Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Fifty-eight, stay, nicknames, and guidance

The night outside the window is hazy.

Standing in front of the window and looking out, it is the entire night view of Hehe City.

A three-minute walk from the Hehe Jefferson Hotel is the Hehe City Station.

As the frequency of trams has been significantly reduced, the number of pedestrians walking out of the station has become sparse, and there are almost no people entering the station.

From a distance, it looks like scattered ants crawling.

It was eight o'clock in the evening when Kato Yusuke arrived in Hehe City.

It took about an hour to find Shiu and meet up with Machida Enko.

After they finished talking about work, it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

And's already 11:20 p.m.

There is only one train left before the last train to Tokyo.

As the tallest building in front of the station, the scenery is unobstructed from the window.

In this commuter residential area a little way from the city center, the lights are slowly fading from around the station.

Compared with the brightly lit Tokyo, this Hehe City has a different quiet style. The sound insulation facilities inside the hotel are complete, so quiet that you can't hear any sounds from outside.

Whether it’s vehicles passing through intersections, shops still open, or pedestrians walking on the streets.

Even if they can be seen, their voices cannot reach here, as if they are isolated in another world.

Swish, swish.


The sound of a girl taking a shower echoed clearly.

The air conditioner in the room is turned on very well.

In such an environment.

Once you stand motionless for a long time, goosebumps will instinctively appear on your exposed skin.

The corners of the room are dotted with weak and soft lights. There is not enough light, and only the lowest level of visual illumination is maintained, creating an atmosphere suitable for sleeping.

Kato Yusuke walked from the window to the center of the room and sat down on the edge of the spacious and soft bed. I took out my phone and took a look. It clearly displayed the current Tokyo time.


But the sound of bathing in the bathroom was still making a leisurely sound.

So he put the phone back into his pocket.

He sighed helplessly.

By now, he no longer had any hope of returning to Tokyo tonight.

The last tram will leave on time at 11:40.

Judging from the current situation, even the girl immediately came out of the bathroom, changed her clothes and set off.

Even if it only takes three minutes from the hotel to the station, there is no way we can make it in time. Because of this, he gave up the idea.

If there are any other questions worth thinking about, that is why Machida Enko downstairs hasn’t come up yet.

The suitcase at your feet has already been packed.

Including the previous uniform that was soaked by the rain, it was also folded and put away in the cloth bag provided by the hotel. It's a pity that now it is mostly in vain.

Kato Yu introduced and ended his thinking. At present, it seems that staying in Hehe City tonight is a foregone conclusion, and there are two countermeasures.

1. Go to an Internet cafe and spend the whole night drawing comics and watching movies. If you are tired, go to bed. 2. Get another room in the hotel and wait until you leave tomorrow morning.

Compared to the previous option, Yusuke himself prefers the second option.

After all, you have to go out to go to an Internet cafe, and it is still raining outside, and not every Internet cafe has a shower room, so how to take a shower becomes a problem.

As for spending one night in the same room with Senior Shiyu, he didn't want it to develop into that.

Kato Yusuke stopped when he thought of this, then moved from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, and used the landline phone on the bedside table to finish making a call to the hotel front desk.

Toot~, toot~, toot.

Perhaps because it was late, the phone rang two or three times before someone answered it with a pop.

Hello, this is the front desk, how can I help you?"

After Yusuke expressed his desire to open another room, the other party responded in a very apologetic tone.

.Ah, do you want to check in? I am really sorry for this guest, because

There is an event held at a bookstore in the distance today, and due to the rain, we currently have no vacancies. Is there anything else I can help you with?

There was a pause.

.No, not anymore.

"Yes, sorry, bye then."


After hanging up the phone, Kato Yusuke let out a sigh and had to bring up the Internet cafe option that had been put aside again, and then used his mobile phone to search for Internet cafes in the distance.

The sound of the shower in the bathroom stopped unconsciously.

The time came to 11:40, which happened to be the departure time of the last train, and there were still 20 minutes until early morning.

A click.

The sound of the door opening suddenly sounded, and Er Jin's footsteps came from the door.

The girl's lazy and sexy voice sounded the next second.

Sorry for the waitting.

Kato Yusuke raised his head and glanced, then "immediately" lowered his eyelids and looked away three seconds later.

Wet hair, moist eyes, rosy cheeks, gently swaying eyes, and a graceful body wrapped in a short white bathrobe...

Pat pat pat pat, the girl walked over slowly.

"Sorry, I sweated a lot from running around during the day and got caught in the rain, which made me very uncomfortable, so it took a little longer."

Creaking. The bed groaned unwillingly.

The humid air approaches quickly.

Without saying anything, Ji Guan just naturally sat down on the bed next to Yusuke and put the clothes he had taken off aside.

Even though Kato Yusuke lowered his gaze, some scenery entered his field of vision.

A pair of beautiful legs protruding from under the white bathrobe are rough and slender, making people want to stare closely at them.

The graceful lines of the thighs and calves exude a sexy charm, and the toes lightly stepping on the carpet are irresistible.

Maybe it was because I wasn't wearing pantyhose.

When Ji Guan's bare legs appear in front of you, it makes people feel even more different. It brings a strong visual contrast, which is impressive.

"Qin, Yuu-chan.

While Shiyu wrapped her long black hair in a towel to wipe the moisture, she asked casually: "Do you want to take a shower too?"

The tone is dense and special, just like asking you what you want to eat, but in the ears of the person involved, it has a completely different effect and meaning.

Kato Yusuke slowly raised his head and observed the girl next to him.

Ji Guanzheng was seen raising his head slightly, with a relaxed smile on his face, wiping his hair and looking sideways at him.

