"Meow meow?"

The black cat meowed softly, and his doubtful eyes kept wandering between the two people who entered the room.

——Seems to be wondering why there is one more diner in this house.

Then he nonchalantly jumped up from the ground and crawled up someone's pants. Then a hand grabbed the back of his neck and placed it on his broad shoulder.


After the baseball training during the lunch break, I spent the two afternoon classes calmly and completed the student union work without any trouble.

During this period, I introduced the new publicity committee member to the existing members.

The girls did not show any special reaction to the addition of Shinjoka.

To be more specific.

Yinglili is very reserved, Shiyu is neither salty nor bland, Hui is calm and composed.

As for An Yilun who came uninvited...

Because the game planning was temporarily put on hold, he returned to being the earth-bound otaku who relied on part-time jobs to maintain his otaku activities.

The activities of the student union have ended, bringing an end to today’s campus time.

Yusuke returns to the apartment with Megumi, leading to the scene above.


The black cat stood on Kato Yusuke's shoulder, peeping at Megumi who was walking calmly to the kitchen, and shouted to the former like a question.

However, the other party ignored it and just walked to the cat litter box and started to clean it up.

Shala, Shala.

The plastic spatula rubbed against the cat litter box, making a slightly harsh sound.

The black cat stared at it for a while, then felt a little bored, so he jumped off Yusuke's shoulder and walked away minding his own business.

It wanders to the kitchen.

The girl wearing a white shirt and pleated skirt was pouring drinks.

See it coming to your feet.

Hui then stopped what he was doing, tilted his head and thought for a moment, then took out a bamboo wheel from his pocket, tore open the package, and then slowly squatted down.

"...Want to eat?"


The black cat swung its tail, its eyes lingering between her face and the bamboo wheel in her hand, but did not step forward.

See this.

Hui just nodded slightly, took a paper plate used to make cup cakes from a supermarket plastic bag nearby, and placed a bamboo wheel on it on the ground.

Then he stood up, placed the two poured drinks on the tray, and walked towards the living room with the tray.

"Yusuke, I put the drinks on the table."


The black cat watched her leave without any sign of coming back, then slowly walked forward and sniffed twice at the bamboo wheel that exuded a good smell.

A smell similar to that of dried fish, but different, entered the little nose.

It turned its head and glanced at the living room, only to see its scrapper and the "diner" sitting at the low table, seemingly dealing with something called "homework".

Although I don’t know what that thing is, whenever the shit shovel officer is doing that thing, he is not allowed to go over and cause trouble.

Over time, it learned that it was something that would take a while.

The black cat didn't care about this, so he looked away, lowered his head and ate the bamboo wheel from the paper plate.

"Meow meow meow?~"

The inexplicable excited cry attracted Kato Yusuke's attention, and he couldn't help but look towards the kitchen.

I saw the cat feasting on something on the ground, with a shiny black soft tail swaying behind its butt, looking happy.


Then he turned to look to his side.

The girl was holding a mechanical pencil to her lips, focusing on the exercise book spread out on the table, thinking about a certain topic.


As if aware of his gaze, Hui turned to look at him sideways, a pair of bright and clear eyes showing some questioning.

"...Um, is there something on my face?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head in denial, and then asked: "Is there any problem?"



"Ah~ Speaking of which, how should we interpret the formula here?"

The girl said as she tilted her body and got a little closer.

The soft fragrance of cherry blossoms wafted faintly with her movements.

Kato Yusuke also looked down, and he has become familiar with this fragrance recently.


He glanced at the question the other party pointed to. It was a question about the fusion of derivatives of triangular functions.


Suppose triangle ABC satisfies ∠B=2∠A and BC=1. When the area of ​​triangle ABC is the largest, find the size of cos∠B.

It’s a pretty standard question, with just a little bit of the domestic college entrance examination routine.

Kato Yusuke nodded and explained: "First use the sine theorem to find AB, and then find the area."

"How to do?"

"Like this..."

Hui then watched him write formulas on the scratch paper while explaining.

