Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Forty-four, the second rejection

A: "She is so beautiful! I like it so much——!!"

B: "I want to be my sister's dog, hahahahaha——!"

C: "Hehe, hehe, I can——!"

Ding: "Woof woof woof woof ww (laughing)."


Shiyu's hands couldn't help but start to tremble, and the ideal E-cup was also rising and falling slightly.

I have never seen such a consistent flow of letters from readers.

There are discussions surrounding the character "Makima"...or confessions.

By the end, she no longer read out the contents of the letters, but would just put them aside with great disgust.

It is said that the three views follow the five senses. This reaction is most vividly reflected in the letters from readers.

Even though the current "Chainsaw Man" has only released the first episode, even though the character Makima has only appeared in a few pages, even readers at this time do not know her name.

However, with the blessing of Kato Yusuke's painting skills, the popularity brought about by his simple but stunning appearance can only be described as amazing.

Coupled with the unexpected line design, the effect is simply outstanding.

——Sizhai Steamed Goose Heart.

Shiyu couldn't help but comment like this, very angry at these letters that made her embarrassed.

Seeing her agitated mood, Kato Yusuke went to the vending machine outside and bought two cans of Max coffee and stopped her from taking it apart.

He himself continued to read the letter without any trouble.

Shiyu rested for a while and relaxed his mood, but couldn't help but start opening the letter again.

For no other reason than that she just wanted to be a part of his work, just as he had been a part of hers.

Together we share the world we created, share honor and joy, live a fulfilling life every day, and gain recognition in the process.

That's all.

"It's magical!", "Evil comics!", "You call this a hot-blooded comic? It's so bizarre!", "Rebellious", "Absurd and bizarre"...

In addition to the surprisingly unanimous support for Makima, readers have mixed opinions on the comics, both good and bad.

The girl showed unexpected sensitivity in this regard. When she saw letters praising her works, she would happily show them to him, and when she saw letters that criticized her works, she would mercilessly use her venomous words.

He looks more like the original author than himself.

And such emotional behavior is a very draining thing.

When the letter was about a third of the way through, Shiyu couldn't help but yawned, "Huh..." and felt the tiredness from staying up late last night also come up.

Seeing her tired face, Kato Yusuke said: "If you are tired, you can go and rest, Shiyu-senpai."

"Eh?" Shiyu couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and said subconsciously: "But letters from readers..."

"I can just watch it myself." Kato Yusuke interrupted her, "You can go and rest on the sofa over there."

"...Really?" Shiyu blinked, glanced at the couch at the far end of the conference room, then looked at him and said:

"Now that you say so, I will take a break without any courtesy."


Roon, roam, roam.

The girl moved the steel chair backwards and stood up from her seat. She walked to the sofa with light steps and sat down on it.


The soft cotton sofa supported the girl's body and sunk slightly downward.


Shiyu's body slowly relaxed, and then he looked at the figure on the conference table, with some thoughts filling his wine-red eyes.

"Hey, Kato-san."


"As expected, I still want to continue reading letters with you."

She gently grasped the left hand on the sofa, and the girl said in a soft voice that seemed to melt in the wind: "...Can I trouble you to come over here?"


Kato Yusuke suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her voice.

What catches the eye is a plump and delicate body wrapped in the dark blue autumn system.

Her glossy black hair hangs down like a black waterfall, and she wears a simple and elegant white headband.

The hemispherical E-cup is tightened by the sweater, emphasizing the graceful and charming curves.

The tail of the light sailor skirt is traced with two thick and thin white lines, covering the round and plump thighs. The deep black pantyhose glowed with a white light under the light.

"…over there?"

"Well, sit on the sofa and watch."

After thinking for a few seconds, Kato Yusuke thought it was okay and nodded in reply, then stood up from his seat with the box in his arms and came to the sofa.

"Sit here."


Shiyu moved her body to the side to make room for him. He sat down on the left side of the sofa and placed the box on the armrest.

