Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Sixty-four, appearing holy in front of others

"What? Is your plan worth 100 million?" Akane Benisaka sneered after hearing his words.

"It's the copyright of "Chainsaw Man" plus the project."

Kato Yusuke first corrected her statement, and then affirmed: "As for that plan, at least the final market size will not be less than 30 billion."

Bang, there was a sound of something falling to the ground.

The two of them looked subconsciously and saw the middle-aged man behind the bar smiling sheepishly. He threw the sushi he picked up into the trash can and began to wash his hands.

"I said boy."

Akane Hongsaka sighed with a look of trouble: "If you are sick or have a fever, go to the hospital. This is not a place like that. Besides, I don't know how to take care of people."

After finishing speaking, she turned around from the chair, leaned forward, and fixed Yusuke's head with both hands while placing her forehead against his.

"...What's the matter? Isn't this a fever?"

When she muttered in a low voice and stepped back, a faint smell of alcohol floated into Kato Yusuke's nose, which was also mixed with the fragrance of some cosmetics.

Kato Yusuke observed her face. Her impatient face was filled with blush after drinking. Her skin was smooth and translucent, and she looked younger than she originally looked.

"I don't joke much."

Akane Benisaka didn't even turn her body back, she just put her right elbow on the bar and crossed her legs.

The gentle hem of the skirt is lifted up, revealing the slender legs wrapped in black silk. The right foot resting on them is swaying slightly, and the five toes are close together, looming under the hazy black gauze.

"You're not kidding, are you trying to paint a picture on me? The problem is that even if you lie, you have to follow basic logic, right?"

Kato Yusuke picked up the sea urchin sushi with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

"I don't need to lie to you about this kind of thing. Besides, a phenomenal work cannot be created by following logic. Whether it can achieve such a large scale and influence depends on your future operations. "

The fresh sea urchin seems to be beating in the mouth without any fishy smell.

Seeing that he always insisted on this statement, Benisaka Akane lowered his shoulders as if giving up, and said helplessly:

"Instead of talking about that missing project, I think you should talk about "Chainsaw Man" and try to convince me, right?"

"If I want to say... you like this work, don't you? Compared with money, it is more in line with your aesthetics and pursuit of challenge to let such interesting works take on a new life in your own hands, isn't it?"

"Hoo~ You even use a pretentious word like "aesthetics". Are you trying to flatter me? Or are you brainwashing me? "

"I'm just telling the truth... In addition, if you can draw a doujinshi without causing trouble, I can try to flatter you."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha--"

Akane Hongsaka laughed loudly and denied it without thinking: "No, don't even think about that."

She took a sip of the wine as she spoke, as if she found it very interesting, then glanced at Kato Yusuke's untouched cup and asked, "Why don't you drink?"

Kato Yusuke followed her gaze and responded calmly: "It won't be too late for me to drink after we finish talking."

"Huh? You're annoying me with your blabbering. Come here and listen." Akane Hongsaka hooked her finger and gestured for him to come closer, as if she had something to say.

Kato Yusuke had no doubt that he was there. After all, the person in front of him was elusive and could not be measured by common sense, so he tilted his face slightly and listened.

The corners of Akane Kurisaka's mouth raised slightly, she stretched out her right hand to pick up his cup, poured the wine inside into her mouth, and held it in her mouth.

Then she hugged Yusuke's head again, and before he could react, she put her red lips wet with wine directly on his mouth, and passed the wine in his mouth.

——Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo.

The middle-aged man's eyelids twitched twice when he caught this scene with his peripheral vision, and then he immediately lowered his gaze and looked at his nose and heart. He turned a blind eye to all this and turned a deaf ear to it. He just dealt with the grilled conger eel in his hand with peace of mind.

It lasted about three or four seconds.

"Pfft." Akane Kurisaka slowly let go of her lips and stepped back, "...Don't be stupid, how can you talk to me without drinking?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at her casually, and casually rubbed his lips with the thumb of his right hand, wiping off the wine and lipstick on them.

