Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-three, game planning (four thousand)

Click, click, click.

"It means Kato——"

An Yilun also chewed the biscuits he brought as a souvenir.

"As a national champion, you didn't go to the track and field department's celebration banquet, but instead came home to discuss playing games with us. Are you really not a nerd?"

The same casual and carefree tone as always.

When Kato Yusuke returned home, he quietly took back the drink in front of him.

"Eh? Wait, I haven't drunk it yet—!"

"Give you another chance to speak properly."

"What? You actually want to threaten others with a drink. How stingy."

"Haha, the game is no longer available?"

"I'm really sorry. I have deeply realized my mistake, so please forgive me, Kato-sama!!"

An Yilun, who was prostrated, immediately apologized heartily, causing Shi Yu next to him to look disgusted.

"Isn't it too low of self-esteem for you to do this? Student Ethics. Although I know that you are a soft-footed shrimp, but you still feel physically disgusted by your resignation so easily, so I can ask you to die. Die? Please."

"This is too much to say! Teacher Kasumi Shiko! Generally speaking, this kind of behavior is called sizing up the situation, right? And the senior sister is also a guest, why can she sit on the bed and talk about this without being polite? What are you talking about? Ah—lying down again now!”

"You're so noisy, so verbose, shut up. I'm a weak writer, so it's okay to lie down when you're tired from walking, right? Hiss... ha."

"Um...please, what are you doing now? And why are you covering your face with a quilt."

"...I say you are very annoyed. Is it difficult for an insect like Ethical Lord to understand human language? But I don't understand insect language either. It's really troublesome."

Shiyu said in a low voice, then turned his gaze to the young man aside, and his tone became gentle.

"What brand of laundry detergent do you use? I like the smell very much. Can you tell me? Kato-san."

As he spoke, he played with the hair around his mouth with his slender fingers, looking inexplicably provocative.

"I don't know. I'll ask my girlfriend when she comes back. She chose these." Kato Yusuke said without looking back, and used his mobile phone to contact Sayu who went to the management office to pick up the express delivery.

"Oh." Shiyu hummed, rolling around on the bed, and his thighs wrapped in black stockings made a rustling sound due to friction.

"Speaking of which, this apartment is obviously not big, so why do we need a double bed? Doesn't it take up a lot of space?"

"Well, because there are two people living there."

Shiyu's movements couldn't help but froze, and An Yilun also said in surprise: "What do you mean...could it be that you two are actually living together!??"

The sudden increase in volume made Kato Yusuke frown and glance at him, then he ran to the cabinet in the corner and sprinkled a small handful of fish food into the fish tank to appease the frightened fish.

"What is the problem?"

"You actually said there was a problem. You are still a high school student, right? Did the other party's parents agree??"

"It's just a temporary stay, and her family doesn't care about it."

'If you really care, you won't even want to do something like a missing person notice...' Yusuke Kato thought silently in his heart.

"Yes, is that so?" An Yilun suddenly became restless for some reason, and asked with a blushing face, "In other words...are you already adults...?"

As soon as he said this, even Shiyu secretly looked at his back, opened his mouth and bit a corner of the quilt.

"If you are used as a reference, I think everyone here is an adult, Aki."

Kato Yusuke responded calmly: "Obviously I am an otaku, but in the end I haven't even read the 18-ban works. It's really miserable."

"What? How dare you say that? Stop looking down on others!" An Yilun immediately retorted.

Seeing Shiyu on the bed, she couldn't help but feel anxious secretly.

You should keep asking! idiot!

The girl glared at his back from behind with great displeasure.


"What's wrong?"

"No, I just suddenly felt a murderous aura."

"What? Are you being targeted because you can't afford to go to a custom shop?"

"No, no, no, that kind of thing is impossible no matter how you think about it! You are too mean!"

An Yilun also said with disgust: "And how can I spend money on things like that! Just this season's BD and special bonuses have drained my wallet, right!?"

"Ha, as expected of you."

Kato Yusuke sneered, not even knowing how to complain.

"As expected, you'd better die, Lord Ethics." Shiyu also said coldly.

