Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

46. ​​Tutorials in the library

Private Toyosaki Academy on Wednesday.

Although the sports meeting is over, the work is not, it has even become more.

Because they have to vote for next year's sports events, the student union's work will be heavier in the second week.

Everyone is busy.

For example, in addition to counting polls, the student union is also responsible for reviewing which sports are prone to injuries in this sports meeting and excluding these sports from the next sports meeting.

This is a job that tests coordination skills very much.

Especially when the students learned that the obstacle race event would be canceled next year, they made a fuss about it all day long, and they just didn't agree with it anyway.

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything about this, he just discussed it again internally, and the main person he asked was Eiri.

Although Yingli said that he was injured that day because he was impatient, he still made a decision after thinking about it.

The end result was that the obstacle course was retained, but the single-plank bridge was eliminated.

Seeing that the entire project was not cancelled, the students also stopped making noise.

After all, after witnessing the cutest girl in the school being injured, who can bear to let this happen again?

As a result, the plan was quickly unanimously approved by the entire school.

Then there's the duo's horse-riding battle.

At someone's will, the next year's jousting became a traditional foursome, with men and women separated.

The stated reason is that the two-person horseback riding battle is not only prone to injuries, but the mixed-gender method is also very unfriendly to girls.

Although the boys regretted this, this decision was supported by the vast majority of girls.

Therefore, this resolution was passed quickly and without any trouble.

In the final analysis, sports meetings must always adhere to the principle of "safety first, friendship second, and competition third", so everything must put safety first.

Including the horse riding competition next year, before participating, we will also carefully check whether the participants have a fear of heights or other conditions, and only allow participation if there are no problems.

But during the busiest week of the student union, the vice-president, who had always been reliable, suddenly asked for leave. Although the impact of this could not be called a headache, it was still a bit confusing.

At least for Kato Yusuke, this feeling is particularly obvious.

From the beginning, the two of them only had each other in the student union, but later they joined Shiyu, Eiriri, Shinjoka...

During this process, he had long been accustomed to her assistance, and Hui had been standing silently behind him, helping him with each task in such a simple yet meticulous manner.

Even during the two weeks when he was away, the other party maintained the operation of the student union and handled all matters in the school on his behalf, and he did a good job.

Therefore, after suddenly lacking the help of a girl, Kato Yusuke suddenly became very uncomfortable.

Just take the investigation of sports events as an example. If Yuhui is present, what will usually be handed over to him will be a summarized and organized document.

The only thing he needs to do is to check whether there are any errors or inappropriate places, and then sign his name.

Now, he not only needs to list the collected questionnaires separately, but also needs to compile the survey results into tables by himself.

Although they are just small things, it still takes some effort and time to deal with them.

Eiriri couldn't help in this matter. Although Shinjoka wanted to help, he refused.

Considering that similar situations may occur in the future, Kato Yusuke felt that he needed to get used to it as soon as possible.

Why did that Kato-san ask for leave?

After Shiyu asked this question, Kato Yusuke was silent for a while and said something unclear.

As he said this, what came to mind was what happened on Monday afternoon, that is, the day Akane Benisaka came to the door.

After eating that "magic" tomato beef brisket that day, Megumi quickly said goodbye, while Akane Kurisaka left a little earlier than her.

Kato Yusuke was not sure whether the girl noticed something, but he was aware that the other party was angry, but he did not take the initiative to explain anything.

So the next day, Hui didn't come to the student union.

Not only that, even after school, he would pack up his things in a hurry, and quickly get up and leave the classroom as the evening class meeting ended, as if he was running away from him.

This kind of behavior clearly gave off the aura of not wanting to be disturbed, so Kato Yusuke did not step forward to disturb him.

As for the explanation he gave for not receiving benefits, everyone had different reactions.

Ying Lili directly asked the person involved in the student union's contact group, but did not receive a reply.

Shinjoka lowered his head with twinkling eyes. Although he knew exactly what happened in the class and knew that he was lying, he did not point it out.

Shiyu looked at him with suspicion, secretly guessing the truth behind this.

Kato Yusuke ignored their reactions and came to the library alone with the compiled questionnaires, preparing to use the computers here to print out the forms.

Although students were not allowed to enter the library after school, he still got the key successfully with the privileges of the student council president.

He walked along the rows of tall bookshelves to the corner of the library, sat down in front of a machine in the back of the computer area, and leaned over to press the power button on the chassis under the table.


The machine made a heavy breathing sound.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the computer screen lit up and entered the system desktop.

Kato Yusuke reached out to hold the mouse, moved it to the excel icon, and double-clicked the left button.

The computer configuration in the library is average, and it took about six or seven seconds to successfully open the program.

Although you can't play games, it's still fine if you just use it for office work. Besides, the computers in the school don't have games installed.

While waiting, I took out my phone and took a look at the line group.

【Student Union Contact Group (5)】

[Eiri: Megumi Why didn’t Megumi come to the student union for two days in a row? Is there something wrong with your body? 】(Read 4)

Of course no one responded below.

There are five members of the student council, and four people have read this message.

Based on the analysis of the situation, the person who has not read is basically the person involved.

Kato Yusuke put the phone aside, picked up the paper version of the statistical results, and began to enter the above content into the computer.

Snap, snap, snap, snap...

Slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, and the sound echoed quietly in the empty library.


The girl's sudden and gentle fragrance came from behind, and her outstretched hands hugged his neck intimately.


Yusuke's hand movements paused slightly, and Shinjoka's smiling voice sounded.

"Can I sit next to you?"

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly and agreed, "Sit down and read out the content on the paper to me."


