Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-five, undercurrent (four thousand)

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"Bye, see you next time."

"See you."

"I'll contact you later if you have any questions."

"Walking slowly~"

After bidding farewell to An Yilunye and Senior Shiyu, the two returned to the house.

Sayu couldn't help laughing and said: "An Yi is quite interesting. He obviously said that he wanted to invite someone, but he refused to reveal the identity of the person. It feels mysterious."

Kato Yusuke just smiled and said: "Ignore him, since he said he would arrange an interview later, then he will always see her then. If the person is really capable, it doesn't mean that she cannot be allowed to join, otherwise there will be no need to talk."

"Hey~~~ You are so strict. Maybe the other person is a very cute girl?"

"Well... let's not say that it's hard to imagine An Yi meeting girls outside of the second dimension, but in terms of cuteness alone, I don't think anyone can be as agreeable to me as you are."

"What~! You are very frivolous, sir." Sayu said with a condescending expression, bumping his shoulder with her delicate, fruity body.

Then he asked again: "Also, although I don't understand it very well, Yusuke seems to attach great importance to this game. Why?"

"Well, that's true." Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, stretched out his hand to rub her pink face, and said with a smile: "After all, if everything goes well, we may be able to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible."

"Is it like this?" The girl was forced to whisper.

"Yeah, but there are a lot of things to prepare before that. For the time being, I still have to rely on doujinshi to accumulate funds, so I will mainly focus on these in the near future... Also, when will your part-time job start? "


"That's it." Kato Yusuke nodded and said thoughtfully: "Then I will do the housework today, and you can have a day off."

"——No." Sayu, who was still smiling innocently, immediately wrinkled his face seriously and said seriously: "Those are my jobs. Yusuke also has his own things to be busy with, right? Please do it! Hehe~"

After saying that, he pushed him to sit in front of a newly added desk in the living room, and thoughtfully prepared the digital screen. I ran to the refrigerator to get some fruit and took it to the kitchen to wash.

‘There is still excessive persistence in this aspect. ’ Kato Yusuke thought, adjusted the height of the swivel chair, and turned his eyes to the table.

This was something he bought online when ordering a double bed. After all, whether he was doing homework or drawing notebooks, he had always done it on a low table.

In the long run, it is not really good for the body. In addition, the limited area of ​​​​the low table will also affect the efficiency of work.

So under the girl's persuasion, he simply bought this set of desks and chairs.

Although the pure black color does not match the style of the room, it gives people a feeling of calming down and working. Therefore, Kato Yusuke is quite satisfied with this point.

With a calm mind, he turned on the digital screen, and while thinking about it, he started drawing the line drafts for the second episode of "Guidance" and "Early Summer Time".

During this period, Sayu also brought apples cut into rabbit shapes and iced barley tea.

Seeing that he was concentrating on his work, he didn't bother him much, but quietly started doing housework.

From splitting deliveries to sorting trash, from washing clothes to cleaning.

Light footsteps surrounded me on the left and right, walking through every corner of the room.

Intertwined with the sounds of utility knives, plastic bags, washing machines and vacuum cleaners.

Condensed into a small microcosm of daily life.

It has a wonderful warm smell, like a quilt after being dried by the sun, making people feel warmer.

Time passed peacefully.

It was almost time to think about preparing dinner.

Sayu was sorting out her seasonal clothes when she suddenly had the urge to try on the new clothes she bought online.

A gym suit consisting of a white top and red shorts.

He glanced at the back of the young man who was still sitting at the table.

With her eyes moving slightly, she quietly changed her clothes.

Accompanied by a soft rustling sound.

This set of sports-style clothes replaced the original casual clothes and was worn on the girl.

It seemed like something was lacking.

After changing clothes, Sayu took out a pair of snow-white stockings.

Then he sat on the ground with his legs bent, spread the elegant and soft gauze fabric in his hand with both hands, placed it in front of the delicate Qianqianyu feet, and inserted the feet into it.

All the way up along the slightly convex ankle bone.

