Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Seventy, the well-behaved Xintiaoxiang

"——You went to see Senior Shiyu."

Shinjoka's heart suddenly skipped a beat.



"I just want to apologize to Kasumigaoka-senpai for what happened last time..."


Kato Yusuke opened his eyes slightly and asked, "Did I ask you to do such a thing?"

Shinjoka couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and timidly replied: "...No, I am the one who makes the decision."

Kato Yusuke didn't speak, just stared at her quietly, his black eyes like a bottomless pit that could absorb people's soul, making Shinjoka feel uncomfortable and timid in his heart.

"...I'm sorry, I thought the master would not want me anymore." She said aggrievedly, putting her hands and chin on his knees with a pitiful look on her face.

Kato Yusuke was noncommittal, "What did you say to Shiyu-senpai?"

"...No, I really just want to apologize. I said I could ask Kasumigaoka-senpai Doge, but she just gave me a warning and left."

"Toshita seat?"


Shinjoka nodded obediently.

Kato Yusuke suddenly laughed, it was a casual and slightly mocking smile, but his eyes were very cold.

"You have to listen carefully to the next two things I'm going to say."

Shinjoka immediately sat upright and said, "Master, please tell me~!"

"First, don't play tricks like this with Senior Shiyu and the others; second, you can't make your own decisions on things I didn't ask you to do."

Kato Yusuke stretched out his thumb and index finger, gently pinched her chin, and asked, "Do you remember?"

"I will obey my master in everything!"

Shinjoka nodded repeatedly, and then wondered: "But... I like the master, but the master doesn't let me do it. What should I do?"

Kato Yusuke turned his wrist slightly, first pinched her chin to raise her face, then lightly scratched her soft chin with his fingers, and added casually.

"Three, don't pretend."

Shinjoka stretched her neck forward slightly as if she was enjoying it, and gently held his hand with her little hand. Her squinting expression looked very comfortable.

"It's becoming more like a pet."

"Hey~ But I am originally my master's pet~"

Shinjou meowed, looking as innocent as a cat-eared maid, then lowered her head and licked the base of his palm like a dragonfly dripping water.

The smooth touch that is completely different from that of a little black cat slides across the palm, causing an itch.

Kato Yusuke withdrew his hand, not wanting to work for a moment, and instead began to stroke her soft short hair.

Although he didn't say anything, this action made Shinjoka feel a lot more at ease, so he put his arms on his legs with confidence, rested his head on his arms, and pressed his whole body on him.

In fact.

Ever since that incident in the classroom during lunch break.

Although Shintiao Xiang looked very relaxed on the surface and didn't take it to heart, in fact he was a little worried inside.

Among them are not only worries about Kasumigaoka Shiu, who may use this to deal with her, but also worries about Kato Yusuke's possible termination of the contract.

But now, she is completely relieved.

At least Kato Yusuke doesn't have such thoughts at the moment, otherwise he would definitely not be so close to her again.

Shinjoka also has her own opinions on Kato Yusuke. Even though this person looks a little sentimental on the surface, he is actually a very ruthless person.

If one were to choose one person among the existing student council members who could influence Kato Yusuke the most, Shinjoka always thought it was the vice president. After all, his attitude towards her was quite special.

Unexpectedly, the first person to take the position was Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

This incident made Shintiao Xiang feel very surprised and a little regretful at the same time.

But now that the matter was a foregone conclusion, she had to accept it.

As for that Sawamura-san, he was always as innocent as the legend said. Although she was a little sorry to say this, Shinjoka felt that if she continued like this, she might never be able to get on the track.

‘But no matter what, it’s none of my business anyway. I just need to listen to the president’s words. ’

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel proud, and she slightly raised her head and looked up.

It was seen that although Kato Yusuke was stroking her hair gently, his eyes were looking out the window, as if he was looking into the distance, slightly in a trance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Such a scene made Shinjoka feel a little surprised, thinking that this person would also show such an expression, and she thought deeply about it.