I just put the box down and haven't even turned around yet...

Crack, rustle.

Along with the slight sound of the clothes rubbing together, there was suddenly a little extra weight on the thigh.

Kato Yusuke's body froze.

"... Phew... I'm so tired, just let me lie down like this." Shiyu, who took off her shoes and lay down, rested her head on his thigh and said a little tiredly.

The fragrance of the herbal series of shampoos floats into the nose faintly, and is mixed with the fragrant and suitable fragrance of gerbera flowers, which is fragrant.

"...Senior Shiyu."

Kato Yusuke recited something in a low voice, his eyes fell on her face covered by her hair, and she was silent for two or three seconds, but did not say anything after all.

He reached into the cardboard box on the left and was about to take out a new letter from it, but the girl suddenly spoke.

"...Hey, why would you draw such a work? Yuu-chan."

Kato Yusuke didn't know her intention, but he still gave the answer truthfully, "To make money."

"Obviously you can make a girl willingly take care of you with just your face~?"

Shiyu first teased, then asked: "I think your work is very special, can you tell me about it?"

Seeing that she had no intention of reading the letter, Yusuke reduced the two letters he originally planned to take to one. While opening the letter, he casually asked: "What do you want to know, senior?"

"Generally speaking, the protagonist of this kind of heroic story will have a goal, right? Such as strength, money, reputation, etc."


"Set an expected goal for readers and develop it step by step to gradually meet the audience's expectations. This is the traditional story design concept."


So Shiyu said again: "But you don't seem to have such a plan, nor do you design a specific goal for the protagonist. Why?"

Kato Yusuke put the letter he had read aside, picked up another one, and explained:

"'Chainsaw Man' shows a protagonist who goes with the flow and changes with the changes in the environment. He does not have such a specific goal."

"...There is no specific goal." Shiyu repeated his words and said with a smile: "How do you feel that it is a bit similar to you now?"


Kato Yusuke remained silent, neither admitting nor denying.

Rustle, rustle...

The soft body moved carefully, rubbing against his trousers.

Shiyu changed into a comfortable posture and continued to ask: "So based on this, what kind of story do you want to express?

Is it to expose the evil of human nature through the theme of demons? Or is he a little person in a fantasy world, struggling in despair? "


Kato Yusuke shook his head and responded thoughtfully.

"What "Chainsaw Man" wants to show is a little warmth under the appearance of darkness and thorns, and it is easier to show the best and worst of people in a desperate environment."

"There is no absolute black or white in the world. Every soul in the world is half human and half ghost. This work has no dogma or formula. It simply tells the story of a person's journey from physiological needs to self-realization from the perspective of the character. process."

As the words settled, there was a sudden silence in the conference room.

"Hey, Yuu-chan."

Shiyu rolled her body and looked up at him. Her face was slightly hot, and the light in her eyes was like stars falling on the seabed, dense and bright.

"...You know? This special thing about you is what makes my heart move the most."

"Just discussing the work, nothing special." Kato Yusuke said calmly.

"--not like this."

Shiyu shook his head gently, tracing his angular jawline, tall nose, deep eyes and long eyelashes with his eyes...

Time seemed to stand still quietly.

Her eyes gradually became blurred, and the excitement in her heart made her couldn't help but reach out her hand, gently put it on his cheek, and then said softly: "Even if it is a work, it is also a work created by you."

As the cold catkins touched his cheek, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but stop breathing. He then raised his hand to push the girl's hand away and lowered his eyes.

Staring at that jade-like face.

A hint of complexity flashed from the depths of his eyes, and then became obscured again.

"I've almost read the letter. You can go home, senior."

"...Because Kato-san is waiting for you?"

Shiyu didn't wait for his answer, but took her hand and murmured: "I know she is taking care of you. Although I can't cook like her, I have the ability to support you..."

A blank moment enveloped the two of them.

The girl pursed her lower lip tightly and grasped his hand hard, her slender fingertips turning slightly white.


