The unique storyboarding technique brings unique effects, producing a reaction like a chemical reaction, which has an indescribable attraction and peculiar charm.

Some demons can possess the bodies of dead people.

When he was dying, Bochita remembered the agreement between the two, turned into a heart and integrated into Denci's body, successfully bringing him back to life.

After the resurrection, Denji had a pull ring on his chest, which was the tail of Bochita that merged with him.

Sagara Mayu's face was tense, her lips pursed, and her expression was very serious.

It was obviously an evil comic, but it seemed to contain some kind of magic power, allowing her to continue reading it.

Just relying on the pictures can give readers an immersive experience and lead them into the emotional changes of sadness and joy.

Facing the zombie demon and his men, after the resurrection, Denji had no time to mourn the loss of Bochita and angrily pulled the ring on his chest.

Accompanied by the special effects words representing the sound of the chainsaw engine starting up, the cluster lines in the picture gathered towards the center one after another.

Among the zombies.

A "monster" wearing a steel helmet, with monster-like spiky teeth, and chainsaw blades on his head and arms - just emerged from the zombies!

The next moment, Denji, who transformed into a chainsaw man, started killing everyone in the zombie pile.

The flesh and blood in the picture are flying everywhere, showing a tension like a cult film.

Although it is a black and white comic, it seems to be full of blood and blood, stimulating the senses.

Seeing Denji laughing wildly on top of the zombies, Mayu Sagara's temples couldn't help but twitch, and his eyelids blinked very fast.

"Evil way..." She murmured dumbfounded and quickly turned the page.

In the picture on the next page, three people wearing black suits and trench coats appeared at the entrance of the warehouse.

Looking at the only living creature in the field, the woman standing in the center calmly stepped forward without any fear of Denji who had turned into a monster.

"You have a strange smell on your body. It doesn't sound like a human being or a devil."

The woman had smooth medium-long hair with a braid on the back of her head, and a pair of circled eyes that looked like reincarnation eyes. She looked between the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood around her and the electricity in front of her eyes, and asked with a slightly raised corner of her mouth. .

"Did you do these?"

The bright sunlight hit behind her, tracing her soft outline and dazzlingly illuminating the scarred Denci in the darkness.

Kato Yusuke spent some time here, focusing on portraying Makima's appearance while keeping the overall style unchanged.

If there is a seemingly invisible smile, soft and delicate facial contours, and smooth and slender hair.

The cool and capable smooth lines are simple but sophisticated, complex yet delicate, exuding a taboo fragrance like lily, full of charm.

"Wow! It's so beautiful...!" Mayu's eyes instantly lit up, and she gently stretched out her fingers to trace the lines of the character, as if practicing copying.

Facing the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, Denji couldn't help but express his inner desire.

"Hug...hug me..."

The woman glanced at him, and even though he looked as ferocious as a demon, she gave him a big warm hug without hesitation.

The tenderness in the painting emerges vividly on the paper, sweeping away the previous depression and eerieness.

The helmet on Denci's head melted away like mud, and the chainsaw on his body was retracted, returning to its original appearance.

"It's a human..."

Watching Denji return to his human form under his embrace,

The woman who was a police demon hunter gently held him on her lap and gave him two choices.

One is that he was killed by her as a demon,

The second is to be her dog as a human.

"If you were my dog, I would feed you well."

Looking at the woman who was smiling calmly in front of him, Denji asked after being stunned for a moment.

"The feed you mentioned...what can I eat in the morning?"

The opponent responds thoughtfully.

"Hmm~~~ Bread with butter and jam...salad, coffee, and dessert bar..."

Denji groaned after hearing this.

"It's simply invincible..."

Seeing this, Mayu Sagara couldn't help but laugh, and then turned to the next page.

On the blank last page, Bochita with a chainsaw on his face is waving goodbye cutely, indicating the end of the comic.

"Eh? It's over already..." She couldn't help but sigh, and put down the comic with some regret.

"What's wrong with you? Mayu."

Fumio Sagara on the side heard her sigh and couldn't help but turn his head and his eyes fell on the "Shounen Undead" on the small table.

"Huh? Isn't that a shonen manga? You were reading that just now??"

The brother who said this walked forward curiously, picked up the comic magazine on the small table, and looked at his sister sitting on the ground with a strange expression.

