Take off your sweaty sportswear.

Put on a pure white sleeveless vest and pleated skirt, and then put your sportswear into a sports backpack.

Shinjoka adjusted her short skirt, closed her eyes and felt that the band-aid should be properly attached, so she felt relieved.

"Then I'll go gather and meet

__Get it. "


Kato Yusuke took out five Fukuzawa Yukichi cards from his wallet, put them into her hands, and then walked to the storage shelf to get the rope for tug-of-war.

Shinjoka looked at his back and then at the thing in his hand. He couldn't help but blinked his eyes, with a bit of excitement in his eyes, and put it into his bag.

"Thank you, President~ I'll go gather then?"

Kato Yusuke nodded, hung the thick hemp rope on his arm, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the warehouse, but it was still closed.

As for Shintiao Xiang, he was staring at it in a daze.

"Sorry, I can't open it."

"Let me do it."


- squeaky.

The door was pushed open sideways, letting in sunlight.

The two of them walked out of the dim warehouse and bathed in the sunlight again, feeling a little out of place in their senses.

Kato Yusuke hung the hemp rope on his shoulder, closed the warehouse door from the outside, and locked it.

Shinjoka looked at him and suddenly shouted softly.

"President o~'


She tried her best to raise her toes, but she could only kiss her chin.

The delicate lips touched the chin, and a slightly cool and slippery feeling passed over it.

"I will bring a ruler next time~Master said~" Shinjoka smiled mischievously, then waved goodbye, turned around and walked towards the playground.

Just after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped again.

She saw a slim figure standing a few steps away, smiling and looking at her...and someone behind her who was silent.

Shinjo was startled when he saw the person coming, and then he immediately greeted with a smile: "...Good afternoon~ Hasumi-sensei." "Hey...Good afternoon, Shinjo-san." "Lian saw Kanoko nodded slightly, his eyes swept over her slightly messy hair, flushed cheeks, and an inexplicable look in her eyes.

The cheerleading team's performance is about to begin. Your teammates and Mr. Miyazono are looking for you. Go quickly. "

"Yeah~ I know, thank you teacher~~~

Shinjou smiled sweetly and trotted forward. After running a few steps, he stopped, turned and glanced behind him, and saw the beautiful and generous Mandarin teacher approaching the warehouse.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but stick out her tongue guiltily, and then left quickly

As for Kato Yusuke, he was not so nervous.

Although I was a little surprised by Hasumi-sensei's sudden appearance, I quickly calmed down.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that things just passed...

Facing his gaze, Hasumi Kanoko walked forward slowly and stood two steps in front of him, looking at him quietly without saying a word.

"Teacher Hasumi." Lan Tuan Yusuke nodded and took the initiative to say hello.

The other party also nodded slightly in response, with a bit of thinking in his eyes, and asked: "You and Shinjo-san


Seeing Kanoko's eyes move slightly, Ren fell into silence.

"Then I'll go first, Hasumi-sensei.'

Lan Tuan Yusuke informed politely, and then directly raised his feet and moved forward.

When the two passed by each other.

Hasumi Kanoko subconsciously stretched out her hand, looking a little hesitant to speak, and then retracted it. She stayed where she was and hesitated for a while.

Finally, he took a breath and started walking towards the playground.

"_The cheerleading department's performance is coming next, so please be prepared.'

Seven girls, wearing pure white printed sleeveless vests and short skirts, holding cheerleading balls in their hands, gathered together to form a formation and lined up in a herringbone pattern while keeping a certain distance from each other.

With either old or dull smiles on their faces, they faced the audience one after another, showing off their youthful vitality.

The elegant little skirt swayed gently with the breeze, showing off her white and translucent thighs, bringing a coolness to the scene and sweeping away people's sleepiness after the lunch break.

The petite Shinjoka was standing among them, and was the first lead dancer.

Compared with several other girls, she not only wore a pink-purple wig and red contact lenses, but also wore a pair of white knee-high socks.

Probably after some cleaning, she looked better than usual. Her face seemed to have that kind of scheming makeup that couldn't be seen, but it suited her particularly well.

