Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Sixty-nine, Kato Megumi’s peace of mind

"——If you don't plan to work, go back today."

When Kato Yusuke said this in a cold and low tone, everyone including Megumi and Shinjoka were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Yinglili reacted.

Shame flashed across her face for a moment, but was overwhelmed by the complex emotions the next second.

She felt very unhappy when she looked at Kato Yusuke, who not only refused to resist Kasumigaoka Shiu's intimacy, but also refused to deny the words of dating him.

She opened and closed her mouth for a while, feeling extremely aggrieved for no reason, then closed her mouth again and bit her lower lip tightly.

"——Yusuke, you big idiot!


As if she had exhausted all her strength, the girl shouted in a trembling voice, then lowered her head and trotted outside quickly.

Click, bang—!

With the heavy knock of the door, the dazzling golden twin ponytails also disappeared behind the door.

The room fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone looked thoughtful, but no one spoke.

The atmosphere became a little depressing, making people feel slightly heavy.

As if to break the silence, Shiyu let out a breath and pretended to speak easily.

"...You are obviously a high school student, but you still cry. What a childish person."

Kato Yusuke raised his head, stared at her intently, opened his lips and said, "Please come back, too, Shiyu-senpai."

There was no hint of teasing in his tone.

Shiyu wanted to say something more about this, but when she met his unquestionable eyes, she suddenly couldn't say anything.

So he lowered his eyes slightly, swallowed the words in his throat, and finally smiled indifferently and replied gently: "I know, I listen to you, Yu-chan."

After finishing speaking, he packed up his personal belongings and left the room with his backpack on his shoulder.

Click, click.

The door was opened and closed a second time.

The long straight black hair also disappeared into the room.

There was tension in the air.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do today, so I'm going back first ~ Bye, president, and Kato-san."

With that said, Shinjoka put down the school newspaper in her hand, picked up her shoulder bag, and left following the footsteps of the previous person.

Click, snap...

The door was opened for the third time and closed gently.

In only seven or eight minutes, half of the people were gone.

As the three people left one after another.

There were only two people left in the room.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be extremely depressing and a little stiff.

In this depression.

Kato Yusuke picked up the pen again, lowered his head and continued working.


The sound of the pen tip sliding across the paper was heard slowly.

"If you have nothing to do, you can go back, Hui."

There was no response, and I don't know if he heard it or not.

The sound of light footsteps sounded the next second, and it was difficult to distinguish the distance because it was too clear.

Nine or ten seconds later.

Swish, the long sound of water floated into my ears.

"...Anyway, you'd better drink a cup of tea to calm down first, Yusuke." The girl said in her usual calm voice, and then brought the newly poured black tea to the desk.

"Here, black tea, please."

The sweet aroma spreads faintly and floats into the nose.


Kato Yusuke paused for a moment, then raised his head and whispered back a thank you.

"Don't worry." Hui shook her head and said, "Would you like to have senbei for tea?"

"No need, that's fine."

"That's it~ Well, then I won't go get it?"

Kato Yusuke nodded, picked up the tea cup in front of him, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip.

As the warm tea entered the mouth, a smell that was more fragrant and mellow than what he had just smelled overflowed in the mouth, with a hint of sweetness in it.

"Then...since you don't want senbei, I'll give you this." After rummaging through his pockets, Megumi gently stretched out his hand and handed something over.

What appeared in front of Yusuke was a plain hand with a soft and soft luster. On the palm, there was a food packaged in golden tin foil.


"Yeah~~~That's right."


"Hey~~~Isn't it normal to eat sweets when you are in a bad mood?"

"No, I don't eat sweets much."

"...Ah~ah~ Don't be nagging at this time, how about you just eat it?" Hui Yi said calmly with a bit of impatience, never taking back his hand.

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment, then took the Ferrero Rocher from her hand and threw it into her mouth after unpacking it.


"You're welcome~"

The sweetness of the chocolate gradually melts in the mouth, and the nut pieces dance mischievously between the teeth.

"How are you? Do you feel better?"

"You asked too seriously, but I'm not sure."

"Is this so delicious?" Hui squatted down gently, put his arms together on the desk, and put his head on it.

"Some are too sweet."

"Yeah~ I think so too."

Kato Yusuke took a sip of tea and asked casually: "If you think so, why did you buy it?"

"What about this?" The girl who heard this turned her head slightly and said, "After all, I sometimes feel bad, so why don't I eat something sweet to relieve it?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes flashed with surprise, and he thought for a moment and said: "... Megumi, who is called a saint, is in a bad mood. People in the class will probably be shocked when they hear this."

"What, that kind of shameful statement... shouldn't everyone tell me this?"


"Let me tell you, that is a huge misunderstanding. I have to clear up the misunderstanding and prove it to everyone." Hui's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her expression seemed a little awkward and unhappy.

The atmosphere calmed down unconsciously.

The two of them were chatting normally.

By the time Kato Yusuke finished the black tea in his cup, the manic depression that had accumulated since this morning had eased a lot.

"Would you like more tea?"

"No, that's fine."

"Well, give me the tea cup and I'll wash it."

Megumi took the tea cup and went to wash it, while Yusuke continued to work.

Not long after, the girl had cleaned all the used tea sets.

"Then, since you're fine, I'll leave first, Yusuke."

After taking good care of him, Megumi packed his things and said goodbye with his schoolbag on his back.

"Well, be careful on the road. You've had a hard day today." Kato Yusuke nodded.


Keiya nodded, then turned and walked towards the door.

The girl walked to the door with neither light nor heavy steps, raised her hand to hold the door handle, turned it to one side, and opened the door outward.

The moment she was about to go out, she turned her head again, looked at the figure sitting behind the desk, and thought for a moment.

"Hey, Yusuke."