"When did you become interested in shounen comics? Will the sun rise from the south tomorrow?"

"You're so annoying, brother. I don't want to talk now."

"Hey, why did your mood suddenly change for the worse? Weren't you fine just now?"

"It's not that it's gotten worse, it's just that I just finished reading a special comic and my mood is a bit complicated."

"A special comic?" Fumio Sagara blinked and asked, "What makes it so special?"

Maya Sagara nodded humbly, hugged his knees with both hands, and said hesitantly: "How should I put it... It seems a bit like a dark hero story, and a bit curious."

"Ah? Doesn't this completely avoid your preferences? Why are you still reading it?"

"Well, because it was recommended by that teacher Kasumi Shiko,'s really interesting."

Hearing this, Fumio Sagara suddenly became interested.

"Oh, I can actually hear comments other than cute from my sister. Which article in this book are you talking about?"

"The one in the middle, "Chainsaw Man."

After pointing out the direction for his brother, Mayu Sagara reached out and picked up the milk pudding from the table, ripped off the plastic wrap on the surface with a "sizzle", and ate it.

The sweet and delicious pudding slowly melts in your mouth, and the rich milk flavor mixed with the honey-like sweetness makes you feel happy.


The younger sister narrowed her eyes as if she was enjoying it, but the older brother suddenly screamed "Fuck."

"Tomato demon? What the hell is this??"

"Please be quiet, hyung." Mayu Sagara said, and then played with her phone idly.

While thinking about my impressions after reading the comic, I naturally opened Twitter and prepared to check the situation online.

When she entered the keyword " # "Chainsaw Man"" in the search bar, she discovered that someone had already created a related entry.

Not only that, after clicking in, there are already hundreds of related topics, and the number continues to increase.

Judging from the speed of the topics that are constantly being refreshed, it is obvious that the popularity is extremely high, and everyone is discussing this anti-conventional work enthusiastically.

Mayu Sagara read online comments for a while, then used Sagano Fumio's account to edit a status under the relevant entry.

――"I just watched "Chainsaw Man". It is a unique and interesting work, with unexpected developments and special storyboarding techniques. This author is amazing!"

After the post was sent, the topic stayed at the top for a second and was pushed down by other people's posts.

At this time——

“It’s so cool——!”

Fumio Sagara on the side suddenly slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Mayu, this comic is so enjoyable to draw, it makes your adrenaline soar!"

Before his sister could speak, he continued talking.

"Speaking of which, is this really a young-blooded comic? This kind of scale should be more appropriate in a youth novel, right?"

“And the painting by the woman from the Ministry of Public Security at the end is really great! It suits my taste very well, it’s so cool!”

"I think this comic will probably become popular. How about you consider publishing her doujinshi at the next fan exhibition?"

Fumio Sagara had a hearty expression on his face, and his mouth was full of sparasi.

Mayu Sagara glanced at her brother, ignored his request to take advantage of the opportunity to satisfy her selfish needs, and just scrolled through her phone.

As for his prediction that this manga will be popular, Mayu, who rarely reads shounen manga, doesn't know much about it, so he can't estimate the extent of the "popularity" his brother mentioned.

She just felt a little emotional about the author of this comic, the teacher "Fujimoto Shu", and felt that the other person was worthy of being valued by Kasumi Shiko.

And although she didn't know it clearly, she could intuitively feel the changes within the Immortal River Comics Department.

That was when the editorial department held its normal morning meeting.

This is a daily meeting of the editorial department, attended by the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, and three team leaders.

The matters discussed ranged from the discovery of newcomers, to the popularity survey of serial works, to the discussion of some controversial works, and the follow-up arrangements for those final works.

However, compared to "Shounen Jump", which has a steady stream of submissions, the editorial department of "Shounen Undead" has a much more leisurely work, and the review threshold will be slightly lower.

As long as the submitted work has its own highlights and the style of painting is not too bad, it will basically pass the serialization in the end.

After all, if you can't even meet the most basic standards of 24 works, then there's no room for publication.

In this regard, each company has different standards. For example, "Shounen Jump" adheres to the elite standard of one-on-one editors and authors, and the number of serialized works in each issue is 20.

