Returning to the classroom of Class E in the first year.

The two separated again as if they didn't know each other.

Shinjoka was dragged into chatting by Chiyo and Rika...the two girls who often surrounded her.

Kato Yusuke returned to his seat directly.

Yamaguchi and Takei were staying in their seats eating bread, while Kei and Yoshiko were nowhere to be seen and seemed to have still not returned from the cafeteria.

When he saw him coming back, Yamaguchi said hello heartlessly.

"Hey, you're back, busy guy. How's it going? How do you feel about seeing Shinjo-san's oppa up close?"


Kato Yusuke hummed without any ups and downs and did not answer the question.

In order to facilitate chatting with them, Takei also moved a chair to the aisle.

"Speaking of which, what are you planning to have for lunch? Kato."


He said and showed what he had in his hand, which he bought at the canteen on the way back, but was laughed at by Yamaguchi.

"...Hey, why did you buy that dry and hard long bread? Isn't this something that no one wants at all? Isn't it too miserable??"

"It doesn't matter, that's fine."

Kato Yusuke ignored it indifferently. After all, when he and Shinjoka came back, the popular bread in the canteen had been sold out. In the end, this was the only thing left that no one cared about, so he bought it back.

I saw him drinking oolong tea while breaking a long piece of bread and eating it without changing his expression.

Takei couldn't help but feel sad, so he took one out of his ration, put it on the table, and pushed it over.

"I also have a piece of fried noodle bread here. I originally wanted to keep it for after training. You might as well eat this, right? Kato."

"Oh~? That glutton Takei is actually willing to hand over his inventory. What is this! It's unbelievable. Has the sun risen in the west?"

Yamaguchi joked exaggeratedly, unable to tell whether it was to hurt him or not, which prompted Takei's retort.

"No matter how you say it, this is too much for me! Ah Xiao."

"This is a trick of love, idiot."

Kato Yusuke didn't say a word about this, he just stretched out his hand to push the fried noodles bread back, said no to Takei, and then continued to eat the long bread calmly.

At this moment, Shinjoka came over.

"President Kato, this juice is for you. Thank you for your previous guidance~ That's it."

She said, putting down a soft box of pomegranate juice on the table, and then left.

A pair of white over-the-knee socks looked a bit garish, but they looked very matching when worn on her legs, and they looked pure and cute because of her petite size.

"Girl-faced big breasts..."

Yamaguchi muttered and turned his head.

"By the way, how did you deal with Shinjo-san's matter?"


"Huh? Are you serious?"


The Mangkhut brothers looked at each other after hearing this.

"Aha... Kako will probably feel uncomfortable like this." Takei said on the side.

Yamaguchi also nodded in agreement, and then said: "Well, after all, this is an internal matter of your student union. There is no need to worry about us. Just feel free to do it, Kato."

"I know."

"Hey! How about you look a little more thoughtful? Especially in front of Kako."

"What's going on between you and her?"

"Huh?? Who??"

"Himekawa Yoshiko."


"Ah~ Speaking of which, Kako often comes to see us train recently, Xiao?"

"so what!"

"My nose smells the sour smell of love."

"Don't talk nonsense, that guy's obsession with Teacher Nakamura is extraordinary."

Yamaguchi said as he stuffed the last bite of yakisoba bread into his mouth, then clapped his hands and looked at Yusuke again.

"...I said, do you want to talk about what happened to you a while ago?"



Because of this sentence, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

after awhile……

"It's nothing." Kato Yusuke slowly chewed the bread in his mouth, with an undercurrent in his chest and a flat lake in his face.

There was a brief silence.

"Is that so?" Yamaguchi nodded, and wisely did not ask any further questions, and gently brought the topic to an end.

"So, are you free lately?"

Kato Yusuke looked back at him and asked, " something wrong?"

"If anything, I'm now starting to serve as the team's first pitcher in the baseball club."

He pointed to himself and said: "But before the spring meeting next March, I still want to try to see if I can be promoted to the third baton position."

"...Third shot?"

"——He is considered a key player in the batter's position." Takei took the initiative to explain.

"Compared to the first and second batters, the third batter has a greater probability of having a teammate on base, so it is usually played by a stronger batter."

