Latest website: In the apartment.

Facing Kei who suddenly appeared outside the door, Kato Yusuke was at a loss for a moment.

He put his right hand in the pocket of his shorts and held a plastic bag intended to be used for garbage in his left hand. He just stood there stunned.


Hui looked away from the figure leaving the apartment, walked into the entrance hall naturally, closed the door behind her back, took off her shoes, and walked towards the living room.

"Good morning, um~ I have sent you this week's handouts...?"

She stopped here, her eyes fell from Kato Yusuke's face to the low table on the ground, and she suddenly fell into silence.

Two 2-liter exquisite wine bottles are lying on the table, next to them are two empty glasses, surrounded by various snacks, and a bottle filled with thick ash and many Cigarette butt packaging.

The randomly piled tabletop looks messy, like a down-and-out middle-aged man drinking to drown his sorrows.

She sniffed her nose slightly and smelled the residual smell of smoke and the strong smell of alcohol in the air, which was also mixed with a little bit of the same perfume as the person who left just now.

Then he raised his head slightly, stared at the young man in front of him, and asked in a calm but uneven tone: "Yusuke, do you smoke?"

There is an inexplicable seriousness and seriousness in his expression.

Kato Yusuke suddenly came to his senses, and the negative words blurted out before thinking: "I didn't smoke, I just drank a little rice wine brought by Miss Kousaka."

There was a brief silence.

"That's it~~..."

Hui's eyes fluctuated slightly, and his eyes softened slightly, and then he said: "However, if this kind of thing is known by the school, it will be very troublesome, right?"

Kato Yusuke nodded and remained silent.

"Anyway, let me help clean up too."


"Anyway, there's still some time before school. It will be faster for two of us to clean up. I'm going to wash the cups." Hui put down her schoolbag and walked to the kitchen to get a tray and put the wine bottles and empty glasses on the table. , and returned to the kitchen with the tray.

So Yusuke also started to clean up, while observing the girl's reaction with his eyes.

The other party first picked up the wine bottle and poured it into the sink twice to make sure there was no residue inside, then rolled up his shirt sleeves and started cleaning the cup.

"Speaking of which, Yusuke."


"I have a sandwich and handouts for you in my schoolbag. Can you get some for yourself?"


Hua Lala, Gududu, Zhizhi.

Megumi, who rinsed the cup with water, squeezed a little detergent on her hand, rubbed the glass with her fingers, and asked nonchalantly: "Is the Miss Kousaka you are talking about the same person just now?"

"...Well, it's her." Kato Yusuke thought for a while and added: "Her pen name is Akane Kurisaka, and she has high achievements and status in the fandom."

"Hmm~~Then the lipstick on this cup belongs to Miss Kousaka, right?"

The soft voice spread, making the room suddenly quiet.

"So, she's staying here for the night?" the girl continued, her tone not containing the slightest bit of aggression, as if she was chatting about everyday topics.

Kato Yusuke was silent for a while, then he let out a muffled hum, his voice a little erratic, "I had a fight after drinking all night."


The sound of rubbing the cup stopped, but then started again.

"...That's it." Hui nodded lightly, then opened the faucet, rinsed the foam on the glass, and made a splashing sound.

"Actually, you don't have to explain anything to me. Just like you did to Kasumigaoka-senpai and Eiri, it doesn't matter even if you don't say anything, even though it is a very excessive behavior."

There was a strange feeling of irritation in the indifferent tone, but it also made people a little unsure.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but raise his eyes and observed her for a while, trying to figure out her expression in his heart, but he could only see the girl's beautiful back.

"……Feel sorry."

"So, are you feeling better?" The girl turned her head and looked at him peacefully with her quiet eyes.

Kato Yusuke paused in his movements and whispered back: "...I will go back to school on Monday."

"Well, I understand."

So Hui straightened his head again, reached for a clean scouring pad, wiped the water droplets on the cup, and started the finishing work.

He also silently sorted the garbage, and found handouts and sandwiches from the girl's shoulder bag on the ground, feeling a little complicated.

He couldn't tell whether it was guilt for the people around him, regret for his impulsive actions last night, or pleasure from the sensory stimulation.

But no matter what, at least after what happened last night, a small part of the depression and darkness in his body was indeed vented.

It was as if the hole in his heart had been temporarily filled. The process of crazy plundering and possession made him feel a little addicted and faintly satisfied, and he wanted more.

He looked at his left palm in silence, and the scar on it still seemed to be aching.

Unknowingly, he became a little lost in thought, and the expression on his face became gloomy.

Until the girl suddenly called out softly, waking him up...


Kato Yusuke came back to his senses, and his eyes gradually regained focus.

He raised his head and saw Hui Zheng putting his hands on his slightly bent knees and tilting his head to look at him.

The early morning sun shines in from the window and shines on the girl, as if covering her with a layer of gauze, depicting her outline with clear and moving light, making her look gleaming.

However, Kato Yusuke seemed to be stung by this dazzling scene, and instinctively turned his gaze away, letting his gaze fall on the deep shadows on the ground, and then he spoke in response.

"...Well, what's wrong?"

"Have you washed the cup? Give me the trash and I'll throw it away for you on the way to the station."

"Okay, thank you……"

"You're welcome. I have to go to school anyway, so you have a good rest. I'll see you on Monday. Bye~" Hui said so and took the garbage he handed over, then turned and left the apartment with light steps.

As the metal door was gently touched, the room became quiet again.

Kato Yusuke sat in the living room for a while, then walked to the bathroom and started washing his face and brushing his teeth.

While washing, he looked at himself in the mirror and realized that the length of his bangs had unknowingly grown to the point where it was getting in the way.

