After An Yilun also left, the two had lunch peacefully.

The Mangkhut brothers and Jia Zi also just returned to the classroom.

A few people gathered next to Kato Yusuke intentionally or unintentionally, casually talking about things in school and clubs.

Even if his response was minimal, they didn't care.

It seems that he simply regards this place as his base...

Of course, this is also inseparable from the location of several people's seats.

Take Yusuke, who is sitting in the last row by the window.

In front of him was Yamaguchi, and to his right was Megumi.

In front of Yamaguchi and Megumi were Takei and Yoshiko respectively.

So to say that this is the base of their small group is actually something beyond reproach.

Even if they don't think so.

To others in the class, however, this was largely a tacit consensus.

People are bound by their own thoughts.

When an inherent concept is formed in your mind, you will unconsciously fix your actions within that limit.

Therefore, when nothing happens, generally no one will take the initiative to step into their circle.

But today is different.

Almost before the afternoon class started, the petite Shinjoka suddenly ran over.

"Good afternoon ~ President Kato, and everyone."

She was wearing a dark blue cardigan, and her huge breasts could be slightly glimpsed through the small gap between the buttons, as if the shirt was bursting.

The length of the pleated skirt was rolled up slightly shorter than originally, and a pair of perfectly plump thighs were exposed, showing off the smooth and tender skin.

With a cute and not annoying smile on her face, she said to Yusuke:

"Sorry to bother you. Hasumi-sensei needs someone to pick up the homework. I'm worried that one person may not be enough, so can I ask for your help? President Kato~"

Her appearance caused a pause in the conversation among several people, and then they had different reactions one after another.

"Oh, we need to move things, right? We need a few people, how about we go too?"

Compared with Yamaguchi and Takei's objective attitude, Himekawa Yoshiko's attitude is not so polite.

"There are so many people in the class, why do you have to come to us? Shinjo!"

Shinjoka was not annoyed by this either. She first smiled and said no to the Mangkhut brothers, and then looked at Kako and spoke as if she didn't notice her hostility.

"Hey, Himekawa-kun, what you said is so strange. As a student of this school, can't I go to the student council president when I encounter problems?"

"Ah, it's weird, super weird! It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but as for you, all I can think of is that you are deliberately manipulating others."

Ignoring her reaction, Shinjoka shifted his gaze to the girl sitting quietly in the back, who was playing with her mobile phone.

"Vice President Kato~ Can I ask President Kato for help?"


Hui, whose name was suddenly called, had a look of ignorance on his face. He couldn't help but raise his head with a "hmm" and gave an incomprehensible response.

"Huh~? Even if you ask me that...this kind of thing depends on you, right?"

"Hmm~ I think so too. It's just because Himekawa-san said that that I can't help it. Thank you, Vice President Kato."

Shinjoka turned to the side with a smile on her face and asked, "So is it okay? President Kato~"

There was a brief silence.

"...let's go."

Kato Yusuke stood up from his seat and walked straight out of the classroom, and Shinjoka also chased after him.

The two of them walked to the teacher's office in silence, received the homework books from Teacher Hasumi, and then set off back.

Kato Yusuke alone holds homework books for 40 people.

Even if Shinjoka suggested that he could use some of these words, he ignored them and just walked down the corridor without saying a word.

It was as if she were the air.

Shinjoka jumped up and down behind him, not dissatisfied with this.

When Yusuke returned to the classroom, he placed his homework on the podium and walked to his seat.

As the representative of the Chinese class, Shin Tiaoxiang called everyone to come and get their homework books.

There was no communication between the two throughout the whole process.

"Welcome back, thank you for your hard work~"

Seeing him returning to his seat, Takei greeted him.

Kato Yusuke nodded without expression.

Himekawa Yoshiko on the side was still a little angry, "Really, Kato-san, you are so nice! Shinjou knows how to boss people around by being obedient, but she actually has a very bad personality."

"Well, after all, it is an H cup with an amazing size." Yamaguchi sat lazily on the chair and gave an explanation that was not an explanation.

From this, it was no surprise that Kako responded with "You are so bad!"

Hui said naturally, "Then I'll go get the homework~" and helped several people get it back.

After becoming the vice-president of the student union, the girl's "Akarin (passerby)" attribute has long since disappeared, and she has become impossible to ignore.

Especially during the period when Kato Yusuke was away, her experience of handling large and small matters in the school on her own further strengthened her sense of presence.

Therefore, even though she still has the featureless short bob haircut, no one can ignore her.

Except for a certain otaku who is obsessed with the second dimension...

After receiving the homework, it was just time for class.

Maybe white hair really has an aura of irony.

Kato Yusuke was called on several times by the English and science teachers respectively, and he was generously praised after he answered the questions correctly.

Time on campus was calmer than expected.

He spread out his textbooks and looked out the window, always thinking of the high school in Hokkaido.

I feel lost in my heart and know that there is nothing I can do about it, but I don't want to just accept my fate.

However, there is nothing that can be changed.

His contradictory and complicated mentality pulled him, making him constantly swing between reality and illusion.

In the end, I could only control myself and suppress some emotions.

Don’t think too much, don’t think about it.

Let your emotions calm down and let yourself become indifferent.

Focus on other things.

In a state of being distracted from time to time, the two classes in the afternoon passed quickly.

Yamaguchi and Takei were going to participate in the baseball club's training, and Himekawa Yoshiko also went to watch, intending to kill some time before going home.

As for Yusuke and Megumi, they came to the student union room on the third floor of the activity building together.

After not stepping into the room for a long time, it felt a little different.

There were many items inside that were obviously personal belongings.

For example, cute-looking mugs, stylus pens for drawing, glasses, combs, etc.

Kato Yusuke came to his table and sat down.

The neat desktop was spotless, with no trace of use.

