After the two-person three-legged game, there was a borrowed object race.

There is a table about 100 meters away from the starting line. On the table is an opaque cardboard box similar to that used for lottery draws. Inside are many slips of paper with completed questions written on them.

Kato Yusuke once again came to the starting line and took his place

The physical education teacher raised the flare gun high and pulled the trigger.

One by one bang!

As the gunfire rang out, the students from the three groups rushed over quickly.

Kato Yusuke was the first to run to the table a hundred meters away, put his hand into the cardboard box, and pulled out a note from inside.

After reading the above content, he began to look around, then started to run

Red group area.

An Yilun, who saw this scene, also held up his chin and murmured to himself: "I wonder what Kato got, it's really worrying.'

Ying Lili on the side complained, "When you have time to think about other people's words, you should worry about yourself. Aren't you going to attend later?'

.I’m talking about you, didn’t you say you wouldn’t let me talk to you?”

"Hmph~ Anyway, if it's you, if you're unlucky, there probably won't even be anyone willing to help."

"Don't talk about people like that gloomy character! I can still do this kind of thing!"


"After all, what is your prejudice against me? Besides, I helped you during the last Ikebukuro exhibition!

"What! That's because Yusuke is not here... Besides, didn't you also enjoy the convenience of entering the venue first and grab a lot of merchandise?'

"Well, well, there's nothing we can do about it.

"You are really bad. You don't know where your eyes are wandering, you fellow speculator."


While the two were criticizing each other, the people around them suddenly became commotion.


"President Kato~!'

"What did you get? Kato-kun."

"Do you need help? I'd be happy to

Hearing this, Yinglili immediately stopped talking and turned to look.

In the middle, surrounded by crowds, Kato Yusuke was looking at her thoughtfully.


For no reason, Yinglili suddenly felt a feeling

The other party came to find her.

She coughed lightly twice, then put on a reserved yet indifferent expression, waiting for someone to send out the invitation. At this time

"President~~! Did you get the "people you like"? That one was written by me!" A girl suddenly said so excitedly


Yinglili was shocked when she heard this.

When faced with the girl's inquiry, Kato Yusuke neither affirmed nor denied, seeming to be acquiescing?

See the situation.

In an instant, a feeling of embarrassment surged into Yinglili's heart, making her cheeks turn red instantly.

Hi, the person you like!?

This, how is this possible...

She pursed her lips in confusion, but still couldn't hide her embarrassment. First she turned her head to the other side, and then stared back in anger.

The porcelain-like skin has a blush as magnificent as the sunset, which looks quite moving.

Eirili pretended to have a face, her pure eyes as blue as the sea gently swayed, and the look she looked at Yusuke couldn't tell whether it was resistance or submission.

Facing her eyes, Kato Yusuke thought for a moment, and then glanced at An Yirunya next to him.

Finally, under Ying Lili’s gaze.

The other party gave her a slight nod, then turned around and ran away, quickly moving away from here.

Yinglili opened her lips, then pursed them tightly

An emotion that he couldn't tell whether it was dissatisfaction, grievance, or both gradually spread in his chest.

"what the hell

She murmured quietly, lowered her head, gently kicked away the pebbles at her feet, and fell into silence.

All this did not escape An Yilunye's eyes.

He first glanced at the sulky Yinglili, and then glanced at the figure running away, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Kato Yusuke ran to the teacher's desk.

"Teacher Hasumi, are you free?

"Huh?" Hasumi Kanoko, who was chatting with Nakamura Masaru, couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked: "What's wrong?" Kato Yusuke glanced around.

Because of the delay, some of the students who had been distanced by him had already found the "topic" and were preparing to run towards the finish line.

Seeing this, he no longer hesitated and directly reached out and took Teacher Hasumi's hand.

"help me.


Before Hasumi Kanoko could react, the other party started running with her.

"Oh! Come on, Hasumi-sensei~!" Nakamura Masaru, who stayed where he was, cheered them up with a smile and watched the two of them leave.

"What's wrong? What's the topic?" Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but asked curiously, but she obeyed and cooperated with him to speed up the pace.

Her beautiful brown hair was tied up with a hairpin and gently tied on the back of her head, with two strands of hair hanging softly from both sides of her face. There were traces of perms on the slightly rolled ends, which were now floating around the shoulders as he ran.

faced her inquiry.

Kato Yusuke said nothing, but just led her running forward.

Ren saw Kanoko was slightly dissatisfied with the cold attitude, so she gently squeezed his hand in protest.

However, the other party remained unmoved.

He looked straight ahead as if he could only see the finish line in front of him.

She had no choice but to speed up her steps again, but was a little restrained by the long-sleeved sportswear she was wearing.

"That's enough, no need to force it."


Hasumi Kanoko agreed while observing her surroundings.

When he discovered that the two of them were still number one, he stopped forcing them. He turned his attention to his hands, silently feeling the texture and temperature of his palms.

Having something on my mind for a moment

Under the gaze of the crowd, the two arrived at the finish line steadily.

Kato Yusuke let go of her hand and handed the note in his hand to Mr. Matsumoto, who was in charge of the judgment.

The other party opened the note and glanced at the question, then paused for a moment on Mr. Hasumi, and then said

"Okay, passed.

Kato Yusuke nodded, said goodbye to the two of them, and then turned and walked towards the area where the blue group was.

Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but asked curiously: "Teacher Matsumoto, what is the topic on Kato-san's note?"

Teacher Matsumoto did not show off, and handed the note to her generously, while he continued to receive the students who arrived later.

Hasumi-sensei, who was holding the note, stepped aside and opened it.

What was written in black marker came into view.

--"Beautiful things."