"Why, little auntie wants it?"

Such movements and tone are a little careless and ruffian, but also a little uninhibited, sexy, and seductive.

Akane Benisaka narrowed her eyes slightly to look at him, and there was a faint flash of light inside. Then she pursed her lips and said lazily: "Watch your words, kid."

Kato Yusuke ignored her, his eyes swept over the fullness of her chest and the thighs under her skirt, with a vague look of aggression in his unfocused eyes.

The dim yellow light shines above his head, illuminating his face. Slightly raised brow bone, long eyelashes, high bridge of nose, and an angular curve of the mandible.

A black Off-White short-sleeved shirt was worn on his body, outlining smooth and toned curves, vaguely highlighting his perfect figure under the clothes.

Akane Benisaka clicked her tongue inwardly, suddenly thinking of his toughness again, a hint of charm appeared in her expression.

"Did the wine you just drank taste good?"

"The wine is good, but it smells like an uncle."


"Ahem...Ahem, sorry, your grilled conger eels are ready."

The middle-aged man behind the bar coughed twice, placed the freshly prepared food in front of them, and then continued working on the next dish.

The eels cut into small pieces are evenly placed on the plate. The ingredients include sea salt, lemon, mustard, plum sauce, and yuzu pepper. The richness is so dazzling that it is very unfriendly to those who have trouble choosing.

Kato Yusuke picked up the chopsticks, picked up a small piece of eel, dipped it in salt, then put it into his mouth and started chewing it.

The grilled conger eel has a crispy skin and soft meat, with a hint of burnt aroma. Just garnished with salt, it is already very delicious.

Akane Kurisaka also took a piece of eel, but it was dipped in sweet and sour plum sauce, and after swallowing the food, she spoke.

"Then, let's get back to business. Let's not mention your plan. The reasons you have given so far cannot convince me. Either quote a reasonable price, or come up with something more convincing."

"What do you want to see?"

"You are the one selling the copyright now, so this is something you need to consider... Having said that, you need to report the most basic plot direction to me first, and I will judge whether there will be a collapse later. .”

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and decided to come up with some useful information, so he was about to speak, but Akane Kurisaka suddenly made a stopping gesture.

"Wait a minute, you don't want to just dictate it, do you?"

"if not?"

"For us comic writers, storyboards are more convincing than words, right? So please wait and draw it later."

"There are at least 80 more chapters between now and the end. It's impossible to finish it."

"Who told you to finish the painting? Just draw the key parts and explain them to me." Akane Kurisaka looked matter-of-fact, with a arrogant and lazy expression.

Kato Yusuke thought for a moment and finally agreed.

After that, the two of them enjoyed their dinner attentively without saying anything surprising, which made the middle-aged man behind the bar feel much more at ease, and his skills improved steadily.

From bamboo shoot tempura sprinkled with bonito flowers, to grilled cod marinated in miso for three days in advance, and tuna sushi marinated in soy sauce...

The "Omakase" cooking set is very delicious, and the ingredients are also very fresh, which satisfies the appetite of two people very well.

After the two of them had no intention of adding more food, the middle-aged man quickly packed up his kitchen utensils and left the apartment directly, as if he was worried about hearing any more explosive news.

After having enough wine and food.

Akane Benisaka said, "Follow me," and then walked towards a certain room with Yusuke Kato.

The two of them walked through the simple and spacious living room together and came to a quiet room, or studio.

Everything in the room is available.

From the desk dedicated to cartoonists, to the various brushes and tools, to the mannequins used for drawing reference, to the cabinets with many comics and comics magazines, etc... it has the feel of a cartoonist's studio. .

In comparison, the configuration in Kato Yusuke's apartment is extremely simple.

However, being able to own a luxurious penthouse apartment in an area with a price of hundreds of millions in Ariake is not something that ordinary people can achieve, and it makes no sense to compare it like this.