She looked at his handsome, slightly lonely face, and suddenly felt a little jealous for no reason, but she quickly restrained this slight emotion.

Shinjoka's mind went through the three girls, and then she asked calmly: "...Can I ask a question~President?"


The hoarse voice was a little absent-minded.

"President, do you like Kasumigaoka-senpai very much?"

Kato Yusuke stopped moving his hands, looked down, and stated: "This is not something you should ask."

Shinjoka let out an ooh, and immediately fell silent obediently. She just grabbed his hand that was on his head and gently rubbed it with his furry head, like an obedient cat.

So Kato Yusuke resumed his movements and said, "If nothing happens, just go back."

"Hey~~~ But I want to stay with the president. Anyway, I will only see a bunch of uncles when I go back, can't I...?"

"……what ever."

"Otherwise...will the president come to my house today?"

Shinjoka hummed and said, "I can prepare delicious food for you, and I can also bring you delicious drinks. Of course, it would be better if you are willing to stay~"

Kato Yusuke shook his head and declined the invitation.

Seeing this, Shintiao Xiang said no more.

In the afternoon of the next day.

Kato Yusuke came to the shopping street here in Ikebukuro. In addition to Yamaguchi and Takei, there were also Yoshiko and Megumi.

The cause of all this originated from a baseball practice during lunch break.

——"After today's training, let's go buy things for off-campus teaching together, so you should also finish the work of the student union early today, Kato."

Yamaguchi, who was tortured like a dead dog, made a careless invitation, but was rejected by Kato Yusuke on the grounds that "he still has work to do."

Yamaguchi Takashi did not give up easily, but ran to the student union with Takei after the baseball club's training, and forced Yusuke out as a joke.

As a last resort.

Kato Yusuke ended today's work early and handed over the matter of locking the door to Shinjoka.

As for Shiyu-senpai and Eiri-san, the former has taken leave from school since noon due to work reasons, and the latter also went to the art club for the art exhibition.

Therefore, there was no disturbance.

The group took the train to Ikebukuro and headed straight to the outdoor goods store.

Two girls walked in front and three boys walked in the back.

Just arrived at The North Face store.

Even in this kind of store, the two girls showed enough desire to shop. After announcing that they would look separately, they walked towards the clothing area.

On the contrary, the three old men came to the tool area.

"Uh-oh! Kato, what do you think of this thing?" Yamaguchi asked excitedly, pointing to something in the cupboard.

Kato Yusuke withdrew his gaze from the clothing area and looked in the direction of his finger. What caught his eye was a camouflage-colored multifunctional knife.

"You want to buy?"

"Yeah, yeah! Don't you think this is cool?"

"give up."


"What are you going to do with it?"

"Well, since it is multi-functional, it can naturally be used for many things, such as peeling fruits and processing ingredients. It can be anything. Huh? Let's put it this way..."

Yamaguchi said, holding up his chin, thinking, and suddenly thought: "Okay! Kato! I want to buy a hidden sword——!"


Seeing him talking more and more energetically, Kato Yusuke gently raised one foot and kicked his huge butt.

"——It hurts!? What are you doing???" Yamaguchi howled, covering his butt with both hands, while glaring over with an angry face.

"Test your butt muscles."

"Fart! Do you think I would believe such nonsense?"

Kato Yusuke nodded calmly and expressed his affirmation: "After all, your brain circuit is very strange."

"What does it mean!"

"Whether it's peeling or processing ingredients, tools will be provided in the accommodation facilities, so this is useless. In addition, the safety regulations stipulate that dangerous items are not allowed. I will give you a copy when the time comes."

"Hey! Stop talking to yourself and go into student council president mode!"

"You're here, so there's nothing I can do."

"Am I a problem student!?"

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything, and just gave him a look that wasn't very smart.

"Damn! Okay, let's start the war! Just stand there and don't move. I'm going to test your butt muscles!"

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, everyone is watching here." Takei, who came out to calm down, came over with a clang, instantly attracting the attention of the two people.

The air suddenly became quiet for a second or two.

