Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-one, changes (four thousand)

"Having said that -"

Shiyu picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, then started to hold ice cubes in his mouth.

"But I did make some adjustments in the details. Maybe it was because of this that Miss Machida misunderstood, maybe."

Faced with this evil editor who knew her best in a sense, she finally confided in him a little bit of her feelings.

"Misunderstanding? I see."

Machida Enko nodded, "I want to hide my feelings in a corner of the work, and wait until the last moment to show an ending that meets the expectations of a specific reader in one breath, hoping for his approval... Like this, I originally thought Kasumi Shizi has finally become a little more sinister."

"...Thank you very much for identifying me as a sinister character, even though it was said by the person who is least qualified to say so in this world."

"Ah, I don't just mean the darkness in character, but also the darkness as a writer, right?"

"Not only does this not deny the darkness of my character, but it also subtly affirms it. Do you hate me?"

Facing Shiyu's confused look, Machida Enko, who had already entered editing mode, stirred the black tea in the cup and continued to say in a swaying tone:

"According to your initial conception and draft when you entered the competition, Sayuka was supposed to be the only female protagonist and main supporting character, but that was not in the interests of the publisher and the author.

That’s why we decided on the development of the triangular relationship after joint discussion, and Zhenwei’s popularity has also been recognized by the market. However, it seems that you are ready to abandon her now? "

Having said this, she paused for a moment and observed the reaction of her most precious and beloved writer.

Seeing that the girl was just listening to this in silence, and seemed to have no desire to express, she continued.

"Frankly speaking, whether it's Sayuka or Shinui, as an editor, I have no objection to any of them becoming the main partner, and Shi-chan, you are also the kind of genius who allows the heroines in his novels to develop and reach their own results. Creator, so I always respect your ideas.

But compared to before, I feel a clear tendency towards Sayuka from your outline in the fourth volume, but this does not seem to be Kasumi Shiko's writing style. Is there anything you want to say? "

After finishing speaking, she fell silent, leaving the next words to the girl opposite.

Click, click, click.

Shiyu couldn't help but bite the ice cubes in his mouth, "...So what do you think is wrong? Miss Machida."

The tone seemed a little helpless.

"Sayuga's reaction felt inconsistent."

Machida Enko said: "Compared to the previous volume where she sealed her feelings as if she was entangled with something, the outline of this volume shows Sayuka acting a little too naturally, like someone who follows the set actions. Even the same."

"...Obviously there are many comments on the Internet complaining about the poor plot presentation or lack of clarity in the middle?"

"But that's Kasumi Shiko's style, isn't it? No matter how warm the atmosphere is, you can never guess when a suffocating emotional dispute will unfold.

It makes the reader's emotions jitter like a ping-pong ball, causing reactions such as being moved, entangled, and empathic. After reading it, it can leave a feeling of refreshment, like an evil god who controls emotions... Shijiang is still more suitable. This kind of thing? "


Shiyu said nothing about this, but silently raised the corners of his lips, "Thank you for your advice, Miss Machida, I will consider it carefully."

"Then please submit a new version of the outline, and I will delete this one."

"...Ms. Machida, you are not a member of the Shinwei sect, are you?"

"So, I'm not on either side. If I insist, I'm only on the right side."

Machida Enko said with a smile: "So even if you want to use your work to convey feelings to someone, please come up with content that satisfies me."

"...What does the right side mean?"

"Market, sales, returns."

"I'm such a fool for having expectations for adults without permission."

"Oh my, this is the price of growth, Shi-chan." The other party teased: "Speaking of which, it's been so long and you still haven't made any substantial progress with that person? Like this and that... …”

"So annoying you porn editor!"

Shiyu stood up from the table angrily, "Since I have nothing else to do, I'm going back."

"Remember to submit the manuscript on time. If possible, I hope you can revise the outline and hand it over today." Machida Enko reminded with a smile.

"No, not today." The girl shook her head after hearing this.

"Why? You haven't started school yet?"

Shiyu put down the order money on the table and explained softly: "I have to go to the track and field competition in the afternoon, so I can't."

