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Kato Yusuke was very indifferent to the fact that Shiba-senpai was sitting next to him.

He quietly put his elbows under the window, supported his chin on one hand, and looked out the window at the gray airport.

Perhaps because he realized that he was about to leave here in a physical sense, all kinds of messy thoughts surged uncontrollably in his mind.

From Tokyo to Hokkaido, the two of them traveled across half of Japan together, but only one person was left when they returned.

Half a year in Tokyo, one month in Saitama Prefecture, three days in Asahikawa City...and the "past" month.

Many images kept popping up in my mind.

Kato Yusuke felt very depressed, but he allowed the thoughts in his brain to spread and refused to care.

'where are you going……? ’

'I won't go anywhere until you don't need me anymore, don't want to see me anymore, let me go far away... But as long as you still need me, I will stay here. ’

'I don't want that kind of thing to die...'

'……Why? ’

‘You kind of person! The most--annoying! ! ’

'do you like him? This boy. ’

'At least compared to strangers, Izumi-san is more trusted by me! ’

The girl's voice still vaguely echoed in my ears.

Kato Yusuke's eyes were dim and dull, and the dazzling sunlight came in, shattered in his eyes, and turned into nothingness.

Movies are always too kind, allowing broken mirrors to be reunited, old dreams to be revisited, lost people to meet again, and people who have not loved enough to continue to love.

Perhaps it is precisely because there are so many things that cannot be realized in reality that people shed tears for the beautiful things in the movie.

He immediately placed a fist on his forehead with one hand and closed his eyes, unwilling to look at his own shadow reflected on the glass.

Until the plane took off from the ground and soared to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

He was always silent.

It was almost noon when we arrived in Tokyo.

Kato Yusuke first took the airport bus, then transferred to a bus, all the way back to his old apartment.

"...I will go to school tomorrow. Please come back, Senior Sister Shiyu."

"Huh... facing a girl who has come all the way to pick you up, the right thing to do here is to invite me in to sit down and have something to drink, right?"

Yusuke shook his head at this and replied in a hoarse voice: "No, there is no such thing here."

After saying that, regardless of Shiyu's reaction, he opened the door lock with the key and walked in.

"——Huh? Wait a minute...!" Seeing this, Shiyu also wanted to follow in, but...


The metal door was mercilessly closed, bringing up a stream of cool air that ruffled the girl's hair. The distance between the door and her face was so close that she would be injured if she took just one step forward.

In other words, the boy didn't take her into consideration at all when he closed the door.

Shiyu understood this in an instant, and remained silent, his eyes slightly dim.

After a while, she sighed again and said to the door: "...Then, if you want to find someone to talk to, just tell me, Kato-san."

"Eternal God Emperor"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

In the apartment, Kato Yusuke stood in the entrance hall.

"I'm back."

He said this instinctively, and naturally no one responded.

A strong sense of disobedience came over.


He slowly took off his shoes and walked into the living room.

Single bed, desk, low table on the carpet.

Yusuke sat down on the bed and stared blankly at the bright room.

The double bed... is gone.

The fish tank and goldfish...are gone,

The doll in the gone,

The photo on the bedside gone.

The originally small room now seemed extremely spacious, even making people feel at a loss.

It was obviously a room he had lived in for a long time, but now it felt like it didn't feel like his own home.

He suddenly stood up from the bed, walked to the balcony, opened the glass door, and came outside.

Under the bright sunshine, there was no clothes to dry on the clothes rack.

Only the outdoor unit of the air conditioner was still placed in the corner, and the fan blades inside were turning lonely in the breeze.

He turned back to the room, came to the closet, and opened the cabinet.

The corner where the girl's folded clothes were usually kept became empty.

He squatted down blankly and looked at his clothes for a long time, speechless.

Then he seemed to think of something, took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

A faint citrus fragrance drifted into the nose.

"One more thing..." He murmured, his hoarse voice being sucked into the air of the room.

A strong sense of emptiness swept over me.

The girl's warmth, taste, voice, and embrace, he would lose them all forever.

Kato Yusuke realized this very clearly.

He just stared at the handkerchief in front of him, first took a deep breath, then sneered, and his right hand holding the handkerchief kept shaking.

Sayu's smile kept popping up in his mind.

