Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

10. Want to make bad money? dream.

The moment Yusuke's words fell, Yoshida frowned with all his strength and glared at him to retort. "Nonsense, adults and imps are different, the world here is more complicated.

"Do you realize that what you are saying is very ancient? Mr. Yoshida. As for complexity...are you referring to primitive physical desires? Like sleeping together.'

There was a blank space for several seconds.

"You... Yoshida looked at him with wide eyes, suddenly raised his hand to his forehead, and sighed: "I thought you were just a simple kid. Isn't this super troublesome?

"It's natural to impose your own subjective thoughts on others."

Kato Yusuke picked up the chicken skewers he had just eaten, took a bite of sweet onions from the top, and chewed slowly.

"Mr. Yoshida, are you a virgin?'

"_That's not true!'


"I've said it before, I've also been here since high school. Whether you have experienced it now or not, I know everything about it. Of course I have relevant experience..."

"On the other hand, does that mean it's gone now?'

Yoshida suddenly showed an expression as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot, then took two swigs of beer, put it on the table with a thud and spoke decisively.

"This is only temporary. The place where I work now still has a goal that I am pursuing." "A colleague from the same period?'

"No, the other person is my boss, two years older than me."

Kato Yusuke nodded, "It turns out it's the senior faction, so at what stage are you currently at? Have you expressed your intentions?

"Why do I have to tell you this?'

"It's just chatting. You don't have to say anything if Mr. Yoshida doesn't want to.'

Yoshida picked up a bunch of beef and ate it, looking a little irritated and said: "Well... Gegu is still planning.


"I'm just still looking for the right time to ask her out.'

"This sounds like a loser."

"It's so long-winded. After all, she is someone who has taken good care of me since I joined the company. If things go wrong, my relationship in the workplace will become complicated in the future.'

"Mr. Yoshida, how long have you been working?

"Huh? It's been five years since graduation.

Kato Yusuke stopped talking for a moment, then thought for a while and said: "... Just pretend that I haven't asked about this matter. The problem is that after such a long time, the person you like should have something to do with it." Are you aware? Are you really trying to trick Mr. Yoshida?" "Miss Goto, she is not that kind of person!"

"Miss Goto

"Ah, yes, Goto Aiiri, what's wrong with the woman I like?" Yoshida looked annoyed.

Yusuke's eyes scrutinized his face, and a very distant memory fragment vaguely appeared in his mind.

A brightly lit izakaya, a telephone pole in the middle of the night, two men under the telephone pole, and the name on the mouth of the vomiting man

"Miss Goto being drunk... I will never allow this kind of thing... Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Mr. Yoshida, have you ever been to an izakaya near here?

"Huh? What do you mean...

"No, I just remember that I saw you once at the end of my part-time job. There was also a friend of yours with you at that time, who seemed to be named Hashimoto.'

Hear the words

"Shout..." Yoshida blinked several times, not knowing how to respond.

"Oh, by the way, you were holding the telephone pole and vomited quite badly." Kato Yusuke added.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Yoshida's face quickly turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and he didn't know whether it was due to the effect of alcohol or embarrassment.

"Oh, you're so embarrassed, you little brat! You don't have to remember your embarrassment so clearly!'

"What do you like about Miss Goto?"

"You don't need to know this kind of thing."

"Even the most embarrassing part has passed, so it doesn't hurt to talk a little more. Isn't it uncomfortable to hold it in alone?'

Yoshida didn't answer, just drank a few more sips of beer, and then picked up a piece of golden fried chicken and ate it happily.

Kato Yusuke didn't care about this, and slowly drank his Coke until the other party took the initiative to speak.

"Miss Goto... Yoshida muttered: "Not only does she have a dignified and generous smile, but she is also very good at taking care of others... The most important thing is that her cup size is as big as F. ’

He said and made random gestures on his chest with one hand, but was denied by Yusuke.

'That's not an F cup.'