"...Hey, are you interested in that kind of sport??"

“Just going to cheer people on.”

Machida Enzi understood instantly, "Junior?"

"Yeah, so that's it, bye."

Nodding slightly coldly, the girl left with light steps.

The time comes in the afternoon.

Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo New National Stadium.

The National Comprehensive Sports Conference of Colleges and Universities is being held here today.

This is one of the most prestigious competitions among Japanese universities. Those who can enter the finals are the best among the masters.

Among them, Endo Susumu, who was born in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, is a well-known local long-distance runner. He is now 17 years old and in the third grade of high school.

Although he is young, he is already a track and field veteran who has won many honors.

For example, he set a high school record in Fukushima Prefecture in the 3,000-meter long-distance race he participated in when he was in the third grade of junior high school, with a time of 8 minutes, 31 seconds and 26 seconds.

He also participated in the 5,000-meter long-distance race when he was a sophomore in high school, and also won Japan's first time of 14 minutes, 07 seconds and 87 seconds.

No one doubts his strength, and everyone is even sure that he will participate in the next Olympic Games.

As the last game before graduating from high school, everyone expects him to achieve greater success and bring a perfect end to his high school career.

Located in the forest of Meiji Jingu Outer Garden.

The wind blowing from outside the stadium also carries a fresh and natural breath, which makes people feel more comfortable.

At the tail end of late summer and late autumn, the weather is no longer as hot as it was a week ago.

The overcast sky looked gray, but there was no sign of rain.

Except for the headwind factor that may affect the performance, this kind of weather is considered a rare good weather for runners.

Endo Shinzan, who looked up at the sky, thought of this and was doing warm-up exercises in an open space where the players gathered.

From stretching, stretching legs, stretching arms, and moving wrists and ankles, these are the steps he takes every time before he starts running, and he does it extremely carefully.

After all, as an athlete who plans to participate in the Olympics in the future, maintaining a good physical condition is definitely an important thing.

It was under such a situation that a burst of whispers from the stands reached his ears.

"Hey! Look over there. Is that Endo who is studying at Ishikawa High School?"

"Ah, yes, it's him!"

"Sure enough, he will also compete this time, damn it!"

"What a tragedy. Don't the seniors have no chance of winning the championship?"

"Ahhhhh, so you have to be a companion this time, right!? You beast."

I glanced over there casually and saw several students who seemed to be from a certain high school talking about him, with obviously ugly expressions.

Win the championship?

Endo Jinshan couldn't help but curl his lips, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

It would be okay if he didn't come, but since he participated in this competition, he had no intention of giving up the championship to others.

Even another person he regarded as his opponent in last year's competition was 8 seconds behind him in the 5,000 meters, so he really couldn't be called a threat.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked towards the player area.

There happened to be a tall and lanky boy looking at him in the same way.

Their eyes met in the air.

There was obviously a trace of fear in the other party's eyes, but he thought for a moment and walked towards him.

"Have you heard about the qualifiers? Endo."

"Qualifiers?" Looking at Okohiro approaching, Endo Jinshan couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

You must know that as a genius ranked below him, the other party who was born in Iwate Prefecture rarely takes the initiative to talk to him.

"Well, I heard that there is a new student in a school, and his results seem to be pretty good." Dahuangbo said directly.

Good grades?

After hearing this, Endo Jinshan let out a sigh and said lightly: "I'm not sure. I don't pay much attention to the preliminaries. Which school are you from?"

Although he concealed it very well, as an opponent who had competed with him in many games, Dahuang Bo could still hear the arrogance in his words.

He opened his mouth and replied: "It seems to be a private high school in Tokyo. He is a new face. He must have just joined the track and field club not long ago."

"That's it." Endo Jinshan suddenly lost interest. In addition, he also felt that as a veteran second only to him, he shouldn't pay too much attention to the juniors. It would be somewhat demeaning.

But he still asked casually: "Do you remember that person's name?"

Hiroshi Oko nodded and glanced at him, "It seems his name is Kato. He is 15 years old this year."