The final event of the morning was the obstacle course.

Kato Yusuke did not participate in this event anymore. Instead, he helped the equipment team set up roadblocks and placed many vaults, single-plank bridges, and crawling areas on the track.

Because the school stipulates that everyone must participate in at least one competition.

So Yinglili also ushered in her first challenge.

"Come on~! Sawamura-kun!"

“Fighting~~ Yinglili~~!’

"We will support you, Sawamura-senpai!"

Classmates, family, friends from clubs

Everyone, whether they knew her or not, sent their blessings to her.

Yinglili also responded politely and reservedly, which aroused even more enthusiastic cheers.

Her popularity is no less than that of a certain student council president, even more so, showing her strong popularity as the most beautiful girl in Toyosaki Academy.

It's quite a bit of a spotlight.

It was under this situation that the girl followed the other students who wanted to compete and came to the starting line. In the process of getting ready, Yinglili also observed the obstacles on the track.

The entire schedule is divided into four parts.

They are running around the roadblock in the first section, vaulting in the second section, walking on a canoe in the third section, and crawling in the last section.

As long as they are all passed, the bell will ring at the end.

The ranking will be determined by the order of ringing the bells.

Amidst the cheers, Yingli took a deep breath, then spread her legs forward and back, getting ready to start. One by one bang!

The signal gun went off.

Everyone rushed forward from the starting line together.

Yinglili moved her legs vigorously, and her petite body moved forward quickly with brisk footsteps.

Her golden twin ponytails flew behind her and shone in the sunlight.

"Oh, he ran so fast as soon as he came up. Does the child really not matter?" Sayuri Sawamura said worriedly. "Our daughter should know better, so you don't have to worry so much, dear." Leonard Spencer said comfortingly next to her.

"Why can you be so arrogant? My dear, have you forgotten that Yinglili's health was not very good when she was a child?"

"How could I forget this, but that was in elementary school, right? Our daughter is now a high school student, right? My dear."

Sayuri Sawamura glanced at her husband, slightly dissatisfied with his carelessness, and then withdrew her gaze noncommittally and looked at the arena again.

On the track, Yinglili had already passed the first section of the roadblock and started running towards the second section of the vault.

Her speed is neither too fast nor too slow, and her ranking basically remains in third place.

Soon we came to the vault.

Yinglili's eyes were serious, and while recalling the key points taught by the teacher in physical education class, she stepped on the pedal at a faster speed. A pair of small white hands pushed hard on the vault, and at the same time spread the slender legs wearing black knee-high socks to both sides.

Jumped over lightly.



A look of joy appeared in the eyes of the girl who landed safely, and then she rushed towards the next project without stopping.

The girl who was originally ranked second was delayed for a while on the vault, which narrowed the distance between the two. At this moment, they were just about to start crossing the single-plank bridge.

Yingli, who came slowly, thought secretly and decided to overtake at this stage, then climbed onto the single-plank bridge one meter high from the ground on hands and feet, and slowly stood up.

While carefully raising his arms, he carefully looked at the road under his feet.

A slight feeling of dizziness came to mind.

Although the single-plank bridge was not too high from the ground, the feeling of being in the air still made her feel a little timid subconsciously.

The girl pursed her lips vigorously, dispelling the fear in her heart, focusing her attention on the front, and began to cross the bridge.

The small body swayed slightly on it, which made people worried.

When she was halfway there, the girl in front of her was only a few steps away, and someone behind her had already begun to cross the bridge. Yinglili saw this and couldn't help but feel anxious, so she also forcibly quickened her pace.

In the end, I only took a few steps...


The ground suddenly became empty under his feet, and a feeling of imbalance quickly came over him.

She tried to save it, but to no avail.



A dull sound and the girl's scream sounded at the same time.

"it hurts

Ying Lili knelt on the ground, a strong pain rising from her palms and knees, and tears bursting out of her eyes uncontrollably. The crowd who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

She raised her arms to wipe away her tears and tried to stand up, but the pain in her legs shattered her effort. Yinglili lowered her head, not daring to look at the reactions around her. She just felt that she was extremely embarrassed at this moment, and she felt aggrieved. Tears fell to the ground, forming small black dots.

The grievances in my heart washed away like a tide.

She first thought of someone's previous disregard for her, and then thought of herself who lost the game because of her impatience...

Disturbing thoughts surged up, making her want to cry out, but she was restrained by the self-esteem in her heart and just bit her lower lip tightly.

Sawamura Eiri has never been content with others, nor will she easily show her weakness in front of others.

She is always strong and always dazzling.

So it won't be degrading in public.

It would have been nice if she hadn't been so brave just now... Yinglili thought uncontrollably.

At this time, a cold and deep voice sounded.

"do not move."


Accompanied by the rapidly approaching breath.

A pair of arms wrapped around her back and legs, and began to exert force.

The feeling of weightlessness suddenly arises.


By the time Yinglili reacted, she had fallen into a warm embrace that exuded a fresh smell. "You, you, you, you, you, you, what are you doing!?"

Even in this situation, she still couldn't help shouting in panic.

Kato Yusuke looked down at her and said calmly: "I'll take you to the infirmary.'

After saying that, he didn't care about her reaction, just hugged her like a princess and walked quickly towards the infirmary.


At this moment, the girl blushed with embarrassment and felt her heart beating wildly.

She didn't dare to look up at him, nor did she dare to see the reactions around her. She buried her head in his chest like a kitten to avoid people's sight.

Under the gaze of countless inexplicable eyes, the two people left like this.

They didn't look back until their figures disappeared.

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

For a moment, I suddenly didn’t know which side to envy.

(I overslept, but I still caught up with the update more or less...

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