Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

2. Necklace and cinnabar bottle

Tuesday, September 22nd.

The sky is clear and the sky is clear and clear.

Sayu came to school as usual, supervising and inspecting the upcoming sports meeting, and conscientiously performed his duties as a monitor.

After the fourth period in the morning, Teacher Misaki called her to the office.

"You must be Sayu. It's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice today." A man with naturally curly hair was standing next to Teacher Misaki and greeted her with a smile.

"Eh? Hello...please give me some advice." Sayu nodded in confusion, and at the same time gave Misaki a questioning look.

The other party then explained: "Sayu, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Yagami, a writer? I came to school this time to conduct an interview about the incident a year ago."

The man laughed: "No, teacher, you have misunderstood. I am just a freelance writer who keeps traveling. Although my writing has been fortunate enough to be published in some magazines, I can't really be called a writer."

Teacher Misaki nodded, turned to Sayu, and asked, "That's it. I think you should be able to face that experience calmly now, right? How about it, are you willing to be interviewed?"

"This..." Sayu's eyes wandered between the two of them, his expression slightly hesitant.

Seeing this,

"Sayu-kun, you don't have to be so nervous."

The man pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said warmly: "I just admire your courage and want to pass this spirit on to more people immersed in darkness. Are you willing to help me?"

"But... I have told the media all the specific things before, Mr. Yagami."

"It doesn't matter. I have read those previous reports. Sayu may not know much about freelance writers, but there is actually a difference between the two."

So Sayu no longer hesitated and immediately nodded and agreed, "Although I don't know if I can help Mr. Yagami, I will try my best."

"Thank you, Sayu-san." The man thanked him sincerely and took a notebook and a pen from the inner pocket of his windbreaker for recording.

He looked like he was about to start right away.

"——Please wait a moment, Mr. Yagami." Mr. Misaki stopped him repeatedly and pointed to the rest area in the corner of the office, saying, "There is a sofa over there. You can go and talk over there. It will be quieter there."

Neither Iori nor Sayu had any objections to this, so they moved to the sofa in the rest area together and then started the interview.

"Then, please let me hear what you were thinking at that time, right? Sayu-san."

When Yagami took the lead in asking this question, Sayu nodded gently to express understanding and told about the past.

"It was just before summer vacation last year, and all the second-year students went on a tour to Hokkaido Broadcasting (TV), and my friend Yuko called me at the end, and I went to the rooftop and rescued her."

"Hmm, I've seen these news reports, what else?"


"How did you save her?"

"...I rushed up, hugged her, and lifted her off the platform at the edge of the roof."

"I see. The situation must have been critical at that time. Sayu-san has a very good psychological quality. So what were you thinking at the time?"


"That's right." Yagami nodded affirmatively and said, "Compared to the simple record of events, what I want to know more is your thoughts and inner feelings at that time."

"Just, I received a call from my friend Yuko. I had to stop her and then ran to the roof of the TV station to rescue her."

"——Sayu-san?" Yagami stopped writing in his hand and raised his head, "Are you nervous? I've said before, just talk about your inner feelings and emotions at that time, even if it's a little abstract, it doesn't matter. , I will convert it into words well."

"Do you feel... like you have to stop her?" Sayu tilted his head slightly and murmured.

"Uh... are you asking me here?"

"...No, it's not like that."

"Well, we have to stop her, right? Is there anything else besides that? Like being so nervous that I can't speak, my mind is blank, my hands and feet are cold... But in the end, I am driven to action by faith and will. of?"

"Maybe...that's it..."

"Perhaps...?" Yagami frowned slightly and cast his gaze on her face, observing her carefully.

The girl in front of her is very cute. Not only does she have regular facial features, but her skin is also particularly fair.

However, at this moment, the other party seemed to be reminiscing about something, with his beautiful eyebrows furrowed and thinking hard, looking a little dazed and lost.

He couldn't be sure what kind of emotion it was. Maybe it was a stress reaction caused by remembering the scene at that time, or maybe...

——It’s impossible to forget, right?

Yagami thought quite amusingly, and quickly threw this idea out of his mind.

The matter came to a conclusion in the next second.

"Yes, the sophomore year of high school was a painful period for us. The choice Yuko made on that day also made my hands and feet feel cold."

Sayu shook his head when he said this, and then said: "But I'm sorry, as for the other emotions Mr. Yagami said... I don't seem to have this kind of emotion."

"Well...can I ask a question?"

"Yes, please say."

Yagami put the pen in his hand against his chin, pondered for a while, and then asked:

"What you just said, your friend's behavior on that day made you feel cold in your hands and feet. This is just how you felt about the incident itself, not your reaction at the moment... Can I understand it this way?"

"How did you feel about the incident...and your reaction at the scene...?" Sayu fell into a maze of thoughts, "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what Mr. Yagami said."

"Ah haha, I'm sorry, did I say it too abstractly?" Yagami smiled and scratched his head, explaining: "Actually, I am also a fan of mystery and suspense novels, and I often unconsciously think of problems in strange places. You don’t need to care.”

After laughing for a while, he turned sideways again, took out a book from the shoulder bag placed aside, and handed it over.

"Anyway, that's it for today. Thank you for telling the truth, Sayu-san. I will give you this book as a thank you gift from me. Thank you for your hard work."

"Is this... a suspense novel?" Sayu was a little confused after taking the book.

"Yes, this is a book that I think is very interesting. You can read it for fun if you have time." Iori nodded and put the notes and pen into his windbreaker pocket.

After saying goodbye to her and Misaki-sensei respectively, Yagami quickly left the school, and Sayu returned to the classroom with the novel.