The two of them briefly chatted and parted ways.

It wasn't until the race was in place that Endo Jinshan caught a glimpse of the person Okohiro was talking about on the outermost track.

A boy whose appearance is so handsome that he doesn't look like a sports guy.

At the same time, the school represented by the other party was also heard through the on-site announcement.

Private Toyozaki Academy.

A little-known college in track and field events.

He was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

Take a deep breath.

In the most advantageous position, he adjusted his physical and mental state, and his eyes became serious.

"Come on, Endo-senpai!"

"Come on—Okou-senpai!"

"Come on~~Chairman Kato!"


The cheers from the entourage from each school came from the stands, and there were also a few scattered figures sitting around.


This strange title made many people look up.

I saw a sports girl with a neat single ponytail, putting her hands to her mouth like a loudspeaker, making energetic cheers.

"Hey, isn't that Nanami from Toyosaki? Is she coming to compete too?"

"But haven't the girls' competitions been completed in the morning?"

"so cute."

There was a murmur among the players.

Then he looked in the direction the girl was facing, and saw a young man on the outer ring giving the former a slight nod, showing his aloofness.

It was the potential junior named Kato.

Endo entered the mountain and discovered this, but he didn't have any reaction.

And over there in the coaching area.

Mr. Yasuoka of the track and field department was being asked curiously by his former classmate and old acquaintance who is now the coach of Ishikawa High School, a vocational school: "Xiao An, is that a student from your school?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Teacher Yasuoka nodded calmly, "What do you think of him? Longkou."

"How is it?" The middle-aged man in sportswear, known as Longkou, asked doubtfully: "He is quite handsome, almost half as handsome as I was back then."

"Haha, still as shameless as before." Teacher Yasuoka sneered: "I'm asking what do you think of his track and field talent?"

After she said this, the other party also reacted and couldn't help but feel very ridiculous.

Then he touched his nose and said, "I mean, you should know that I am Endo's coach, right? The one in Fukushima Prefecture."

"I know, last year's record breaker, the genius of track and field, your proud disciple." Teacher Yasuoka nodded with a smile, but looked at the other disciple in the field with a strange look.

But I can’t say that this year…

Thinking this, he then turned his attention to the figure in the outer ring.

The strangeness in his eyes slowly turned into anticipation.

This scene did not escape Coach Longkou’s eyes.

I saw him frowning at first, and then relaxing.

I couldn't help but feel a little disapproving, but I just smiled lightly.

It seems that it is not helpful to discuss this more, and the specifics will ultimately have to be determined from the ground up.

Then he said no more words.

They all looked at the arena.


The sudden sound of gunfire startled a flock of sparrows.

Accompanied by this gunshot.

Endo, whose muscles all over his body were ready to go, stepped on the pedal when he entered the mountain, and his body suddenly jumped out with the help of a reaction force.

Relying on its own advantages in the inner ring.

Before the other players merged, he had already taken the lead in passing everyone and came to the front, ready to be the leader and lead the race as usual.

Even in the long-distance 5000m run, there is still a sense of momentum.

Show your strong confidence as the first person.

Tread hard against the breeze.

Let the wind whistle in your ears.

At this moment, Endo entered the mountain as if he had transformed into a general on the battlefield, as fast as the wind.

Until he leaves everyone behind him... hmm——?



It seemed like a dark shadow flashed in the peripheral vision.

Not waiting for him to enjoy the breath of freedom for one more second.

A tall young man rushed to a position about ten meters in front of him, walking as fast as the wind.

Endo couldn't help but be stunned when he entered the mountain.

This explosive power...!

His pupils shrank slightly, and there was surprise in his eyes.

Look at the figure in front of you.

Little by little, the corners of his mouth turned upward unconsciously.

Ha, interesting.

He smiled coldly in his heart.

A high-spirited fighting spirit suddenly filled his chest.

"Pa ta", he kicked the ground with a big step.

Endo entered the mountain and accelerated towards the front.


The audience instantly became an uproar.

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