"...First find AB=3-4sin2A, then simplify the expression by setting cosB=t, and then find the derivative."


Kato Yusuke stopped writing here and said: "Try the following and ask me if you have any questions."

"Yeah, okay." Hui nodded gently, first thought for a while, and then started to seek guidance. ???

The girl was thinking while doing the questions. There were occasional pauses in the middle, but she was not stuck to the point where she could not continue.

Kato Yusuke just watched her solve the problem silently, without disturbing her train of thought.

After a while, the question was answered.


"...Is that so? Yusuke."


"That's it." Hui said in a gentle tone: "Well~Thank you, Yusuke."


"That's great. I always think you can explain it more clearly than Mr. Matsumoto."

"It's just because the teacher didn't explain it in depth, so you can ask me if you have anything later."

"Hey~~ Is that okay? Wouldn't that bother you?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head and whispered: "It's me who should say this."

The two continued to do their homework.

During this period, the girl went to the bathroom.

He took this opportunity to put a powdered qi and blood medicine into the other party's drink and shook the cup twice to dissolve it.

Megumi knew nothing about it and drank it without warning after returning.

Kato Yusuke finished his homework first and began to move to the desk to continue drawing the original manuscript of the second episode of "Chainsaw Man".

The editorial department of Immortal River Comics also remitted the royalties for the first episode to his account.

Not counting the first and last pages, the total cost of the 54-page manuscript is 648,000 yen.

This one-time income seems to be a lot, but it is far less than the profit from selling doujinshi. Unless a single volume can be released later, there will be royalties calculated based on sales volume.

However, that is not something that can be considered now.

All he can do now is to continue painting step by step and wait for this work to be tested by the market.

As for the money received.

Kato Yusuke decided to first use 500,000 to return Eiri's family, and the rest was reserved for daily living expenses.

At this time, a cat meow attracted his attention.

Look back.

He saw the girl leaning on the bed with her legs bent, holding a Chinese textbook in her hand. She was reading quietly with a very quiet expression. However, she was disturbed by the black cat walking to her feet, so she tentatively stretched out a hand to touch it.

Perhaps because of the bamboo wheel just now, the black cat did not avoid it this time and allowed her to touch it.

A clear and shallow smile bloomed on Hui's face, and her movements of petting the cat were very gentle.

The two curved calves are straight and slender, and the fair skin is slightly pink. A pair of black calf socks modify the lines of the legs gracefully, showing a slender and soft body curve, which makes people look and feel Very comfortable.

From Kato Yusuke's perspective, you can faintly see the white and tender thigh skin under the skirt, while maintaining a certain space for imagination and white space.

There is a hazy feeling of veil covering the face.


The black cat turned his head sensitively and shouted softly at him, causing the girl to look over.

Two pairs of similar yet different black eyes met.

A night like a night dotted with cold stars, a lake like a reflection of the bright moon.

For no reason, the room seemed to suddenly become quiet.



Hui looked at him, her eyes wavering slightly.

Then he brought the book in his hand to his mouth as if he was shy, covering the part below his eyes, and asked softly: "...Um, are you hungry? Yusuke."


Kato Yusuke shook his head silently, stretched out his hand to call the black cat over, so that it would not disturb the other person's reading.

The black cat happily ran to his feet, jumped on his lap, stretched out, and lazily began to step on his breasts.

"Sorry, please continue reading."

He said.

However, Hui didn't answer. He turned to look at the clock on the wall, and then said, "It's almost time to cook, voila~"

As she spoke, she put down the book in her hand, stood up from the carpet, and walked naturally towards the kitchen.

"Anyway, I'm going to cook. Is it okay to have fried fish and creamy macaroni today?"

"...Want to help?"

"Ah~~ Then you cook the macaroni and I'll make the sauce."

Kato Yusuke nodded, whispered a good word, then stood up, leaving the cat on the swivel chair, and walked to the bathroom to wash his hands.

After he washed his hands and came out, the girl also used a hairpin to tuck one side of her hair behind her ear, and was currently wearing an apron.