"So why do you say that! Just because I haven't read 18 Ban's works? Then the same goes for Shiyu-senpai, right!?"

"Eh——? I...?"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Neither Kato Yusuke nor Shiyu spoke.

Only An Yilun still spoke plausibly: "That's right! If it were Senior Shiyu, she would have never seen that kind of work like Kato said, right? So we are the same kind."

Finished speaking.

Shiyu, who was staring at someone with a guilty conscience, suddenly turned dark and whispered, "Shut up, Chongye-kun."

"Uh... no, no, did you call something wrong? It should be Aki-kun or Tomoya-kun, right? I hate it~ Do writers also make this kind of slip of the tongue?"

"An Yi..."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, and reminded: "For your safety, I advise you not to say any more inappropriate words."

at the same time.

Accompanied by a muffled "click" sound.


A soft voice came from the entrance.

So Yusuke immediately put down the fish food in his hand and walked out.

I saw Sayu holding a stack of boxes in his hands and placing things on the ground.

"so much?"

"Well~ after all, we have been away for a long time, and the express company seems to have left everything in the management room."

"That's it." Kato Yusuke nodded to express understanding and helped her pick up the box. "What's in it?"

"Well, there are some of our clothes and things for home use?"

After she changed her shoes, they walked into the living room together.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm going to make tea now." Sayu bent over and said to An Yirunya who was at the table and Shiyu who was sitting by the bed.

Then he walked into the kitchen and started boiling water and preparing tea cups.

Kato Yusuke placed the box in a corner of the room, where it would not affect traffic.

Then he came to the low table and sat down cross-legged.

This step was omitted because I had already introduced him to Ahn Eryon before leaving the New National Stadium and at the station meeting near my home.

Go directly to the topic.

"So An Yi, as we agreed before the summer vacation, I will help you make games in the future, but it's up to you to decide whether Senior Shiyu agrees or not."

"Tell me?" Shiyu glanced at the two of them alternately, and finally stopped at Kato Yusuke, with thoughtful eyes, "Do you want me to be in charge of the script?"

Yusuke shook his head at this and gestured to An Yilun who was opposite him with his chin, "To be precise, it should be him."

"Huh? Wait, why don't I remember saying these words?"

The other party waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Kato, don't you have a script yourself? Then it's okay even if you don't bother Shiyu-senpai, right? After all, the current senior is a popular commercial author, and she is too big for us. .”

Shiyu was noncommittal about this. He placed his hands gracefully on the beautiful legs that were folded together. He looked at the girl who was humming in the kitchen. Her slightly translucent black silk toes were raised up and down in the air, and her heart was up and down. .

Kato Yusuke took a deep look at An Yirunya and said, "Speaking of which, you are also a fan of Kasumi Shiko. Can't you feel the difference between the words written by her and those without her?

In addition, although I remember the plot and outline, how to use words to connect them together and whether they are beautiful or not are not what I am good at. "

"Remember? Isn't that your plan in itself? Your wording is so strange, Kato... Kazu Kazu." The other party complained while eating cookies.

"...Instead of talking about this leisurely here, you might as well think about the real thing. From programming, art, sound, script, every item cannot be fabricated out of thin air with just a passion. It is basically self-inflicted. perish.

If you have this idea, then don’t waste time, just be a consumer otaku and enjoy the happiness brought by those cute characters. "

Kato Yusuke said the above bluntly.

Because his words were so harsh, An Yilun couldn't help but froze in place.

Even Shiyu couldn't help but look over.

The room fell silent for a moment.

Only a soft humming came from the kitchen and came closer.

"I've kept you two waiting for a long time~"

Sayu said this, breaking the silence and placing three hot teacups on the table.

Two were placed by Yusuke's hand, and one was placed in front of An Yirunya.

"Oh, oh...thank you." An Yilun responded calmly.

"You're welcome."

Then he brought the tray to Shiyu and said, "Teacher Xia Shizi, please have some tea~"

"Well, thank you, but since you are older than me, just call me by your first name."

"Like Miss Kasumigaoka?"

