked loudly.

"Okay - thank you!" the other party responded loudly.

After this, several people lost interest in continuing to play cards, and began to move the sofas and spread bedding on the floor.

Apart from the fact that someone with a girlfriend on his behalf showed off his presence, there is not much else to say.

Wait for the girls to come out after taking a shower.

For the sake of speed, the boys no longer chose to take a bath, but just used the shower to clean their bodies.

No tripping incidents occurred during this period.

Goodnights were said to each other, and the doors to both bedrooms were locked.

To help him sleep, Kato Yusuke drank two glasses of plum wine before going to bed.

Ignoring the ill-intentioned teasing of Yamaguchi and Takei, thinking about all the firsts today, he fell into a dream without his girlfriend by his side.

Time passed bit by bit.


Mommy, mommy.

In the stillness of the night, there was faint movement in my ears.

The body also felt a little heavy, as if it was carrying some kind of weight.

Kato Yusuke opened his eyes drowsily and reached down to touch.

A furry little head popped out from under his quilt.

"Good evening?"

The girl said this with her lips, leaning over for a kiss.

Kato Yusuke woke up instantly, and instinctively turned around to let him lie aside, covering him with a quilt, leaving only half of his head outside.

"What are you doing??" He asked in a low voice, paying attention to the movement behind him.

Sayu smiled and said nothing. She just looked at him with watery eyes and lightly opened her red lips: "I miss you."

After saying that, she took his hand and moved it straight to the skirt of the thin pajamas.

Well, there is a definite lack of restraint under the cotton material.

The size is completely beyond the reach of one palm.


The other party let out a breath and leaned a little closer and whispered: "You can do whatever you want with my body..."

"Kato." Yamaguchi's voice came from the side, making Yusuke Kato so shocked that he hugged Sayu in his arms without moving.

"...I can't eat anymore, huh..."

While talking, he giggled and seemed a little confused.

He cautiously and slowly looked back, and Yamaguchi's stupid face with a big mouth and snoring came into view.

Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief, but felt his chest was as cold as a slippery fish.

He knocked the little head under the quilt as a warning and lifted the quilt.

Facing the other person's confused and aggrieved look, he licked his lips.

"Go back to sleep." He mouthed.

Sayu shook his head vigorously, as if he didn't want it.

Kato Yusuke then reached out to pinch her face, but the other party bit her finger and looked up provocatively.

A wave of anger immediately surged up.

Then he held the slippery fish between his two fingers.

Yusuke lowered his head and warned: "Don't mess around here. "

Then he let her go and rubbed his hand on her clothes.

Sayu pouted and looked at him, her face flushed.

It seemed to have calmed down temporarily and no longer caused trouble.

But he still refused to leave his bed, acting like he was staying here tonight.

So Kato Yusuke flicked her forehead with his finger again and shook his head.

Feeling a little aggrieved, the other person reluctantly left his quilt and walked angrily to his room.

It wasn't until the door was silently closed that I felt relieved.

He reached out and pinched his eyebrows.

The boy who changed his position closed his eyes again.

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