"Here, help me tie the laces in the back, Yusuke."

Hui said, turning around with her back to him, revealing a slim and pretty back.

"Aren't you good at tying it yourself?"

This thought flashed through his mind for a moment, but the other party's words did not ask him what he meant at all.


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, but he was not ignorant enough to say those words. Then he stepped forward, stretched out his hands to pull up the two ties hanging on his waist, and began to tie the knot.

The sideburns pinned up by pink hairpins were floating slightly in front of her face, exuding a bit of the smell of herbal shampoo.

The slender neck has a fair complexion, and there is a faint fragrance of milk shower gel.


Kato Yusuke remained silent, quickly tied a knot behind his back, and then took two steps back.

"Are you okay?" the girl asked, turning her face slightly, with a blush on her cheeks like a sunrise in a thick fog.


He nodded and replied, his eyes sweeping over the waist that was restrained by a rough bow.

"That's it." Hui nodded slightly and subconsciously reached out to pluck the hair around her ears. Halfway through, she realized that her hair had been pinned up, so she gently pinched her chin.

"Then let's get started...?"


Kato Yusuke boiled a pot of water and put the bagged macaroni aside, preparing to cook it later.

Hui was cleaning and processing the ingredients that needed to be used.

Chop onions, slice mushrooms, and cut bacon into small slices.

Take out a large-capacity metal bowl, pour the whipping cream bought from the supermarket into it, add a raw egg yolk, and start stirring.

Click, click, click, click, click.

Gudu Gudu, Gudu Gudu,

Along with the rhythm of stirring the cream, the water in the cooking pot is just boiling.

Kato Yusuke poured the macaroni into it.

"Ah, remember to stir it with chopsticks, don't let the macaroni stick together." The girl said, and guided him to add a little salt to taste.

The identities of the two have just changed from when they were studying before.

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Hui continued his work.

Put a piece of butter in the wok, turn on low heat and let it melt slowly.

Then increase the heat and stir-fry minced onions until fragrant, then add bacon and mushrooms in turn.


Wait until the mushrooms become golden on both sides.

Megumi added salt to taste, then poured in the whipped cream and added a little warm water.

Turn to low heat and start cooking slowly.

A few minutes later.

"It's ready here." Kato Yusuke said, turning off the heat, draining the water with a colander, and taking out the macaroni.

The girl hummed slightly to express her understanding, then scooped a little sauce into the saucepan and blew on it twice.

"Want to try the taste?"

The saucepan filled with milky white sauce was brought to his mouth, seemingly a little tough.


Kato Yusuke frowned slightly, but still lowered his head and tasted it.

The pair cooperated by lifting one side of the saucepan so that the sauce could slide into his mouth better.


"How is it?" the girl asked calmly.

"Yeah, okay."

Yusuke responded simply, trying to ignore the faint scent of soap on the other person's fingertips.

"Hmm~~ That's good." Hui nodded gently, calmly took back the dish and said, "Then give me the macaroni."


Pour the cooked macaroni into the pot and stir together with the sauce until the sauce thickens.

"It's almost ready." The girl said to herself, turned off the heat, then transferred the macaroni from the pot into a clean metal basin, and sprinkled a layer of Parmesan cheese powder on top.

While asking Kato Yusuke to take the macaroni to the table, he continued to fry the fish.

Because the fish pieces are bought in advance, this step is also quick.

After about ten minutes, the fried fish was ready.

The two of them worked together to cook, clearing the table and placing the dishes on the table.

The black cat was also attracted unknowingly and sat quietly watching them.

Seeing this, Hui opened another bamboo wheel and put it on the previous paper plate. He took the paper plate to the low table and placed it on the ground. He took advantage of the situation and sat down at the table.

"Sorry~~I forgot to prepare yours just now."

"Meow meow~"

Kato Yusuke watched this scene silently, and then started eating at the girl's soft call.

Two people and a cat.

The peaceful time seems to be stretched out like maltose, and I don’t know how long it will last...

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