The standard for "Shounen Magazine" is 28.

However, like most comic magazines, the editorial department of "Shounen Undead" also follows the supremacy of questionnaires.

The results of the questionnaire have nothing to do with the author's previous achievements and experience and are applicable.

Even popular works and authors may stop serializing if the results of the questionnaire are not good.

In this situation.

If a work continues to rank at the bottom of the popularity index, it will be cut in half and give way to new serial works, resulting in many short-term serial works with only 10 to 20 issues. This is really a common thing in the comics industry. .

The standard of the editorial department of "Shounen Undead" is to maintain the number of serial works at 24.

Works ranked in the last two places will be considered for halving, while works ranked in the tenth or so can be classified as mid- to lower-ranking.

Every time the topic of halving is discussed, the atmosphere in the conference room becomes a little solemn.

So usually no one would be ignorant enough to bother me at this time, but today is different...

――Dingling, ringing, ringing~

――Dingling, ringing, ringing~

Urgent phone rings kept ringing in the newsroom.

Suzuki, the old editor-in-chief who was sitting at the front, held his thermos cup and took a sip of buckwheat tea. While thinking about what he was going to say next, he waited for the sound of the phone outside to stop.

And if he didn't speak, others would naturally not dare to speak.

Kimura, who was sitting below him, glanced at the face of a group leader with a bitter expression across from him. He thought for a moment about the work that the other person was about to cut in half, and then thought about Mr. Fujimotoshu.

I couldn't help but secretly speculate on the opponent's ranking in the next issue.

Unlike the three editors who are still struggling in the position of team leader, he has a good attitude.

After all, Kasumi Shiko publicly paved the way for someone in her novel, and this matter was already known to everyone within the Immortal River.

Under such circumstances, even if the popularity of the work is sluggish at the end, he will not be too implicated.

After all, he is just a practitioner.

If it succeeds, his share of the credit will naturally be indispensable. If it fails, it will be Xia Shizi's willful behavior, and the main responsibility will not fall on him.

Kimura just needs to sit tight on the Diaoyutai and wait for the results.

'However, it is somewhat based on Kasumi Shiko's call. The popularity in the first week should not be too bad. I don't know how the sales are now...' Just when he was thinking about this...

——Knock knock.

"excuse me!"

Accompanied by a loud apology, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open with a "click".

An editor just walked in.

Seeing this scene, the old editor-in-chief Suzuki couldn't help but frown and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

This guy is going to be in trouble.

At this moment, Kimura and the three team leaders couldn't help but think at the same time.

The young editor seemed ignorant of his situation, but said excitedly:

"Editor-in-Chief! We have just received calls from many bookstores to increase their order quantity for this issue of the comic magazine!"

Editor-in-chief Suzuki frowned even more when he heard this, and his tone was a bit scolding: "If you add more, just add more. Why are you so anxious? I don't know if you are in a meeting right now?"

"But..." The young editor tried to explain, but was interrupted by him.

"I remember that you have been working for two years, right? In such a situation, you will give priority to the reserve, and if it is not enough, you will place an order with the printing factory. Have you done all of this?"

"...Yes, I'm really sorry—!"

After being scolded so harshly, the young editor immediately bowed deeply, then straightened up and replied:

"All the reserved goods have been shipped, and colleagues from the printing factory are also in contact. Sorry to bother you!"

After speaking, he carefully turned around and walked out.

The old editor-in-chief Suzuki nodded majestically, hummed, then calmly picked up his thermos cup, brought it to his mouth, and said casually.

"By the way, how many orders have been placed in total for the bookstores you mentioned?"

The young editor who was about to walk out of the room suddenly stopped, turned around again, and answered softly in a very respectful tone: "About 100,000 volumes, editor-in-chief."


The old editor Suzuki's hand holding the thermos cup suddenly shook, and a little of the hot tea inside spilled onto his pants.

However, he didn't care about this for the time being. Instead, he put down the cup with a sullen face, looked at the editor with bright eyes, and asked: " much did you just say?"

With everyone watching, the young editor slightly raised his voice and repeated it again.

"Before I came into the conference room, there were a total of 100,000 copies, but there are colleagues answering the phone later, maybe the number will change, editor-in-chief."

In an instant, silence filled the conference room.

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