While brushing his teeth, he twirled the ends of his snow-white hair with his fingers. He originally wanted to use scissors to deal with it, but he changed his mind the next second.

"Let's go to the barber shop..." He murmured to himself, then quickly brushed his teeth, took the clothes in the washing machine to dry on the balcony, and walked out of the apartment after changing into casual clothes.

Asahikawa City, Hokkaido.

Asahikawa Sixth High School, Class 3, Grade 3.

The atmosphere in the class changed from the usual study-hard-working atmosphere and became more lively than usual.

Probably because the sports day is approaching, the topics of recent chat among the students have shifted from heavy things such as entrance exams and deviation values ​​to the sports day, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation.

Yuko Masaka came to the last row during recess and stopped next to the window seat.

The girl with long brown hair was sitting there quietly, holding a book in her hand, her cute little face was slightly tense, exuding a concentration.

If she hadn't seen the word "Bog Man" prominently on the cover, Yuko might have thought that the other person was trying hard and temporarily retreated. However, since she knew that was not the case, she naturally said hello.





"Wow, you read so seriously that you didn't even respond when I called you."

Facing her friend who raised her head in bewilderment, Masaka Yuko couldn't help but rant and sat down in the empty seat in front of her.

"Well, um... I'm sorry, I accidentally..." Sayu smiled apologetically, carefully inserted the bookmark on the page he was currently reading, and then asked.

"What's wrong? Yuko."

"Which place do you want to finish in the team relay race at the sports meeting?"


"Taniguchi-kun took the initiative to serve as the first battalion, and the candidates in the middle have also been decided. The question is who will be responsible for the finale. Everyone seems to be a little stressed. Can you take over?"

"That's it...well, then you can write my name."

"Hehe~ As expected of Sayu-chan, you are so reliable."

Masaka Yuko first laughed and joked, and then asked curiously: "By the way, is the book you are reading now interesting?"

"Well... should I say it's interesting or strange? Maybe it's interesting." Sayu showed a wry smile after hesitating for a moment.

"Why do you answer so bluntly?"

"Hmm~~...because the story inside is really weird?"

"Hey... I can actually make Sayu-chan show such an expression." Yuko blinked in surprise and put her arms on the table, becoming interested.

"Hey, can you tell me what's in it?"

"It's possible, but I don't think you'd be interested in this kind of story."

"Hey~~How will I know if you don't tell me? Just tell me~"

"I get it, so stop shaking me, please."

Seeing her persistence, Sayu didn't delay any longer, and started telling the story after sighing softly.

The story of "Numao" takes place on a fictional island. The protagonists of the story are a pair of siblings living on Hito Island in Wakayama City.

This is an island far away from the city, and its economy mainly depends on tourism and fishing. The permanent population is about 700, and its specialties are green dumplings and salted squid.

The main means of transportation to land and leave the island is by cruise ship. Although it is not isolated from the world, it still takes a long time to go to the city.

It is on such a small island that a disease that is said to have existed hundreds of years ago is spread. The older generation calls it shadow disease.

People who see their own shadow will be killed by the shadow and replaced, but few people can detect the abnormality.

"...Shadow disease." Yuezi murmured after hearing this, and then asked, "Why can no one find the abnormality?"

"Well..." Sayu nodded and explained, "Because the shadow not only has the same appearance as the original body, but also has the same memory, so even relatives cannot tell them apart."

"Hoo~ So that's it...then what happens next?"

"have no idea."


"I haven't seen the rest of it yet."

"What's this? It's anticlimactic." Yuezi pouted and muttered.

Sayu smiled at this, and then suddenly asked: "By the way, Yuko."


"That incident a year ago...that is, when we were in our sophomore year of high school, do you still remember it?"

"...Eh? What do you mean?"

"No, I just suddenly remembered it, so I wanted to ask. I'm sorry, did it bother you?"

"No, but why bring that up?"

Sayu hesitated for a moment, "Well, although it may be strange for me to say this, do you still remember what happened that day when we were at the TV station?"

Masaka Yuko stopped talking, his eyes slowly moved to her face, and then whispered: "...Well, how could I forget something like that..."

"Can I trouble you to say it again?"



"Well, let me think about it..."

Yuko looked up at the ceiling and recalled.

"That was the day I asked for leave from school, and then took a taxi to Sapporo. I called you almost after your visit, and then Sayu-chan ran to the top of the building and rescued me..."

"Sorry, but how did I save you?"

"Just, you ran up and rescued me."

"What else? Some other details, your mood at that you still remember?"

"I feel... very scared and frustrated. I felt very regretful after being rescued by you. But because of Sayu-chan's encouragement, I am no longer confused~"

Love reading books


"Yeah~ Is there any problem?"

Sayu couldn't help but frown, and was about to ask in detail.

——Dingle bell, ring bell!

The class bell rang.

"Ah~ No, it's time for class, I'll go back first, Sayu-chan."

"Huh? Ah, um... walk slowly."

Sayu confusedly stretched out his hand to say hello, watching his friend trot back to his seat, and then hurriedly cleared up the things on the table.

Without giving her much time to think, Teacher Misaki walked into the classroom the next second.

"…stand up and salute."

"""""Hello teacher. """""

"sit down."

The students in the class walked through the process under her guidance and started class.

Faced with the pressure to enter a higher school that will soon come, except for those students who have prepared other options early, almost no one will be distracted in class during the third grade.

Naturally, Sayu was included among them, so she listened to the class very seriously and put aside some questions in her mind for the time being.

(Schrödinger’s update is late but arriving...)


Thanks to the leader of [].

Thanks to [Tired Heart-chan], [Miao-chan doesn’t stay up late], and [Someone from Qingcheng Mountain next week] for their rewards.

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