The slender calves are white and translucent, and the round thighs are graceful and well-proportioned. There is no trace of tiny arteries and black hair on them, making them as smooth as jade.


The solid snow-white stocking heels finally stopped a few inches above the knees, and the slightly tight design made the legs feel slightly fleshy.

Paired with gymnastics clothes, it has a sense of pure lust.

Then switch legs and put on the other stocking in the same way.

The girl who stood up looked like JK taking physical education class.

He lowered his head and looked at himself.

The clothes are all the right size.

And compared to the gymnastics uniforms issued by the school, this one bought online is obviously made of much better materials. Not only is the texture of the clothing not as rough as the former, but it is also very convenient to move around.

Very suitable for wearing when doing sports.

It's a pity that for her it can only be used at home.

However, as long as it can be used for exercise, it is not a bad idea to use it at home.

After all, not everyone in densely populated Tokyo likes to exercise outdoors, and there are also many people who choose to exercise at home.

And Sayu is one of them.

What kind of exercise should I do...?

She couldn't help but think so, and turned on her phone to search for yoga training courses.

Then he moved his body towards Kato Yusuke.

I plan to ask the other party to help make some references.

Buzz--, buzz--

Goo, goo, goo.

The dull sound continued to echo in the room.

It wasn't until the phone on the table vibrated for a long time that Kato Yusuke, who was sitting on the swivel chair, reached out to pick it up and pressed the answer button.


"Ah, it's connected... I asked you, what are you doing? If you are here, you should answer the call earlier and make others wait for so long." The impatient words of the girl rang on the other side of the phone.

"Sorry, something happened just now. What's the reason you called?" Yusuke leaned back in the chair and asked, his voice sounding a little erratic.

Yinglili asked doubtfully: "What's going on? It seems that the signal there is not very good, and the speech is not very clear."


"Hey, hey? Did you"

The sound spread through the microphone in the quiet room, and even Sayu, who was kneeling on the ground in a duck-sitting position, couldn't help but look up at him.

Then he lowered his head again, muttering something about function problems, and doing yoga training at the same time.

Give your brain and body a full workout.

Kato Yusuke rubbed his eyebrows and responded angrily to the girl on the other end of the phone.

"...Well, sorry, it seems a little bit."

"It's strange. It's clear now, but the voice sounds so heavy. Do you have a cold?"

"No, not at all - oh...cough, maybe it was caused by exerting too much energy in the afternoon. It doesn't matter."

"Is that so..." Yinglili was silent for a moment and said: "Huh, who told you to be so brave and participate in the track and field competition? It's completely your own fault that you will end up like this. You are so stupid."


"Ah, that is to say, it's really—too bad, Tansuke-kun."

"...Do you have enough time to joke about other people's names here? Have the pictures on the website been updated? Have you responded to the messages on SNS? Have you started writing the new work?"

"G-Guh uh... oh, oh, oh! Men who care about small details will be hated."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand to touch Sayu's little head next to him, caressed the rosy jade cheeks with his fingers, and wiped away the fine sweat on Xiumei Yao's nose.

In exchange for this, the beauty smiled, revealing a charming expression.

"——Speaking of which, Yinglili."

After clearing his throat, he retracted his hand and no longer disturbed the girl's concentrated study of graphical expressions of functions. Instead, he said to the other end of the phone: "What's the reason you're calling?"

"Why change the subject? But forget it..."

Ying Lili's voice was still unhappy and crisp, but it also contained a subtle hint of trust.

"There will be a doujinshi sales event at Ikebukuro Sunshine City next month. Do you want to attend?"

"Will there be a doujinshi sale...when exactly will it be?"

"Well, let's take a look... The website says it's the first Sunday in September. There's about two weeks of preparation time. Will you be able to produce the new work by then?"

"Well, no problem. I'm basically working on the manuscript for the sequel here. I'll probably be able to send it to Mr. Yamakawa tomorrow for printing. But the scale of the work in Ikebukuro shouldn't be that big, right?"

