Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 43 The memory buried in the heart

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shines directly into the old apartment, like a bunch of shiny golden threads, not only illuminating the room, but also a peaceful sleeping face.


Ogihara Sayu's eyelids trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

The golden light spreads out, with the breath of spring, making everything full of vitality.

In the kitchen, a slender figure was busy over there. Hearing Sayu's movement, he turned around slowly, and the magnetic voice resounded in the room.

"Are you awake?" Kato Yusuke walked out of the kitchen with a plate and said to Ogihara Sayu on the bed, "Good morning."

"Yu... introduction?"

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Sayu murmured, "What time is it... Don't you have to go to work?"

The quilt slipped off her body, and her long satin-like brown hair fell down naturally, with a few strands of slumber on her head.

"I have been fired from the part-time job. I told you about this yesterday."

The misty eyes gradually returned to clarity, Sayu blinked, his thick eyelashes fluttering like a small fan. Then--


A cute voice came out of her mouth, and Sayu sat up from the bed at once.

"Morning, how about breakfast?"

"It's ready, you can eat it after you wash up."

"It's done...?" Sayu repeated Kato Yusuke's words, and then his eyes widened in surprise, "Wait, where's the alarm clock? Sorry, I accidentally overslept!"

"There's no need to apologize. I turned off the alarm clock. After all, it's the weekend. I want you to sleep longer, and..." Kato Yusuke paused and said, "You didn't rest last night, okay?"


An intoxicating blush crept up her cheeks, Sayu grabbed the quilt and said while covering her mouth.

"Hey, Yusuke."


"We slept together."

"Correction, it's just lying together, and you forced it up."

Sayu giggled, her round eyes curved into the shape of a crescent moon.

"It's better to be like this in the future, okay?"

Kato Yusuke knelt down on one knee, put the dishes in his hand on the table, and turned his back to Sayu and said, "No, it's a single bed. If you like it, I can give it to you. I'll sleep on the floor."


Sayu dragged Changyin and gently tapped the snow-white lotus feet on Kato Yusuke's back. The high arches, the white and tender soles, the tender lotus-like toes were naughty and raised upwards, and the nails were covered with pink. of luster.

She mumbled softly, "It's not the first time we've slept together, is this necessary?"

"That's just because there was no extra bedding at that time." Kato Yusuke explained lightly.

"Don't you like it?" Sayu said ambiguous: "It's good for the two of us to be together."

"Too crowded and hot, so don't."

Kato Yu introduced concisely, then pointed his finger in the direction of the bathroom, "If you've had enough trouble, hurry up and wash up, and agree to go to the mall today."

"You're really not being frank!"

Sayu said with a puffed face, then pulled away the quilt, jumped on Kato Yusuke's back, bit his ear and said, "Then you carry me."

The muscles of the whole body tensed in an instant, like a current flowing through the whole body, the raised Adam's apple rolled up and down unconsciously, Kato Yusuke took a deep breath and said slowly.

"it is good."

The voice is slightly hoarse.

"You come down first, it makes me very uncomfortable."

"Huh~ is that so?"

Sayu loosened his teeth and laughed, his voice was like an orchid in an empty valley, soft and heartfelt.

"Ahaha, that's really interesting."

She climbed off Kato Yusuke's back,

The already delicate face was filled with a moving smile, which made her look even more radiant.

"I'm going to wash~" She waved her hand and said, "Yusuke just eat first, don't wait for me."

Saying so, he walked towards the bathroom.



The sound of heavy footsteps came from behind, Ogihara Sayu turned her head, and before she could react, a sense of turmoil enveloped her.

When she returned to God again, the whole person had already fallen into one person's arms.

With strong arms passing through her back and her knees, Kato Yusuke hugged Sayu in a princess hug and said.

"I'll take you."

With her slender arms wrapped around the opponent's neck, Sayu stared straight at the pair of black eyes in front of her, with ripples in the amber eyes.


Leaning the head gently on the opponent's shoulder, Sha You said softly.

"...Thank you, it would be better if there was a good morning kiss."


fifteen minutes later

The two sat at the table together and began to enjoy breakfast.

The omelet, rice, and the miso soup left over from last night all look the same. As for the taste...

The ratio of sweetness and saltiness is out of balance, and the texture of the omelet is also a bit dry and hard, not that soft feeling at all.

"It failed."

A sigh came out of his mouth, and Kato Yusuke said a little impressively: "I'm sorry, why don't you go out to eat?"

"Huh, why?"

Sayu wondered, while deftly picking up an omelet with chopsticks and putting it into his mouth, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Hmm—it's delicious."

"No, it won't be delicious at all."

"It's Yusuke being too serious."

"It's your standards that should be raised a little more."

"Don't worry about it." Sayu ate another omelet and said with a smile, "It's okay to change the flavor occasionally, and I really think it's delicious."

"Is it……"

Kato Yusuke said suspiciously, and after eating another omelet, he felt like chewing wax. After swallowing it, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Your cooking skills are really good."

"Ah, yes... is it?"

Sayu's delicate face quickly turned red, she put the bowl in her hand on the table, tilted her head and played with her hair, and said shyly, "It's not as good as you said."

"No, it's really good." Kato Yusuke shook his head, "Sayu's omelets are always delicious."

Hearing Kato Yusuke's words, Sayu's expression suddenly became dazed, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly lost focus.

"Sayu, your omelets are always delicious."

A certain fragment buried in the bottom of my heart quietly revives in my mind, with a bright, cold and cruel color.

A cold tingling sensation hit her stomach, causing her hair to stand on end in an instant, and cold sweat burst out from her forehead.

Before her brain resumed thinking, Ogihara Sayu's body had already reacted instinctively, and she immediately rushed to the toilet.


His throat was burning hot, but his stomach was extremely cold, and Sayu's body kept shaking.

"Are you all right?"

Yuu Kato, who followed, said with a grim face, supporting her shoulder with one hand, and patted her back lightly with the other hand.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Sayu hurriedly waved his hand, pushing his slender palm on Kato Yusuke's body, and said weakly.

"It will... taste... Yusuke... go out first."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said in a gentle and firm tone.

"No matter what happens, I will accompany you, this is a promise."

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