"What's wrong?" Kato Yusuke raised his head and cast his gaze over.

"Are you and Kasumigaoka-senpai really dating?"

There was a brief silence.

"...So be it."

"That's it, I understand." Hui nodded lightly to express understanding, without much emotion on his face.

Three or four seconds passed.

"Well, then goodbye (sayonara), Yusuke."

She suddenly smiled softly, a smile that was inexplicably sad.

When this scene broke into his eyes, Kato Yusuke's eyes couldn't help but blurred for a moment, and his brain briefly lost the ability to think. He didn't even notice the extra shoulder bag in the other person's hand.

The girl didn't wait for his reaction. After saying goodbye, she walked out and gently closed the door.

The people in the room were silent for a long time...

Time goes back fifteen minutes.

On the other side, Shinjouxiang also caught up with a certain beautiful figure.

"Kasumigaoka-senpai~ Can you wait a moment?"


Shiyu, who was about to go downstairs, paused, retracted one foot he was about to take, and then turned his head to look without saying a word.

"I'm sorry ~ Kasumigaoka-senpai, can I take a moment of your time so we can chat?"

Shinjoka, who jogged up, clasped her hands on her chest and made a "please" gesture.

Shiyu said nothing about this, but indifferently crossed his arms on his chest, exuding a stern aura, but did not leave.

As if he didn't see the contempt in her eyes, Shinjoka spoke.

"Um~ Thank you for staying and listening to me. First of all, congratulations to Kasumigaoka-senpai for becoming the president's girlfriend. In fact, I have been wanting to apologize to you since last time, but you never came to the student union... So now let us explain Is there a misunderstanding?"


"That's right~ Although it makes me a little unwilling and embarrassed to say this, Kasumigaoka-senpai also guessed that the president does not regard me as a love interest, so you can rest assured that I will not have any feelings for you. A little threatening."


The corners of Shiyu's beautiful lips were slightly raised, and the curve was so cool and thin that it was a bit cooler than ice and snow.

Shinjoka observed her expression, tilted her head slightly, thought for a moment, then took a deep breath and made a deep ninety-degree bow.

"In short, I am the president's man, and I will leave as soon as he calls me. If the president asks me to leave, I will not pester him anymore, but because he didn't say anything, I can't overstep..."

She raised her head when she said this, put on a pitiful expression, and said sincerely: "If Kasumigaoka-senpai cannot release her feelings for any reason... I can do it too. Are you interested in being humble?"

That look really made me feel pity for her, as if she was Cinderella who was abused by her vicious stepmother. It was very pitiful.

Even the most hard-hearted boy can't help but want to touch her head and comfort her when faced with such a cute girl with tears in her eyes.

Shintiao Xiang is always very good at using his own advantages.

She does understand her own charm, and she also knows how her charm is good and bad, and what kind of impact it will have on those around her. Then she makes appropriate adjustments to show pretentious perfection in school.

In essence, she is a type of actress with many different faces.

Unfortunately, Shiyu remained unmoved at all. He just narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her, the disdain in his eyes becoming more obvious.

"It's disgusting."


"Put away your pretentiousness. You are not qualified to be my opponent yet."

"So, Kasumigaoka-senpai, have you forgiven me?" Shinjoka was not angry about this, she just tilted her head and asked.

Shiyu said in a cold and arrogant tone: "...Since Yusuke hasn't dealt with you, I won't say anything. You can just take care of yourself, put your tail between your legs and don't wave it in front of me."

After saying that, he walked away, no longer interested in staying with her any longer.

Shinjoka stared at her leaving back, silently took out a lollipop from his pocket and put it in his mouth. He thought about it for a while, then turned around and skipped towards the original road.

When she walked to the door of the student union room, Keiya just pushed the door open from inside.

Shinjoka was slightly stunned when she saw this, then raised her hand and said hello: "Thank you for your hard work~ Kato-san, are you going back too?"

"Ah, well, I'm getting ready to leave school... hasn't Shinjo-san already left?"

"I forgot something, so I came back to get it~" Shinjoka replied with a smile. His eyes naturally fell on the girl in front of him, and he couldn't help but be attracted by something unusual.

"——Huh? Why is Kato-san carrying two schoolbags?"

After hearing this, Hui followed her gaze, lifted the shoulder bag in her hand a little higher, and explained.

"You said this, this is actually Ying Lili's schoolbag. She forgot to take it, so I was planning to send it to her."

"So that's it, Kato-san is so nice~~~"

"That's not the case. I just thought Yinglili might be anxious... Anyway, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first?"

"Okay~~~ Please walk slowly and be careful on the road."

"Well, you too, bye." Hui nodded and walked forward.

Shinjoka stepped aside with a smile and watched her leave. She didn't turn back until Megumi's figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

‘Obviously he holds the strongest trump card, but he still refuses to confess. This Kato-san is really calm. ’

She couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and put the lollipop she had just taken out back into her mouth, then reached out to open the door and walked in.

inside the room.

Kato Yusuke is still sitting in the seat behind the desk, but he is not working. Instead, he leans back on the chair and closes his eyes as if he is resting.


"What's up."

"Are you feeling unwell?" Shinjoka closed the door and walked to the desk, asking cautiously, "Is it a headache? Do you need my help to press on it?"


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment, then raised his left hand on his lap and waved gently, motioning for her to come over.

Seeing this, Shinjoka's eyes lit up slightly, and then she walked around the table and came to him. She was about to go behind him and help him press his head, but was stopped by a voice.

"Come here."

The index finger of his left hand resting on his left leg was slightly raised.

Shinjo pondered his thoughts, slowly squatted down beside his legs, and tentatively called out: "...President?"

"You went to see Shiyu-senpai." Kato Yusuke asked in a statement, his voice was very calm, not like asking, but like interrogating.

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