"According to Mr. Yoshida's demonstration just now, it should be about two or three sizes higher, probably 1 cup or something." "Haha? Why do you understand so clearly?

"I just know." Kato Yusuke said calmly.

Yoshida was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer the question.

At this time...


The phone vibrated suddenly.

"Sorry." Yoshida took out his phone from his pocket and checked the messages.

Kato Yusuke looked at his expression with confusion at first, then helplessness, and finally he sighed sadly and began to reply to the message.

"Do I need to avoid it?'

"Huh? No, there's no need for that. It's just a troublesome junior in the company who suddenly asked me if I wanted to go to a movie tomorrow.'


"Ah? How is that possible? Basically, we only exchanged personal contact information today, and the topics we usually talk about are only work, nothing like that."

The two of them ate and chatted, and the time quickly approached 10 o'clock.

Maybe he feels that there is no pressure to chat with outsiders, or maybe he is bored by his long-term crush,

Yoshida, who drank a lot of beer, also casually talked about some things with Yusuke, including his favorite Miss Goto, the "nervous" junior, and some trivial matters at work.

Kato Yusuke just listened, and finally thought for a moment and said, "Maybe you can try to get closer to that junior in the company." "Hmm? Why would I do that?'

"This is just my personal opinion, but Miss Goto should understand your thoughts to some extent."

What's the meaning?'

“If you want to know Miss Goto’s attitude towards you, it’s better to observe the other person’s reaction and then decide whether to express your feelings.

Yoshida was doubtful about this and frowned, "Is this really useful? Besides, doesn't it become like taking advantage of Mishima?'

"I'm just asking you to guide the junior's work. There is no other meaning. As for whether it will be useful, I don't know. You can observe it yourself.'

Yoshida couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression.

Kato Yusuke said goodbye, "Then it's time for me to go back. Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Yoshida."

"Um...oh, oh, you're welcome.

'By the way, can I take a can of beer with me?'

"Don't even think about it! Just go back to sleep, you little brat."

"Tsk, so you're not drunk?"

"How could you be drunk..."

"Good night then, Mr. Yoshida."

Ah, good night. ’

Kato Yusuke then returned to his room and went to bed after washing himself.

Early the next morning

"Either study or travel, both body and soul must be on the road." One by one, he received text messages from Shiyu.

Kato Yusuke thought about this for a moment, responded with "I know", put on sportswear and went out for a jog.

After running about ten kilometers outside, I stopped by a convenience store on the way to buy two sandwiches and a bottle of soy milk, and then returned home.

After taking a shower, having breakfast, and continuing to study.

After improving the attribute points, the brain is clearer than yesterday, the memory and understanding of knowledge are also better and better, and the mind becomes knowledgeable and memorized.

The efficiency is much higher than before.

Just stay at home and memorize and answer questions, making up for the learning progress that has fallen behind in the past two weeks.

When I regained consciousness, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

The feeling of hunger in his belly broke him from his concentrated state.

Kato Yusuke made himself two buckets of cup noodles and ate them while watching TV.

As he watched the TV, he couldn't help but think of something else in his mind.

Utilities, food, communication, living expenses

His thinning wallet forced him to start thinking about the future.

After thinking for a moment, he found a business card from the desk drawer and dialed the number on it.


The phone was quickly answered after three rings, and a soft, lazy female voice came from inside.

“Which one?’

"Good afternoon, Miss Kousaka.'

There was a brief silence.


"I need to draw some notes.'


"Does this mean OK?'

"God knows, what do you think?'

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown slightly, "I need to make some money.

"Do you need to report this to me?"

"You won't cause trouble?"

The person on the other side suddenly laughed: "Heh... you can interpret this as encouragement.'

"I have no money left.'

"Have I told you? I won't let you earn this kind of money comfortably. As for the lack of money... you can either come to me or go back to making games. At least make something truly exciting for me. Come with something, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you.'


The call was unilaterally interrupted without even giving him a chance to speak.

