Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-seven, about the name (four thousand)

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Introduced with some explanation.

Not only Yusuke and Shiyu learned more about their relationship, but Eiri also learned about their plan to make a game.

I thought I was just being brainwashed by some otaku, but when I heard the budget of 12 million, Yinglili opened her eyes wide and looked straight at the opposite side.

There were seven parts of surprise, two parts of surprise, and one part of reproach in his eyes.

"Are you crazy?" She said, "Could it be that the cold you had a few days ago has not gone away, and it has worsened to the point of fever? It's better to go to the hospital, right?"

"I have done some research, and this figure is just a production budget within the normal range." Yusuke Kato blocked her attempt to make an emergency call and replied.

"But that is a commercial work! And it is something that can only be achieved by the joint efforts of countless outstanding practitioners. How can it be achieved by just the three of you!?" Yinglili continued.

"It's not just us." Yusuke Kato shook his head slightly, "If you are interested, you can also join. I think this will be a rare experience for Eri Kashiwagi. Are you willing to consider it?"

Then he added: "Of course, I won't let you work in vain."

"I didn't mean that! It's just..."

"But money is very important. I think you, Sawamura, should also understand that in this industry, generating electricity for love will not last long, right?" Shiyu, who was drinking coffee, interjected from the side.

"That's not the part I want to complain about, and please don't interpret me without authorization!" Ying Lili retorted.

"You don't have to say that about the effort I put into making the project go smoothly."

"Who told you to use that playful tone every time!"

"Huh? So if it was not Kato-san but Edo-kun who proposed the project, would you be so kind as to keep working for nothing?"

"Absolutely—no! Basically, all this guy has in his head is the endless dream of "I came up with the most popular hit and turned it into a TV animation, a theatrical animation, and finally a live-action movie." . "

"Uh... I guess you don't want to speak in such a decisive tone, right? We are friends after all, right? And I gave you a limited edition product the day before yesterday..." An Yilun also said weakly.

"How dare you say that!" Ying Lili turned around especially angrily after hearing this.

"I thought there would definitely be some problem if you suddenly offered such rare goods, but I thought you had encountered some fraudster who was committing fraud under the guise of recruiting members.

I originally wanted to help you expose the other party's purpose, so I came here today, but you actually deceived me like this! What kind of friends are you talking about? you liar! "

"Guh uh... I, I didn't lie to you! I just didn't mention Kato's identity." An Yilun also defended.

"Shut up! Besides, you only knew about my relationship with him, so you deliberately laughed at me like this, right? Disgusting!"

"Obviously you yourself didn't mention your relationship with Kato..."

Seeing this scene, Shiyu said with a smile: "Oh, what a close pair of childhood sweethearts."

"They said there is no such thing!" Yinglili immediately denied it, then shook her head as if she was tired and took a deep breath.

He looked straight at someone and said seriously: "I'm talking to you, do you think that the money earned by doujinshi is too little? If so, I can make the decision to return to you all the money you gave to my family before, and in the future There’s no need to give it anymore, so don’t do that kind of risky thing, okay?”

"I appreciate your kindness, but it doesn't have to be this way. If you really do that, I won't be able to stay in the club."

Kato Yusuke shook his head at this and slowly said: "Compared to blindly taking without giving, I still advocate fair trade and distribution according to work.

Moreover, I have seriously considered making a game. It was not impulsive as you think. I just made this decision because I was relatively confident in the project, so there is no need for persuasion. "

Hearing the seriousness in his words, Yinglili couldn't help but remain silent.

Yusuke continued to ask: "Anyway, that's what happened. I originally wanted to test the level of the person introduced by An Yi today, but if it is you, it will be no problem. So you are willing to join my team ? Yinglili."

"Your... team?"

"Well, because I plan to do this project independently, I won't publish it under the name "egoisticlily" this time. I hope you can understand. "

When the girl heard this, her eyelids trembled slightly and she lowered her head.

"...Do you want to quit the club?" She couldn't help biting her lower lip as she said this, but no one could see her expression because it was covered by her bangs.

However, as people who knew her to a certain extent, both Yusuke Kato and Tonya Aki could hear the depression hidden under the calmness.

Even Shiyu, who had been with him for a short time, smelled an unusual smell from the surrounding atmosphere, but he was smart enough not to speak.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Only the small spoon stirring the coffee in Shiyu's hand made a crisp tinkling sound.

An Yilun's eyes wandered between Yusuke on the opposite side and Eirili beside him, and he instinctively felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It was as if something belonging to him had been taken away, which made him frown, but he immediately returned to normal.

Unknowingly, the two people except Eiriri focused their attention on Yusuke.

The expression on the young man's face looked very calm, making it impossible to decipher any useful information from it.

'Tsk, this is what makes people annoying in the third dimension...' An Yilun couldn't help but think in his heart.

It is in such a situation.

Kato Yusuke, who met the two people's gaze, said calmly: "When did I tell you that I was quitting the club? Eiri."


The small metal spoon hit the wall of the cup, making a clear echo.

This made Yinglili raise her head involuntarily, turned her head towards the window, and muttered: "Hey...didn't you say so yourself, independence."

"Although it is true." Kato Yusuke chuckled, "But can't I also take on the role? After all, this project is just an attempt, and it doesn't mean that I won't draw doujinshi."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Or do you care about the affiliation? So what are you going to do with the student union? Are you not going to come?"

"Haha, that seems good. Without the interruption of other people, I will be able to better assist Kato-san in his growth." Shiyu, who was the first to understand his thoughts, said teasingly.

In exchange for Yinglili's loud retort: ​​"Who are you calling an idler? Besides, your level of debauchery really leaves people speechless, Bitch Qiu Shiyu!"