He collapsed on the ground, with red eyes and trembling lips, as if he had cut a piece of flesh from his own body with his own hands, dripping with blood and feeling ashen.

that moment,

He had never collapsed in front of Sayu,

Even though he was mentally prepared for all possibilities,

After seeing all the items related to Sayu at home disappearing, I finally couldn't help but collapse...


He raised his right hand, rubbed his eyes, covered his face, and didn't let go for a long time.

The slovenly face became messy, and the chin with a slight beard gradually became messy, stained with tears and snot.

For a moment, I wanted to think about an accident. I wanted to give up all the good prospects, the sea, the sunset, the people I wanted to see, and the future I wanted, including his life.

Kato Yusuke casually wiped his face with his sleeves, stood up unsteadily, walked heavily to the bed, threw the sportswear jacket he had worn for a week on the ground, and fell down on the bed.

The physical and mental exhaustion made him not want to think about anything, so he just fell asleep.

Time flew by.

At night.

Buzz--, buzz--.

The phone vibrated like a groan, making a faint reverberation.

Kato Yusuke opened his eyes in confusion and sat up from the bed slowly.

What you see upon entering is darkness, and the room is filled with maddening silence, like an uninhabited corner forgotten by the world.

It took a while to get my confused brain back into gear.

He shook his head, picked up the phone, and opened the flip.

The light from the mobile phone screen illuminated a corner of the room, and there were many missed calls and emails on it.

Turning off the reminder, he stretched out his legs and groped in the darkness.

No one asked him to get up, there was no busy figure in the kitchen, and there was no aroma of food in the air.

All I can smell is the unpleasant odor of my body.


His belly groaned hungrily.

Kato Yusuke got out of bed, walked to the wall, and turned on the light in the room.


A bright yellow light shines overhead, illuminating the room.

He shuffled to the kitchen, reached for the refrigerator door handle, and pulled it open with a squeak.

It was empty inside.

It was so clean and tidy that there wasn't even a single natto.

However, since Sayu was responsible for purchasing ingredients in the past, it is reasonable for this situation to happen now.

After moving his slightly dry mouth and closing the refrigerator door, Kato Yusuke wanted to take out his mug from the cabinet above.

However, when he opened the cabinet door, there was only a transparent glass inside, and the accustomed couple mug also disappeared.

He was silent for a moment, then reached out and took off the glass, splashing a glass of water under the faucet.

Gudu, Gudu, Gudu...

Dryness of the mouth and throat is relieved.

Yusuke placed the empty glass of water on the table with a muffled sound of "winter".

In the maddening silence, it was as if you could hear a pin drop.

"Let's go out and buy some lunch..." He murmured to himself, picked up the coat that was thrown on the ground, put it on, and walked out.

There were two "click" sounds on the door.

After putting on his shoes, Kato Yusuke left the room, walked down the stairs of the apartment, and walked towards the nearby convenience store.

The time now is 7pm.

Residents out for a walk and workers returning home from get off work can be seen everywhere on the streets.

In this cool weather, people are more willing to take a walk outside.

The noisy atmosphere is also a bit comfortable and peaceful, forming a small period of beautiful daily life in a happy life.

Yusuke inexplicably felt that the temperature was a little low, not due to physical perception, but from a strange feeling in his heart.

He couldn't help but stop and walked towards the station.

I can’t explain why, but I always feel that this kind of weather is perfect for drinking miso soup.

Although it was not the kind without brewing, today he wanted to make it himself.

With this idea in mind, Kato Yusuke pulled on his shoes and went to the supermarket near the station.

Cabbage, onions, potatoes, green onions, wakame,

Miso paste, a small bag of rice, a small piece of pork and a box of fat tofu,

Oolong tea, kimchi, pickled bonito, cup noodles in various flavors,

pocky, coffee pudding, Calbee potato chips, and some other favorite snacks of Sayu...

When I came back to my senses, I had bought a lot more things that I didn't seem to need.

But it doesn't matter, after all, you will get used to it gradually.

After paying the bill, Kato Yusuke returned to the apartment again with large and small bags in his hands.

Under the dim street light, a middle-aged man was standing by the stairs on the first floor, frowning.

"Mr. Manager."

"Huh? Oh...K-Brother Kato??" The man turned around with a look of astonishment on his face, "Did you dye your hair?"

Yusuke nodded, said nothing, and prepared to go upstairs.

However, the other party suddenly stopped him.

"Ah, wait a minute."


"I'm so sorry, can I ask you a favor? Brother Kato."