Although she is not tall, her presence is very strong.

A pure and hateful face coupled with a hot figure.

The round breasts were restrained by the vest, but they were generally emphasized, which was very eye-catching.

This is also proved by the exclamations from the crowd from time to time....

At 1:05, the cheerleading department's performance ended on time.

A fast-paced drumbeat blared from the speakers.

The students on the playground couldn't help but be startled, none of them could quite tell which piece of music it was.

But while they were still thinking, someone yelled out.

"_-This rhythm! You can't go wrong! It's "God's Drift" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?!?" An Yilun in the red group also suddenly screamed.

"Eh-huh!? Wait for the next one! Is this true!? I can actually see the two-dimensional house dance in school?? This is not a dream! Hey! Hiyan! Hurry up and pinch my face hard! all!!'

.Okay! It really doesn’t hurt at all, this is definitely a dream!”

Affected by his yelling, people couldn't help but look over with strange expressions. They were stunned by his sudden nervousness but were immediately attracted by the changes on the field.

With the prelude of the drum set passing by

The girls opened their hands at the same time, took a small step back, and turned their bodies sideways.


With open hands, he patted the Japanese snare drum twice in front of his face.

The next second, the gloomy pipa sound sounded

The girls circled their heads with their right hands and jumped forward, then put their feet back and jumped back, and then clapped their hands.


The cheerleading ball jingled softly.

Bright and lively music echoed in the playground.

The girls had sweet and silly smiles on their faces, dancing to rhyming rhythms and to the sound of joyful music, completely revealing the hateful side of girls.

The body swayed back and forth during the dance, inadvertently showing off the soft white waist.

Really eye-catching


"Z Yu Feishen 0 Mo Ren Mo admires 20 Mo Mo Ren.

"Who dog 1 B earth state love child l flying stone.

"Puli Xiaofeijun Xiaoyuan Technique."

"Xu Nianben Qidongren flew to Benben

The cheerleading ball in the hand swings in unison with the music, and the movements are full of vitality.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! It's so cute! It's getting cute!" An Yilun also clenched his fists, his face was filled with passion and emotion for the house dance, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

It made people look at the playground for a while, and then looked at him dumbfounded.

For a moment, I didn’t know which side to look at, and I felt a bit dazzled.

The commotion off the field did not affect the girls on the cheerleading team.

The lead dancer, Shinjoka, stood at the front, jumping up and down.

Her hands and feet are soft and her waist is slender, and her deft movements are full of abomination.

The hem of the little skirt fluttered up and down, showing the touching whiteness between the short skirt and knee-high socks.

The hemispherical H-cup keeps swaying in front of her chest.

Coupled with that young and pure face.

Both pure and sweet, yet sexy and charming.

The combination of the two is really charming.

Many boys were fascinated by it, and the charming smiles on their faces never stopped.

In Geng Yun's team, Yamaguchi Takashi couldn't help but sigh.

"Tsk, tsk, after today starts, Shinjou's ranking among boys will definitely rise, right? By then, many people will probably fall into love troubles, what do you think? Lan Tuan.'

He put his hand on Yusuke's shoulder and joked: "As a result, you, the harem king, are so evil that you brought all the beautiful girls in the school under your control. Are you ready to bear everyone's resentment?"

Lan Tuan Yusuke didn't say anything, his eyes kept secret.

His eyes swept over the flying skirt, and he couldn't help but think of the band-aid.

He immediately spoke:

I'll buy some water, and you can cheer up for the game later. ’

"Eh? Aren't you going to watch the show?" Yamaguchi Takashi said in surprise.


"Really? Forget it, remember to go early and come back early, so you can appreciate my heroic appearance later~!" Lan Tuan Yusuke nodded, and then walked towards the drinking fountain...

A dance soon begins.

"_Ippo no Saki~~~Come on~~~!!"

The girls shouted loudly and shook the cheerleading balls in their hands, causing the students on the field to respond with "Oh!"

Among them, the shouts of the boys were very energetic, and they seemed to be more energetic than in the morning.

In such an atmosphere, the audience gave them warm applause.