"Of course, after all, I'm not like Xia Yi, but as a gap between the two, this kind of activity will also be held every month. Since you draw so fast, you should fish it out." The girl said softly. Come.


The sound of water echoed in my ears.

Kato Yusuke glanced towards the kitchen to confirm that the water was not boiling, and then remained silent for a moment.

He said silently: "Okay, I understand, then that's it, I'll contact you later if you have any questions."

However, Yinglili had no intention of giving up. Instead, she said dissatisfiedly: "What kind of tone do you have? It's rare that I tell you this specifically. What do you mean by this!"

"...I'm sorry, I'm just not in good shape, so can we talk later?"

"Huh? Really...?"

"Well, maybe I really have a cold." Kato Yusuke said in a low voice without blushing or heartbeat.

This attracted the concerned eyes of Sayu who was concentrating on doing the questions.

The girl was seen gently holding her chin with her soft little hands, pointing outwards.

Raising her head to look at him, she twirled her fingers and asked softly: "Pfft, cough... are you cold? Yusuke."

As he said that, he got up from the ground, wanting to check the temperature of his forehead to confirm whether he had a fever.


Kato Yusuke shook his head, and while signaling Sayu to be silent, he also hugged her into his arms.

"Is that Sayu's voice? Are you at home now?" Eirili said on the phone.

"Well, she helped get the cold medicine. I'm going to take the medicine." Kato Yusuke responded slowly.

"That's it..."

Yinglili's tone became a little better, and she thought for a while and said, "I know, then remember to replenish water. Since you are a patient, you should lie down and rest after taking the medicine."

"...Huh? When did you start caring about people?"

"It's not what you think!"

His tone, which had been getting better just now, quickly took a turn for the worse.

"It's just that if you break down, I will be very troubled! After all, you have already signed up for the event in Ikebukuro. Besides, showing concern for patients is just basic social etiquette, and it is definitely not the kind of flag-planting incident you think of. , do you understand it or not?"

"The problem is that I didn't think about it that way at all. After all, the target is you." Kato Yusuke said absently, and started preparing for external and internal use.

"Are you hurting me?"

"No, you are too worried."

"Hmm... It's so suspicious." Ying Lili said in a long voice: "But, people like you can actually catch a cold... I hope the sky doesn't cause any couple to break up because of the snow."

The words were full of sarcasm and gloating.

Kato Yusuke was too lazy to pay attention to her and started taking medicine.


With a slight groan, the swivel chair under her butt sank a few centimeters.

Then he said to the other end of the phone: "Well... whatever you say, if nothing happens, I will hang up first."

"Ah... wait, there is one more thing."


I heard Yinglili whisper in a low voice: "...I read the school forum. Congratulations on winning the national track and field competition...Mom, she asked me to tell you this, that's it."

Light breathing rippled through the receiver.

Before Kato Yusuke could say thank you, the other party hung up the phone.

As soon as one side falls, the other side rises again.

A sweet and melodious tune echoed in the room.

the other side.

Aizawa Uichi, a reporter who returned to the news agency from the national track and field competition, also completed today's interview.

Looking at the striking photo on the computer screen, even he was satisfied with the angle he captured at that time.

The boys inside are handsome and handsome, and the girls are pure and cute.

The picture of the two embracing each other is full of youthful atmosphere and looks very beautiful.

And this is the reason why he chose this photo instead of the one for the award.

After all, people still prefer to see this kind of content full of youthful vitality than simply winning.

"A hero comes from a boy..." Aizawa Uichi couldn't help but sigh as he thought about the other person's age and achievements.

Although I felt a little regretful that I could not be interviewed after the game, through his school teachers, I also learned about the deeds of many teenagers on campus.

It's really disappointing.

With such a mood, Yuichi Aizawa, who had carefully proofread the manuscript, took the manuscript to the news editor's office and showed it to him.

And quickly received a reply from the editor-in-chief that approved it.

So after thanking the other party, he returned to his workstation.

After delivering a copy of the manuscript to the distribution department by email, he also posted the press release directly on his official website and SNS.

The gears of fate were quietly turned.

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