He paused for a moment, then looked at Yamaguchi again, and said with emotion: "You have only played baseball for less than a year. It's a shame that you have such a big goal, Xiao."

"You're so noisy, idiot. Anyway, as a catcher, you just have to watch my performance."

"It would be great if that were the case~~"

Kato Yusuke understood their words and asked: "What do you want me to do?"

"Oh~! Of course - be my opponent."

Yamaguchi said confidently: "Because your ball speed is very powerful, as long as you can get used to it, other people basically have nothing to worry about, so come and be my sparring partner!"


Facing his bright eyes, Kato Yusuke began to think.

He has student union work after school, and the Mangkhut brothers also have baseball club training, so this time is not available.

The only time I can find free time seems to be during lunch breaks, or after school when both parties have finished their respective affairs...

"Then we'll start at noon tomorrow." He agreed after thinking for a moment, but he never thought of refusing.


Yamaguchi grinned and readily accepted the plan.

It’s lunch break the next day, which is Thursday.

After lunch, the three people came to the school playground together and started to warm up.

After hearing the news, Sato and his team also came, which was the trio from the previous baseball club.

While Takei was wearing protective gear there, Kato Yusuke also briefly greeted them.

After Takei put on his helmet and the bulky protective gear, he got into position behind home plate.

The trio also spontaneously dispersed to the outfield, ready to help pick up the ball.

The scene was quite grand, attracting many students to watch from the windows of the teaching building.

Standing on the strike zone, Yamaguchi put on his helmet and held the bat in his hand, adjusting his condition.

There was excitement on his face, as if he was excited because of the audience, but his defense was broken in the next second.

"Come on~~~~Chairman Kato!"

From the distance in the classroom of Class E, the girl's delicate cheering sounds came from the classroom.

"Is it Shinjo-san?" Takei, who was squatting behind home plate, kindly reminded him, "There's absolutely no one cheering you on, Takashi."

"——You don't need to remind me of this kind of thing! I will use a handsome home run to turn the situation around! Just wait and see!"

"Ah haha, he looks murderous."

Yamaguchi didn't want to pay attention to him, he just raised his hand to press the edge of the batting helmet, smoothed the ground with his spikes, and then held the bat and entered the state.

"Okay! Kato! The ball speed is 165 kilometers! Throw me a Koshien-level ball -!" Yamaguchi shouted aggressively as he took a stance.

Standing on the pitcher's mound, Yusuke rolled up his shirt sleeves, nodded to him, and then bent down to take a baseball from the iron bucket at his feet.

Take a good stance, raise your right arm back, and throw the ball "lightly".


The hardball landed cleanly into the glove.

"Hey~ Good shot, still such a monster." Yamaguchi whistled and marveled.

What was the speed of the ball just now? 165? Or 170?

I don’t know, I don’t know, dynamic vision can’t capture the ball trajectory at all.

As if in the blink of an eye, the ball fell into Takei's glove.

So fast that he didn't have time to react.

"...Ah, Takao." Takei hissed, his palms numb, "If you insist on playing this kind of ball, I won't accompany you!?"

"Hey, who knew that bastard was so serious! He doesn't have any humor at all~"

Yamaguchi defended himself first, and then shouted again at the top of his lungs: "——Please try to control the ball speed below 145 kilometers, please!"

"Ah, here we are, Takayong made a cold joke to Kato."

"You're making a lot of noise, Takei."

On the pitcher's mound, the boy once again took a ball from the iron bucket at his feet and weighed it twice in his hand, as if he was looking for a feel for it.

Yamaguchi held his breath and stared at his hand, his eyes becoming serious.

In baseball, vision is key to hitting.

The small white ball flies at a speed of hundreds of kilometers, sometimes drawing an arc and sometimes falling.

If you want to hit the ball with a slender bat in this situation, you naturally need to have extraordinary eyesight.

To become a good baseball player, in addition to physical strength and physique.

Including dynamic vision, batting skills, and swing speed also play very important factors.

As it happens, he has pretty good qualities in these areas.

That's why he was promoted from a substitute player to a regular player in such a short period of time. Although he can only serve as the first batsman at the moment - this is a less important responsibility...




"...Uh, Axiao?"

"I know, all four elements are empty, you don't need to remind me."