"Okay, anyway, please draw some key storyboards in chronological order first. I'll rest for a while. Call me when you're done." Akane Kurisaka said, and lay down on the sofa next to the desk.

Kato Yusuke followed her instructions and sat down on the armless office chair. His eyes were involuntarily attracted to the full-length mirror beside him, so he asked casually.

"Why put a mirror in here?"

"Is there any other reason? Of course it is used as a reference for movements."

"Action reference?"

"That's right. After all, sometimes the movements made with a mannequin are not natural enough, so you need to refer to reality, although I don't use it very much now."

"Does that mean you always pose in front of the mirror by yourself?"

"Well, what's the problem?"


Akane Hongsaka was quiet for a moment, then picked up the pillow beside her and threw it towards him.

"...Draw the storyboard carefully for me and stop imagining it."

The voice suddenly became a little low, mixed with a little annoyance.

Kato Yusuke placed the next pillow behind his waist without saying much. After adjusting the height of the seat, he started to work...

Time passes peacefully in the sound of the methodical "rustling" of writing.

Akane Benisaka's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, looking at him indifferently, her consciousness gradually becoming blurred.

Nearly forty minutes later, Akane Akane, who was lying on the sofa and taking a nap, was shaken up.

"Miss Kousaka."

"...Um, what's the matter?"

"I've finished the storyboard, do you want to read it now?"

"... Huh... Then bring it over."

Kato Yusuke handed her a pile of drawings in his hand, almost a dozen in number.

Akane Akane, who took the drawing, didn't take it seriously. She slowly sat up from the sofa, yawned and asked, "...Well, how long have I been sleeping?"

"Less than an hour."

"Like this... come sit next to me and explain it to me."

Kato Yusuke didn't refuse, so he moved from the office chair to the sofa.


Seemingly very sleepy, Akane Benisaka yawned again, then slowly looked at the drawing in her hand, and then let out a sigh.

"...Huh? What you drew was the original draft? Weren't you asked to draw the storyboard?"

"This is the storyboard. There are no lines or lines on it." Kato Yusuke said calmly, but Akane Kurisaka woke up a lot and began to observe carefully.

The "storyboard" in front of you has a complete composition, neat structure, and extremely smooth lines. It is obviously a one-stop effect.

Although the style of the sketch is simple, it is by no means crude. There are not many details that should be included, and both the emotions of the characters and the texture of the scenery are clearly expressed.

Except for the lack of line drawing and lyrics, it is basically the same as the original manuscript of the finished product, and the skill is quite scary.

Take the first picture in hand as an example. In the picture, Makima is standing on the stone road of the shrine, with two rows of kneeling prisoners on both sides, as if performing some kind of ceremony.

Even without a single line, you can still feel the serious atmosphere conveyed in it.

Then there are the storyboards for the fighting part.

Denji riding a shark fights bombs in a raging typhoon. The scene is as absurd and bizarre as a B-movie, but it is also very interesting.

Akane Kurisaka's eyes were focused and interested, and she began to read faster, until the last page...

It's as if the world is unfolding before your eyes.

In the boundless universe, the astronaut whose body was cut in half put his hands together and worshiped the lower half of his body lying upside down on the ground. At the end of the picture, there is a demon walking out of the darkness.

The tense picture even carries a hint of faith, making people shrink their pupils subconsciously.

Akane Hongsaka licked her lips. The remaining sleepiness in her mind had long since disappeared. She fell into a state of excitement. Then she looked up at the clock on her desk and asked incredulously:

"All of drew them within an hour??"


Kato Yusuke nodded and hummed, his voice was very calm, but hearing Akane Kurisaka's ears made her unable to let it go for a long time, and she immediately asked in a low voice.

"Your painting skills have improved again...?"

The voice was slightly uneasy.

Facing the inquiry, Yusuke pondered for a while, his mind briefly stopping at his master-level painting skills before he responded.

"Roughly the same."

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