The slightly open neckline reveals fair and rosy skin, and the semicircular E-cup curve is so graceful and heart-stopping that it is as delicate as white jade.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shiyu asked teasingly: "What's wrong? Are you fascinated by your sexy girlfriend?"

As he spoke, he leaned a little closer to him, and the distance between the two was barely less than a punch.

The fragrance of herbal shampoo, the fragrance of milk shower gel after bathing, and the body temperature of the skin that can slightly delay the chill in the excessive air-conditioning.

Everything is gently diffused and wrapped up.

Kato Yusuke moved his nose slightly and asked instead of answering: "So, this is what senior sister said. Just rinse it off. Does it wash quickly?'

"I didn't pay much attention to the time when I was taking a shower. So, what time is it now?" "Eleven forty-five."

"Huh? Isn't that the last bus?" Shiyu Zhuangruo asked in surprise.

"When you come out, the last train should have just left." Kato Yusuke continued fiercely: "Miss Machida doesn't know why, but she hasn't come up yet."

"So, you even missed the last train?"

"indeed so.'

"You are really stupid

"You could have urged me to come out earlier, right? That's what I thought, but you never said anything, which made me think there was still plenty of time." Ji Guan blinked and said.

When Yusuke heard this, he was startled at first, and then immediately frowned. Although his words seemed to be a slap in the face, he did not knock on the door to urge him.

There is so much going on today.

The ordinary relationship with the girl and the ordinary occasion made him instinctively considerate.

Therefore, when Ji Guan was taking a shower, in order to avoid hearing too many noises, he would try to stay by the window at the far end of the room and pack his luggage.

After that, I just sat back and watched as time continued to pass until the train was completely delayed, and many opportunities were missed out of thin air.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but pursed his lips when he thought of this, feeling slightly angry at himself.

The girl continued to ask: "Well, now that the matter has come to this, do you want to just stay here?"

"No, I'm going to spend the night at an Internet cafe. Senior, please have a good rest." Kato Yusuke said and was about to stand up, but Shiyu pulled his sleeve.

"Why? Didn't you promise me? Can't you stay with me at this time?" Yusuke Kato tilted his head to look at her and said in a slightly lower voice: "I have thought about getting another room, but this hotel There was no room available, and I didn't check in. Normally, I was not allowed to enter the room.

Shiyu suddenly smiled sadly: "About this, you are already a guest staying here, Yuu-chan.

What's the meaning?"

"Actually, when Ms. Machida went to the bathroom just now, she had already checked you in at the counter. This is the text message she sent. If you don't believe it, you can read it yourself~"

After finishing speaking, she picked up her mobile phone from the clothes she put aside and showed Machida Enko's email.

[Ms. Machida: I have completed the check-in procedures for Mr. Kato. We will meet at the front desk at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. During this time, I have no idea what you are doing.

Good night~


After reading the email, Kato Yusuke raised his head and turned his gaze to the girl. He instantly understood where her confidence came from and why she was so comfortable and calm.

Since Ji Guantian went to the bathroom and the email Shiyu sent during that period, the two of them had probably planned this matter, and everything that followed was basically a double act.

Including going upstairs to pick up the luggage after that, Ji Guan's suggestion to take a shower even though he knew it was time to relax, and Machida Enko not going upstairs to check the situation at all...

The purpose is very clear.

The purpose is to make him miss the last tram and make him "fatestaynight".

Regarding the reasons why the two of them did this.

Kato Yusuke knew one and could recommend the other, and then spoke in a stiff tone.

“If this kind of thing is known to the senior’s family, it will cause a crisis of trust.

There was a smile hidden in Shiyu's burgundy eyes, and she gave him a charming look in return as she talked eloquently.

"I'm trustworthy, always top in school, never in trouble, never stood up to my parents, so they don't think so

"What about the disappearances and sleepovers?'

"Of course I won't worry them about deliberately disappearing. As for accommodation, whenever I come to this city, I stay here. They just know this."

"Including the current situation?"

"Yeah, I think they might faint if they see this situation~"

Shiyu said with a smile in a crooning voice, and naturally rested her head lightly on his shoulder, leaning her whole body weight on him.

.Senior Shiyu. "Kato Yusuke said in a deep voice, thinking about the following words.

, but she pinched her lips tightly

"This mouth is full of unspeakable things."

The slender fingertips exuded the fresh and elegant smell of cedar, and pulled his lips slightly.

"Basically, although I don't hate you calling me "Senpai", you should change your taste every now and then, right? Even if it's just in private, Junior-kun. ’

When Shiyu said this, his tone rarely sounded like coquettishness, but it also contained a little bit of imperceptible sadness and grievance.

Kato Yusuke's words stopped in his throat, and then he raised his hand to push her hand away, "Then what do you want to hear, senior?

"What this means is, are you willing to scream whatever I say?"

"At least something that's not too shocking, I'll consider it.'

"Is that so? Then, sweetheart, dear, dear girlfriend, wife, wife." You can't say it too shockingly. You've gone too far.

"Yusuke, you are not pretending..." Shiyu mumbled softly.

"Senior is too stubborn, but before you have all the fun, I will try my best to cooperate with you within a certain range until the end." Kato Yusuke's tone was neither light nor serious, and he meant something.

Shiyu couldn't help but be silent for a moment,

.If you think the above is too much, you can

You can call me by my name directly, or you can call me Xiaoshi like Miss Machida. "

"I know, then Ji Guan."

"Call again.


“I also want to hear it, this time with some emotion, without this exciting feeling like the character is dead.

" should I do it?"

"....What a fool, let me teach you.

Ji Guan slowly raised his head, moved his mouth to his ear, and murmured and blew into it: "I love you, Yusuke." ’

The moment the words reached my ears.

The listener is in a trance, and time seems to have suddenly frozen.

The child enters and fills the room.

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