Kato Yusuke stopped, thought for a moment, and then asked: "Slower down—?"

"——No need! Just keep the current speed! I've almost found the feeling!"

"Do you need me to put in the playing belt you're used to?"

"——What! Are you so considerate! Kato, my god! Come on, come on!"


Kato Yusuke nodded, took out the ball, and threw it again.

With the blessing of the [Proficient Level - Shooting] skill, the baseball accurately entered the center of Yamaguchi's chest.

Clang, bang-dong.

The little white ball bounced high behind home plate.

"..." Zhujingba chirped, glanced back behind him, and said nothing.

"It hit the bottom of the ball, I know." Yamaguchi said nonchalantly.


The baseball flew at a low altitude and hit the ground outside the bounds. It was finally picked up by Sato who was standing nearby.

"It's too high again this time."

——Bang Dang.

The baseball flew back toward the pitcher's mound, and Yusuke reached out and inserted it into his glove.

"Well...that's more or less it."

Yamaguchi adjusted his posture and raised his right wrist slightly to hold the stick.


The baseball draws a sharp arc, extending toward the sky in left field.

"Oh! Home run!" Takei praised without hesitation: "Are you used to the ball speed of 140 kilometers?"

"It doesn't count. After all, Kato is deliberately throwing the ball where I feel comfortable, but he can almost capture the trajectory of the ball..."???

Yamaguchi grinned when he said this, gave a thumbs up, and said proudly: "You don't have to remember what you just said, I just hit a home run~!"

Then he shouted to the pitcher's mound: "——You can add a little change, Kato!"

Yusuke on the pitcher's mound nodded slightly in agreement.

"..." Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing sighed softly and watched the changes.

Soon, Yamaguchi could no longer relax...




"I only hit three out of ten balls. You have to think of a solution, Xiao."

"If you can hit three in baseball, you are considered a first-class player!"

"Eh~ But that's talking about batting average, right? There's only a 30% chance of hitting a decent ball. That's outrageous!"

"It's annoying, I know!"


Kato Yusuke didn't know much about their small theater, so he just kept feeding Yamaguchi the ball, keeping it just so that he could hit it with a little effort, but not letting him hit it easily.

Since I agreed to be a sparring partner.

Then in order to improve the opponent's level, he will also take this matter seriously.

He pitched the ball, Yamaguchi hit the ball, and Sato and the others picked it up.

The balls in the iron bucket go from full to empty, and then replaced with new ones.

This has been repeated countless times...

Before I knew it, more than half of my lunch break had passed.

Yamaguchi's movements also changed from crisp and smooth at the beginning to becoming heavy and slow.

See this situation.

Yusuke made a stop gesture to the three people in the outfield, and then walked to home plate.

"So be it."

"Why...are you already dead?"

Yamaguchi collapsed on the ground, panting like an ox, "No, there is no way... I, I will let you go here today."

"Well...basically you are a tough talker, Axiao."

"Huchi... Huchi, have you counted how many balls I hit? Takei."

"Let me think about it, there are 100 balls in total. In terms of batting average, you probably hit nearly 10%."

"Okay! Let's continue tomorrow! Kato!"

"There is a sports meeting tomorrow, no." Kato Yusuke shook his head and stretched out a hand to him.

"...Uh, that's true. Damn it, I forgot about this." Yamaguchi muttered, grabbing his hand and standing up.

"Speaking of shot so many balls today, won't it affect tomorrow's sports meeting?"


"...You seem to be becoming less and less human."

Yamaguchi lightly beat his shoulders, but his expression was extremely cheerful.

"Exercise is really great. Although the body will be exhausted in the end, it just makes people have no time to think about what is there and what is not. What do you think?"


Kato Yusuke frowned slightly, not knowing what he wanted to express.


Yamaguchi didn't explain much about this. He shook his neck from side to side and said nonchalantly: "...This is my personal way of relieving stress. How about it? Does it work for you?"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The breeze stirred up the dust on the training ground, bringing a bit of dullness and choking...


Kato Yusuke stared at him for a while, then turned to look at the horizon to the north. He felt that today's damp weather with a hint of haze was very characteristic of Hokuriku.

I hope it won’t rain during tomorrow’s exercise.

He thought aimlessly and responded in a deep wooden voice.


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