"No, Kasumigaoka or Shiyu will do." Shiyu took the tea cup and said in a tone that was neither enthusiastic nor cold: "On the other hand, can I call you Sayu?"

"Ah haha, that's it. Yeah, sure!" Sayu smiled and nodded vigorously, then came to someone and sat down next to him, picked up his cup of tea and blew on it twice.

The warm aroma of tea filled the room.

After a while, the girl put the tea cup in her hand to the mouth of the person next to her.

"Okay~ I think it's not hot anymore."

"Got it, thank you."

Kato Yusuke also took the tea cup very naturally and took a sip of green tea.

Suddenly, the fragrance of tea overflows, and the fragrance lingers on your teeth and cheeks.

“It brews well and tastes delicious.”

"Thank you~"

Sayu chuckled lightly and asked, "What are you talking about? You look very serious."

Seeing this scene, Shi Yu couldn't help but his eyelids twitched, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

And the outspoken An Yilun also said directly: "Hey...? Are you talking about playing games now!? Why did it turn into a flag-planting incident between lovers? Don't be so blatant, you two indivual!"

"I'm just telling someone the gap between reality and ideals." Kato Yusuke first answered his girlfriend's question, and then said to An Yilun:

"In short, that's it. Whether it's your favorite games or animations, in the final analysis, it's just the entertainment industry in the tertiary industry. It's something people will only consider after meeting the necessities of life.

Taking an ordinary person as an example, only after a person has paid rent, bought clothes for all seasons, bought enough food for every day, and completed his savings task, will the remaining money be used for entertainment and hobbies. .

On this basis, consumers also need to compare with other forms of entertainment before making a choice. I think even you wouldn’t want the things you have worked so hard to create to be ignored, right? Do you understand this? "

After he finished speaking, he picked up the cup and sipped the hot tea.

Shiyu, who was also drinking tea, stopped what he was doing and looked at him thoughtfully.

Although it is something that is very simple and easy to understand in the industry, it is not something that an ordinary high school student can explain.

It's completely different from the otaku who just shouts "Let's play games together!"

And she’s in such good shape...hehe, huhu...

As his eyes moved, he inadvertently met Sayu's gaze, who just turned around to look.

The other party smiled and asked: "Would you like some more tea? Shiyu."

"Well... please."


The girl ran to the kitchen and helped her add some tea.

"Here, please use it."


"No, you're welcome."

‘What’s going on with such a dignified wife? I’m so angry! ’ Shiyu couldn’t help but curse secretly in his heart, and drank tea silently.

And An Yilun seemed to have just come back to his senses, and said without thinking: "Although what you said Kato is very reasonable, shouldn't our goal be fan works? As long as there is love, money and so on It’s not that important, isn’t it?”

Kato Yusuke raised his eyes, "In other words, do you want two authors with an annual income of tens of millions to accompany you to make games for free?"


An Yilun also immediately looked away with guilt, and then realized something instantly.

"——No, wait a minute! You said two!?"

The voice became sharper due to shock.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet." Kato Yusuke said calmly: "Although it's not as good as Shiba-senpai, I also made a little money from Xia Comi, plus the bookstore I just arrived this month The sales volume barely meets this level and is not worth mentioning at all.”

As he talked and drank tea, he had the air of an outsider living in a hut.

If it weren't for Sayu grabbing the palm of his hand which was placed under the table in a funny way, the process of manifesting himself in front of people would have been perfect.

After deducting printing fees, taxes, and a 20% share.

Yinglilijia has paid all the consignment money from the sales of about 6,900 copies of the three works to his card.

The total is 6,115,200 yen.

Adding in what's left in the account, it's just over 8.35 million.

Based on the 9,000 copies printed at that time, 2,100 more books will be paid for by the end of next month.

Indeed, as he said, it can be regarded as the threshold for creators to squeeze into the tens of millions of income.


An Yilun also swallowed hard and asked with his mouth open: "You must be joking, right? Kato."

Kato Yusuke smiled faintly at this and said lightly: "Although it's a little less, it's still a little money, so let's make do with it."

Along with a bleak breeze blowing by.

A certain otaku suddenly became petrified on the spot.

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