Yamaguchi smacked his lips and asked, "Say, Takei, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Of course I'm telling you to stop making trouble. You're all high school students, so don't be so childish."

"Then what are you wearing?"

"Ah! By the way~! There are a lot of kettles over there! Can you help me figure out which one is more suitable for me?"

As he spoke, Takei twisted his butt, turned his body sideways, and showed off the colorful water bottles on his back.

——Ding Ling crows, Ding Ling rang in winter.

The kettle made a crisp sound on the collision.

It should be said that Takei's figure is somewhat stocky to begin with, but when he is wearing a water bottle and twisting it, it is like a rattle being shaken, full of comedy.

Seeing this scene, both Yusuke and Yamaguchi couldn't help but feel a little silent, as if they had been given a silence buff.

Immediately afterwards, Yamaguchi started laughing.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! You are still talking about which one is suitable for you. You are so stupid as you are now. You are so evil, Takei!"

"This is too much!?"

Although Kato Yusuke didn't smile, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly and he avoided them.

The commotion caused by the three people not only attracted the attention of other customers in the store, but also made Kako and Megumi look back.

"I really can't stand it. What are those three people doing? The mental age of boys is still in elementary school, right?" Himekawa Yoshiko looked disgusted.

"Ah...well, after all, they are Yamaguchi-san and Takei-san. If they were here, it would be weird if they weren't like this, right?" Kei looked calm and calm.

In the end, several people bought eye masks, insect repellent spray, travel storage bags, stainless steel water bottles and other things in the store.

Of course, the multi-functional knife that Yamaguchi had been thinking about was killed.

After coming out of the outdoor goods store, the two girls went to the drug store for shopping, while the three boys bought something at the convenience store next door.

Yusuke bought five bottles of drinks, Yamaguchi bought three hot dogs and two sausages, and Takei bought three comic magazines.

The three people who paid the bill came to wait outside the store together.

"Here, Kato, I'll give this sausage to you, and we'll share half of it. The other one will be given to Takei alone. After all, he's better at eating it."


"Wait a minute! Xiao? What do you mean by your last sentence!?"

"That's what it means literally~"

Yamaguchi joked with a smile and divided it with hot dog sausages.

Takei exchanged compliments with him, and then gave each of them a comic magazine.

Yusuke also shared the drinks he bought with them.

The three of them just stood in front of the convenience store while eating and reading comics to pass the boring time... Just when Kato Yusuke thought so, Yamaguchi suddenly spoke.

"You mean, have you really started dating Kasumigaoka-senpai? Kato."

Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment and replied: "Is this a question that must be answered?"

"Of course~! After all, your interrogation has been decided since yesterday, so hurry up and call it truthfully!"

"...I won't complain. As for senior Shiyu, that's it."

"What does that mean? Are you in a relationship? Or are you not in a relationship?"

"Just do whatever you think."

"Hey!" After hearing this, Yamaguchi hit his side with his elbow and said dissatisfied:

"This answer is too perfunctory, isn't it? You're obviously dating one of the most beautiful girls in the school, shouldn't you have this kind of reaction? You enviable bastard!"

"One of the most beautiful girls?"

"Is this the right place to complain!"

Kato Yusuke took a bite and said nothing.

Yamaguchi couldn't help but frowned when he saw this, and he followed his example and took a bite, asking vaguely: "...Then, have you told Kato-san about this?"

There was a brief silence.

"she knows."

"I actually know! No... I should say this is more normal... But..."

Yamaguchi scratched the back of his head twice with a distressed look on his face, and let out a long sigh: "I thought you liked Kato-san, isn't it?"

Kato Yusuke did not respond, but the image of the girl when she said goodbye to him yesterday appeared in his mind, and his heart was silent for a moment.

Seeing this, Yamaguchi wanted to ask more questions, but just when he was about to speak, Takei beside him suddenly screamed "Ouch".

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh? Liar! The next issue of Chainsaw Man is actually going to be a supplement—!?!?"

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