Kato Yusuke paused and asked, "What's the matter?"

The manager explained: "Actually, a tenant on the first floor moved out, but there are still a lot of abandoned items in the room. Because there will be new tenants coming to see the house tomorrow, can you help me move the things there? Management office?"


Yusuke agreed, first went upstairs to put things away, then returned to the first floor, and was led to Room 101 by the manager.

This is a room with a similar layout to his room, with large pieces of furniture such as sofas, TVs, kotatsu, etc. placed in it.

Kato Yusuke understood the reason why he was called here and had no idea about it. He asked directly: "Are these going to be moved away?"

"Yes, everything except the bed will be moved. If there is anything you can use, you can take it. It doesn't matter."

Yusuke shook his head and was about to refuse, but he paused and asked instead, "Then can I take this TV with me?"

"——Of course, what's wrong with this?"

The manager nodded happily and said with a smile: "As long as you don't mind that these items are second-hand. Rather, if you don't want them, it will cost you a fee to find someone to recycle these discarded items, so it's totally fine. .”

Kato Yusuke calmly nodded his thanks and began to help.

Together, the two moved the belongings of these previous tenants to the management room.

With the manager's thanks, Yusuke also took the older TV home.

While the rice cooker was simmering, he placed the TV on top of the three-drawer cabinet that was originally used to house the fish tank, and turned on the TV after turning on the power.

As the picture appeared on the screen, a cheerful song also started playing.


The original owner of the TV seemed to be an idol of a girl group, and it was playing a Nogizaka46 concert.

Kato Yusuke didn't react to this. He just didn't want the room to be too quiet, so he brought this object back.

Use the remote control to adjust the volume to a level that won't make you feel fried, then go to the kitchen and start cooking miso soup.

Remove the pot, pour water over it and place it on the stove.

While the water is boiling, start washing vegetables and processing ingredients.

Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into cubes, shred the onions, slice the pork, and prepare wakame, tofu, and green onions.

After the hot water in the pot had warmed up, Yusuke followed the steps that the girl had done before and put the ingredients into the pot one by one. He took a spoon and tachyon and began to add the miso paste and stir it to dissolve it inside.

Gurgling, gurgling.

Kaka kaka, kak kak kak.

??~~~, ??~~~.

The rhythm of the cooking blended with the energetic voices of the girls on TV.

Time seems to have returned to the past...

When the miso soup was at its best, the rice cooker also made a "pop" sound, and the electronic mark on it automatically jumped to keep warm.

Kato Yusuke served himself miso soup and rice, put the pickled bonito and kimchi he bought on the table together with the packaging, and sat down at the low table.

"I'm gonna start now……"

The boy's deep voice echoed in the room.

He picked up the bowl of miso soup, brought it to his mouth, and took a tentative sip.

‘Miso soup, is it delicious? ’

Sayu's voice and the words they said the day after they met echoed in his mind.

‘…It tastes good, but why is it your spoon? ’

‘Ahaha, because——Yusuke looks like he’s in a trance, it’s really interesting! Ah~um~’

'That's what I used. ’

‘ you care? Hehe, this is an indirect kiss...'

The vision in front of me became distorted and blurred unconsciously.

"Ha ha……"

Kato Yusuke stared at the miso soup in the bowl and laughed out loud: "...There should be nothing worse than this."

He put down the soup bowl, his chest rose and fell, and his eyes, which had been dry for a long time, began to feel hot and moist...

Sadness, loneliness, regret...

The emotions that had been suppressed in his heart began to emerge again, washing over him like a tide.

His hot body began to tremble, as if a fire was burning in his chest, and even his breath was extremely hot.

He tried his best to bring flowers to bloom for the girl, and opened a huge hole in his heart.

Kato Yusuke didn't know if this was retribution or if it was self-inflicted.

He just smiled a little nervously and swallowed his dinner.

The idol girls on TV kept singing and dancing, as if they were always energetic and tireless, showing energetic smiles.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finished dinner.

He had obviously slept for a long time, but at this moment Yusuke felt deeply tired again.

He staggered to the bedside, fell down and fell asleep...

ps. I am asking for monthly tickets for this extra chapter (if I can get 1,000 tickets this month).

Now I am sorting out the essays and plots that I usually write down, and summarizing the chronological order. At least in the future, I hope to write the other heroines well, instead of becoming a loser.

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