Kato Yusuke's face darkened, and several thoughts flashed through his mind whether he should change his pen name and secretly come in, or borrow Eiriri's pen name to hide it from the public.

Soon after, there were too many uncertain factors, and finally they were all abandoned.

He thought for a moment and then dialed again.

"What's going on?'

"Do you want to come to my place tonight?"

After a long silence...


All one_

The call was hung up again.

Kato Yusuke put down his phone as he pondered and began to think.

The biggest way to make money is blocked, and there is no way to make money from playing games.

Faced with this situation, his options were suddenly reduced.

It seems that apart from working, borrowing money from others, or working for a black-hearted capitalist, the only option left is to exchange points for money.

Although it is not impossible, the cost-effectiveness of doing so is obviously the lowest.

It's okay if you can exchange a little money, but if you want to make games, the funding gap is huge.

Calculated, at least the equivalent amount of 100,000 points is required to meet the budget standards of commercial games, which is undoubtedly a very unworthy thing.

Kato Yusuke thought about it for a while, and also extended some ideas based on his own skills, but he couldn't confirm them at the moment.

Just when he was thinking hard

Ding dong~~

The doorbell suddenly rang.

He got up and walked to the entrance hall and opened the door.

Along with the "click" of the door, a slightly exaggerated hot girl accent rang out.

"An'an~ Good afternoon.

What appeared in front of him was a girl with long dark golden hair.

"Wow, he's a handsome guy. No, what happened to your hair? Was it dyed? That's ridiculous! It's such a bold color!'

Kato Yusuke was stunned on the spot for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help but surge up.

"Ah~ I'm disturbing you all of a sudden. I'm a tenant who just moved here recently. I'm in Room 101. I just finished packing my things, so I came to say hello. Please give me some advice.'

As he spoke, the other party stretched out a hand, a warm and cheerful smile appeared on his wheat-colored face, and tried to shake hands with him.

Kato Yusuke was silent for this, looking at the girl's generously extended hand, then raised his head to look at the other party, and silently stretched out his right hand.

....Hello, please give me some advice. ’

The two hands were held together,

"Ah, hello, I'm

"Miss Asami Yuuki, right?'


'My hands are super big, aren't they?'


The scene fell into silence.

Kato Yusuke didn't speak, but Asami was briefly confused due to his words, and then recovered immediately.

She frowned visibly, and her eyes carefully recognized and studied Yusuke's face, as if she was looking for the corresponding shadow in the memories piled in the corner.

Gradually, her expression changed from thoughtful to hesitant, and she pursed her lips with some uncertainty and asked, "Are you...


Katozai who used to work at the Comfort store?

Kato Yusuke remained silent, feeling a little confused in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, he just nodded silently.

See his reaction.

Asami was startled for a moment, then immediately grabbed his hand with both hands, the enthusiasm on her face even greater than before.

"Wow! I'm scared to death! Hey, is it really you? Really, you should never talk about this kind of thing!" "....Why are you here?'

"Ah, by the way, I haven't said it yet. Actually, I'm a senior in high school. I moved out from home because I wanted to concentrate on preparing for the exam, so I'll have to disturb you for a while~"

Asami was obviously very excited about the reunion of acquaintances, and she sighed after shaking hands with him.

"Speaking of which, we only met a few times in that store. It's a shame that you recognized me right away, Katozai.

"I've only met a few times..." Yusuke Kato repeated her words, his voice becoming a little deeper.

"Hmm~ Then I'll give this soap to you. I have to visit the next one. Let's talk later. Bye~" Asami, who handed him a packaging bag, turned around and left, knocking on the door of the next house. .

Kato Yusuke returned to the living room in silence, feeling a little clogged both in his throat and in his heart. "System, exchange money for 200,000."

‘The redemption is successful and 2,000 points will be deducted.

[Remaining points:957700

Silently, a stack of 10,000-yuan banknotes with Fukuzawa Yukichi's face appeared in his palm. He put the banknotes in his wallet, put on some casual sportswear, and walked out of the apartment.

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