Facing those gently trembling wine-red eyes.

Kato Yusuke was silent for a while, then he gently put down his hand, moved her hair away from her eyes, and spoke in a calm and firm tone.

"You have a better choice, Senior Shiyu."


Shiyu turned her body in silence, facing his body, lowering her head to see clearly the expression on her face, her voice was slightly hoarse: "Is this...the second rejection?"

He didn't hear any answer, which was considered the default.

The girl quickly let go of his hand and put her hands in front of her face, as if taking a rest.

After a while, her body began to tremble slightly.

He was sensitively aware of this, but remained silent.

There are things Yusuke Kato cannot give because he himself is also incomplete.

From the moment he lost the important person, he felt that he had also lost the ability to love.

The warmer the body is, the more it reminds him of the warmth he once had with Sayu.

He had no intention of accepting a new relationship with a broken mentality and letting others become Sayu's substitute.

Whether it's Megumi or Shiyu-senpai.

The two of them are neither Akane Kurisaka, who has fixed views and a will as strong as iron, nor Shinjoka, who hopes to gain value from him.

Facing them, he couldn't act calmly like he did with those two people.

There are completely different concepts between the two.

Kato Yusuke quietly smoothed away some of the fluctuations in his heart, and the expression on his face became calm again.

He looked at the girl lying on top of him who was trembling slightly and seemed to be sobbing.

He couldn't help but move his lips, preparing to say something.

However, the other party took the initiative to speak the next second.

"...Hey, Yuu-chan."

Shiyu lowered his voice and asked with a trembling voice: "The way we are now...doesn't it look like I'm burying my face in your butt from a certain angle?"

The sudden turn temporarily stopped his thinking.

A series of question marks popped up from Kato Yusuke's head.

While his thoughts were paused, the other party also slowly sat up holding his legs.

The smooth hair is slightly messy, the snow-white cheeks are slightly rosy, and the small lips are like ripe cherries.

"Well~~~I'm almost done resting."

The girl gently folded her hands, stretched her backhand forward, and stretched like a begonia flower that had just awakened, beautiful and moving.

After coming back to his senses, Kato Yusuke watched her bend down, put her feet into the small leather shoes on the ground, and gently lifted the heels.

Because of his previous rejection, he didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Shiyu himself didn't seem to take it to heart. He just said that he had to go to the bathroom, and then left the room with a bang.

As the door of the conference room was gently closed with a click, the room became quiet again.

Kato Yusuke sat on the sofa for a while, leaned back, raised an arm to cover his eyes, and looked at the ceiling quietly.

The bright incandescent lamp shone above his head and shone in his eyes, which were filled with dark colors and seemed to be in a trance.

After that, he didn't wait for the girl to come back from the bathroom.

After packing up the reader survey, Kato Yusuke picked up the cardboard box, said hello to Machida Enko, and left the Immortal River Building on his own.

Take the train from Jimbocho, ride all the way home to a nearby station, and then head towards the apartment.

The dark blue sky has reached the entrance to the night, and sparse stars hang overhead, faintly illuminating the road underfoot.

Kato Yusuke thought about what Sayu once mentioned, the park where Mami took him to, and it was said that he could see the sky full of stars, and his mood became a little heavy.

If Sayu was still here, they might have eaten together at home during this time, walked together on the street near the apartment, or simply spent time together at home.

Two completely opposite emotions emerged in my heart at the same time.

A feeling of longing quietly began to grow, making him want to fly to Hokkaido immediately to see the person he wanted to see.

But there is another kind of absolute calmness and reason that is stopping him.

He stopped suddenly, and the expression on his face changed for a while, then returned to normal after a few minutes.

He walked back to the empty apartment with steps that were neither light nor heavy.

Eat alone and bathe alone.

Turn off the lights and go to bed earlier than usual.

While staring at the dark ceiling, she hugged the black cat nestled on her chest.

His eyelids gradually closed with consciousness.

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