Yuko was waiting next to her seat. When she saw her coming back, she waved her hand happily, "You're back, Sayu-chan~"

"Well, I'm back." Sayu showed a soft smile on his face, sat down on the steel chair, and put the novel given by Mr. Yagami into his schoolbag.

"What do you want Misaki-sensei to do?"

"A freelance journalist wanted to do an interview about past events, so he called me and asked me about the situation. There was nothing special."

"That's it, I see. Can we have lunch now?"

"Um, okay, sorry to keep you waiting."

"Hmm~ There's no need to be so polite. After all, it's me who wants to be like this."

The two cleared the table and started eating lunch a little later than usual.

"...Speak of."

During the meal, Masaka Yuko suddenly asked: "Izumi-san seems to have been avoiding us recently, and he feels very lost. Is there something happening between you that I don't know about?"

"Well..." Sayu hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Well, when he sent me home last time, he suddenly confessed to me, and I refused."

"Is such a thing possible...?"

The sudden increase in volume caused the students in the class to look sideways. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, they all withdrew their gazes and went about their own business.

"...You're too loud, Yuko."

"Um...Sorry, sorry, because I was really surprised...hehehe." Yuko smiled and stuck out her tongue, and said: "But I understand it this way. You are indeed Sayu-chan, our Xugao." Princess~~"

"That's why I told you to stop barking like that."

"Hehe, I obey~"


Sayu raised his head and cast a slightly reproachful look at her. Because of this action, the girl's slender neck was exposed and successfully attracted Yuko's attention.

"Eh? What a beautiful pendant! Is this your new one? Sayu-chan."

The platinum necklace and the transparent cinnabar bottle, paired together, make the girl's skin even fairer.

"No, I didn't buy this." Sayu shook his head, and gently tapped the cinnabar bottle with the index finger of his right hand, causing the "little round beads" inside to make a crisp clicking sound, and he laughed.

"I don't know what happened. I just woke up one day and this was placed on my desk. It was probably given to me by my brother."

"Hey~~ It's really beautiful."

"Yeah~ I thought so too, so I wore it."

"Have you never asked Brother Yi Sa about this?"

"Well... because he and my mother have been very busy recently, my brother went to the company when I got up, so I haven't had much chance."

"I see... I always feel that being the president of a large company is not easy."

Facing Masaka Yuko's emotion, Sayu didn't say anything and just nodded her head lightly in response.


From the playground outside, the sound of hitting bats from the baseball club's practice could be heard, mixed with subtle shouts.

The cool breeze blew slowly, and Yuko couldn't help but raise her head and look out the window.

"The baseball club, it's really hard... Huh-?" She stopped mid-sentence.

A small black dot is slowly enlarging in the field of vision.

From a small dot at the beginning, to the size of a rice grain, and then to the size of an egg...the black spots grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The first black spot turned into white, clearly showing the shape of a baseball, and flew straight towards her.

--call out.

In the blink of an eye, the baseball was already in front of her.


Masaka Yuko's pupils dilated slightly before she could react.

Snap, a hand suddenly stood in front of her face, with green-white fingers facing inwards, holding the baseball in the palm of her hand.

Time seemed to have frozen for a moment.

Until the girl spoke up to break the silence...

"Are you okay? Yuko."

Only then did her consciousness come back instantly.


Masaka Yuko blinked her eyes quickly, and then said in surprise: "What the hell!? So awesome! Sayu-chan——!!"


"I don't even know! I didn't realize at all that your motor skills are so good! You're so handsome!"

"No, this is..."

Sayu blinked dumbly, then looked at the baseball in his hand again, equally confused.

I don't know why, but her health seems to have gotten better recently. Whether it's running or high jumping in physical education class, she is much better than before.

However, I can’t explain exactly why it happened like this. In the end, it can only be attributed to the effect of vitamins. After all, she doesn’t drink milk very much, because she always feels that it will make unnecessary parts grow, which is very distressing...

Sayu shook his head when he thought of this, stood up from his seat, and looked out the window in the direction of the playground.

Two baseball club members wearing training uniforms were running towards the school building, looking nervous.

"Is this - is this yours?" She shouted to the bottom, stretched her right hand out the window and shook it gently twice to show the baseball in her hand.

Seeing this...


The two people below immediately waved their hands high and responded loudly: "Sorry! Is anyone injured? Can you please drop it?"

According to what they said, Sayu gently threw the ball down.

The baseball made a free fall in the air and landed in someone's baseball glove with a "snap".

"Good news! Ogiwara-san——!"

"Don't call me next time, it's very dangerous."

"Thank you! Princess! We will definitely pay attention to it——!" The two boys shouted gratefully and ran happily to the playground with the ball.

When Sayu sat down again...

"Pfft... Sure enough - Sayu-chan is the princess of our school, everyone thinks so." Yuko Masaka chuckled.

Sayu was a little unhappy and a little shy about this, so he stopped talking to her and just ate his lunch in silence.

Knowing that she said something wrong, Yuko clasped her hands in front of her face and quickly apologized, "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise I won't say that next time, so forgive me, Sayu-chan."

"You already said this just now."

"That's because someone called me that first... Anyway, I'm going to buy you a drink. Just wait." Saying this, Masaka Yuko quickly ran outside the classroom without even opening her mouth to stop her. opportunity.

Sayu couldn't help but shook her head, and then looked at her right hand, with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

After thinking for a while, she took out the book given by Mr. Yagami from her schoolbag and read the name on it softly.

""Numa Man", Ryuunosuke Nagumo."

(It has nothing to do with the original work, so please do not misinterpret it or misinterpret it.)

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