Shinjoka happily agreed, pulled a seat from the side and sat down next to him, stretched out his hands to take the questionnaires he handed over, and sorted them out.

"Let's take a look~ Wow, this person's handwriting is so ugly, but Yusuke's handwriting is more beautiful~"

Kato Yusuke, who was about to type, put down his hand, turned around, and said expressionlessly: "Don't call me by that name."

"I'm just joking~President." Shinjoka took out the lollipop in his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and then changed his name back to the normal name.

"Well~ First of all, the first item. Someone proposed to hold a carp streamer dance at next year's opening ceremony."

“I’ve recorded that one and jumped directly to the project part.”

"Hmm, what's the matter...ah, someone wants to hold a support battle as a group."

Snap, snap, snap.

Kato Yusuke said while typing on the keyboard: "Speak clearly, or finish your candy quickly."

Upon hearing this, Shinjoka took out his lollipop again and put it to his mouth in a playful manner.

"But there's still a lot of this, why don't you, President, help me eat it?"

"I'm not interested in sweets."

"That's what I say~~ But when you're in a bad mood, sweets can improve your mood, right?"


Kato Yusuke glanced back at her, and the other party gave him a charming smile. The pink lips looked crystal clear, and he didn't know whether it was because he applied lip balm or was moistened by his tongue. They had a honey-like luster. .


Shinjoka tilted her head slightly, moved the lollipop forward a little, and touched it to his lips, and smiled broadly the next second she saw him open his mouth and eat it.

"Continue." Kato Yusuke said in a muffled voice, the lollipop in his mouth melting into a sweet strawberry milk flavor.

"Follow the order??~ Then someone proposed to hold a group confrontation project between clubs."

Snap, snap, snap.

"The next event is the relay race between the cultural club and the sports club. In addition to the baton, the contestants also need to carry an item that symbolizes their club... Wow, the baseball club actually has to wear a complete set of catcher's protective gear, haha. This is so interesting~~~!”

Snap, snap, snap.

Without the obstructive lollipop, the efficiency of Xintiaoxiang is much faster than before.

The two of them were reciting and typing, and their cooperation was pretty good, except for the fact that Shinjoka gossiped too much.

Ten minutes passed like this.

All the content has been entered, and all that is left is to adjust the form according to the format.

Kato Yusuke then said: "I will do the rest myself, you can go back."

"I don't want it." Shinjoka shook his head repeatedly and said in a coy voice: "I'll just wait here for the president, can't I?"

Seeing her insistence, Yusuke followed her.

Click, click, click.

The sounds of the mouse and keyboard came and went.

Shinjoka watched him work for a while, and soon lost interest. She began to look around boredly, and put her hand into the pocket of her skirt, trying to take out something to eat.

The last lollipop has been sacrificed to the breeder, but there are still two bags of popping candies, just enough for each person.

So she prepared to give one of the bags to the breeder beside her.

But just when she was about to speak, an idea flashed in her mind, and she suddenly thought of the conversation she had with Chiyo and Rika one day.

The content of the conversation was lackluster, and it was basically just clichés about Uraraka complaining about her boyfriend's incompetence, but a certain sex act mentioned in it was quite interesting.

Shinjoka stopped when she thought of this. First she looked at the popping candy in her palm, and then she looked at the breeder beside her.

His eyes flickered slightly...

The computer area of ​​the library is located in the corner of the library and is blocked by tall bookshelves. It is in the blind spot of surveillance and is a quite hidden location. Therefore, students who skip classes sometimes come here to sleep to avoid the teacher. inspection...

Click, click, click.

The sound of the mouse and keyboard continued to sound.

Rustling, rustling...

The girl made a slight noise and hid under the table.

Kato Yusuke, who was sorting out the excel spreadsheet, suddenly stopped and glanced down at the table.


Shinjoka raised a finger in front of her lips and whispered, "President, I'll treat you to some candy."

There's something wrong with this guy's brain.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think of this, but after a few seconds, he arched his body and began to concentrate on his work.

"Speaking of which... President?"

Shinjoka's voice rose and fell: "About the vice president's matter... Well, what should we do?"

"……what do you mean."

"I just want to ask, if the president is willing, I can try to invite the vice president back..."

Beep bang.

Kato Yusuke slowly clenched his fists, took a deep breath, feeling like he was experiencing a desert storm, and then said in a deep voice: " your job well, and don't worry about the rest."

"Hmm, that's it."

Shinjoka nodded her head repeatedly and spoke with a nasal sound, "Hehe, then I know, chirpy~"

After that, he said no more words.

Kato Yusuke was absentmindedly tapping and controlling the mouse and keyboard, remembering what happened the day before yesterday in his mind.

He couldn't help but think about whether he would have given a truthful answer if Kei had asked him about the matter with Akane Benisaka.

This question was answered dozens of seconds later.

He thought about those eyes as beautiful as the autumn night sky, and it was really hard to imagine lying in front of the other person, as if there was an instinct in his heart that resisted doing so.

If the girl could ask, he would tell.

Kato Yusuke felt this subconsciously, his eyes gradually lost focus, and his dark pupils began to slowly dilate.

Thunderbolt, beep bang.

The sound of popping candy jumping is like a freshly opened bottle of ice-cold soda, with the sound of fresh bubbles dancing gently in your ears.

He stared at the computer screen in front of him, unconsciously moving the mouse and typing the keyboard, but could not perform any effective operation for a long time.

His thoughts drifted uncontrollably to the sky.

at the same time……

The door to the library was also opened quietly, and a foot gently poked its way in.

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