From this, it is not difficult to understand why the cheerleading team's performance was put in the afternoon.

Blue Tuan Yusuke glanced at the scoreboard on the podium.

The current situation is that Kato is temporarily in the lead, with 495 points.

The red team in second place has 475 points, and the white team in third place has 465 points.

The scores between the three groups are all very close, and it is basically a situation where a slight mistake will lead to a lead. It is difficult to say which side will be the final winner.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, the only other events that Blue Team Yusuke can participate in is horseback riding.

The situation is not very optimistic.

But he doesn't care about this. After all, the team competition is different from the individual competition, and it is difficult to change the overall situation by himself.

As for what Nakamura Masaru wants to win, he has already achieved it in the individual competition. As for more, it is not within his scope of consideration...

The sky in the afternoon became a little more gloomy than in the morning

Thick irregular clouds floated in the sky, like whales swimming in the deep sea, so light that they were about to fall. Under such circumstances, a tug-of-war group confrontation quickly began.

The first ones to play are the blue team and the red team.

Inui Yusuke did not participate, but Yamaguchi and Takei did.

The opponent is a red group composed mainly of burly men from the judo club. Their burly bodies look very oppressive.

As the teacher blew the whistle with a "beep_" sound, the students on both sides immediately used their strength to suck the milk, shouting slogans and pushing hard backwards.

The expression on his face looked particularly ferocious.

The peers and parents of their respective groups cheered and shouted below, and the atmosphere was so quiet.

With the joint efforts of Kato students, the situation was once very anxious.

Unfortunately, after those in the judo club started to exert their strength, Geng Yun was ultimately unable to do so, and finally lost the game helplessly. After that, the white group lost to the red group without any suspense.

Yamaguchi was very unwilling to accept this, but he didn't have time to complain too much, as the next competition ended quickly.

"_A contestant participating in the mixed men's and women's relay race, please come and assemble.'

Under the instructions of the host, the players walked to their respective positions.

"Okay! I will never lose this time!" Yamaguchi said so, tightening the headband in front of his forehead, and his fighting spirit was high. "Here comes the high-five, Takei, Kako.'

"ok! mybrother!"

"Oh~ let's do our best together!'

Takei and Kako also high-fived him cooperatively.

"And you, Lan Tuan." Yamaguchi turned to Yusuke again and pointed to his raised palm, "Aren't you going to cheer me up?

Lan Tuan Yusuke was stunned for a moment, but he still reached out and gave him a high-five.


Yamaguchi grinned at this and hit his left shoulder hard with his fist, "Remember to watch carefully later, and wait until we bring the failure back to you!"

Before Yusuke could respond, he turned around and left calmly.

"Okay, let's go! Takei, Yoshiko.'


The three of them walked towards the meeting point together, leaving behind energetic figures, looking inexplicably handsome.

Hui, who was silently observing from the side, walked forward quietly and said: "I always feel that the three of them are very energetic~ It's great.'

Lan Tuan Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

After some peaceful competition.

The white team, which had the main strength of the track and field team, finally won the first place in the relay race.

Although Yamaguchi took the lead in his own round, it was to no avail.

Overall, Kato only finished third.

The impact of this was that the scores of the three groups were suddenly reversed.

The red team leads with 505 points, the white team temporarily ranks second with 500 points, and Kato ranks third with 495 points.

With such a small gap, no matter which side wins in the end, it will not be surprising.

"Well, now is the last competition of the day. All contestants participating in the horse riding battle please assemble~!" the host announced.

Himekawa Yoshiko, who returned to the team, was a little listless. She was extremely frustrated that Kato was suddenly ranked last, and she cried to her friends.

"I'm sorry~~~Xiao Hui! I didn't get a good ranking, so I'll depend on you next time, woo hoo

Hui comforted her in a nice voice.

The Mangkhut brothers also gathered around Yusuke and said in a special tone as if they were entrusting them: "Come on, Lan Tuan, give them some color!"

Seeing the unwilling expressions on their faces, Kato Yusuke nodded slightly and whispered back, "I know."

Then he and Kei came to the place where Kato's contestants gathered.

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