"Ah, didn't you just look depressed after being dumped?"

"I don't!"

"Didn't you say you don't plan to join Kato-san's side?"

"I never said that!"

"and you……"

"I'm joining!" Ying Lili announced in a high-pitched voice: "Whether it's the student union or his team, I will definitely prove my ability and then completely defeat you!"

Hearing this, Shi Yu suddenly raised his eyebrows and his face darkened.

"You dare to speak so high-minded... You are a pig who only knows how to draw humiliation books. If you can do it, come and give it a try."

The deep voice is like a resident from hell, exuding a deep ominous atmosphere.

An Yilun, who wanted to celebrate the establishment of the team, immediately swallowed the words in his throat. Became as silent as a cicada.

Then he looked at the boy opposite and asked in a low voice: "Kato, have you thought about the name of the club? In fact, I have thought of a lot of plans these days. Do you want to take a look?"

Yusuke smiled slightly at this, then shook his head and rejected him, "No, thank you. I've already thought of a name."

"Huh? What are you going to call your name?" An Yilun also became interested after hearing this.

Kato Yusuke reached out and pulled out a tissue from the table, and wrote a string of hiragana - "タイプムーン" on it with a syringe pen he carried.

Pushed it over.

An Yilun, who took the tissue, just said: "Typing... the moon?"

"No, it's TYPE-MOON." Kato Yusuke said calmly, recalling the work he submitted to the Art Department during the entrance examination.

Leave from "Farmer" restaurant.

Because of different journeys, several people parted ways in front of the store.

The time at this time was half past five in the afternoon.

It had been over an hour since their time at the family restaurant.

Walking on the path along the river bank with the tall Shiyu, preparing to go to the station ahead.

"I almost forgot. I've always wanted to discuss the plot with you, but I've been putting it off until now. Do you have time to chat next?" the girl said.

Kato Yusuke mentally estimated the time for Sayu to get off work, nodded and said, "Do you want to go back to the store just now?"

Shiyu looked around and pointed at the checkered slope under the river bank, "If you don't mind, let's go there and sit."


So the two of them walked down the path set in the center of the revetment and sat down on the slope.

Knock dong knock dong, hahaha.

Several little ghosts were laughing and playing on the shore below the two of them.

They held water guns and wooden sticks in their hands, playing and chasing each other without considering the risk of falling into the river.

However, because the river bed here is not deep and the water is not strong, Kato Yusuke, who felt that there was no danger of drowning, did not issue a warning.

Even a child should have his own freedom. He doesn't want to be that annoying adult.

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized the difference in myself.

If it were him in the past, although his methods would not be any different from what he does now, there is a high probability that he would not consider these things.

If a child accidentally falls into the water, Kato Yusuke will rescue him, but before that, he will basically not actively observe others, and his behavior is more indifferent.

It wasn't until someone broke into his life by chance and changed him that he became the less cold person he is today, who can occasionally bring warmth to others.

He didn't hate this feeling.

After all, everyone will change according to the environment. The only thing in the world that does not change is change itself.

The difference is that some people get better and some get worse.

I couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion for a while.

Then he turned to look at the girl next to him, and saw that she was looking at him with her face in one hand, looking a little melancholy.

So he called out in surprise: "Senior Shiyu?"

"Hmm...?" Shiyu blinked slightly, retracted her slightly focused gaze from his deep and reserved face, lowered her eyes and responded, "What's wrong? Kato-san."

"No, is there something weird on my face?"

"Something strange?" The girl looked back, her black hair swaying in the breeze, exuding the fragrance of shampoo.

Kato Yusuke nodded, "Because you just kept staring, so you were wondering if there was something."

"Maybe there is, maybe there is not, I forgot." Shiyu said in a chant-like tone.

"...Is this a new way of teasing?" Yusuke looked confused.

The other party smiled knowingly, turned his gaze to the sparkling water, pondered for a moment, and then played a delicate and beautiful tone.

“I think giving up before you’ve done anything is lazy.”

Kato Yusuke frowned and thought for a moment, "Dazai Osamu's?"

"...Have you seen it?" Shiyu asked.

"It just happened that the Chinese teacher talked about this part in class, but I forgot where it came from." Kato Yusuke shook his head and said.

"It's "Owl Communication."" Shiyu showed a slight smile on his face.

Kato Yusuke suddenly realized, and then he had a new question, "Is this related to the issue that the senior sister wants to talk about?"

"Hmm... If I have to say it, it's probably the sentimentality of a young girl seeing a pink sunset."

"Did we encounter a bottleneck?" someone speculated.

"Yeah." Shiyu nodded slightly, "As for Sayuka and Zhenwei, I don't know which side to choose, so I want to find the answer from you."

Kato Yusuke gave her an understanding look and began to think seriously.

Because I have read each other's works and communicated regularly, I know the plot very well.

"Although it's a bit strange to say this." He carefully thought about his words and said: "But I think writers can't indulge their own preferences too much, nor can they completely follow the trend. They can just write steadily according to their own outline and rhythm."

"Is it your own rhythm..." Shiyu murmured: "But one of the characters is destined not to be able to reach the end with the male protagonist. At this time, should I choose to let the character get happiness or the author get happiness?"

Kato Yusuke looked confused, but he still tried his best to give his thoughts.

"Is there a difference between the two? As long as you can write a plot that satisfies the audience, it doesn't matter which character gets happiness. If the result can make the work a hit, then can't the author also get happiness? ?”

As a result, in the end, his thinking was still on the level of reality and would not be disturbed by any external force.

Even though the role of Sayuka brought him a lot of fame, it did not affect his will at all.

And Shiyu also understood this from the words, and couldn't help but move his eyes slightly, and sighed softly: "I see, I have the same idea as Miss Machida."

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