"Do you want something to drink? Yusuke." Kei asked as he put down his schoolbag. After he said hello in reply, he walked to the cabinet against the wall and took out a bottle of oolong tea from the small refrigerator.

"Here you go~"


Not long after.

Along with the faint sounds of footsteps and conversations, a girl who looked like a doll opened the door and walked in.

"...You're so noisy that I even said I'm not interested anymore."

Her face was delicate, with a bit of impatience in her expression.

He has blond hair that is the opposite of Kato Yusuke's, with ponytails on both sides of his head.

At this moment, he was responding to someone while casually scanning the room.

His eyes became focused the next moment.

Yinglili suddenly stopped.

A pair of pure blue gem-like star eyes first lit up, and then were quickly covered up as if they had thought of something.

She lowered her head slightly and coughed. Her old-fashioned movements were like those of an awkward child, and then she raised her head nonchalantly and snorted softly.

"...Hmph, do you finally know how to come to school?"

Kato Yusuke looked up at her and had no reaction to the condescending and soft-spoken tone. He just nodded his head in response.

Faced with this slightly cold attitude, Yinglili couldn't help but frown, obviously dissatisfied.

But before she could say anything...

"——Huh? What are you doing here? Come in quickly, Yinglili!"

An Yilun who said this also popped up his head behind her and looked inside.

"Oh! We're here, Kato - ugh! Ah, cough, cough! What are you doing!? Eiriri!"


Ying Lili lightly retracted the elbow that hit his abdomen and said calmly: "Who told you to get so close without permission? It made me very uncomfortable and had an instinctive reaction."

"Are you a brother too?! You must be colluding with each other! Please stop using this joke to attack others casually——!"

"Collusion? It's strange that I can't understand you."

Eiriri walked into the room as she spoke and greeted Kei who was sitting quietly at her desk.

"Good afternoon~ Hui, hasn't that woman come yet?"

"Good afternoon~ Eiri, and Aki-san, Kasumigaoka-senpai, her words haven't come yet."

"Oh~ That's it."

"Hmm~~Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes, yes, or black tea~Thank you?"

"Well, I understand."

Hui said as he stood up and walked to the bookcase and took a bottle of lemon black tea from the small refrigerator below.

Yinglili was sitting lazily on the sofa, waiting to be fed.

"Here you go, Yinglili."

"Thank you, Megumi~"

An Yilun, who had regained his composure, sat on the sofa opposite her with his belly in his arms and complained about this scene.

"Should I say you are worthy of being a eldest lady? You still have such a big air, Yinglili."

This resulted in a dissatisfied look from Yinglili and an explanation of "It's because Megumi and I have a good relationship."

An Yilun also expressed doubts about this, so he raised a hand tentatively, "Then I want instant wheat tea, Hui."


The room suddenly fell silent.

"If you want to...just call me Kato first."

Hui thought for a while and added: "Ah, please also add "vice president" or "classmate" after that, Aki-san. "

"Why? We've known each other for a long time, why can't I do it!"

"Maybe it's because you still can't call me by my last name, and I'm not used to being called by my first name by boys, right?"

An Yilun also frowned, glanced at Yusuke behind him, then turned back and asked, "But isn't Kato also a boy?"

Megumi didn't refute this, and just said "hmm" in a normal way: "Because... Yusuke is different."


An Yilun couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Yinglili couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Idiot, you actually compare yourself with others."

"Yusuke and Megumi have been together since the student council election period. How can you get involved in that kind of friendship?"

"What? When Kato was campaigning, I was always helping him!"

An Yilun was also a little unconvinced, and vaguely felt that something was wrong, but was interrupted before he could think about it.

"It's a shame that you can speak so shamelessly. Have you forgotten that you caused trouble to others because you were carrying prohibited items?"

"Wait a minute, the prohibited items you are talking about are not the Blu-ray DVDs I stuffed into you!? In other words, you are also a relevant person, right? Yinglili!"

"Uh uh...I-I didn't ask you to do that."

"If you say that, won't you be happy enough to share your thoughts with me later?"

"That, that's because... who asked you to bring out those rare items that are sold out to tempt people!"

"Haha, do you blame me?"

Yinglili didn't want to pay attention to his weirdness, so she changed the topic, "Speaking of which, why doesn't that scheming woman come?"

"Senior Shiu will not be here today." Kato Yusuke lowered his head and flipped through the documents and said calmly: "She has other things to do today."

" turns out to be like this."

Ying Lili muttered casually, not caring about this matter, but thought about it and asked: "Speaking of which, since you don't play games for the time being, you should have plenty of time, right?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Regarding winter COMI in two months, do you have any new works to release? Or do you want to continue working on the sequel to the previous one?"

"I won't be able to draw doujinshi for the time being."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Kato Yusuke looked up at her and realized that Shiyu probably didn't tell her about Akane Kurisaka, so he couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

"...It's nothing. I can help if you have arrangements."


After hearing this, Yinglili stood up, came to his desk, put her hands on the table, and said insincerely:

"Ahem...I mean, did you say this yourself? I didn't force you, did you?"


"Actually, I publish a commemorative book at the end of every year - "MemoriesOfLily" as a thank you to my fans. This year is the same, so you will help, right?"

Kato Yusuke looked at her and asked: "Free souvenir book?"


In An Yilun's disdainful eyes, Ying Lili said matter-of-factly: "Of course not. How can such a precious thing be free? It must be more expensive than usual to make enough money."

Kato Yusuke then lowered his head and said a good word.

Hui was silently doing her work on the side, and became accustomed to the nerdy topics they talked about.

After discussing the specific arrangements.

With nothing to do, Yinglili ran to the art department, and An Yilun also left.

Yusuke and Hui were busy for a while, and then left together after finishing some backlogged work.

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